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Need tips from guys who main Oberon



For obvious reasons ^^

First, what syndicate mods are best /useful. Other must have mods.

How to build it, don't list me your mods, just tell me what to concentrate on: Like, some range, good duration and efficiency, bit of strenght ... 

I will guess that obi needs bit of everything, like frost?

And what is your general playstlye, what to spam, when to heal ...etc.

Lastly, gear/weapons that synergizes well with the frame.

Edited by ThorienKELL
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Oberon is an odd cookie, you really cant have a balanced build, and if you could, he wont survive that long, so here is my build :


The stats with the mods :


And the stats without the mods :


Now then, the reason why you see 6 forma is because i am stupid and didnt have the guts to play him out of the comfort zone and that costed me 4 forma ( you know, take damage and convert it to energy via Rage mod).

2 forma For Aura and 2 forma to make augment only slot.

You will need Natural Talent to speed up animation and also it affects Renewal orbs traveling speed as well.

I didn't care about range that much because i noticed i don't benefit from that much but having extra duration helps Smite alot.

Also this build uses Hallowed Ground as Remedy to cleanse from de-buffs when needed and since HG barely can do much against high level enemies (and even low level) you wont use it that much, might as well "ignore" it.

Same goes with Reckoning, it's damage fall off rather quickly might as well not use it the moment high level enemies starts to roll in.

If you want you can replace Constitution with P.Flow / Flow if you have it, but remember if you take damage you might get knocked back which means you need a way to get back up, so have Hand Spring or this mod in to help you with that!

My playstyle is to take damage to get health (AKA suicidal playstyle) and heal when needed, also keep an eye on team members and heal them when their health drops even a bit.

Renewal has infinite range to it but it need to travel to its target which drains your energy.

Smite is best when you hit group of enemies, they will tear each other out in no time :P

Also Smite is also best used on heavy unites like Bombards or Heavy Gunners BUT no matter what you do ALWAYS target Ancient Healers when you spot them.

For some unknown reason to me no melee weapon feels right with expect for Orthos prime with as much range as possible.

For guns? your choice!

For Focus? Vazarin for insta-revive, Zenurik for energy or Naramon for Shadow Step not sure about the other 2 schools.

Edited by Prinny13
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I don't have any of the syndicate mods yet, so I couldn't tell you, but Oberon, when played right, excels at CC, especially if you have Transient Fortitude, as you can spam Reckoning about 5 times in about 10 seconds, and Renewal only costs 10.

Speaking of Renewal, if at all possible, completely avoid doing it near enemies if you're that low, because the cast animation is indecently long, and you'll need some isolation for about 3 seconds. Also, it's great to keep in mind that Hallowed Ground instantly clears statuses, if you're bleeding out from slash, pop that magic carpet up and you're good.

I'm not a very professional person, and I'm certainly not a very good person to provide examples, but I hope this helped at least a bit.

Have fun and stay safe, fellow Tenno.

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The thing about my Oberon, is that i'm working hard as hell to make my allies powerful. If you take my build advice, know that everything you do will be to the benefit of your allies and you will need to rely on them to do most of the CC/Damage. Have loads of Power Strength and Duration, keep Smite Infusion running on all your allies so they get a big 250%< buff to Radiation damage. Hallowed Ground while weak, if you're in a situation where energy is not a real issue such as having a EV Trinity on the squad or having max energy still is a excuse to cast it. You'll be giving about a 50%< armor buff, but more importantly anyone standing on it will just be immune to knockdowns. Placing it in a spot with cover will allow people not to be hauled off by Ancients or be knocked down by Bombards. As soon as your mates have taken a somewhat decent chunk of damage, cast Renewal. By the time the orbs reach them, they will have likely taken more damage so casting it early is good. Reckoning is not particularly useful in a high level scenario, while you're casting enemies outside the immediate range can and will shoot you. I ultimately find it to be best to just bullet jump away if you're in a pinch and cast Renewal to heal off the damage you took while mid-flight. I recommend a Rage/Quick Thinking combo without bothering with the efficiency mods since if you're skilled, you can purposefully take damage to get loads of energy and heal yourself off with Renewal. This will let you be able to keep all your abilities up without a EV Trinity if you're using a Primed Flow even with Blind Rage. You could run a Purity Winds Furis to heal damage you take so you don't need to waste energy on renewal, but I generally don't use it in exchange for a more damaging secondary. Oberon is one of the better frames to run Shotguns with, since he can afford to take risks with his decent survivability and healing ability. 

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37 minutes ago, Naftal said:

Build for range and duration. Use Reckoning for CC all the time.

Alternatively play a buffer with Smite augment with 200% str.

This is basically it. You can also try full range+ efficiency, since the radiation proc of reckoning doesnt change with duration.

Edited by pitakosxD
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Unfortunately Oberon is one of those frames that needs a re-balance, because his abilities simply do not scale enough to handle high end content well (and because Trinity is a much better healer).

When I play my Oberon it's usually in lower level content, where a Smite spam build can kill large numbers of enemies quickly, without even having to see many of them.  Unfortunately it requires range, duration, strength and efficiency to work well, so you can't get the stats high enough for the ability to really shine, like you can on other frames' abilities that can sacrifice some stats for others.

If you sacrifice range and duration, it might work in higher level content by boosting strength, and hoping that you'll be fighting more enemies that are a lot closer to you.  I really like playing my Oberon with a Trinity in group, because it means I can throw efficiency out of the window, and either spam enough to make up for low damage, or mod for low efficiency + high strength.

His other abilities have the same kind of problem, and don't synergize well, so you can really only pick one or two to boost to a half-way decent level, where in other frames you can make those one or two abilities really strong.

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The thing about Oberon is...

On low levels you play the nuker (with high Strenght and Efficiency) spamming Reckoning and Smite, nothing special here, many frames can do it and better, someone would say that it's a nuker with healing, but at the levels you play this build you don't need healing... So, pick other frames to nuke at lower levels, they are better than Obi.

On higher levels (sorties and T4) you play full support with CC (Reckoning's Radiation proc, Smite also has a targeted rad proc and damage debuff) and Buffs (Smite's Augment). So you mod mainly for Range and some Strenght for the buff. You will be moding mainly for the Rad proc on Reckoning, which lasts for 12 seconds (and it's not affected by Duration so you can't make it longer). 

He's quite good doing that, but...

Here is the thing... there's another frame that is specialized in doing that, she's not quite good at that, she's GOD at that... so there's absolutely no reason to pick Oberon over Nyx for a radiation based CC, she doubles him in range and duration for less energy. Loki and his overpowered augment is god at that also...

I really tried to make him work because I like the theme and all that, but everything he does, there are warframes that do it much better, sad...

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Ty guys, after what I've read here, Ive put 1 forma in my obi (1 more could be just fine) and took in to few missions. New skin is indeed one of best looking skin in game imo.

This is what I've concluded, by my experience and by what you have told me.

1) overall solid, can be a buff with augment, otherwise nice aimed rad proc +group debuff.

2) Not that great tbh. Can be used to remove proccs. I assume augment mod doesn't turn it to usefulness either. 

3) Not best healing in game but overall decent and useful nonetheless. Use it whenever in need, me or team.

4) Some damage, solid cc. Can be maxed. 


I'm curious:

Will negative STR affect him too much and in what way (overextended build)? Obviously, weaker damage on all powers and weaker healing.

How important duration really is? Again, power of healing, how about ult power cc? 


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23 minutes ago, ThorienKELL said:

Will negative STR affect him too much and in what way (overextended build)? Obviously, weaker damage on all powers and weaker healing.

How important duration really is? Again, power of healing, how about ult power cc? 

You can dump STR for the CC build. The healing will still be good enough for what it is, an outside of combat patch to prepare for the next fight (or a better version of the regeneration aura). Even with high STR the damage is suboptimal on high levels. So, the only important thing that will affect is the buff on smite's augment. If you don't use that augment (it's the only one that is worth) then you are fine dumping STR.

The same happens for duration, doesn't affect the CC, will still be 12 seconds of rad status. Will hurt everything else, reducing the duartion of the buff and Hallowed Ground (which turns out to be good with max range) and will increase the healing time, which can be good or not depending on what you like.

Keeping Duration and STR around 100% is what worked best for me. Having Overextended is huge, but comes with the problem of balancing STR to have a strong buff.

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So Oddly enough I've been getting messages via reddit on this subject and just responded to a post recently here:



I'll repost my response for those who don't want to click the reddit link /// Recently just got a randoms message in my inbox recently so your in luck I'll keep their name anonymous but here's what happened I thought your post would fit this response too. --->

Hey, I saw on r/Warframe that you were an Oberon main. I really want to know how to make him work ("viable", as people would call it). Do you mind sharing your Oberon build and if there are any tips/hidden mechanics that can improve how I use him?

I really like Oberon's looks, but so far his abilities have been underwhelming, which is a big shame.


Usually when I see Oberon posts I either:

-1. tend to ignore them when there hating on him because they don't understand his true potential.


-2. If there genuinely interested I'll give some constructive feedback to some Tenno in need of it.

So here we go, I'm mr21 nearly 1800's hrs played and I still main Oberon, why? This is my setup gone through many builds over time ,just to mention I usually solo from time to time with him survivals 80-120 depending on the content in terms of endurance as well this build has become my gem but takes commitment, I combo what I can with his moves they all have purpose he's not perfect either but I love Oberon anyways,this is what I got to say its a lengthy read:

Its true Oberon is a master of all trades and warrior of none, but he compensates in being the King of Radiation....His slams bring forth a dominion of rebellion as he smites all of those who get in his way.


If your wondering about Oberon and I have gone through many builds but I'll give you the secret that makes up a true Radiating beast:

Vitality, Intensify,Transient Fortitude,Prime or Normal Flow, Stretch,R5Blind Rage, Fleeting Expertise,Streamline

{=Exilus= (Power Drift) or Coaction Drift}

Aura Mod- (Rejuevenation)/EnergySiphon/Corrosive Projection

"Pref."^ All mods maxed unless stated () if currently using!


****Mind you this is a 4x Forma Build you can make it 5x Forma if you maxed out Blind Rage....now you must be like how does this build retain itself its Power Hungry as F***...and that it is.

(SECOND DREAM SPOILER Kinda) To compliment the Efficiency loss from Blind Rage you need you'll need to build into the "Zenurik Skill Tree" and build the passives for Energy gain through-out the duration of the mission and mastery of Zenurik for fast cooldowns.

By doing this Oberon can spam his abilities to nearly kingdom come! Here's my reasoning on this build and how I use it.This is my full honesty and I love my Oberon from flaws to his true potential,here we go!

Smite: The ultimate utility to Oberon, with power strength this move is nothing to laugh at and is your most versatile and spammable power, spawns 6 tracking energy orbs ,does knockdown, and instantly radiates 1 target with substantial damage and hits multiple others with chip damage. Very nice when accompanied by a gun...oh yeah this can be cast while your shooting and reloading your gun. Totally my favorite move can kill level 100 fodder enemies easily too :D

Hallowed Ground: Its a underestimated ability you won't use it much but it does what a trinity can't removes procs and gives armor added to your existing but with this build it'll be your quick spam proc remover....thats all....very practical but to be honest this move needs a rework. But use as above^

Renewal: Its a band-aid heal, its a pseudo trinity sustain with this build it'll instantly heal but its a regenerating heal for 250-400 on cast but has travel time to teammates, can be cast in the air so in case your in a tight situation do a bullet jump parkour heal...this ability is still viable.A heal is a heal even for a veteran player this has save myself and others multiple times and its convenient, but is in need of a rework hopefully it gets a bit more heals and a armor buff in the future.

Reckoning: The move of Slam Jam Dunking and the incarnate of "Space Jam" the move of AOE Submission and PROC KING. I may be a little zealous lol. Ok to be Honest as a new player I made my 4th the go to but over time its become a underestimated ace up my sleeve. With this max power strength build its a Intsant Proc you want at least 200% strength to make this happen. This ability as damaging as it is , it scales off after enemies hit level 50 in terms of damage but anything after that it becomes instant Procs of Radiation which is Amazing and its Radiation "in my opinion" values stays longer than that of a Nyx's chaos or a Loki's Disarm....Oberon does it better and longer. Its kinda funny to watch as you create fight clubs as enemies fight one another plus you can pick'em of one by one. So in the outcome Reckoning is the ultimate utility for proc'ing decent damage early on and procing in endgame. :D

If your interested in my go to weaponry, I like Precision and Heavy Damage:


-(Dex)Sybaris 6xforma build for crits "best weapon to spam Smite with too"

-Soma/Prime 4-5xforma Absolute solid rifle was my go to for the longest time heavy dmg output just ammo consumption is greedy

-Tiberon: I personally like it, you can snipe with it heavy damage it does get out classed by the Sybaris but its like a good friend nice weapon I like the way it sounds and reload

-Sancti // Tigris or Vaykor Hek: both of these shotguns will wreck havoc in high tiered play buffs are also nice too

-Tonkor or Synoid Simulor:are really good too just to mention as well...decent aoe clear too!


-Lex Prime 6xforma build for crits has 3 Prime mods Target Cracker,Pistol Gambit, & Heated Charge "absolutely the strongest pistol in game no doubt about it "

-Vaykor Marelok: must be mr 5 or 8 to obtain can't quite remember, Good self heal really Strong damage output second to the lex but gives you a 250 healing and armor buff, really good supplemental weapon to the Lex.

-Furis: Yes this sounds weird but the Furis with new Loka's healing mods is really good and only needs about 2-3 forma it kills fodder enemies easily really good insta-heal weapon,sweet pick up for any tanky frame or anybody really

-Aksomati & Twin Grakatas are an honorable mention they just need a high forma commitment crazy burst damage though


-Anything Honestly this one is Preference Really -I like to run the Kronen,Mios,War,Galatine and the Dragon/Nikana Prime...just use what you like. "LifeSteal" is optional but I run it anyways when I feel like being a brawler ;D

Sorry for the long descriptions,I really love Oberon but in course he does have flaws; but he's suppose to get a rework....but as you can see I can make do with this build. Don't let people tell you otherwise any frame is viable for any situation you just need to vary your builds. I can take this build up to 120-140 mins in a t4 survival.I treat my Oberon like a caster frame spamming smite alot,hallowed ground to remove procs, Renewal for quick heal spammable too,and Reckoning to slam enemies to create chaos. Ultimately In the end, its all about feasibility,teammates,knowledge,and knowing your elemental combos.

Hope this helped, Enjoy fellow Tenno! ;D

P.S. I'm the Tenno who made this FanArt Recently: http://aero04.deviantart.com/art/OberonDeluxeSkin-TheMajestic-599768590



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First off I do not have extensive experience with Oberon.
Yesterday I did a t3 survival for 80 minutes (wanted to go to 100 but had to ditch because a party member had personnel reasons) with a couple of friends. Earlier that day I had been working on a few Oberon builds and decided to run Oberon in the survival.
I must say I am impressed by his scaling. He honestly scales very well. Here is my build:

88 duration
170 eff
235 range
140 strength
I also have Natural Talent, Zenurik for energy and a max Arcane Energize. (no flow and no vitality)

Paris Prime (cuz I love this weapon and I now have a sweet skin for it)
Lex Prime
War (built for finisher damage)

His whole kit has uses. He is very flexible and a frame that I am going to use a lot now.
He can Smite a large target to knock them down and then use a ground finisher on them for the kill.
His ult has good CC, range, decent damage and with Nat Tal it becomes very spammable.
His Hallowed Ground is good for negating status procs and when coupled with Renewal it can help when picking up downed team mates.
He can cast everything from the air allowing you to stay in constant motion.
His Renewal is a decent heal, but it doesn't function very well under pressure. It works best as an "in between fights" tool to patch the squad up.


With the buff that he received yesterday I'm sure we are all going to be seeing a lot more of Oberon.

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