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ember prime trading feedback for DE


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i asked for a ember prime bp and get a offer for buying it for 900 plat

that is with all respect said the most sick development which could happen

not that i "could" not buy it, i simply will not

and this mess created with this "vault-packs" or which warframes dissapear into should get a change

making things special that way creates a lot of neurotic things without any offending meaning from me

its simply a fact

ps: this posting is nothing where whoever is invited "to rub on" whatever ideas, its a simple fact shared with DE ^^)


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The Vault system is flawed for sure, it is also temporary. Starchart 3.0 is supposedly doing away with the Vault and will put all it's goodies back on the menu. In the meantime trading for these Primes can get kinda crazy.


Edited by Silvus-Sol
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firstly ill say its stupid as they should be included in the loot pools...

...But i can see the arguement for 'vaulting' they want to remove the old primes and then release for more money with no work involved, its no different from what i do for a living lol... find more ways to make money with no effort xD

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the longer something is vaulted, the more it goes for, making it even more exclusive to those who already have it.  That's literally any economy anywhere.  Most sets sell for around 500p at least on pc, give or take, but in a free economy, those prices can either sky rocket or drop to an all-time low.  

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I can't blame DE for vaulting certain frames, there was a level of saturation with those parts and they were at the level of a trash drops for many. This devalues both the Prime version (when you can buy it for almost nothing) and the vanilla version they sell in their market due to the numbers for sale.

They will probably be added back in game at some point as normal drops when DE is happy with the current number of parts in circulation. This is just speculation on my part, but I doubt I am far off the mark.

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shure, i should buy a blueprint at the socalled "free market in warframe" and DE sells the whole set with weapons and cosmetics for the same value the next few month or as heared, they change their ideas with the vault-packs ...

and one of the guys seemed to be really funny, he told me i should buy plat instead of begging

i better dont share what i said to him which he gently ignored to keep his greed running for himself

its really funny how people act when i use my MR 16 account instead of my MR 21 ... anyway, im not shure if i can stand all this "new developments" because im sorry, im really not that stupid ^^))))))))

and my deep thanks for the main lesson in this all goes to the 3 guys which sold me the ember prime helmet, chassis and system for my second account for 50 bucks each ... and then i should pay 900 for the bp ? not really worth even to think about as well as i needed to share that

there was a time where warframe was warframe, right now i have a bad feeling at all, as it looks like we "get manoeuvered" to smth like "hollywoodframe"

anyway, maybe lots of old players left allready and the new ones are simply young in age or on a definetly low social level (also called as "not having enough information about things", i would think about if i would be developers what im doing and why and for what ... we players get a offer, thats all ...

even "less informed" people can be provoked to use their mind with a good game ... just for the sake of it and as warframe looked like before 2 years as i started playing, it really looks good and warframe appeared as it has lots of possibillities to strengthen peoples back

right now i have the feeling we ship straight to the "cayman-islands" payed by idiots like me which loved to support warframes development with real cash, as well as, hey, not really for this direction right now, no way, not with me =)

(forgive me my crazyness, DE, you provoked it)


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31 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

shure, i should buy a blueprint at the socalled "free market in warframe"

No, it's not a free market, it's scrolling chat consisting of the few players willing to tolerate the annoyance of that cumbersome medium of exchange for just a long enough time to get their item and bail. If Warframe had the same broker as Vindictus or Dragon Nest, the prices would be a lot more reasonable due to the increased amount of player selling and buying at a given time.

Anyway, I hope the retired item get added back in game. Seeing Warframes sell for +600 platinum makes me sad for newer players. 

Edited by LazyKnight
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2 hours ago, aoguro_ said:

i asked for a ember prime bp and get a offer for buying it for 900 plat

that is with all respect said the most sick development which could happen

not that i "could" not buy it, i simply will not

you could just farm regular ember for 20 minutes and build her... i've been running her for a couple of weeks, got a few forma on now.  she runs great (too much fun in infested missions).  I can't imagine ember prime is enough better to spend all that plat on her. 

Edited by DeadlyPeanutt
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24 minutes ago, LazyKnight said:

No, it's not a free market, it's scrolling chat consisting of the few players willing to tolerate the annoyance of that cumbersome medium of exchange for just a long enough time to get their item and bail. If Warframe had the same broker as Vindictus or Dragon Nest, the prices would be a lot more reasonable due to the increased amount of player selling and buying at a given time.

Anyway, I hope the retired item get added back in game. Seeing Warframes sell for +600 platinum makes me sad for newer players. 

to be honest, prime frames aren't that much better than regular frames.  if people want to pay for the gold trim, that's their choice. 

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Not long ago on Xbone Loki Systems sold for 300 and he still isn't  close to being removed, currently Loki sets go for 75ish on xbox.  It's a "free" market take a chance and buy high or wait a while and buy low, but don't aggro over offers people.

P.S. I'm one of the people selling Ember sets for 1000. USA! USA! USA!

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What you're really complaining about is paying for cosmetics basically. There really isn't any difference between a regular frame and it's prIme variant that can't be overcome with the right mods and a few forma. My regular Frost is STILL stronger than my Frost Prime because long ago I had made up my mind to give up on Frost P. when his prices were skyrocketing. Then he got unvaulted and I farmed him ASAP.


Now? I still run my beast Frost on necessary missions, and just pull the prime out when I wanna look shiny. Same thing with Ember TBH. Prime Ember has gold trim and flames coming out of her head, that's all you're really paying for.


So in that sense, yes the market is indeed messed up, but it has always been a seller's market due to the fact that DE vaults frames and items. I believe it was done to inflate the value  of plat constantly, thus leading to more plat purchases for their coffers. It's just business.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Buzzkill, lol

That's cute. Just look for primed chamber on the trading post.

On topic: blame the greedy players trying to take advantage of the situation. Said that, I disagree with prime vault, but I also disagree with drop tables dilution (which might be fixed with a general cleanup and opening space to vaulted stuff. I.e: I bet nobody wants 3 orokin cells as a survival 3 reward whrn they can be easily farmed on starchart) about starchart 3.0 I hope it fixes the issue, but given how DE sats tgey want to "reduce the grind" but ut keeps increasing instead, I fear it will only add another layer of RNG to primed stuff farming. I hope to be wrong on this anyways.

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4 hours ago, Sorkheff said:


Sweet Jesus.

I got Frost P for 300p about a week ago, I'm sure Ember can be acquired somewhere in the same range.

I seriously doubt it.

I sold a Frost Prime set for 500 just before he got unvaulted (was lucky in my Timing lol) but it was a Little bit of work,no one wanted to pay that much and you get scammers trying to pay you 50 instead of 500 and you get insulted when you don´t lower your Price and others invite you and then give you less then what you asked etc...Felt really nice to get a nice round number for it.

I am almost 100% sure that if I try to sell my Ember Prime set today for 500,they will sell really easily.

Maybe I will try to sell later today and come back here tomorrow to let you know how it went. 


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It's such a shame that this happens to things that are time-limited or only obtainable periodically. If everything was obtainable in-game at all times, the prices would be much fairer.

On the other hand, DE could help drop these insane asking prices by putting forth a schedule for when things become unvaulted.

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