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Valkyr vs. Excalibur



Untill now I've discovered that Valkyr and Excalibur have one thing in common: the ultimate skill is very OP, but the question is which of these are the most powerfull?

I've used more Valkyr due to its invincibility when Hysteria is activated, and yet again, it has high damage, same as Exalted Blade of Excalibur.

So? Who can clarify me which is the more suited frame for heavy combat (80+ monsters level)?

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excal will outlast valkyr  even if the two players are equally skilled.

1 valkyr has to be up on the enemies and constantly hunting for energy 

2 excal can literally shoe horn enemies in a alley effectively keeping his back secured/covered and killing everything infront at a looong distance and collect prizes/drops at will.

 excal has 4 survivable skills 3 of which you can mod for offense/defense effectively and 1 of these is an amplifier for 2 others.

 both frames are equally  good  none is better and it comes down to which player is smarter.

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Fully isolated to their 4th, it will always be Valkyr, for the reason you mentioned, it's invincibility. At that level, both need to slash/dash multiple times before the enemy is death, but the advantage for Valkyr is that she can't be shot down during so, and Excal can.

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Who is better questions will never get a straight answer since it is subjective. They are both good frames viable against tough enemies. Try them both out in high level missions and decide which one you like better. Valkyr is tankier and has ult invincibility but Excal has good cc with his radial blind and range with EB. Both can survive for a long time if their abilities are used wisely. 

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Surging dash Excalibur can be really fun and powerful. Plus Excalibur has way more reach than Valkyr with EB, thus he is more effective when dealing with nullifiers, however may easily die. Also, radial blind is useless now with LoS. There's always that group of enemies that are not blinded for some reason, even if I bullet jumped while casting. Valkyr for the win with primed reach.

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General rule of a thumb, that Excal is a more universal version of Valkyr. He tends to be better than her(or at least to have a build better suited for) in almost every kind of mission. However, Excal's forte are Survival missions and ultimately Valkyr's potential in Survival mission is considerably higher than Excal's.

Finished EBlade build is relatively expensive, but can somewhat quickly kill armored Eximuses of lvl 350+.

If we talk about lvl 100 Sortie, Excal might outperform Valkyr in damage dealing, but he'll have to work much harder than her to achieve that. Against lvl 150+ Valkyr will perform strictly better, while having much, much more space for a mistake.

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Valkyr is more OP in the sense that it's true immortality and there is no challenge at all for anything that you don't need to defend.

Excalibur is more OP in the sense that there's no threat to anything as long as you keep mashing that button- and is generally better for ruining all the fun of the game for anyone in your team (DE for the love of god would you just rework EB already- you KNOW you need to, don't deny it).

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Having and loving both of them..

solo: Valkyr all day. She can run around in hysteria tearing stuff to shreds, or I've seen people run and gun with her, using her alt just as a built-in life strike. Either way she can survive in fights pretty much any other frame would get creamed in. I love her in solo void survival missions.

team: Excal hands down. Valkyr really doesn't bring much to the table for a team outside of warcry...which is fine if you are on a squad of mostly melee frames. Excal brings CC with RB, hilarious EB damage and can be modded for niche RJ uses (*shudder* Draco *shudder*) which valkyr can't.

So against lvl 80+ enemy it really depends...if your a FaitKO wannabe doing 60 minutes of t4 solo...valkyr. Running in a team, Excal. I'd say any of the times I've gone long in the void they both are pretty good at tearing enemies new holes.

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I'd say Excalibur because of the utility that comes with his kit. Valkyrs  have a bit of a disatvantage when it comes to Energy Leeches Eximus and Nullifiers beacuse of her small range. Versus Excal that can deal with them at a safe range. Also Excal has the cover of Radial Blind should he ever need it for a quick withdraw for combat.

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So much misinformation in here. There are pros and cons to both frames. I'll try to summarize below. 

Excal - Has much better range, this translates into being able to deal with nullifiers something Valkyr simply can't do. Excal also has his blind ability which not only helps him but the team as well. You cant just spam EB, that will get you killed because you still take frontal damage when you are swinging. People who do that aren't doing 60+ min T4's. (and yes Excal can run those just as easily as Valkyr, probably better. 

Valkyr - She doesn't take damage while using her ability. However there are plenty of things that can drop it and cause all that damage you took while invincible to hit you at once. Things like ancients, magnetic procs, nullifiers. All these things are deadly to Valkyr. She also doesn't have any CC ability to help teammates. 

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1 hour ago, Acebaur said:

So much misinformation in here. There are pros and cons to both frames. I'll try to summarize below. 

Excal - Has much better range, this translates into being able to deal with nullifiers something Valkyr simply can't do. Excal also has his blind ability which not only helps him but the team as well. You cant just spam EB, that will get you killed because you still take frontal damage when you are swinging. People who do that aren't doing 60+ min T4's. (and yes Excal can run those just as easily as Valkyr, probably better. 

Valkyr - She doesn't take damage while using her ability. However there are plenty of things that can drop it and cause all that damage you took while invincible to hit you at once. Things like ancients, magnetic procs, nullifiers. All these things are deadly to Valkyr. She also doesn't have any CC ability to help teammates. 

You're very mistaken also.

Excal's EB keeps blocking frontal damage even while swinging.

Valkyr can have some CC yes, Paralysis can be built for that even more with the Augment it does wonders, like a mini Rhino Stomp. But yes, can't be compared in Area affected. While on Hysteria she can't be proc'd with anything. Nullifiers are only deadly to inexperienced Valkyr users you can pop those bubbles easily specially even more if you have Reach or Primed Reach. Not to forget in terms of team helping, she still does with Warcry.

4 hours ago, Raizen. said:

Untill now I've discovered that Valkyr and Excalibur have one thing in common: the ultimate skill is very OP, but the question is which of these are the most powerfull?

I've used more Valkyr due to its invincibility when Hysteria is activated, and yet again, it has high damage, same as Exalted Blade of Excalibur.

So? Who can clarify me which is the more suited frame for heavy combat (80+ monsters level)?

The real thing here is that Excalibur is a very balanced frame in all aspects, Valkyr is the top in survivability but loses in the ability to do damage over distances.

They're both very good but for certain jobs. Valkyr is good to stand your ground if you're careful with your surroundings (don't let yourself into bubbles or into the grips of Corrupted Ancients) so you can revive allies in safety and survive the longest. Excalibur is very good controlling crowds with blind if built around it helping teammates along the

way. EB is very good in a ranged sense specially with Naramon Focus invisibility.

It all depends on the player experience, desired effects and, if needed, synergy with other squad mates warframes.

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