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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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2 minutes ago, Yhtmahyll said:

Here's some speedpaint I did for the thread, Spatali, the void world.


I recently got some time to read Unus' bottomless pit and I'm quite amazed how much thoughts were put into and it needs pictures.

Shucks mam, you don't have to go an do that, but, thanks all the same. 109 concepts and counting!

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Pit News Bulletin:

Aghhhhhhhh dem it dem it dem it, sorry I have to do this fill-in post, but, I just have to let folks know the state of things.

Things being that I miscalculated just how much time it would take to design the Switchgun. Turns out, cramming together three different weapons that all require balance checks AND aesthetic retrofits means that creating the weapon isn't exactly a cakewalk. No less satisfying, but, frustrating as ell to let the Pit sit and rot while I skull-fumble and finangle.
Rest assured folks, it'll be done as soon as I can finish it, DEFINITELY within the next two weeks given its current state in the numbers department.

See you folks round the forums as I multitask (slowly or poorly, I know not which it is)!

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                                 Post 398

(Conceived Circa 5/??/2018-6/??/2018 at ??:?? to ??:?? respectively.)

This ones a ELL of a long time coming folks, over a month has passed with the full blueprints rattling around in my gourd, and I am QUITE eager to finally spread them on the proverbial table and let the machine be judged by the masses!


Designation: Promythion

Weapon Designation: Variable, Primary.


Manufacturer: Unknown (At least to the Sol-Origin system at large.)

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Variable ( Auto for Rifle, Semi-Auto for Shotgun, Beam-Burst for Sniper Ammo.)

Damage= Variable ( 7 x 2 Magnetic for Rifle, 64 x 6 Electric for Shotgun, 3 "tick" 90 Radiation damage beam-burst for a total of  270 radiation damage for Sniper Ammo.)

Critical Chance= Variable (5.0% for Rifle, 10.0% for Shotgun, 15% per tick in a burst for Sniper Ammo.)

Critical Damage= Consistent 2.5X.

P.R.O.C. Chance= Variable ( 20% for Rifle, 10% for Shotgun, 18% for Sniper Ammo.)

Projectile Type= Variable ( Energy Bolt for Rifle, Energy Pellet for Shotgun, Burst-Discharge for Sniper Ammo.)

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= Variable ( 13.0 for Rifle, 2.5 for Shotgun, 2.2 for Sniper Ammo.)

Magazine Size= 1 exotic reactor, fuel source consisting of specific raw metals (the spare ammunition amount for a standard weapon takes the place of an actual magazine).

Reload Speed = Converted to "Gun Transition Speed", indicating that each reconfiguration into another weapon type takes time (Rifle= 2.0 (Original barrel "burns up" in sizzling flecks to reveal a luminous "wire-frame outline", outline shifts and adjusts into two separate-but-close-together gun barrels, material forms over the "wire-frame" from the gun outwards. Body also "loosens up", leaving gaps in the gun that reveal swirling mists of energy at the gun's joint-adjacent attachment points, assume firing stance.) Sniper Ammo= 2.1 ( See Rifle transition, outline shifts into a singular "barrel" with a triangular crystal at it's tip before regrowth occurs, Body completely locks up into a singular hardened mass on the upper arm, with only the open center revealing any kind of shifting energy, holographic sighting system projected by center piece, assume firing stance.), Shotgun= 2.0 (See Rifle transition, outline shifts into a box shape with an internal circular housing which in turn houses six pentagonal "barrels", Frontal portion locks together to close off energy stream while back half remains elongated up to the shoulder with energy stream in between, assume firing stance.)

Scope Zoom (Sniper Morph)= 4X.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 15.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Standing Cost= 150,000 Quill.

Special Trait(s):

Nonlinear Reactor=

At the heart of this weapon is a technological enigma that rivals even that of some of the great marvels of the Orokin Empire. By placing material roughly equivalent in consistency to a universal ammo box in the hollow chamber at the center of the weapon, one triggers a reaction that converts the material into raw energy of varying amperes at a one hundred percent conversion rate. Rather then storing the various charges in batteries, the weapon channels the energy into separate charge-dependent wiring systems that constantly shunt the power around the frame with minimal bleed-off, roughly in the manner of separate circulatory systems.

(Magazine = Spare Ammo Capacity. Each form can only use Ammo from it's corresponding type. Rifle mode consumes two ammo per shot, Shotgun mode consumes six, and Sniper mod consumes three.)

Adaptive Construction=

The weapon is fully capable of rearranging it's internal and external layout in order to suit shifting battlefield needs. At this moment in time, only three have been discovered by testing Quill scholars, those being a twin-barreled blaster that fires bolts of electromagnetic radiation, a bulky shotgun-style weapon that fires electrically charged metallic dust as artificial ball lightning in a manner that causes all of the balls to converge at one point down range before scattering, and a high intensity beam weapon that discharges lethal bursts of gamma radiation. Further testing continues to determine if these are  the only modes available, though 

(Swappable firing modes = yes. Switching mode switches to that respective weapon type's ammunition reserve.)

Inimical Design

As the weapon does not appear to  have been created with the Sol-Origin System's tech-base in mind, the Promythion appears to be unable to accept a large majority of human modifications, though it is able to interface with multiple weapon types at once and Riven modifications remain compatible.

(Multi-Stat Mods= Incompatible. Single Attribute Rifle, Shotgun, and Sniper Mods for each Mode and Rivens = Compatible.)


In it's inactive state, the Promythion starts as an ivory and gold mass on the outer forearm (bound to the arm in a liquid manner through some form of adhesive process) that bears some resemblance to a cross between a turtle shell and a beetle carapace complete with both the nubs and ridges of the first and the iridescence of the second. A double-cylindered lump juts out of the back right of the weapon, seamlessly attached. The center is an open "basin" of sorts covered by a grid of cyan (energy colored) energy that is surprisingly solid, accepting only material compatible as a "fuel" source. There is no actual trigger, as the weapon is reliant on gestures and aggressive thinking in order to fire, suggesting that it may not have been meant to be man portable.

On activation through a mix of threatening gesturing and aggressive thinking, the entire weapon completely changes.

In it's "Rifle" format, two chunks of itself quickly stretch apart from the center all the way up to the outer wrist on the barrel end and all the way up to the shoulder on the "magazine" end, connected only by long ghostly cyan (energy colored) "strings" of light that seem to thrum with energy going back and forth along the inside of them in tiny bright packets. At the front end, a cyan (energy colored) wireframe emerges from the blank piece of shell and forms into a set of over-and-under gun barrels before being "skinned over" from the direction of the shell outwards. The muzzle-flash is a rippling distortion effect, as are it's spherical and faintly energy colored projectiles, while it's firing sound is a low decibel radio crackle of sorts. 

In it's Shotgun format, only the back end extension occurs and, in  the frontal section, a box shaped barrel, containing a circle, which in turn houses two rows of three emission points for electrical energy, arises from the wireframe mesh. Shots are fired in a converging pattern aimed at conjoining at a singular point 30 meters from the wielder before scattering off into a two rows of gradually diverging spheres. The muzzle-flash consists of stray electrical arcs while the firing sound consists of  the low rumble of thunder intermingled with a small amount of electronic reverberation.

Finally, in it's Sniper format, the user's arm is held outward knuckles upward, and only the front end extends outward from the center. The barrel wire-frame forms a sort of fleur-de-lise pattern with the tip made unique in it's cyan (energy-colored) crystalline consistency, while, uniquely for this form, a (lens and X ) sight made of energy forms up from the centerpiece without compromising the barrier in any way. The muzzle-flash here is simply a bright flash of light with no accompanying powder smoke, while the beam itself is solid and grows much more cyan (energy colored) towards the middle and fades as you go outwards. The firing sound is a quick but still noticeable droning sound like the movement of a bee's wings but brought "down" significantly.

"Basic" Description:

   Discovered in a fresh crater ploughed into one of the Sentient formations on the plains as the only piece that had been thrown far enough to not be absorbed, the Promythion has had the Quills baffled as to it's origins. Seemingly of Sentient make, yet exceedingly different in function and form, the Quills have resigned to merely cloning it from Plains material and having their most prized Tenno agents test it again and again, learning all the little quirks and aspects of it by remote.


Month after day after week after hour I toiled to build this thing, but, at long last, it is here! The design. . . is finally . . . HERE! It's gonna. . . gonna be a long while until I have the strength of mind to craft something new, but, don't worry folks, I'll still be editing and retrofitting in the interim, mostly aimed at grammar improvement and expanding Deimos further.

For now though? At long last Tenno, the silence is broken! Behold, the Promythion!


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We interrupt your notification box to bring you an important news bulletin.


Due to a lack of original material sprouting out of nowhere/my rear end as was once the norm, the Pit is currently entering a period of construction, reconstruction, retrofitting, and general grammar cleanup.

Specifically, the areas of Deimos, "Restless Depths", and the Free M.O.A. Front will finally get their completeing additions instead of being left in the darkness of the Upper Pit. If your looking for new content, check out those areas weekly to see what I've hopefully done with the places.


Sincerest apologies for this current inconvenience folks, but, I would rather take the time to improve on some unfinished works then jump in on something that would just be a rehash of an existing weapon or other's weapon concept.

May the "drought" conclude soon. And may my thanks for your thoughts and opinions be forever gushing.

Unus, Gobbledygook Enthusiast and P.H.D. In both Basic and Advanced Rigamoroling.

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Alright folks, news for yous.


Currently, still rattling my brain for new material, several potential leads have started floating around in my mind, but, I still need to compare them to the Pit's previous designs and Warframe's own Arsenal to prevent repetition.


For news folks might ACTUALLY care about, for all intents and purposes the setting for the Deimos Ecumen has been completed, from the harsh polluted surface to it's disturbing master.

It will take time in the future for me to come up with a quest of sorts to properly introduce all the nooks and crannies of Deimos, but, for now, enjoy the twisted sands of Deimos' aesthetic!

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Alright folks, after several days of mental gears grinding into place and me whipping the mental hamsters until their fur flies off from generated friction, were finally finally FINALLY gonna have a new addition to the Pit!


My only issue? I'm stuck on what path to take, meaning, that's right folks, gonna need your input once again! Be it through private message, thread-strand comment, or just a red or green emoji, let me know which road sounds like one you'd be willing to take! (

Take note that, even if your option isn't chosen, it'll more then likely end up as a tasty augment-to-come.)


"Rocketeer Rifle Branch-Off"

1. (Red Emoji) "Impulse Rifle"- 

An impact damage-focused gun whose rockets adhere to the target and push it slowly in one direction. If a full magazine hits the target and said target has red health, it is carried aloft in a ragdoll style until either fuel runs out or terrain is impacted (brutally, might I add).

2. (Green Arrow Emoji) "Det Rifle"-

The weapon's ammunition consists entirely of a novel form of hybrid munitions, somewhere between the small size of the bullet, the self propulsion of the rocket, and the sensor payload of the mortar shell. Despite fancy terms, the gun's effects are simple, automatic fire with airbursting explosions of a small size.

(+1 Mako Vote)


Let me know how either of these appeal to ya folks! I got no horse in either corner to be honest, just giddy I finally have something new en tasty and concrete to put down in the Pit beyond renovations!

(As an aside, I think the "vote" cut off will be at "three for either, pologies about forgetting to say that. Not trying to "farm" for reputation if folks get that idea, hence why I said a private message or comment will suffice.)

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On 2018-08-12 at 10:32 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:




(I swear my upcoming gyrojet rifle had nothing to do with this)

Thats fine suh, don't see what problems there might be, specially since I don't know any details.

As an aside, voting complete folks! The explosive route appears to be what the primary shall be, while the Impulse Rifle variant shall be the augment.

Much thanks for the participation folks! Woulda never been able to make the decision on my own without lingering regrets! Project begins now!

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22 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Yours airbursts, mine has more in common with the Sidewinder from Titanfall 2.

God, I love the Sidewinder.

OH, i'm sorry if that sounded passive aggressive or something!

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                                    Post 403

(Conceived across the span of two years, finalized circa 8/14/2018 at 21:30.)


This ones been laying around for a looonnngg while, but, I always feared that Digital would conjure something that was "so obvious". After about two whole years though? Yeahhhhhhh. . . I think it's clear.


Designation: Engreev

Weapon Designation: Rifle


Manufacturer: Formerly Luxor Forge's "Utility Program" Limited Production Run, Systemwide. Now, Black Market Merchants, Systemwide.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Semi-Auto

Damage= 85 Explosive.

Critical Chance= 6%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

Status Chance= 33%

Projectile= Projectile (Smart Rounds).

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 3.83.

Magazine Size= 10 Round "Chain-Tube" Magazine.

Reload Speed= 2.3 ("Break-Action" open weapon, disconnect former ammo tube by pushing the magazine back against it's holding spring and pulling upwards, swap magazine, insert fresh magazine by compressing spring with one end and inserting other end into load-point, close action, loading system automatically chambers first round, assume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 9.

Riven Disposition= ?????.

Polarity= None.

Special Trait(s):

Tracker Warheads:

 Each individual round fired from the weapon travels in a straight line, a few scanning the surrounding terrain in a visible omnidirectional orange (energy colored) field as it goes. On an enemy entering the field, the round immediately triggers its onboard gravitational generator and rapidly approaches the target, no matter what direction the enemy approaches from. When in sufficient range, the round explodes.


Long, thick, and heavy in it's design, the Engreev was not really meant for use outside of a zero gravity environment. Retaining the design and color aesthetic of it's many military relatives, it is quite obvious to even the most untrained eye that this is (or, rather, was) a design pulled straight from Luxor's catalog. The weapon's barrel takes up much of it's form and is, as to be expected, square from beginning to end, with several reinforcement points consisting of hexagonal bolts adorning the sides, six bolts in a row each. Metal frameworks are in turn bolted onto the larger bolts and strengthen the seams at the corner points where the metal is weakest. Just before the body, the weapon is hinged so that the weapon's front half swings downward, revealing the area where the weapon's magazine is housed, a thin chamber housing an elongated detachable tube which holds the weapon's proprietary ammunition within.

Inside the tube, the ammunition is placed front too back and held together by a disintegrating chain. Each round is pulled into the firing chamber by a set of loading arms visible from the outside of the weapon on either side before being isolated by a set of sliding doors that sever the chain. When the trigger is pulled, a metal spike at the bottom of the chamber taps the bottom of the round and sparks off the round before the loading arms release it and allow it to fly down the barrel. In the process, back-blast exhaust from the round travels down tubes in the roof of the weapon, is funneled through the hollow outer shell of the magazine, and into the body. The weapon's "body", located far to the back,  is a simple block with a white stencil on the right side that reads "Caution: Back-blast Redirection Unit" in Corpus letters, adorned with three sets of pipes which travel all the way along the sides of the weapon to a set of four openings located in an X pattern at the barrel's end. From these openings, orange (energy colored) exhaust vents after every shot in energetic puffs. The "butt-stock" is really nothing more then a sideways skeletal stock, meant more for hanging the weapon up on a tool rack absorbing any kind of recoil, as, due to the weapon's nature, there is very little felt on the user's part at all.


The ammunition fired, roughly around the size of an Atlas suit's thumb,is a compound package consisting of a peg-shaped top with a small orange (energy colored) rotating set of blinking sensors where the det-compound and detonation sensors reside, a cylindrical middle section where the gravitational field generator resides, and a thermos shaped bottom portion where the enriched  hypergolic powdered fuel resides. When the round explodes, it goes off quickly and with very little residue or smoke left behind, just a brilliant flash and, in atmosphere, a loud pop like that of a firecracker, but, amplified.

"Basic" Description:

Named for the enterprising software designer, Elesh Engreev, who first presented much of the design aspects of the "weapon's" ammunition during a quarterly meeting, the Engreev Rocketeer was meant to be Luxor's first attempt at expanding into the fully civilian marketplace. Envisioned as a a tool for intercepting incoming meteoroids and demolishing derelict satellites and debris at range for the orbital market's ever-hungry satellite launch firms, the Engreev soon turned out to be a grievously flawed design. Having cannibalized several military guidance technologies in order to accelerate production after the significant delay in finding out how  to mass-manufacture gravity systems on a significantly small scale, it was soon discovered that the weapon's ammunition had a disturbing attraction to anything that moved instead of merely orbital debris. Having lost the lives of several hundred independent testing contractors in the first few days of the production run (including a few distant cousins of some of The Board's directors) alone, it wasn't long before Engreev's little secret was soon discovered. . . and Engreev himself to turn up missing. 


Whether executed, sacked, on the run, or basking in new-found wealth in some pirate haven as far away from the outer system as possible, Engreev's scrapped design somehow managed to trickled down between the cracks of Luxor's secure offices, gleefully misappropriated in carbon-copied form by the criminal underworld as a means of destroying pesky probe and patrol Ospreys just outside of the Conglomerate's zone of control, "orbital debris" which had needed clearing and salvaging for quite some time.


And that's all he wrote folks! For some reason, I find myself with a sudden glut of explosive, chemical, and rocketry-based killing implements recently. No idea why, but, considering it was only a few short days ago that I thought I was on the end of my creative line, I am NOT complaining!

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Warframe does admittedly feel like it has a shortage of explosive weapons (You have the Penta, Tonkor, Torid, THE ZARR <3, Ogris, Kulstar, and Angstrum) compared to a bit of a glut of standard rifles, so... keep working at this! I'm interested to see what else you have in mind.

Also, I love how in-depth you go with the lore here.


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2 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Warframe does admittedly feel like it has a shortage of explosive weapons (You have the Penta, Tonkor, Torid, THE ZARR <3, Ogris, Kulstar, and Angstrum) compared to a bit of a glut of standard rifles, so... keep working at this! I'm interested to see what else you have in mind.

Also, I love how in-depth you go with the lore here.


Oh, nothing to fancy coming down the line, just a "chem-react blast-gun" and a "k.k.m. pistol". Just need to suss out what order to do em in.


OH, uh, your welcome Mr. Wolf. I usually think that's one of the biggest turn-offs for my designs, an unexpected positive reaction for me, to be sure!


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On 2016-11-24 at 3:49 PM, Unus said:

Post 129 (conceived circa 5:35 A.M. 11/21/2016) Ugh, goddem this blasted quote glitch! (Thank you Mrs. Taylor!) Grumblings aside, had a fascinating concept strike me in the wee hours of the morn as I lost my voice. Might prove an interesting gimmick or a depressing waste of time. No matter what it is, I'm putting it down anyway, let the world render it's judgement!

Designation: Ekembo

Weapon Designation: Sniper Ammo

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Manufacturer=Department of  Strategic Reacquisitions, Luxor Forge, Alator, Mars.

Damage Type= 35 Heat (every second the orb remains in contact with a target, 35 damage Is inflicted. Bigger orbs and larger targets lead to significantly more inflicted damage.)

Projectile= Projectile (silicate recombinant vapor in a spherical format.)

Accuracy= 100 ( although the presence of an enemy will cause it to curve in said threat's direction)

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.5

Critical Chance= 2.0%

Critical Damage= 3X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 7.5%

Magazine= 3 (One hybrid "magazine" consisting of one tank of SiO and one attached high density battery.)

Reload Speed= 2.5 (flip up back-flap, press button on battery to disconnect from rest of assembly, remove battery, press button on tank to dislodge, remove tank, place battery, place tank, press button on tank to establish seal, press button on battery to reestablish circuit, snap lid back down and assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Charge ( Quick taps result in tiny high-speed spheres that only go out to about polearm range before dissipating, while held down charges can lead to charger-sized room-sweeping spheres of pure terror that slowly move from point A to B.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 9

Polarity= 1 Madurai

Special Trait(s)= 

Specialized Gibbing=

When achieving the killing blow on a target, the portions of the target that the orb is currently passing through will simply stop existing, leading to some unique gib patterns. Similarly, gib and crate pieces that come into contact with the orb will also cease to exist as the fusing plasma of the sphere deatomizes these weaker materials.

Differential Charging Patterns= 

The longer a charge is held in, the greater the size of a produced sphere, the slower it's travel time, and the longer it's staying time before the silicon refuses back into silicon oxide.

Selective Burn=

Against flesh of all three types, the Ekembo's ball lightning has a 1.0 punch-through. Against all other types, it only has 0.5.


   Outward appearance wise, the Ekembo is largely simplistic in design. The body consists of a thin rectangular block with a grip, a trigger, and a set of iron sights on the top. Along both sides, a thin set of clear glass panes that run the length of the body from the trigger all the way to the barrel show off the internal electrical chamber, quietly fizzling with a long purple-white arc of electrical energy that rapidly surges into a violent bolt of considerable width as the trigger is held down. The barrel is an upside-down triangle of clear glass that displays the location where more and more silicon oxide dust is blown in before it is flash-zapped into a fusing ball of 10,000' silicoid flame.

"Basic" Description= 

A complimentary cleaning tool built for use with the Munda atomic scrubber, where the Munda was built for stationary Infested mass removal, the Ekembo was built for cleansing corridors of the Infested menace in all it's forms. Carefully blowing silicon oxide into it's chamber via vacuum, an electric discharge is applied to the powder, ripping the oxygen from the silicon and forcing it to refuse in a volcanically hot discharge of ball lighting. The barrel then opens up and blows this fiery aerosol ball in the direction of the enemy, wreaking havoc as it burns it's way through opposing forces like a knife through butter.

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Ughhh, this head-cold might be interfering with my work considerably. Hope this fellow came out at least slightly coherent. 



I would like to request someone to draw a Nova obliterating some enemies with a ton of these orbs around her and also her nuclear balls of doom among them. Like she needs to be skipping and joyful she has a gun made just for her. When I get this I will be a full supporter. Also new follow cause I haven't read everything yet.

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)sh3kvothe said:

I would like to request someone to draw a Nova obliterating some enemies with a ton of these orbs around her and also her nuclear balls of doom among them. Like she needs to be skipping and joyful she has a gun made just for her.

I could try, maybe. Give me a few days.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)sh3kvothe said:

I would like to request someone to draw a Nova obliterating some enemies with a ton of these orbs around her and also her nuclear balls of doom among them. Like she needs to be skipping and joyful she has a gun made just for her. When I get this I will be a full supporter. Also new follow cause I haven't read everything yet.

Honestly suh/mam? I'm in absolute shock you went this far when it came to reading my designs. Your quite the rare breed of reader round my neck of the woods.


Also, huh, you know, in those bygone days, I never once thought of weaponry with a specific suit's capabilities in mind. I wonder what other layers of my Pit house things that mesh with certain Warframes?

3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

I could try, maybe. Give me a few days.

Well. . . uh. . . shet, I mean, if you make it, I can stick you and your piece up with my Pit acquintances and friends in the "art topsoil" on the front page.

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                                   Post 411

(Conceived circa 8/18/2018 somewhere between 22:?? and 24:??.)

Thats right folks, a weapon inspired by an inspiration for another weapon! This rabbit hole of concept creation just doesn't have an end, reaching new levels of absurdity all the time! Let's get started then.


Designation: Rukfist

Weapon Designation: Pistol, Sniper Ammo Type.


Manufacturer: Inner Asteroid Field Mining Authority, 10 - Hygia, Jove-Martian Asteroid Field, Grineer Empire.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Semi-Auto.

Damage= Impact.

Critical Chance= 11.5%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

Status Chance= 50%.

Projectile= Projectile (Kinetic Kill Rocket.)

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.00

Magazine Size= 1 K.K.R Mount (Magazine upgrades are nonfunctional)

Reload Speed= 1.9 (Barrel slides forward along rail the moment rocket leaves it as stray propellant gusts out in an opaque lime-green (energy-colored) cloud and the "sparker-mount" is revealed, barrel hinges off to left to make room for incoming round, user hefts K.K.R. and slides it onto the "sparker-mount" until a click is heard, barrel is hinged back onto the rails and pushed back into the back "burn pan" until it clicks into place, assume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 

Riven Disposition= ?????

Polarity= None.

Special Trait(s):

Impulse Rounds= 

On striking a target unprotected by either shields or armor, the K.K.M. will sweep the target off it's feet and carry it aloft a short distance before losing thrust and falling flat, hurling the target away in a ragdoll state. Targets behind the original who also have exposed health are thrown out of the way as the target becomes a bludgeoning projectile that strikes foes along the way. Armored targets are subjected to continuous Impact "P.R.O.C." trigger chances in the direction the round attached, while shielded targets simply damage the round and cause it to deal a single burst of Impact damage before being whisked off into the Void.

Unfortunate "Accidents"-

If the K.K.M. round strikes a hard obstacle while carrying an unfortunate victim along the way and while the thruster is still burning, the blow counts as both a critical and a head shot, resulting in significant damage. If the target dies, the head and limbs will be ripped from the body, but the torso will remain intact.



More of an assembly of metal parts purpose-built to contain and aim it's rounds then any kind of  weapon, the Rukfist is a tool-turned-ad-hoc-weapon that lacks both subtlety and user comfort in it's construction, and that's largely the point. A large circle-topped pyramidal barrel dominates most of the weapon's design, with two coconut-white metal rings encircling the very inner lip of the barrel's mouth. The inside of the hollow barrel is similarly coconut white, but has several areas where the resistant paint has worn away from use and misuse, leaving scratchy thin patches that expose the metal beneath. The outside of the weapon is an extremely dark oily olive green, with some wear and chipping in various areas, but nothing like the inside's damage. At the four corners of the pyramid  are a set of hooked prongs which allow the barrel to click into the ceramic back-plate to protect the wielder from the back-blast as the weapon fires. There is no aiming mechanism on the top of the barrel, just a pair of sloppily spattered on white paint splotches and a thin shaky white line down the middle that passes itself as one, another sign of it's ad-hoc nature.

The barrel is mounted on a set of twin metal rails that underlay the bottom of the weapon and stick out of the top of the grip, with the left side being longer then the right. A bulbous ring on the felt side of the weapon allows the entire barrel to swing out to the left freely, to allow for ease of loading it's hefty payload. The grip of the weapon is as simple as one can get, consisting of a grip the same color as the body wrapped in electric tape and a trigger mechanism. Attached to the top of the grip is a thin block of clay-red ceramic , used to absorb the sheer heat of the rocket's flame. At the four points of the square are catch-points that hold the barrel firmly in place once it it is latched in by it's own hooked prongs. The trigger is connected to a black central process that juts out of the middle of the ceramic back layer, a heat-resistant electrical sparker that 

The rocket's "payload" is a hefty metal block of sorts with a soft indentation on it's frontal surface, complete with some smaller squares at each of the corners to allow it to catch and hold an item (or, unofficially, a person). Below the completely solid heft of the "fuse-less warhead", the rest of the rocket gradually changes into a hollow cylinder, complete with two small twinned boosters on either side. To ignite both the the central thruster and set off the other boosters, the rocket must be inserted firmly onto the sparker.

"Basic" Description:

Originally a primitive form of portable mass driver utilized by the asteroid mining Grineer of the Empire's borderlands for small cargo, this black market-adjusted model has had it's propellant formula modified for maximum lethal contact.


GODDEM! Greatest thing that held me up was in the description again! Just gotta get all the details out there when it comes to Grin and Infesto-tech. Now, onwards to it's Torgueian twin!

Edited by Unus
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33 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Well, here it is. Hope it's ok to just post it in the thread.


AHA! Splendid suh! Ya followed the ""recipe"" as it was with nary a an out-of-place detail suh! I'll fit ya in on the front page as soon as this steak is done cookin!


As an aside, might wanna call in your petioning chap as well suh, let them lay eyes on it!

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6 minutes ago, Unus said:

AHA! Splendid suh! Ya followed the ""recipe"" as it was with nary a an out-of-place detail suh! I'll fit ya in on the front page as soon as this steak is done cookin!


As an aside, might wanna call in your petioning chap as well suh, let them lay eyes on it!

Glad you like it.

Not sure how to tag (or whatever) people on here though.

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3 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Glad you like it.

Not sure how to tag (or whatever) people on here though.

Easy peesy suh! All ya need to do is press quote next to something they said and they'll get a "you have been mentioned" notice.

Edited by Unus
Like how I just now received.
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