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Noob questions!



I've asked some on another forum, so apologies if I repeat some of those and you read those to know that the question is a repeat...

1.) What are THEE things to buy with Plat?

1a.) What are THEE things to NOT buy with Plat?

2.) Where are the "Dragon" and "Sand/Anubis" frames at? I can't find their blueprints in the store.

2a.) Also cannot find a decent amount of weapons blueprints as well in the marketplace...where they hiding?

3.) Oberon pieces...where to farm them Q_Q?

4.) Where to get quests? I did 2-3 and is "making" some now...weird...

5.) How to rank up Syndicates? I can do the first initiation, and even though I have the things needed for the next step, I need a title first...guess I should ask  how do I get that title xP?

6.) Meta weapons? (I feel like I am doing diddly damage)

6a.) Meta frames?

6c.) Meta sentinels? (I've seen many carriers and almost nothing else.)

7.) Level 40-50 missions? How does this work, my Frame caps out at 30 along with my weapons and such.

8.) I notice we have emotes now, are there more to get? If so, how?

9.) Is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING cosmetic only obtainable through Plat? Like skins for weapons/ships/sentinels?

10.) Meta Mods?            Should have put this on up there ^, but I'm to lazy to do anything other then point it out -_-

Note: I am a returning player and boy howdy am I surprised on how much the game changed...outside the grinding of course.

Was still a noob back then though, so not much has changed on my part. Thanks ahead of time to any and all who reply!

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1) Slots (Weapon and Warframe), Reactors and Catalysts (sometimes), Prime parts and mods from other players (sometimes, your call, consult buying guides), Cosmetics if you want.

1a) Warframes and Weapons from the market, resources from the market. 

2) Chroma comes from the quest "The New Strange (requires MR5)." You must first have completed the Quest "Stolen Dreams (Requires MR3)." and then talk to Cephalon Simaris in a relay to get the quest "The New Strange."  Inaros is from the quest "Sands of Inaros," you must be MR5 and then buy the blueprint for the quest from Baro Ki'Teer for 200 Ducats.

2a) Most weapon blueprints should be in the market, but they are increasingly MR locked, you may need to filter based on that.  Other Weapon BP's are in the various clan research labs (Energy, Chemical, Organic, and Tenno)

3) Oberon drops everywhere from any eximus unit, you will eventually have enough to make hundreds of him.

4) Some quests occur as you level, some occur as you unlock new planets and encounter certain enemies, some quests you can buy the BP for the key for the quest from the market or various vendors as listed above.

5) You need to wear the syndicate sigil on your frame, under Regalia in the Cosmetic section of your warframe, then when you are in missions the affinity you gain goes also to your syndicate.

6) Higher MR weapons will be stronger, find what works for you, your damage predominately will come from ranking up the mods on those weapons, most notably, Serration and Hornet Strike for rifles and pistols, respectively, and Point Blank for shotguns.

6a) Find a frame you like and put good leveled up mods on it, there are certain frames that fill certain rolls in certain missions, you will figure that out the more you play. Getting stronger with a frame is about the mods you put on it, not the frame it is.

7) It works, higher level mods and increased skill level eventually put you in the position of being able to roll through level 100+ enemies depending on the situation.

8) You have all emotes, you can modify the equiped emotes in your gear window in the aresenal, and access them by accessing your gear wheel in a mission (don't recall the default key for this, bound mine to Tab)

9) Some cosmetics are available through the void trader, who only accepts Ducats for trade, ducats are gained by trading prime parts and blueprints to the void trader kiosks in relays.

10) Standard mods that increase strength, efficiency, range, duration, health, shields, armor, depending on the frame and it's powers, really, it's less of a meta and more about playing to the strengths and weaknesses of your frame and weapons.  

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Alright, let's start from the top then:

1. Inventory slots. The answer is always inventory slots, followed by potatoes on a need-basis, then forma, and then cosmetics if you want that extra flair.

1a. Credit bundles, or fusion core packs. Both are a huge waste of platinum for how little they offer

2. The Dragon frame is Chroma, you get his parts and blueprint from the The New Strange quest, and the Anubis frame is Inaros, his parts are acquired from the Sands of Inaros quest.

2a. A lot of the weapon blueprints are restricted either behind the clan dojo tech, or as rewards from certain enemies or locked somehow in other ways. It's best you refer to the wiki to find out how you acquire a specific weapon.

3. Oberon parts drop from any Eximus unit, they're the enemies with an orange outline to their forms and they have a debuff aura that affects you negatively. The higher the enemy level the more Eximus units spawn, so your best bet really is to go to any high leveled endless mission(Survival, Excavation, Defense etc.) to kill as many Eximus units as possible.

4. Quests are locked behind certain things, and for a whole bunch you need to craft a special "quest blueprint" in order to start them. Again, it's best if you refer to the wiki to find out how you start all of the quests available.

5. When you initiated with your syndicate, you were gifted a syndicate sigil in your inventory. You need to equip that sigil in your appearance(go to your arsenal, hover your mouse over the Warframe section, click appearance, then regalia and then either front or back sigil). Once you have it equipped, any XP you do while you're in missions is converted into a portion of the syndicate reputation. Gain enough and you can go for the next rank

6. People most often say Tonkor, Boltor Prime or Synoid Simulor to be meta weapons, but personally, screw all of them. For a starting player practically any weapon can be used to a moderately effective degree in the solar system and in the void when properly modded. 90% of a weapon's power comes from the mods it has, and the "meta" really only starts mattering when you go to very end-game content like Sorties, raids or extremely long endless mission runs.

6a. See above answer, but replace weapon with frame

6c. Again, see above. However, Carrier is arguably the most useful one out of all the sentinels due to its loot sucking ability

7. The level of the mission has no correlation at all to the level of your frame or weapons. 

8. You have a small selection of emotes available from your arsenal. It's just under your gear slot option

9. Warframe alternative helmets can all be acquired from alerts that reward them, and Baro Ki'Teer frequently sells cosmetic items for non-platinum currency. Check the wiki link for more info on that.

10. There are no "meta" mods. There is a small number of mods that can be used with pretty much anything and are crucial for many builds while others don't really have much use to them at all, but saying that any of those mods is "meta" is just silly to me.

Hope this helped, welcome back to Warframe!

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1. Literally everything can be bought with plat. But the most important things are warframe/weapon slots and catalysts and reactors, although you can get the cata/reactors legit from alerts, invasions or events/tac alerts. 

1a. Never buy waframes and weapons with platinum. They're very expensive. You can just get them for free and build them, although it comes with a 12-24 hour waiting time. 3 days for a warframe to build. And never rush a build with plat, waste of plat.

2. Chroma, the dragon frame and be unlocked in the quest called "The New Strange", you have to be MR5 and go talk to simaris in the relays to unlock it and start. Inaros, the sandman, you can currently buy his questline to get his bp and parts from Baro Ki Teer on mercury. His stay was (I think so anyways) because of some DDos attacks. His questline, "Sands of Inaros" can be bought for 200 ducats and 50k credits

2a. You have to be a certain Mastery Rank to buy some of the weapons in the market/dojo research. There are some pretty good weapons in the market, like the Soma or Karak. 

3. Either you get lucky in the void (Void surivals mostly), or play "Eximus Stronghold" sortie missions. You're at least guaranteed to get some of this parts. But it's all up to RNGesus

4. Some quests need a trigger to show up in your codex, which is where you start them. Some questlines can be bought from the market under "Keys and Drones" as well. Refer to this link: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Quest for more information.

5. Have you applied a syndicate sigil on yourself to help rank them up? You only have so much standing to get in one day, so maybe you hit your cap.

6. Meta weapons aren't the things that deal tons of damage, well they do, but it's mostly the mods you have. A Mastery Rank 2 weapon like the Karak, which I've but a lot of investment into and turned it into a damage powerhouse. Like I said eariler, it's not the weapon, it's the mods. But if you still wish to know the "Meta" weapons... Tonkor, Soma Prime, Boltor Prime, Sancti/Tigris, Vaykor/Marelok and loads more...

6a. Valkyr (Because who doesn't like broken godmode?) Nova (CC) Loki (Even better CC and invis) Inaros (Just basically overall awesomeness)

6b. Carrier Prime

7. The levels you see on missions are the levels of the enemy.

8. It's as simple as going to your arsenal. And on the buttom left corner, you can use them and apply them to your emote wheel. And in-game, you press "Q" to bring up the wheel.

9. Most of the in-game cosmetics are plat only. (Although, different landing craft like the Mantis, can be farmed) But there are instances where you can get some cosmetics for free (Well, kind of). The pyra syndana was able to be received in season 4 of the sorties I believe. And Baro Ki Teer has sold us some pretty good cosmetics like Prisma Armor sets, a Prime Armor set, a liset skin and a kubrow skin and some others.

10. You basically need the most to make your weapon/frame do something. Some examples of meta mods are some of the new ones like Blood Rush and Argon Scope. Refer to this link: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mods_2.0 For further assistance.

Good luck with your continuing journey into the Warframe universe!


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1-WF and weapon slots

1a-Things that are not WF slots, weapon slots or cosmetic things.

2-First is quest you get from simaris, second is quest you get from baro (both are in relay, but baro comes once every 2 weeks for the weekend)

2a-some are clan research (you need clan for them)

3-all eximus units can drop them. You don't even need to try to farm oberon.

4-For some you buy and craft keys from the market, others are...other things. Check the codex to see if you can start a quest

5-Equip the syndicate sigil (In the armory, appearance)

6-Just get whatever you like and put good mods on it



7-easy...just good mods


9-sometimes baro sells cosmetics

10-DMG mods...

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1.) Warframe/Weapon/Companion slots, cosmetics that you really want, difficult to obtain stuff from trade chat if it's reasonably priced (some may suggest Reactors/Catalyst/Forma, but they can be obtained for free, have 16/23/53 extra atm)
1a.) Warframes, weapons, overpriced mods, currently unobtainable mods unless you're impatient (anything that can't be currently obtained will likely be easily obtained in the future without costing platinum)
2.) Chroma ("Dragon") quest comes from Cephalon Simaris in Tenno Relays (second floor), Inaros is sold by Baro Ki'Teer when he appears in Relays for 200 Ducats and 50k credits
2a.) If you're seeing a few weapon blueprints mixed with a lot of platinum weapons, then you're in the wrong spot. There should be a button just below it that only sells weapon blueprints. Many others can only be obtained from Research done in a clan Dojo. You can either ask to join a clan or just ask if someone will invite you to their Dojo.
3. Oberon drops from Eximus units. They're specialty units with some kind of aura and usually have colored particle effects on them.
4. Some quests you start with owning, some are purchased from the market and have to be crafted, one is triggered by an event on a planet, others are unlocked by completing previous ones.
5. You have to equip the Syndicate's sigil on the Warframe you're using under Appearance => Regalia => Front/Back Sigil
6. Tonkor, Synoid Simulor, Hek, Paris Prime, Dread, Vaykor Hek/Marelok, (Sancti) Tigris, Soma (Prime).......
7. Scaling is weird, once you know how to do it, even the Lvl 100 Sorties aren't too hard. Warframe/weapon levels are just to add mods on. Reactors/Catalysts double the mod amount you can add on, and Forma half the cost for any mod with a matching polarity, so you can fit much more than 30 (or even 60) mod levels on there
8. Emotes just came in, there shouldn't be any hidden or purchasable ones afaik
9. ALMOST everything cosmetic is obtainable through plat. Baro Ki'Teer has a selection of cosmetics you can get through him IF he happens to bring it on his rotation
10. Meta mods really depends on what Warframe you're using, the mission type, what role are you going to be using your Warframe in....

The wiki is extremely helpful if you're looking for something:

Edited by Maicael
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1a. i try and reserve my plat for mods i really need and cosmetic items.

1b.you can buy anything with plat so just be very cautious of how it is spent. you can get more from other people or real worl monies.

2. the dragon and anubis BP's(and a few others) are rewards for completing quests

2a. some weapons can only be obtained from your clan dojo, missions rewards and alert rewards.

3. oberon pieces drop from eximus enemies, stronger than normal and have buffs.

4. most of the quests can be found in the market under keys.

5. to rank up syndicates you have to be sporting their emblem. when adjusting the aperance of your frame, under the regalia opton, choose the sigil of the syndicate of your choice.

6. weapons are all in how you mod them, what type of damage they do, and what type of enemy you are facing. example-corpus shields are weak to magnetic damage (cold dmg+shock dmg)

6a. again, the warframe are all in how you mod them. some frames are better suited for certain missions, Frost for example shines on defence missions, Ivara shines in spy missions.

6b. Carrier and its prime counterpart are widly used sentinels because they pick up all your pickups (mods, ammo ect.) for you while you run around killing more things. use whatever sentinel or kubrow you want. 

7.the enemy levels are just describing the difficulty of the enemy. the weapon/frame level are used as a way to quantify your frames and weapons and how much they can be moded, ir how strong your powers are.

8. as far as i know, all emotes are unlock and you can swap them out on your arsenal screen.

9.pretty much all cosmetics cost platnum. there are alert missions that have helmet rewards and other alerts with some skin rewards.

10. all mods are relevant to something, some are more relevant though. such as (Primed)continuity increase the duration of your powers if applicable. Or BuzzKill and how it increases slash dmg on melee weapons, you wouldnt want that on something that deals mainly puncture damage


Hope all this helps a little bit

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well first off u can buying anything with palts if u want to,secondly the dragon frame(chroma) is rewarded by comlpleting the quest given by cephalon simaris(The New Strange),the quest has some conditions first u must complete a quest(Stolen Dreams) and be MR 5 to do it.The Stolen dreams is available after u are MR3. The Anubis Frame(INAROS) is available through quest sands if inaros quest whose blueprint is given by baro ki teer for 200 ducats and 50,000 credits.this quest to has conditions u must be MR5 and must have phobos nav segment.

The weapon blueprints u are lookin might be clan tech,for that u must have a clan who have already researched those weapons.U can look for it in the recruitment section in forums,If u need a fully researched dojo with all the latest clan techs then look for moon clans

Oberon blueprint can be bought from market and the parts are dropped by eximus units in the game.Same Goes for ash whose parts are dropped by manics

quest blueprint are in market which have to be brought and crafted in order to play them.they are in equipment section of the market

once u do an initiation with a syndicate u get a sigil,equip it on ur warframe in arsenal>apperance>regalia and play missions and also each syndicates have their own mission which are optional but doing them will reward extra standing.

cant say anything about of meta frames,my advice would be first learn about the game mechanics and all,and as for sentinels u would notice carrier and its prime version are most used sentinels in the game because they can pickup resources and mods for you,and there are kubrows(dogs) who can do the same but on a lesser scale.

Level 40-50 denotes the level on enemies that will spawn on the specific mission tileset.

emotes can be used by pressing Q button in mission and while playing and can be changed in the gear section.

most cosmetic stuff like helmets are obtainable through alerts which rewarded its bp which has to be crafted,but u can buy it with plats if feel like wasting them on it,skins are only bought with plats and color pickers too,ships blueprints are obtained through game the Mantis parts are obtained thorugh rare grineer and corpus containers,if u ever find them,the scimitar parts are dropped by three assassins namely The Grustag Three(G3),Zanuka Hunter and Shadow Stalker,And the latest one Xiphos is obtained on Sabotage 2.0 tilesets by finding all three caches.Sentinels Bp are in market in equipment section except for Helios and Djinn and Dirga  which are again clan tech.


Edited by demoneye24
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Hot damn thems a lot of reading! Though they all seem to have the same info, which is very helpful and better then everyone saying different thing making it confusing for myself!


So from the replies here's some...reply questions?...meh

1.) Where specifically can I find Baro and Simaris? I checked a relay and couldn't find them...found the syndicates though.

2.) Baro sometimes sells cosmetics, so I should not buy cosmetics off the marketplace with Plat?

3.) How do I quickly level up my MR? I want that Dragon frame *-*

4.) I am aware of what/who drops Oberon parts, but do not know what planet/mission is best for the drops?

5.) Well...clearly I'm doing something wrong since I was using, almost, max level gear (max level Frame), I got dropped on a mission saying levels 27-32...

In response to other things like my original number:

5.) *** ME, why don't they tell me to wear it D:<!!! Been sporting other sigils -_-

8.) Awesome! So I'm not missing out on anything :D...yet

2a.) Any clan looking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

Fresh question(s)!

~How do you unlock missions in planets? In the old Warframe (as I assume everyone here knows), there was a pathing system. Very easy to know what to do and where to go next.

~Are "Prime's" better then non-Prime's?

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1A) Slots for weapons, frames and sentinels.

1B) Don't buy weapons and frames. Cosmetics is questionable.

2A) You get Chroma from the quest Cephalon Simaris give that called "The New Strange". You need to finish the "Stolen Dearms" quest first in order to get this quest. You unlock "Stolem Dreams" from the Codex when you reach mastery rank 3.
You buy the quest for Inaros from Baro Ki'teer (whatever his name). He is in the Relays like Simaris but comes only every second weekend. You need some credits and ducats to buy it.
Before you ask: You get Atlas from a quest called "The Jordas Presept". You unlock the quest when you unlock the planet Eris.

2B) You get the other weapons from the clan dojo. You can also get some frames from there (including Zephyr, Banshee, Volt and Wukong).

3) You get Oberon parts from any eximus units. Not a big deal to get.

4) You can buy from the market the quests "Hidden Messages" (for Mirage), "The Limbo Theorem" (for Limbo) and "Zero Patience" (for Mesa).
You get "The Archwing"  and "Stolen Dreams" when reaching mastery rank 3, you unlock them in the Codex.
3 more quests I talked about on 2A.
For an exiting quest, finish "The New Strange" and go for a run on Uranus. Speaking any farther will ruin the surprise.

5) Put on the sigil they gave you: got to the Arsenal -> Choose a frame -> Appearance -> Regalia -> Front/Back sigil -> choose the syndicate you want.

6) You meen PRIME weapons? You get from missions in the Void.
Note: these prime weapons are not in the drop table anymore: Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Boar Prime, Dakra Prime, Glaive Prime, Sicarus Prime, Boltor Prime, Ankyros Prime. The Lato Prime and the Skana Prime are founders exlusive.

7) PRIME frames? like the prime weapons, from the Void.
Note: these frames are not in the drop table anymore: Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime. Excalibur Prime is founders exlusive.

8) PRIME sentinels? Void.

9) Works like any other missions, it says the rank of the enemies, not yours.These are just harder missions.

10) Go the the Arsenal -> Emotes. These are all the emotes.

11) No. Some cosmetics like helmets and some skins are available through alerts missions which comes randomly and lasts for about an hour. There are some more cosmetics which you can get from Baro Ki'teer in the Relay, but it's random what he sells.

12) Baro Ki'teer sells the PRIME mods. It's random and he doesn't always sells them.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to quote me and ask.


Edited by CommanderSpawn
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1 minute ago, Makuzex said:

Hot damn thems a lot of reading! Though they all seem to have the same info, which is very helpful and better then everyone saying different thing making it confusing for myself!


So from the replies here's some...reply questions?...meh

1.) Where specifically can I find Baro and Simaris? I checked a relay and couldn't find them...found the syndicates though.

2.) Baro sometimes sells cosmetics, so I should not buy cosmetics off the marketplace with Plat?

3.) How do I quickly level up my MR? I want that Dragon frame *-*

4.) I am aware of what/who drops Oberon parts, but do not know what planet/mission is best for the drops?

5.) Well...clearly I'm doing something wrong since I was using, almost, max level gear (max level Frame), I got dropped on a mission saying levels 27-32...

In response to other things like my original number:

5.) *** ME, why don't they tell me to wear it D:<!!! Been sporting other sigils -_-

8.) Awesome! So I'm not missing out on anything :D...yet

2a.) Any clan looking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

Fresh question(s)!

~How do you unlock missions in planets? In the old Warframe (as I assume everyone here knows), there was a pathing system. Very easy to know what to do and where to go next.

~Are "Prime's" better then non-Prime's?

1. Baro comes every other weekend and can be found at a randomly selected relay. if you go to any relay while he is available but not present at that relay, there is a console telling you his location.

2.the cosmetic Baro sells are generally reskined cosmetic items that you can buy for plat.3

3.mastery rank is based on your weapons frame and pets. get as many things to lvl 30 as you can.

4. eximus spawn more on harder missions, but its all still pretty random. i recommend tower survival (or any endless mission really) and stop wanting oberon (video games have this thing called "desire sensor", the more you want it, the less you'll get it haha) 

missions are unlocked by proximity. when you beat a mission, you unlock the node above, below, and beside the freshly finished mission.

Yes, generally primed items are better. usually increased stats like crit chance or base dmg, and an additional polarity slot 

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5 minutes ago, Makuzex said:

So from the replies here's some...reply questions?...meh

1.) Where specifically can I find Baro and Simaris? I checked a relay and couldn't find them...found the syndicates though.

2.) Baro sometimes sells cosmetics, so I should not buy cosmetics off the marketplace with Plat?

3.) How do I quickly level up my MR? I want that Dragon frame *-*

4.) I am aware of what/who drops Oberon parts, but do not know what planet/mission is best for the drops?

5.) Well...clearly I'm doing something wrong since I was using, almost, max level gear (max level Frame), I got dropped on a mission saying levels 27-32...

In response to other things like my original number:

5.) *** ME, why don't they tell me to wear it D:<!!! Been sporting other sigils -_-

8.) Awesome! So I'm not missing out on anything :D...yet

2a.) Any clan looking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

Fresh question(s)!

~How do you unlock missions in planets? In the old Warframe (as I assume everyone here knows), there was a pathing system. Very easy to know what to do and where to go next.

~Are "Prime's" better then non-Prime's?

1. Baro comes and goes from the relays every other week on friday. He is found on the main concourse (When he's there) standing on a soapbox, infront of the right pillar. I may be on Mercury right now, but I'll have to check. Simaris can be found on the second floor of the relay, once you spawn into relay, go forward past the main concourse, take a right and take the first left. Two glass columns will be to your left. Get inside the left column, which is basically an elevator, and press X (Or whatever your action button is assigned to) and go into the right door.

2. Only buy cosmetics from the market if you have extra plat laying around and you really... just really like the synadana/armor set/color palette.

3. Any planet can spawn eximus units, just gotta be lucky. Try endless mission types for more chances.

4. What level your frame/gear is isn't going to keep enemies at a certain level. Levels of enemies are dictated by planet progression, further the planet is, the higher level it is.

5. Rip XD

2a. Look in recruting chat either here or in-game for clan invitation.

~You unlock planets buy defeating bosses on eariler planets.

~Primes are better, yes

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4 minutes ago, Makuzex said:

Hot damn thems a lot of reading! Though they all seem to have the same info, which is very helpful and better then everyone saying different thing making it confusing for myself!


So from the replies here's some...reply questions?...meh

1.) Where specifically can I find Baro and Simaris? I checked a relay and couldn't find them...found the syndicates though.

2.) Baro sometimes sells cosmetics, so I should not buy cosmetics off the marketplace with Plat?

3.) How do I quickly level up my MR? I want that Dragon frame *-*

4.) I am aware of what/who drops Oberon parts, but do not know what planet/mission is best for the drops?

5.) Well...clearly I'm doing something wrong since I was using, almost, max level gear (max level Frame), I got dropped on a mission saying levels 27-32...

In response to other things like my original number:

5.) *** ME, why don't they tell me to wear it D:<!!! Been sporting other sigils -_-

8.) Awesome! So I'm not missing out on anything :D...yet

2a.) Any clan looking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

Fresh question(s)!

~How do you unlock missions in planets? In the old Warframe (as I assume everyone here knows), there was a pathing system. Very easy to know what to do and where to go next.

~Are "Prime's" better then non-Prime's?


1. Cephalon Simaris is found in Relays, there will be too hollow tubes in the back of relays which allow you to get up to the second floor. Simaris is the door on the right. Baro is a merchant who appears only once per fortnight. He will be returning back this weekend due to recent DDoS attacks and he should be back next week as well as long if he does return to his previous schedule. 

2. Baro rarely sells cosmetics, also they may not be the ones you wish for. But if you do not want to spend RL money or save up plat earned by selling arcanes from raids. That will usually take a while to get to the point where you do not need it for slots or potatoes (catalysts and reactors) however. 

3. You level your mastery by levelling items, items that have had a forma put on them will not count. One good way to farm this is to gather as many as many weapons as you can and take them to exp farms such as Draco. There will be a few weapons you can buy with credits, but you can always gather other weapons as well. Then if you are using a weapon that you do not want or that has below average DPS compared to other weapons such as the Heat Swords then you can sell them to free up your slots. 

4. Eximus enemies spawn all over the place, high level missions usually have more of them but they are also more dangerous so therefore harder to farm.

5. The level mentioned by missions does not just require a high level warframe but also a good mod selection as well. Try and gather the four elemental damage mod for each weapon class along with redirection and vitality. Level them up by sacrificing other mods and you will get more survivable as a result.


Also prime weapons are usually better then their original non-prime counterpart. For example, Rhino prime offers higher armour and sprint speed. However if there is another version of that weapon as well then those two versions will usually be in fierce competition with each other. However Prime weapons are not by default the best weapons, just better then the originals.

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Lots already covered, but here's my input.

1 - Inventory slots before anything, since there's no source of empty slots in-game.

1a - Resources and credits.

2a - Clantech, also check the wiki.

4 - This game isn't quest-centric like other games.  There wasn't even a quest system until relatively recently.  Quests are generally little bits or lore or unlocking specific frames.

5 - Take note that there's a daily cap on the reputation you can get, it's displayed at the top of the syndicate panel.  Once you get your syndicate up about two ranks they'll start giving you daily missions which have a rep bonuses not affected by the cap, and medallions you can hunt in the mission for even more rep.

6 - Modding is more important than the weapon.  A well-modded starter weapon can do way more DPS than a poorly-modded meta weapon.  Fuse up your base damage (Serration, Hornet Strike, Pressure point) and your elemental damage mods and slap them in.

6a - Different frames for different scenarios.

7 - Orokin Catalysts and Reactors double your mod points, letting you be effectively rank 60.  That said, tactics and CC abilities count as well.

8 - Emotes are standard, everybody has access to all of them.

9 - Some cosmetic things can be obtained otherwise.  The ships are obtained in various really low-% ways (check the wiki), alternate helmet blueprints show up as alert rewards now and then, and the void trader sells alternate cosmetics generally.

10 - Base damage, elemental damage.  Physical damage (impact/puncture/slash) is weaker than elementals on most weapons.  Multishot works very well too.  Don't completely ignore things like reload speed and ammo economy though.  Some people post builds with insane DPS numbers on paper, but their ammo lasts 10 seconds in a mission.

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21 minutes ago, Makuzex said:

Hot damn thems a lot of reading! Though they all seem to have the same info, which is very helpful and better then everyone saying different thing making it confusing for myself!


So from the replies here's some...reply questions?...meh

1.) Where specifically can I find Baro and Simaris? I checked a relay and couldn't find them...found the syndicates though.

2.) Baro sometimes sells cosmetics, so I should not buy cosmetics off the marketplace with Plat?

3.) How do I quickly level up my MR? I want that Dragon frame *-*

4.) I am aware of what/who drops Oberon parts, but do not know what planet/mission is best for the drops?

5.) Well...clearly I'm doing something wrong since I was using, almost, max level gear (max level Frame), I got dropped on a mission saying levels 27-32...

In response to other things like my original number:

5.) *** ME, why don't they tell me to wear it D:<!!! Been sporting other sigils -_-

8.) Awesome! So I'm not missing out on anything :D...yet

2a.) Any clan looking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?

Fresh question(s)!

~How do you unlock missions in planets? In the old Warframe (as I assume everyone here knows), there was a pathing system. Very easy to know what to do and where to go next.

~Are "Prime's" better then non-Prime's?

1) Simaris is at the top floor of the Relays, the elevator to him is at the back of the Relay. Baro is coming every second weekend so he's not always there. He's staying for 3 days and thats it. He's coming only to one Relay, you just need to go between the Relays and find him. When he arrives, he will be at the center surrounded by people, hard to miss. There is a chance that he will come to Pluto, which is MR 8+.

2) He's not selling them for plats, so it pays off. You can buy for platinum in the market if you know how to make some from trading items.

3) Rank up as many weapons and frames as you can, these give you the xp you need for MR. Ceres - Draco is a good place to get xp. You can also get from clearing nodes on planets, but the weapons and frames give more.

4) Any mission, the harder/longer it is the more they spawn.

5) The same way as the old way, it just looks different.

6) Yes.

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Kick butt, loving the replies thus far...Thanks all xD!

Fresh questions!

A.) How do you get Icons? Kind of tired of having Rhino as my icon/avatar.

B.) For Baro selling cosmetic for not-plat. Does he sell/has he ever sold; Capes/scarfs, sentinel cosmetics, Kurbrow cosmetics, color palettes, Warframe skins, or weapon skins?

C.) What's the scanner on the ship do?

Ca.) Does the interior of the ship change when you get a new ship?

D.) I see I have STANCES in my Inventory, but when I go to equip it, it says I have none to do so.

~Just curious questions:

~Why is an Anubis helm given to the Sand Warframe but not the Death Warframe?...

~Are there any plans for an Infested Warframe? or Infested quests?

Found Simaris :D and it had me wonder if we could get like a Gravemind version of him.

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12 minutes ago, Makuzex said:

Kick butt, loving the replies thus far...Thanks all xD!

Fresh questions!

A.) How do you get Icons? Kind of tired of having Rhino as my icon/avatar.

B.) For Baro selling cosmetic for not-plat. Does he sell/has he ever sold; Capes/scarfs, sentinel cosmetics, Kurbrow cosmetics, color palettes, Warframe skins, or weapon skins?

C.) What's the scanner on the ship do?

Ca.) Does the interior of the ship change when you get a new ship?

D.) I see I have STANCES in my Inventory, but when I go to equip it, it says I have none to do so.

~Just curious questions:

~Why is an Anubis helm given to the Sand Warframe but not the Death Warframe?...

~Are there any plans for an Infested Warframe? or Infested quests?

Found Simaris :D and it had me wonder if we could get like a Gravemind version of him.

A) You get four free icons, which are Excalibur, Trinity, Rhino and Volt. All the others you have to pay plat for.

B) Baro sells primed/primsa versions of the Eos, Daedalus and Edo armour. He also sells one Sential cosmetic set on ocassion. Far as I know he does not sell any kubrow related items aside from the Hecate skin and all the weapons he sells are actual weapons which are not skins but are more like primes in regards to them being improved separate items (apart from three items, most of which are event exclusive). He does sell prisma versions of the Hecate and Yamako syndanas. 

C) Far as I know, the scanner is a merely cosmetic item there for lore purposes and to add some sound to your ship. 

D) Stances require a certain weapon type to be equiped, For example, the Swirling Tiger stance would require a dual wielded weapons such as the Dual heatswords. 


- That helmet is named as such to link to Egyptian themes, it is fitting due to Inaros being based on a Mummified corpse. Meanwhile Nekros' helmets are a shroud and a reference to a burial mound. The names are chosen to fit into the themes of that warframe. 

- I doubt they will release an infested warframe. The infestation is a hive mind, meaning that any directly infested warframe would be unable to be controlled by a Tenno The closest we will probably get is Saryn, who has fungal growths on her leg to fit her poison theme.

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2 hours ago, Makuzex said:

I've asked some on another forum, so apologies if I repeat some of those and you read those to know that the question is a repeat...

1.) What are THEE things to buy with Plat?

- I prefer Syandanas, prime frames/Weapons I don't feel like farming, and rushing Kubrow Incubation. (Cosmetics, yo!)

1a.) What are THEE things to NOT buy with Plat?

- Warframes that aren't prime, weapons that aren't prime, and landing crafts

2.) Where are the "Dragon" and "Sand/Anubis" frames at? I can't find their blueprints in the store.

- Chroma (dragon): Mastery Rank 5 or above, Finish the New Strange Quest

- Inaros (Mummy) is available from the Sands of Inaros quest. If you are playing on PS4 or Xbox one, we don't have the update that has him yet.

2a.) Also cannot find a decent amount of weapons blueprints as well in the marketplace...where they hiding?

- A lot of the weapon blueprints are only available in the Dojo.

3.) Oberon pieces...where to farm them Q_Q?

- There isn't a place to farm Oberon. His parts drop randomly. In a 45min survival I will come out with multiple sets a lot of the time, so don't worry about farming him. (Side note, Oberon is know as being one of the worst frames in the game, so I would focus other frames until he gets a rework.)

4.) Where to get quests? I did 2-3 and is "making" some now...weird...

- Most are available from ranking up your mastery or completing other quests. Some are purchasable from the Market.

5.) How to rank up Syndicates? I can do the first initiation, and even though I have the things needed for the next step, I need a title first...guess I should ask  how do I get that title xP?

Fresh questions!

A.) How do you get Icons? Kind of tired of having Rhino as my icon/avatar.

- These are plat only.

B.) For Baro selling cosmetic for not-plat. Does he sell/has he ever sold; Capes/scarfs, sentinel cosmetics, Kurbrow cosmetics, color palettes, Warframe skins, or weapon skins?

- I know he's had Kubrow colors and patterns, as well as weapon and sentinel skins. Warframe skins are exclusive to the market.

C.) What's the scanner on the ship do?

- Nothing aside from more audio in the ship. I turned mine off.

Ca.) Does the interior of the ship change when you get a new ship?

- No

D.) I see I have STANCES in my Inventory, but when I go to equip it, it says I have none to do so.

- The only stances you have are the ones that come with that frame. Unless you purchase the stance with plat, it can only be used on the frame it is naturally equipped on.

~Just curious questions:

~Why is an Anubis helm given to the Sand Warframe but not the Death Warframe?...

- The sand warframe is also a death warframe.

~Are there any plans for an Infested Warframe? or Infested quests?

- Saryn is the infested warframe.


2 hours ago, Makuzex said:

- Equip the sigil that the syndicate awarded you for joining. As you rank up you will get a new one each time that awards you more XP for the mission.

6.) Meta weapons? (I feel like I am doing diddly damage)

- I've always loved the Boltor. Sonicor is a pretty good secondary, and Orthos is a great melee.

6a.) Meta frames?

- Depends on the mission type. Survival: Nekros, Defense: Frost/Loki/Mirage, Exterminate: Ember, Support: Rhino/Trinity, Spy: Loki

6c.) Meta sentinels? (I've seen many carriers and almost nothing else.)

- Carrier is by far the best Sentinel. Huras is by far the best Kubrow.

7.) Level 40-50 missions? How does this work, my Frame caps out at 30 along with my weapons and such.

- You have to have better mods to run these. After a certain level the mods are just as important as what frame and weapon you run.

8.) I notice we have emotes now, are there more to get? If so, how?

- You must be on PC. I'm on PS4 so I can't answer this one.

9.) Is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING cosmetic only obtainable through Plat? Like skins for weapons/ships/sentinels?

- Aside from syandanas that are in the syndicates, yes. Baro (void trader) gets some cosmetics occasionally as well.

10.) Meta Mods?            Should have put this on up there ^, but I'm to lazy to do anything other then point it out -_-

- There really aren't "meta" mods. You need to build your mods to fit what you are trying to get your frame and weapon to do. Speed nova? Power strength under 100%, Desecrate Nekros? Max Range, Efficiency, and the Despoiled mod.

Note: I am a returning player and boy howdy am I surprised on how much the game changed...outside the grinding of course.

Was still a noob back then though, so not much has changed on my part. Thanks ahead of time to any and all who reply!

Responses in Red above. :)

Edited by (PS4)VenatrixPulchra
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~Gotta say this Baro guy is causing me a mighty headache...

~Saryn is Infested?...Can't find Saryn unless its through some sort of "access" or that "Prime".

~Soooo Infested quests, Kurbows, sentinels, and weapons :D? (I know theres a few, but more is welcomed!...for weapons and the 1 sentinel that is.)

~...but Nekros is the Death Warframe o-o

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5 minutes ago, Makuzex said:



~Gotta say this Baro guy is causing me a mighty headache...

~Saryn is Infested?...Can't find Saryn unless its through some sort of "access" or that "Prime".

~Soooo Infested quests, Kurbows, sentinels, and weapons :D? (I know theres a few, but more is welcomed!...for weapons and the 1 sentinel that is.)

~...but Nekros is the Death Warframe o-o

He usually does. But he's getting better now :P

Saryn's parts can be dropped from kela De Thaym on Sedna :P

You can look to the wikia and just pick some weapons and other stuff you can go for :P

Nekros is more of a farmer at this point, sadly.

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Just now, Makuzex said:


Very good!


But wiki doesn't tell me if I can go on the Infested side :O

Aye...but his thing is Death o.o Anubis - God of Death...

By infested side, you mean change sides in the war? Only thing that's close to that is just using infested weapons... idk

Only thing we have that's close to Anubis is Inaros with the alternate helm :P

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3 hours ago, Makuzex said:

Fresh questions!

A - Escape menu, profile section lets you change your icon I believe.

B - Sentinel cosmetics, Kubrow fur patterns, and a weapon skin.  Most of the cosmetics are armor bits and a melee dangly thing.

C - Exist for lore.

Ca - You don't get new ship,s you get new landing crafts which are what you fly into missions, so you see no change on your ship.

D - Stances go on specific weapons, it lists it where the weapon type would be on a normal mod card (near the bottom-right).  If you have a sword weapon, you'll need a sword stance.  Note that single and dual are different types.  Daggers and Dual Daggers are different weapon categories with different stances.

~ Difference design standards over time, but also Anubis is Egyptian and generally associated with... well, Egypt, which is Hella' Sandy™.

~ Not sure on frames, there are quests and infested bosses though.

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2 hours ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

By infested side, you mean change sides in the war? Only thing that's close to that is just using infested weapons... idk

Only thing we have that's close to Anubis is Inaros with the alternate helm :P

....yes. It's no fun being forced on the side of good. I want some fun and be evil in a game, or at least to choice too =/

I know, I'm just saying why a Sand warframe has an Anubis helm and not the Death warframe.


2 hours ago, Rydian said:

A - Escape menu, profile section lets you change your icon I believe.

B - Sentinel cosmetics, Kubrow fur patterns, and a weapon skin.  Most of the cosmetics are armor bits and a melee dangly thing.

C - Exist for lore.

Ca - You don't get new ship,s you get new landing crafts which are what you fly into missions, so you see no change on your ship.

D - Stances go on specific weapons, it lists it where the weapon type would be on a normal mod card (near the bottom-right).  If you have a sword weapon, you'll need a sword stance.  Note that single and dual are different types.  Daggers and Dual Daggers are different weapon categories with different stances.

~ Difference design standards over time, but also Anubis is Egyptian and generally associated with... well, Egypt, which is Hella' Sandy™.

~ Not sure on frames, there are quests and infested bosses though.

Thank ya~

Landing craft, ship all the same thing!

~I know when people think Anubis, they think Egypt and then thinks sand...but then I could say Hades (from Disney Hercules) has a fire head, therefore, we shall give a flaming helmet to Ember...and again, not Nekros.

~Booooo. I wanna join the infested!


1.) Oh yeah, does Baro sell Icons? Sorry if this is the one someone said that is exclusively on the marketplace...

2.) Also, do things like Icons, bundles, frames, weapons yatta-yatta on the market ever go on sale?

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When I mentioned Saryn, that was a reference to the infestation like growth that grows on her leg. Nothing more then that. 

Also Inaros is based on a Egyptian mummy, which already is a link to both Egyptian themes and the dead already. While Anubis was a god of the dead, during the first Dynasty he was instead given the role of an embalmer. An embalmer is someone who os responsible for mummification. That is why the name fits Inaros, the Mummy warframe better then it would Nekros, who is the Necromancer warframe. Inaros is not just the sand warframe, he is the Mummy warframe. If you take that into account, then the name choice makes perfect sense. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Twinna25 said:

When I mentioned Saryn, that was a reference to the infestation like growth that grows on her leg. Nothing more then that. 

Also Inaros is based on a Egyptian mummy, which already is a link to both Egyptian themes and the dead already. While Anubis was a god of the dead, during the first Dynasty he was instead given the role of an embalmer. An embalmer is someone who os responsible for mummification. That is why the name fits Inaros, the Mummy warframe better then it would Nekros, who is the Necromancer warframe. Inaros is not just the sand warframe, he is the Mummy warframe. If you take that into account, then the name choice makes perfect sense. 

Ahh bah humbug! Thought the frame was like an actual Infested that could control them or something...

Gotchaaaaa, I did not know and or look at Inaros and think "Mummy". I can totally see how that frame has an Anubis helm now xP "Mummy" was just the keyword to bring it all in~

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