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Oberon overhaul (if I were god-emperor for a day)


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1.) Smite

No changes warranted, this power is actually pretty useful.

1b.) Smite Infusion

No changes warranted.


2.) Hallowed Ground

Why it's bad

Weird AOE shape limits practical use to hallways. Armor bonus is irrelevant; frames with low armor get no practical benefit because it's a multiplier of base value, frames with armor high enough to care about armor are already running steel fiber and armor rating has diminishing returns. Damage values from carpet of death are low and really serve only to cheese low-level content.


* AOE is a circular area with radius 10 meters * Range

* Allies in the area are immune to status procs (no change)

* Carpet of doom lasts 10-20 seconds * Duration

* Allies in the area (including Oberon himself) have their armor increased by Oberon's modded armor * Strength

* Enemies standing on Hallowed Ground take 25% increased damage from all sources

Intent is

Give Hallowed Ground a stronger buff that applies to more warframes. A frame like Zephyr doesn't care about a 20% bonus on their non-existent armor, but they WOULD care about getting several hundred (assuming support-oberon with steel fiber and positive strength). Also make its offensive feature level-agnostic by amplifying damage rather than chipping away with a paltry 100 per second.


2b.) Hallowed Eruption

Why it's bad

Needs modifications to work with non-damaging Hallowed Ground


* Enemies standing on Hallowed Ground when it explodes are knocked down, irradiated, and take 100% increased damage from all sources for 7 seconds


3.) Renewal

Why it's bad

Healing power is reasonably good, but takes a long time to arrive and power has weird "is it a toggle or isn't it?" identity problem.


* Made a toggle on/toggle off power with no duration. Activation cost of 25 energy plus sustain cost of 5 energy per second

* Maximum radius of Renewal set at 10-20 meters*Range. Applies to all friendly targets instantly in this range, and targets are added or removed as their distance to Oberon changes

* Any single friendly target can only be affected by one instance of Renewal at a time

* Non-player allies (specters, minions) benefit from Renewal if in range

* On downed targets: Bleed out speed is slowed by 20%-50%

* On wounded targets:  Regenerate 5-10hp*Strength per second

* On full health targets: Negative status effects wears off 50%*Duration faster.

Intent is

Make it more obvious who, where, and how long they are affected by this power, as well as improving usability (no slow moving bolts) and persistent usefulness (NPC allies affected, status effect duration reduction feature)


4.) Reckoning

Why it's bad

Chaotic. There is never an inefficient or bad time to press 4 because one of the hundred things that happen will surely help in this situation. As a result, becomes a somewhat boring "Well it can't hurt" type power.


* Using nuclear option in this rework

* Circular AOE with radius is 8-15 meters * Range

* All enemies are picked up and slammed to the ground and are affected by "Reckoning Debuff": They do 1/(4*Strength) damage, and on death, drop a health orb.

* Once casting animation is finished, Oberon has "Reckoning Buff": Does 50% * Strength increased damage to any target with Reckoning Debuff on them

* Debuff and Buff only last 3 seconds * Duration, but duration on Oberon and all affected targets is reset to maximum if an affected enemy is killed before the times expire.

Intent is

Make Reckoning more interactive, less confusing.


4b.) Hallowed Reckoning

Why it's bad

Range is a little sad, and needs tweaking to fit with new mechanics


* Enemies killed while "Reckoning Debuff" is on them create miniature pools of Hallowed Ground. Uses all mechanics of Hallowed Ground, except Radius is fixed 3 meters and base Duration is reduced to 10 seconds.

Edited by Momaw
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All hail the new God emperor! (Sorry, had to get that out of my system)

I would personally just love more interactivity between his abilities, starting with your ideas and then adding some simple buffs to his stuffs.

For example, casting renewal with hallowed rug out would supercharge the ability, instantly irradiating enemies while granting any allies inside a percentage of overhealth, maybe even fixing shields!  I dunno, I'm certainly no God emperor but I wish you luck!

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40 minutes ago, Momaw said:

2.) Hallowed Ground

Your suggestions all seem fine, I'd just like to add something from another recent Oberon topic,
changing the targeting for this to work like e.g. Cataclysm would be great to still allow in-front / a more "offensive" positioning.

37 minutes ago, Momaw said:

Maximum radius of Renewal

Please no. Don't super-nerf my Broberon by taking away the infinite heal range. Just no.

True toggle and stuff, yes of course, but we've got enough crappy AoE heals. Nuh-uh.

44 minutes ago, Momaw said:

affected by "Reckoning Debuff": on death, drop a health orb.


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What I would do to Renewal is to give it a base Healing Value of : 200 / 500 / 800 / 1200, where half is applied immediately to Oberon and any allies nearby, and the other half is slowly fed over the next few seconds.

While the other half of the heal is in effect, Oberon and any affect allies receive a 50% movement speed boost as well as Knockdown resistance. 

How does that sound? 

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On 3/29/2016 at 10:23 AM, NinjaZeku said:

Don't super-nerf my Broberon by taking away the infinite heal range

You don't think that the fact Renewal would now apply instantly, and have ongoing benefits even after players are fully healed, is enough to compensate for it having limited (but pretty good) range? How often do you really use healing at super-long range and have it be useful, given the flight time of the little orby things? I was thinking that limited range suits him better because Oberon is more of a defensive support frame than a true "healer". Between improved Renewal and improved Hallowed Ground, Oberon would be very strong for holding a position and helping allies hold a position.

23 hours ago, (PS4)Mr_MikeyDmason said:

But health gained from orbs dropped by reckoning need to scale up with power strength.

But Oberon already has a skill that can heal

Edited by Momaw
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1 minute ago, Momaw said:

How often do you really use healing at super-long range and have it be useful, given the flight time of the little orby things?

YMMV but personally, current Renewal is a lot more useful / easy to use than the radial heals of e.g. Nezha / Inaros / Vazarin.

Just increase the travel speed (to at least 200%), that'd work just fine IMO.

3 minutes ago, Momaw said:

Oberon would be very strong for holding a position and helping allies hold a position.

Sure, but that's not what every mission is about, and even in e.g. Defense
you still have players all over the map instead of huddled together, say, under a Snow Globe
that I made max Range for exactly that purpose, keeping you all safe, but no, you gotta go bleed out in a far-off corner somewhere
... sorry, where were we?

Ah yes, expecting others to play in a way that just might resemble organized teamwork. Yeah, good luck with that :P

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1 minute ago, NinjaZeku said:

Ah yes, expecting others to play in a way that just might resemble organized teamwork. Yeah, good luck with that :P

Shouldn't we reward teamwork though? I mean, if you play a hard mission with Frost, when Frost puts up a globe then everybody is all about the globe and sticking together because they recognize how powerful a support ability it is. If you're playing New And Improved Oberon and you're handing out 10hp/second, immunity to status procs, and a couple hundred points of armor to anybody that will be your friend....

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I'll have to disagree with the finite range on Renewal. As for HG, why not just increase the base range (like Frost's Ice Wave) because if you make it a certain radius, you still have to huddle near Oberon to receive buffs and Oberon himself would have to expose himself to danger. That doesn't mean that there shouldn't be rewards for team play, though.

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I strongly believe that Hallowed Ground should be a circular AoE ability, centered around Oberon, instead of a minuscule and hardly useful piece of carpet. And no, increasing the range of it will hardly help because this is a hallway hero ability that only cleanses and ensures status immunity. This is not Ice Wave, and never will be. However, if it proc'd a radiation effect while enemies on it, then the ability could be quite good for cc and support. (And before you say OP, Chaos Sphere can already do something nearly the same.) Like OP suggested, it should increase the damage taken when under the effects of the ability, instead of dealing damage.

I'd go as far to say that Hallowed Reckoning should spawn a hallowed area under the enemy feet every time Reckoning occurs, regardless of kill. Let's be honest, even if the range was increased, it wouldn't even scale that well because they have to die from reckoning to spawn the area, limiting its usefulness. And yes, the Range should be increased quite a bit on the augment, and mods should effect the range and duration of the augment to make it more of a team skill.

Yea, I agree with OP's Renewal changes, a lot better than now.

There needs to be more synergy among the powers from what the OP suggested, to make them more useful than just QoL changes.

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On March 31, 2016 at 10:10 PM, Viedra_Lavinova said:

I strongly believe that Hallowed Ground should be a circular AoE ability, centered around Oberon, instead of a minuscule and hardly useful piece of carpet. And no, increasing the range of it will hardly help because this is a hallway hero ability that only cleanses and ensures status immunity. This is not Ice Wave, and never will be. However, if it proc'd a radiation effect while enemies on it, then the ability could be quite good for cc and support. (And before you say OP, Chaos Sphere can already do something nearly the same.) Like OP suggested, it should increase the damage taken when under the effects of the ability, instead of dealing damage.

I'd go as far to say that Hallowed Reckoning should spawn a hallowed area under the enemy feet every time Reckoning occurs, regardless of kill. Let's be honest, even if the range was increased, it wouldn't even scale that well because they have to die from reckoning to spawn the area, limiting its usefulness. And yes, the Range should be increased quite a bit on the augment, and mods should effect the range and duration of the augment to make it more of a team skill.

Yea, I agree with OP's Renewal changes, a lot better than now.

There needs to be more synergy among the powers from what the OP suggested, to make them more useful than just QoL changes.

The point still stands that the radius then would be really small... As for clarification, would the AOE be an aura that follows Oberon?

Edited by Slendy-Broseph
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