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Azima Secondary Fire Not Working


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The title pretty much say it all. 

and yes, I did test with other weapon who has secondary fire too to check.


This is from (DE)Drew

I've merged several threads concerning Azima's Alt-fire. We're aware that it is currently broken, and it will be fixed with the next update (18.5: Sands of Inaros).  

Edited by (PS4)Darkturn
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Hi, I'm having problems of my own too.
I should have got day 100 login reward, the Azima today...
But when I log in it just goes straight to my ship.

Anyway, I just wanted to confirm that someone on PS4 has the weapon, as some are saying its not in our build until U18.5

(Obviously not many people are at day 100 already :(

Can you confirm please, that you have it and are on PS4

PS. Wiki says you must have at least 5 bullets in your clip to launch it...

Edited by (PS4)surreptitiously
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Same issue here. I have tried changing my control settings, even used other weapons with alt fire, did not have a problem, but the Azima's alt fire just won't work. The reloading and full clip suggestions didn't work either. Restarting didn't help too.

Edited by (PS4)gian_ruiz96
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I will also confirm that Azima's secondary fire does not work, at the moment, on PS4.  I have, like others, tested with other weapons.  I have also tried every possible scenario.  Full magazine, empty magazine.  Pressing Alt-fire while firing, while reloading.  Pressing all the buttons at the same time.  Binding Alt-fire to another button.  It does not work.

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