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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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4 hours ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

Its the only way i can see this argument being settled 

From what I know, PCs community says it was super duper imbalanced but PS4s (I dont know much about this one if any of yall rail PS4 people could fill me in) was ok and Xbone`s was fantastic. The best way I could see this going is if rails were separate for each platform. I feel this would leave out the PC Railers though.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

From what I know, PCs community says it was super duper imbalanced but PS4s (I dont know much about this one if any of yall rail PS4 people could fill me in) was ok and Xbone`s was fantastic. The best way I could see this going is if rails were separate for each platform. I feel this would leave out the PC Railers though.

I have yet to see one logical reason in these post why PvP couldn't be added back to the rails in the future. The arguments against are frivolous at best an often coming from a place of self entitlement rather then logic.

  • The rails where broken/exploitable.

A lot of things can fall under this category upon release.The jordas raid was damn near uncompletable because of so many bugs. Many events where exploited in the past. Should we ban all future raids? Should we abolish clan events? No because the forums are here to report bugs and to offer feedback on ways to improve current and future systems.

  • No PvP in a PvE Game/ I dislike PvP

One of the weakest arguments imho. It's quite obvious by now PvP is not going anywhere and many players do enjoy it. get used to it.

  • PvP shouldn't impact PvE

The strongest of all arguments. But Steve already said DS will have it;s own separate section in the new star chart. ? You don't want to be effected by it don't go to it in the new star chart. END.

  • I dislike high taxes

Of course you do. So does anyone who isn't setting the high tax. That was the whole point. You don't like it build an army and kick that bully off the star chart.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

From what I know, PCs community says it was super duper imbalanced but PS4s (I dont know much about this one if any of yall rail PS4 people could fill me in) was ok and Xbone`s was fantastic. The best way I could see this going is if rails were separate for each platform. I feel this would leave out the PC Railers though.

And unlikely to happen as it forces a separate console variant to be maintained and monitored. Its super unlikely given the population disparity between all three platforms that DE is going to be willing to try anything that forces them to develop content in asynchronous fashion. It would increase their workload needlessly and run the risk of future complications due to the differences in the versions.

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11 minutes ago, -InV-Skitz0 said:
  • The rails where broken/exploitable.

A lot of things can fall under this category upon release.The jordas raid was damn near uncompletable because of so many bugs. Many events where exploited in the past. Should we ban all future raids? Should we abolish clan events? No because the forums are here to report bugs and to offer feedback on ways to improve current and future systems.

Except they weren't just filled to the brim with bugs, they were also extremely imbalanced from top to bottom. That's not just some bug report to be fixed in an afternoon, it's something that killrd the mode and got it pulled, leading to the creation of actual balance from scratch, which has taken almost a year to get to this point, and we're still missing some things, like beam weapons. With conclave's new balance dark sectors could have a shot, but all this praising and defending of them is totally out of hand. It didn't matter what platform you were on, they were all broken.


In fact, I would go so far as to say Xbox players just didn't experience that because the average player was so limited by motion blur and 30 fps that they couldn't even utilize those extremely cheesy strategies. The only reason that it was "balanced" was because everyone was taken down so far to the same level. That is no reason to have separate balance just because "pc couldn't handle it", in fact I'd say it would be the exact opposite. The only balance differences should be accounting for controller limitations and possibly making the game slower.

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27 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

Except they weren't just filled to the brim with bugs, they were also extremely imbalanced from top to bottom. That's not just some bug report to be fixed in an afternoon, it's something that killrd the mode and got it pulled, leading to the creation of actual balance from scratch, which has taken almost a year to get to this point, and we're still missing some things, like beam weapons. With conclave's new balance dark sectors could have a shot, but all this praising and defending of them is totally out of hand. It didn't matter what platform you were on, they were all broken.


In fact, I would go so far as to say Xbox players just didn't experience that because the average player was so limited by motion blur and 30 fps that they couldn't even utilize those extremely cheesy strategies. The only reason that it was "balanced" was because everyone was taken down so far to the same level. That is no reason to have separate balance just because "pc couldn't handle it", in fact I'd say it would be the exact opposite. The only balance differences should be accounting for controller limitations and possibly making the game slower.

Regarding controller issues, this is one of the reasons why i really liked how DE made use of the ps4 controllers touch pad

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3 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

From what I know, PCs community says it was super duper imbalanced but PS4s (I dont know much about this one if any of yall rail PS4 people could fill me in) was ok and Xbone`s was fantastic. The best way I could see this going is if rails were separate for each platform. I feel this would leave out the PC Railers though.

It was good some days bad others, depended on who was fighting who, some where more shall we say " tactical"  than others

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44 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

Except they weren't just filled to the brim with bugs, they were also extremely imbalanced from top to bottom. That's not just some bug report to be fixed in an afternoon, it's something that killrd the mode and got it pulled, leading to the creation of actual balance from scratch, which has taken almost a year to get to this point, and we're still missing some things, like beam weapons. With conclave's new balance dark sectors could have a shot, but all this praising and defending of them is totally out of hand. It didn't matter what platform you were on, they were all broken.

I don't disagree with that, but to use the flaws in the old  system as an argument to dissuade others against development of a new ds competitive system is frivolous at best. Now we do have devs that work on balance for pvp and other things, and i have no reason to belive the old system will have any effect on the new one.

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3 minutes ago, -InV-Skitz0 said:

I don't disagree with that, but to use the flaws in the old  system as an argument to dissuade others against development of a new ds competitive system is frivolous at best. Now we do have devs that work on balance for pvp and other things, and i have no reason to belive the old system will have any effect on the new one.

One thing that happened a lot (on ps4 at least) was people joining a team then purposefully downing themselves if atacking, or being idle if defending. Now stuff like happened even before the pvp was introduced, but regardless i dont see how DE would find a way to stop what essentially isnt an illegal thing to do.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

One thing that happened a lot (on ps4 at least) was people joining a team then purposefully downing themselves if atacking, or being idle if defending. Now stuff like happened even before the pvp was introduced, but regardless i dont see how DE would find a way to stop what essentially isnt an illegal thing to do.

what are you talking about, the system was "perfect", kek

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

One thing that happened a lot (on ps4 at least) was people joining a team then purposefully downing themselves if atacking, or being idle if defending. Now stuff like happened even before the pvp was introduced, but regardless i dont see how DE would find a way to stop what essentially isnt an illegal thing to do.

afking in any game PvP or PvE is not legal. Take video or screenshots and report those individuals.

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44 minutes ago, -InV-Skitz0 said:

I don't disagree with that, but to use the flaws in the old  system as an argument to dissuade others against development of a new ds competitive system is frivolous at best. Now we do have devs that work on balance for pvp and other things, and i have no reason to belive the old system will have any effect on the new one.

That's not what I'm saying. I agree Dark Sectors could work, I just think that the extremely limited pvp team could better spend their time working on other things, like polishing the balance even further.

Edited by Phasedragon
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3 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

That's not what I'm saying. I agree Dark Sectors could work, I just think that the extremely limited pvp team could better spend their time working on other things, like polishing the balance even further.

Agreed, having a more balanced pvp will help with DS in the future

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4 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

Except they weren't just filled to the brim with bugs, they were also extremely imbalanced from top to bottom. That's not just some bug report to be fixed in an afternoon, it's something that killed the mode and got it pulled, leading to the creation of actual balance from scratch, which has taken almost a year to get to this point, and we're still missing some things, like beam weapons. With conclave's new balance dark sectors could have a shot, but all this praising and defending of them is totally out of hand. It didn't matter what platform you were on, they were all broken.


In fact, I would go so far as to say Xbox players just didn't experience that because the average player was so limited by motion blur and 30 fps that they couldn't even utilize those extremely cheesy strategies. The only reason that it was "balanced" was because everyone was taken down so far to the same level. That is no reason to have separate balance just because "pc couldn't handle it", in fact I'd say it would be the exact opposite. The only balance differences should be accounting for controller limitations and possibly making the game slower.

I am 100% fine with rails working with the conclave damage and health mechanics. I just want them back as they were, you know, fighting specters and blowing up generators. If they bring them back, with nothing changed except now they have conclave mechanics, Id be grateful.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

They were reported, nothing came of it

operation grate crash. I was grinding hard for a top ten spot on the leader boards. I ended up physically pushing myself to the limit and I flat out fell asleep during a public run. The next week after the event I got a pm in my inbox by the support team. Apparently someone recorded me afk and sent it to them. They also gave me a warning and said if it happened again id be banned. I did not play a public match for quite a while after that just to be safe. support is amazing about things like this,I refuse to believe if you had physical evidence of this especially from say multiple people in an alliance with multiple recordings that he did not get at least a warning.

5 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

That's not what I'm saying. I agree Dark Sectors could work, I just think that the extremely limited pvp team could better spend their time working on other things, like polishing the balance even further.

There are two DE employee tasked with PVP Balance. Assign/Hire two more for rails. Hell we would be happy if you just make the freaking interns do it.

2 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Because Lunaros is a better use of resources than bringing back Solar Rails apparently.

I'm still kind of in the wtf mode about Lunarios. To be fair ill reserve my judgement till I try it first hand.

2 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I am 100% fine with rails working with the conclave damage and health mechanics. I just want them back as they were, you know, fighting specters and blowing up generators. If they bring them back, with nothing changed except now they have conclave mechanics, Id be grateful.

This is exactly my point.


Edited by -InV-Skitz0
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4 hours ago, -InV-Skitz0 said:

operation grate crash. I was grinding hard for a top ten spot on the leader boards. I ended up physically pushing myself to the limit and I flat out fell asleep during a public run. The next week after the event I got a pm in my inbox by the support team. Apparently someone recorded me afk and sent it to them. They also gave me a warning and said if it happened again id be banned. I did not play a public match for quite a while after that just to be safe. support is amazing about things like this,I refuse to believe if you had physical evidence of this especially from say multiple people in an alliance with multiple recordings that he did not get at least a warning.


There are two DE employee tasked with PVP Balance. Assign/Hire two more for rails. Hell we would be happy if you just make the freaking interns do it.

I'm still kind of in the wtf mode about Lunarios. To be fair ill reserve my judgement till I try it first hand.

This is exactly my point.


So what exactly is everyone bickering about here ?

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