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It just occurred to me as i pondered whether or not to make the mutalist Cernos. There is a HUGE disconnect between the lore and gameplay here. Unless we've been misinterpreting thing.

Before Alad V Created his mutalist strain, it was implied that the infestation could not infect machinery. The corpus used their proxies freely and the orokin derelicts were overcome not by assimilation but merely by being overgrown, infestation bursting the maintenance passages and clogging the systems. This brings me to my main point. At what point did the Mutalist Cernos, and torrid for that matter, come in?

The only way I've made this work with the lore is either Baro was exaggerating when he said the grineer wiped out the phobos dwellers "some years back". It would have been more like a few months ago. But that doesn't make a whole lot of sense either, unless Baro is some kind of secret grineer experiment and is aging super fast. Cuase he was a little sand baby at the time.

The other explanation is that the tenno have been operating for longer than we've been playing the game. That is, there's a disconnect between the player and in-game timelines. While we as players are approaching our 3 year anniversary(swiggity swooty im comin for that looty!) Is may be possible that there's a great deal more time between events than we as players experience. Not too surprising if all that flying around Ordis does for us had realistic time considerations, even with the solar rails.

So tl:dr the infested attack that Inaros interrupted was the mutalist incursion, that's why he has mutalist weapons. There is way more time between events and even missions than we experience.

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You got it all wrong dude, the fact that "now infested can infest mechanics" doesn't mean it was previously impossible for it to do so, but the infestation couldn't CONTROL the robot as it controls the bodies of enemies. adding some infestation to an inanimate object is as easy to do as it is for it to infest any kind of environment, like the corpus ships or the derelicts. You could stick a galatine in some putrid infested waste and it would turn into the claymire (if it wasn't a workshop skin).

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5 minutes ago, GDSK-NXS said:

You got it all wrong dude, the fact that "now infested can infest mechanics" doesn't mean it was previously impossible for it to do so, but the infestation couldn't CONTROL the robot as it controls the bodies of enemies. adding some infestation to an inanimate object is as easy to do as it is for it to infest any kind of environment, like the corpus ships or the derelicts. You could stick a galatine in some putrid infested waste and it would turn into the claymire (if it wasn't a workshop skin).

This actually makes sense to me.  Previously I'd had issues with the whole mutalist strain thing because we had seen infestation growing on anything anywhere but the idea that it could corrupt the physical body of the robots but not their AI (however rudimentary that is for a Moa or Osprey) then that makes sense.  Seeing how Cernos is a bow and has nothing that complex then yeah, it could be mutated at any point.  The name 'Mutalist' doesn't really apply then but it seems to have moved onto being a naming convention for a recognisable weapon that has been infested.

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I just want too touch on the time I between events thing.

if you think very hard about it, it would be no different than interstellar space travel as we know it today.

Too fly around this universe so freely we would need too be able too travel at light speed. 

So if an event occurred on a said planet at a said time. Once we have survived this event and move on back into the solar system we would again start flying around at light speed travel. 

Say you fly 1000 light years from earth at the speed of light and then return back. In your mind hardly anytime would have passed especially if you got too your destination and simply turned back and headed home, but in reality you would be coming home too a completely different time hundreds of years in the future from when you left it. No one you knew would even exist any longer and therefore would explain why there is soo much missing time in your theory.


Neil Degrasse Tyson fan here lol

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it works like this, the real-world timeline in which/where DE releases differing ingame content, has no relation to the ingame timeline

ie new content is not exactly coming sequentially as far as the game-world is concerned

hopefully DE at some point addresses this and tries to set some solid continuity, but i honestly doubt that will happen until we get all the previous events ingame as re-playable quests, but i dont foresee that happening until u20 at the earliest, more likely the entire idea has been abandoned unfortunately =[


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the Infestation was more like a plant: it couldn't control machinery, but it could still grow on it. Alad V created the Mutalist Strain of Technocyte and changed all that. the Torid and Mutalist Cernos are simply weapons that were caught up in this. the Mire was likely a Tenno weapon before it was transformed by the Great Plague, as only the Tenno really bother to use Swords. the Torid used to be an Ogris, which was likely transformed by the Infestation when it killed the Bombard who wielded it. same with the Cernos, likely wielded by a Tenno, possibly one using Inaros, who succumbed to the Infestation, and thus left the weapon to be transformed. the Technocyte tries to consume anything that gets in it's way and turn it into something to call their own, to add to the Hivemind. anything that cannot be infested is still overtaken and likely used as a breeding ground for infested Creatures.

nothing goes to waste with the Technocyte, anything and everything is useful in some fashion. as for when exactly, that point is up for debate, though I imagine the great Plague occurred right after Alad's Mutalist Strain, which the Corpus wouldn't know how to control and managed to spread across the system. they made the exact same mistake the Orokin Did: creating a Bio-weapon without developing measures to control or destroy it first, a failsafe if you will.

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