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Why is Valkyr Hated?


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The main two reason i hate her are well because, so many of the warframes that were good in my opinion were nerfed (such as mesa) i do admit mesa needed a nerf, however in my opinion i hate all nerfs but if any warframe is to be nerfed first i'd have to say valkyr just because of her hysteria ability which is basically a god mode i know you can't receive energy through EV, energy pads or by energy siphon. However it's not hard to get energy from enemies. The second reason i hate her is because it's mostly a tryhard warframe in my opinion. I've seen a few people play T3 survival and go down a few times around 40 minute mark and the person using valkyr rages at them and says they're not good at warframe and how their warframe sucks etc. I just think there isn't much skill in using her, you activate her and can pretty much run around taking no damage for pretty much 2 minutes. Her attack when in hysteria does quite a bit of damage too when it's modded correctly

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1 hour ago, LogenVos said:

Why is Valkyr hated when Wukong does it too but isn't stuck on melee?

If you take more damage in short amount of time more then your energy pool. You'll get killed. Then the quality of the health restoration will be shorten everytime the ability is activated, but you can easily recast the ability. While Val has no risk with the immunity, free life strike and low energy consumption.

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1 minute ago, SometingWikked said:

She isn't.

It's just the "Nerf This" criers that don't know how to use her that have the problem.


That's all that needs to be said about this. 

Well, not really. Most of them don't like idea of immortality mechanic for a frame. They may not use it but it can be toxic for new player if they don't have it. This is same situation with Loki and pre-Trinity. They make the game too easy. If I had to give a rating for each frame. Five being hardest to use and one being easies. I probably give Val a two. Her kit seems really easy to understand and use.

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Valkyr: Its skill VS power.

Disclamer: i love Valkyr the way she is and she is currently my main.

Valkyr is undeniably a very good hero. She is a bit hard to level early game, but once you hit lv 10 you can level quite fast. YES this is due to her 4th ability. 

So does this mean ability 4 is Overpowered?

No it does not,

1) it forces new players to learn about the creeps. Which creeps drain energy, disable your powers, and of course pop them bubbles.

2) if you are flowing the progression chart. you will hit a wall because there are bosses that only fly --> learning about roles. 

3) MODS: everyone in this forum is thinking that somehow MODS are free. They drop from the sky when you need them. With Valkyr you have to have certain mods like Narrow minded which incidentally go for 20p + Transient Fortitude + steel Charge. After 10-20 days you only get 20-30p.

You cannot buy all the mods that make Valkyr good with just 30p you have to learn the market and values of items.


Remember its all about Power to skill, and you might hate to admit it due to your preferable play style, but she is perfect the way she is.

(i personally want her to lose heath while she is in ability 4 GOGOGO RAGE MOD unlimited energy but yeah thats breaking it)

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I would suggest that Warframe comes out with a party filter. So EVERYONE that does not want to play with a frame in there party,  can put 3 frames they want and don't want in there party.THAT way there will be no haters. 

Its a big enough game for it. 

thank you. Stop being haters.

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13 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

I believe you forgot that Valkyr can't use her guns in Hysteria. So yes, that is in fact the trade off for her invulnerability.

How it weighs out if the payoff is too much (or not enough) for what your giving up is pretty subjective and up to debate really lol.

nothing is ever a trade off for invulnerability

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There are several reasons I  don't like hysteria. Literal godmode. Can last minutes at a time, and realistically you never have to turn it off. It didn't actually fix Valkyr. The playstyle it encourages. But most importantly, it takes away what makes Valkyr, Valkyr. High armor. What's the point of having the highest base armor rating in the entire game if it amounts to literally nothing? It's a waste of time. She might as well have 15 armor for all the good it does. 

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Why do people always say she is invulnerable? I never understand this, because she can die, I have done so first hand. If she truly was unkillable, people would just take 4 of her into survival, press 4, go watch a film, come back and collect the drops.


Her mechanic for dying changes in her 4th ability form. Her health pool will not drop, but her energy pool because her new life bar, if that runs out she has problems and will likely die (or act like any other frame under danger and dodge away and sort it out). Not to mention, nullifiers can knock her out of her ult form, which can lead to a quick death. Her immunity is to health damage, but she can still be killed, but the mechanics for her dying change is all, she isn't immortal.


Same with Rhino, he can die quite easily, just takes a different set of circumstances than say Ember dying (which is anything over level 50 farting in your direction)

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21 minutes ago, Crowsworth said:

Her mechanic for dying changes in her 4th ability form. Her health pool will not drop, but her energy pool because her new life bar, if that runs out she has problems and will likely die (or act like any other frame under danger and dodge away and sort it out).

I love Valkyr as much as the next guy, but let's be fair, that problem is sorted out by jumping into some hellhole where enemies take their sweet time to reach you and plopping down an energy restore.

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20 minutes ago, Crowsworth said:

Why do people always say she is invulnerable? I never understand this, because she can die, I have done so first hand. If she truly was unkillable, people would just take 4 of her into survival, press 4, go watch a film, come back and collect the drops.

She is invunrable while trading for melee mode. But her melee feeds off her melee mods, so if you got a Prime Ninkna then your set for the entire game. Next she got that free life strike perk for evey enemy she kills which I personally think that shouldn't have been implemented. 

21 minutes ago, Crowsworth said:

Her mechanic for dying changes in her 4th ability form. Her health pool will not drop, but her energy pool because her new life bar, if that runs out she has problems and will likely die (or act like any other frame under danger and dodge away and sort it out). Not to mention, nullifiers can knock her out of her ult form, which can lead to a quick death. Her immunity is to health damage, but she can still be killed, but the mechanics for her dying change is all, she isn't immortal.

I do agree with you that her health becomes her energy bar, but I doubt she likely would die. She's most tankest frame next to Inaros. She has high redicioulsy high armour and good amount of health. Not all factions have nullies. The Grineer, Sentients and Infested don't have one. But she can still counter the Nullies if she has Primed Reach, so she can take shields down without touching it. 

24 minutes ago, Crowsworth said:

Same with Rhino, he can die quite easily, just takes a different set of circumstances than say Ember dying (which is anything over level 50 farting in your direction)

Completely disagree with you there. Rhino's Iron Skin is only good as the enemies he fights with. He takes damage when he activates it and uses it as a health poor for his skins. Which is direction I like DE did with him.

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2 minutes ago, Digistruct0r said:

I love Valkyr as much as the next guy, but let's be fair, that problem is sorted out by jumping into some hellhole where enemies take their sweet time to reach you and plopping down an energy restore.

But could that not be said of a few other frames as well? I love Chroma, my personal favourite, he can outlive Valkyr quite easily, as he can stay ranged. Rhino is much the same. Hell, I play a lot of Mesa and shattershield takes care of most things, and I can retreat and spam my pizzas if things get a bit hairy and start again. The real problem is until late game, the chances of failing are very slim regardless of your frame if you have some nice mods. Limbo is near immortal as well in his rift plane, no one calls him OP (if anything the other way)

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I press 2 and watch my war swing around forever :3


I personally hate her 4. I use it for reviving people in a jam then turn it back off which was easily her best new intro for it.

1 minute ago, Digistruct0r said:

I love Valkyr as much as the next guy, but let's be fair, that problem is sorted out by jumping into some hellhole where enemies take their sweet time to reach you and plopping down an energy restore.

or you know.. rage to get the energy back.. or enemies drop energy that you can get. tbh an efficiency valkyr is the worst and will never lose hysteria. It takes forever to drop


1 minute ago, Crowsworth said:

But could that not be said of a few other frames as well? I love Chroma, my personal favourite, he can outlive Valkyr quite easily, as he can stay ranged. Rhino is much the same. Hell, I play a lot of Mesa and shattershield takes care of most things, and I can retreat and spam my pizzas if things get a bit hairy and start again. The real problem is until late game, the chances of failing are very slim regardless of your frame if you have some nice mods. Limbo is near immortal as well in his rift plane, no one calls him OP (if anything the other way)

Valkyr can go hours into a survival 4 and never drop hysteria and still keep killing with no issues.

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16 minutes ago, StarNight17 said:

or you know.. rage to get the energy back.. or enemies drop energy that you can get. tbh an efficiency valkyr is the worst and will never lose hysteria. It takes forever to drop

Or you know... he said "if her energy pool runs out"

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4 minutes ago, StarNight17 said:

the first part of that literally addresses that. unless you have no idea what rage does.

When you're going against enemies that drain your entire health pool in one or two hits, you won't even be able to go into Hysteria again so Rage wouldn't do you much good. And if you manage to run out of energy against low-level enemies you're doing something wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Digistruct0r said:

When you're going against enemies that drain your entire health pool in one or two hits, you won't even be able to go into Hysteria again so Rage wouldn't do you much good. And if you manage to run out of energy against low-level enemies you're doing something wrong.

Having warcry up at the same time with most builds reaching over 200% power strength and if you have both armor mods on you can easily achieve 95% damage reduction. Which can keep you alive for a damn good amount of time for you to recast hysteria and resume killing, especially since they are doing high damage you will get your energy back in no time at all.

Edited by StarNight17
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I always only used hysteria when close to death and instead enjoyed her other abilities. Hysteria got too effective - it needs a set time limit and a cooldown period so people have to manage its use.

Even better, have it actually as a passive state she gets from activating her other abilities(enemies affected by warcry count as two points towards activation, and enemies affected by both warcry and paralysis count as 4 points towards activation) and killing a certain amount of enemies within a time period(say 15 points within 5 secs). One that she needs to keep killing to maintain, otherwise she returns to her normal form - like a battle frenzy.

Only enemies affected by paralysis should give life drain when killed in hysteria, and those affected by both warcry and paralysis give more health.

Problem solved. Ish.

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I mean it seems it's been said a million times here, but her fourth ability is her LITERALLY  CHEATING. full invul that 90% will never run out on any half decent build. No other frame gets this. Trinity comes closeish? A full hp restore and up to 99% damage reduction which is practically godmode. I mean, personally both frames need serious reworks to the $&*&*#(%&ly powerful bits of their kits. It's incredibly unhealthy for the game. The reason that this is an issue is that difficult content has to be made with these frames in mind, and because of that, any frame that ISN'T them suffers. You don't see frames like xcal or wukong getting to do raids because why bring either of them when you can just bring valkyr and never even have to think about the possibility of death? Why bring oberon or Equinox when you have trinity's global fullheal and infinite mana hack? I mean I know people keep saying "who the F*** cares it's PvE nothing can be overpowered" but that's an incredibly terrible way to look as balance. I actually used to dismiss power creep myself, but powercreep isn't actually the problem. There are older warframes that were honestly designed poorly, and as such can NEVER be powercrept, because you literally cannot beat godmode.

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She's not hated, more frowned upon as a noob frame (for good reasons) much like Rhino back in the day. No matter how many times her fanboys say how no one has to use it if someone doesn't like it, as long as her invulnerability exists Valkyr will always be looked down upon as a crutch or an afk tool in Sorties. 

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