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So... Now that VR is a thing...


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3 hours ago, AOD_ukpezzzz said:

I think it would be great if 1st person could work also. However that is yet to be seen 

Trust me, you're not the first to ask about first person perspective. Search the forums, the majority as well as DE do not support the idea, i personally enjoy seeing all of my hard work in fashion frame being shown on screen 24/7

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I'm curious about this.  So far as I know VR motion sickness happens in 1st person games, when your brain's getting signals from the eyes that aren't jibing with the signals your body's getting.  That's why games with cockpits work best with VR, because the game is telling you visually that you're seated, so when you move it's clear that it's the car/aeroplane/spaceship/mech that's moving, not you.

But it might be quite different in a 3rd person game.  If you are more of a "floating" point of view, quite separate from the thing that's moving (the Warframe) there might not be that same brain-confusing effect.

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2 hours ago, Mastikator2 said:


VR for archwing would be incredible, especially archwing.

Oh yes, because getting motion sickness only happens to "scrubs".


A good amount of games that are compatible with VR out there are specifically made for VR. The ones that don't requires a third party software like vorpX with varying results. You can't just stick VR on a game and expect it to work flawlessly.

3 hours ago, Omnimorph said:

But it might be quite different in a 3rd person game.  If you are more of a "floating" point of view, quite separate from the thing that's moving (the Warframe) there might not be that same brain-confusing effect.

Isn't the whole point of VR gaming to simulate what it's like if you could directly interact with things inside video games? What's the point of adding VR if you're just going to play the same Third Person Shooter? 





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I set it up the other day using my new OSVR kit along with TriDef and this thread on Reddit to do warping.  https://m.reddit.com/r/OSVR/comments/44ox8q/tridef_3d_and_freepie_setup_guide/

I'm still in the process of tweaking the warper's settings and in game settings but it's fun.  I don't use head tracking, just mouse and keyboard since it would be a bit much with it too.

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13 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:


Yes, motion sickness is something that can be trained away. Some people get motion sickness from playing regular first person shooters and car games. It goes away when you play more.

Some people get motion sickness when they play car games in VR, but that goes away when they play more.

And no, most games that are compatible with VR works without it just fine.

ALL racing games, ALL airplane flying games, ALL first person horror games work just fine without VR but are substantially improved with VR.


And because Warframe is a 3rd person game VR would lead to less motion sickness than on a FPS or a racing game, or something like Elite Dangerous (which I've tried with VR and is a whole new level of experience that non-VR can't hope to compete with).

Archwing VR could potentially be the most amazing experience by far that Warframe has to offer. Not by a little bit, leagues better.

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15 minutes ago, AOD_ukpezzzz said:

What I am saying is that it would be awesome if it COULD work. I don't know enough to say if it can work but first person and VR would be cool. Plus I never thought about arching. That would be cool too. 

If you see my post above, VR does work (if one uses third party software, TriDef to add side-by-side 3d and a lens warper shader).  Running in third person with it is just fine (or at least, it's fine for me).  Once I figure out all the in game and warper settings to look good, I'll post a guide about how I got my VR setup working in players helping players forum.

And I totally need to try an archwing mission on it, been mainly just popping into low level stuff each time I tweak a setting to see how it looks.

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First of all you would have to make this game 1st person. Which would take about a year or 2 years of development to actually pull off without looking like complete S#&$. Secondly they would have to design the technology so that Warframe is compatable, 2 more years. 

Along with that do you guys know how to parkour at all? People have to train FOR YEARS to actually be able to pull that crap off and not just so they physically can so they mentally can as well. Try doing summersalt 8/10 of you will feel lightheaded afterwards. Now think of Warframe you are constantly flipping and turning it won't look good it will be NAUSATING for everyone but A SELECT FEW. If you make VR a must the game will be unplayable for more than half the playerbase! Motion sickness is INCREDABLY common it is just the type you have. Just because you don't get car sick doesn't mean you don't get some type of sickness.

VR is never happening, it would be a joke to develop, and it would actually CUT THE PLAYERBASE IN HALF. The DE would have to be incredably stupid to do it or suicidal. 

Edited by Feallike
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I actually had an idea for VR that could work for Warframe.

You know how the operator just sits on their butt on the Orbiter controlling the Warframe? How about you control the Operator and "Warframe" would be running on a screen in front of you, just like it's running now. Sure you'd have lower resolution, but still.

Edited by CeePee
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17 hours ago, TotallyLagging said:

Isn't the whole point of VR gaming to simulate what it's like if you could directly interact with things inside video games? What's the point of adding VR if you're just going to play the same Third Person Shooter? 


Well, because it's a new thing, we don't really know what the "point" of it is yet.  I mean Carmack re-ignited the whole VR thing in the context of playing around with his usual First Person Shooter type of game, but now it turns out that a lot of people tend to get motion sickness in a FPS game context, so that idea's kind of out of the window (except obviously for people who don't get the motion sickness - I just mean it's out of the window as the big selling point now).

It might just be the case that being able to look around and NOT actually be looking around from "inside the head" of the avatar is just fine.  Maybe all it would bring is just more contextual awareness (which actually Third Person Shooters already have more of than First Person Shooters anyway), but that could be good enough to make it worthwhile to investigate.

IOW, while the original concept is immersion, it turns out that for many people you can only be immersed without motion sickness if the game has a "cockpit" type of concept.  But maybe you don't need to wed VR to immersion so closely - maybe it's good enough just adding that bit of contextual awareness from a "floating" point of view that isn't attached to anything necessarily (i.e. isn't from the eyes of the avatar).  Effectively all that's changing is that the "floating" point of view you usually have in a TPS anyway now has its own mobility, so yeah, just that bit more contextual awareness (i.e. you can quickly look around and, e.g., see enemies coming from behind and the sides, while steering - not "being" - the avatar, like you normally do).

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7 hours ago, OliverRedfox said:

If you see my post above, VR does work (if one uses third party software, TriDef to add side-by-side 3d and a lens warper shader).  Running in third person with it is just fine (or at least, it's fine for me).  Once I figure out all the in game and warper settings to look good, I'll post a guide about how I got my VR setup working in players helping players forum.

And I totally need to try an archwing mission on it, been mainly just popping into low level stuff each time I tweak a setting to see how it looks.

Thats awesome. Would love to do that once VR is a little cheaper then. 

Also on the note of VR being the doom of warframe, I dont see why it cant be optional. Like toggle-able 1st person, you could also have like a VR mode like you have the option to play in 3D and things like that. Let the people who want to do it do it and let the rest play how they want to. 

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On 4/8/2016 at 9:29 AM, AOD_ukpezzzz said:

Title said it all.

What do you all think? I think WF would be awesome in VR!


I had this thought this morning.  The major issue I see is effective controller feedback and that the game is third person verses first person.  I think it could be really cool but would present a abundance of design problems as well as potentially a need to redesign the game itself.

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7 hours ago, Trooper402 said:

I had this thought this morning.  The major issue I see is effective controller feedback and that the game is third person verses first person.  I think it could be really cool but would present a abundance of design problems as well as potentially a need to redesign the game itself.

Yea thats something I though would be an issue too. It would be cool but a lot of things would need to be added for it to work effectively. Not sure about the controller. But I can see how trying to get feedback from the 3rd perspective can be confusing. 

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VR isn't going to be a "thing" until it's way cheaper than it currently is. I don't see the point in any company investing in the technology for any currently running games until it becomes easier to get a hold of and use for the mass market. As far as VR looks it seems more like a novelty that could get thrown to the side like the kinect did.

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You've all heard of HTC's Vive?... Because it does a few things more than being a monitor in goggle form. Reading some replies it sounds like some people instantly remember VRBoy and 3DVision whenever VR is brought up. Such technologies are currently moving fast enough to garner interest, unlike the time of the aforementioned devices and the gap between then and now. Plus, this is just the 1st gen of these devices. I expect more functions to be integrated over time, I remember even watching a documentary on a brain PC UI which ended with Emotiv EPOC demonstration among other devices. Imagine all these gadgets in one, compatible with all games. Will it be competitive like M+KB is? Probably not. But there's fun to be had. So some may suffer from motion sickness, what can you do. No need to trash talk the rest of us who'll take immersion over being able to 360NoScope since we don't.

In WF's case, I'd like to have an FPS version or a portion of the game(Or the whole game) converted for use with Vive. Raise my hands, see me wearing a WF... Yeah, sounds good, even if it's just the obstacle course. As for accidents, well work out more then and you'll be able to crouch and then get up without messing your back. That's all there is to say about it.

Edited by Kunavi
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6 hours ago, XaxalShiba said:

Motion Sickness and the Lack of a First Person mode makes this very difficult, if not impossible, to do right.

People keep saying lack of first person is a problem, I don't see it. I don't mean to pick on you in particular xaxal, in fact I like that you're concise.

The thing is there are already games for VR that are not in first person. What first person offers is 3D and immersion, it makes you feel like you're really there. That's not just something I'm saying as a exaggeration, it's true and everyone who has tried VR can testify to that.

In the case of warframe you would feel like you're outside the warframe looking down and controlling it like a puppy, which is lore friendly and it would make you feel like you're actually in the warframe-universe. You'd feel the depth and the speed as you run and jump, you'd feel the height of a vertical bullet jump.

The issue of motion sickness is not really about warframe, every game in VR gives you motion sickness. It's something you can train away, and if you can't then VR isn't for you. If you're not getting VR at all ever then this is a completely moot point for you, it's like asking "will it come to the Wii U" when you're definitely not getting the Wii U anyway.

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11 minutes ago, Mastikator2 said:

People keep saying lack of first person is a problem, I don't see it. I don't mean to pick on you in particular xaxal, in fact I like that you're concise.

The thing is there are already games for VR that are not in first person. What first person offers is 3D and immersion, it makes you feel like you're really there. That's not just something I'm saying as a exaggeration, it's true and everyone who has tried VR can testify to that.

In the case of warframe you would feel like you're outside the warframe looking down and controlling it like a puppy, which is lore friendly and it would make you feel like you're actually in the warframe-universe. You'd feel the depth and the speed as you run and jump, you'd feel the height of a vertical bullet jump.

The issue of motion sickness is not really about warframe, every game in VR gives you motion sickness. It's something you can train away, and if you can't then VR isn't for you. If you're not getting VR at all ever then this is a completely moot point for you, it's like asking "will it come to the Wii U" when you're definitely not getting the Wii U anyway.

I still think that, if you really want more immersion, then a first person mode would work to increase that. Now I see where you're coming from in terms of immersion here. It would be pretty interesting to play Warframe that way. 

You're only real problem here is coding. I just don't see DE making the jump at this moment. Not with the kind of team and resources they have. 

Better just let the VR space mature first before jumping in.

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