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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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5 minutes ago, Unus said:

Easy peesy suh! All ya need to do is press quote next to something they said and they'll get a "you have been mentioned" notice.

Well… I'm not sure why I didn't think about that.

On 2018-08-20 at 10:15 PM, (XB1)sh3kvothe said:

We'll be besties

I summon thee, sh3kvothe!

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6 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Well… I'm not sure why I didn't think about that.

I summon thee, sh3kvothe!

Annnnnndddddd. . .DONE, your registered at the front and both you and Mr./Ms.Sh3kvothe have been accredited in Product 129 as the origins of this splendid piece brought to life by your his interest and your sketching hands respectively. Ya need me for anything, just buzz me in the ol private messenger.

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Gotta apologize for the SIGNIFICANT delay in Pit progress we've been having lately folks! Gotta few other projects rolling right now i've been working on that have been demanding my attention, including a possible job coming up on the horizon. Theres a piece in the pipeline as we speak, its just gotta wait it's turn.

No matter what folks, though, even if all the others come crashing down, my Pit is my Pit, and you can be sure as ell i'll always be coming back to it!

(Also, I really hate having to do "bumps" like this, but, I also dislike my donor's contributions sinking off the page. Pits become more then just my bullshet heap now.)

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On 2017-07-18 at 12:30 AM, Unus said:

                                  Page 260

(Conceived circa some time in the past 3 months, fully gestated circa 7/15/2017)

This one was once a technological pipe-dream until Digital flexed it's technological prowess and revealed the Plains to us. Made the concept sooooo much more feasible.


Because of it's inordinate size, I'll be doling out updates for it slowly and carefully until I have filled in the gaps.


Designation: The New Tethys Arco-Sphere.

Location:  Midwestern Pacific Ocean, Sea Platform 3.

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Advertising Cinematic:

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(Screen filled with static)


(Clinking sound)

"Helloooooo? Is this piecea spacer. . ."

(screen adjusts, revealing a dimly lit room with the outline of a man's upper-body in the center)

"Harhar!, ahoy there fellow scum! This be yar frenly admeral speakin! I'll be frank Tenno, I be needin yar help something fierce."

(Screen transitions to reveal a distant large metal platform in the middle of an ocean on a foggy afternoon seen from above, as if landing)

"Me home, Barboga, she been found at last."

(Gunfire begins to erupt from somewhere below the camera in addition to rockets from the sides as the camera closes in, sporadic gunfire is returned from the platform as a maze of low-set perfectly square black-blue buildings finally resolve themselves from the seemingly solid square in the sea.)

"Try as we might to float under thar radar, the lost men be houndin us now somethin fierce. . ."

(Camera focuses in on a distant rooftop where a turret of sorts has managed to assemble itself in a liquid manner from the roof material)

". . . albeit not witho acquirin a bloody nose. . ."

(a harpoon fires from the turret's barrel and slams into the camera bearer. The camera twists loose from the housing, dangleing from a chord and revealing to the viewer that it was attached to a Grineer dropship. Blood pools around where the harpoon has struck as it falls and several others can be seen receiveing the same treatment in the background.)

". . . or twelve, harharhar."

(Camera and vehicle splash down into the water, revealing organized teams of dragas of varying types standing atop submarine platforms held "aloft" by giant roters exchanging fire with a large wall seemingly made of liquid mercury where gritty looking men and women in strange opaque and body-tight blue suits that allow one to see the tattered synthetic textiles they wear as plain cloths beneath and torpedo turrets pop in and out of it like water. A large and bulky looking machine with an almost blinding orange light on top is puttering towards the wall as the wall turrets and people shoot frantically at it and the dragas)

"But try as we might. . ."

(The dull shake of an explosion jolts the camera, causeing it to go dark)

". . . wer on our last few sea legs out here."

(Screen flickers back on to the dim-lit room and the figure)

"So, Tenno, what say ye? Ya willin to help a salty old sea-brow  keep hiz olllll ship afloat? Don't worry bout the payout. . ."

(The figure holds up an Orokin Cell in a glowing container that still has a pair of Grineer hands wrapped around it, revealing his face. Above the snuggle-toothed grin (as if delivering the punchline to a particularly hilarious joke), Infested and oceanic tattoos line his grizzled and wind-battered features, exceedingly "average". . . save for the fact that, in place of his eyes, a pair of M.O.A. eyes on short plastique stalks jerkily focus on the screen. The room lights up to reveal he is sitting on a chair in a room where dozens of similar containers are scattered about messily alongside the viscera of various butchered Grineer)

". . . I've already taken care a that."

(As the man throws his head back in the beginning of a long cackle, a raucously decorated osprey with tiny M.O.A. legs and feathers glued across it dashes in and snatches the canister with a static-filled "RAWK!". It quickly turns and rockets out of the room, brushing past the camera and causing it to jerk. The man looks surprised for a few moments before leaping frotm the chair brandishing a red-energized black and white sydon knocking the camera onto it's side)

(Said as if fading into distance. Sounds of clattering and crashing abound)

"Avast ye outdated bag a feathers an bolts! When I get my hands on that scrawny polymer neck a yours. . ."

(Techno-Piraty music starts up)

(Sudden transition to title sequence of a tidal wave crashing against a sandy shore, revealing "Warframe: Restless Depths" on the metal beneath)

(Transition to additional additional information again by tidal wave)

(Transition to camera finally hitting sea floor, scaring away a Lanx variant and what appears to be a mangled humanoid body with it's feet placed in a sharklike pattern and bones sticking through the skin)

(A sudden extremely low decibel whale-call occurs and something absolutely GARGANTUAN with a giant light-bordered maw drifts towards the camera from the oceanic black at menacing speed before the ad ends.)




Vay Hek


Ex-Admiral Mer Cappen=

Formerly the scion of one of the military families of the Corpus before the expensive concept of having a standing military was phased out and replaced by the hiring of mercenaries and the use of proxies, Mer Cappen was once meant to sit at the forefront of fleet actions before he rebelled against the dry and passionless practices practiced by the admiralty. Rousing a rebellion amongst the the now jobless crew, Mer Cappen seized control of several mothballed military assets and fled with a sizable contingent of troops to the backwater of Europa, where they became the largest privateer group in the Sol-Origin system. Sadly, the fervor of the cause soon faded from the hearts of much of the crew and, soon, thoughts turned to greed and paranoia as it gradually fractured, splintered, and was defected from by many, eventually leading to the Admiral being shived in the gut and both eyes by power-hungry recruits, tossed into an escape-pod, and left to fly onto a random trajectory. As always though, luck seemed to favor the grizzled old fellow as his pod shocked into Earth orbit and plunged into the briny depths just outside Barboga's hull. Retrieved and cared for to the best of the inhabitant's abilities, Mer Cappen stands as one of the isle's prodigal adopted sons and the face of it when dealing with foreign powers, willing and able to do what it takes to make sure Barboga comes out on top in many an important deal.

Grandmother Tessa "Slit-Throat" Thetch=

"Tenno! Come in, come in! Just in time for my free salmon fillet per-ton-purchased discount!"-

An elderly women with a love of children in her heart, a culinary eye towards seafood, and a razor sharp business mentality when it comes to the bulk transport of basic goods. Through a combination of diplomacy, disarming charm, and pure terror-inspiring brutality, Grandmother Thetch has cornered the market on bulk shipping to Barboga in it's totality since the day it opened it's businesses to outside powers. Tenno will get to know her through the resource exchange services she provides in the form of her "Barboga's Best" trade company.

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I'm [•| d34& y£! ?{;m;t;>e5. 5to9 your n0[~€£5!(al a€|!€/ f!5€!€9 @nd find £3 6€?ore 1 9€.


A retired soldier from the endless war against unnatural nature and now the grineer that has gone on for decades in and around Barboga, Koyaweg eventually suffered a mental breakdown and was honorably discharged from service into the local Pub system. Bounced from institution to institution over the course of three years in a state of crippling melancholy, Koyaweg eventually found himself under the care of the hard-nosed caretaker of "The Hollow Leg" Pub, Tanaya. . . and immediately making a positive turnaround, almost TO positive. Now an irrepressible optimist (to a fault) and styleing himself as a "friendly business man" in the tattered garb of a conglomerate merchant, the wild-eyed ex-soldier now has a mind filled with grand financial buzzwords and his heart set on flexing mercantile muscles he never knew he had.


Direct and blunt are two words that may as well have belonged on a permanent name-tag for this ex-soldier of the seas. Never one for the long nights of endless nothing occasionally interspersed with frantic bouts of life-and-death action, the laid-back tomboy took the first chance she could to duck out of the line of fire 


Vay Hek's Royal Service Corps=

An overblown title for what amounts to a smattering of assets (vehicles, personnel, materials, etc) privately owned by the governor himself, the Corps only current goal is to find a way to remove the corsairs by any means so that Barboga  ("NEW DEIMOS!" according to Hek) can be claimed as the planetary capital of the Frontier (and secretly, to Hek, as a pleasure palace to call his own). Alas, their attrition tactics have begun to make headway on the battered artificial isle. Could the Tenno tip the scales back in the Corsair's favor?

The Barbogan Corsairs=

Descendants of stranded human workers who kept the service platforms for _____ and basic commerce functional in the days of the Empire, the Corsairs have been hardened by centuries of survival alone in a world that they had largely assumed had been cleared of all human life until the discovery of radio transmissions all across the system decades ago. Years of isolation and self-sufficiency (thanks in no small part to the platform's extensive self-maintenance systems) have led to a unique clannish utilitarian society of fishermen, salvagers, sailors, and, of course, pirates (a ritualized way of settling critical grievances is by naval combat till a ship is crippled and it's captain captured.). It is only recently that commerce has initiated with the more "rogue" elements of the Sol-Origin system, as the Corsairs remained leery of contacting the Corpus (as their resemblance to their former masters is uncanny) and the Grineer (who were once being considered as their ultimate replacements before the war threw all Orokin plans into disarray.). Unfortunately, the new residents of Earth had other plans. . .

The Forgotten

What lies below. . .

The Old Light

. . . and what lies beyond.



Foamed Aluminum Pearls= Found in the transgenic barnacles (purpose-built by the Orokin for ease-of-production) that sway and swish with the liquid hull of Barboga, these pearls are quite valuable for reasons both monetary and mechanical. When not being incorporated into sea-going craft, temporary structures, or light weaponry, Foamed Aluminum Pearls are used as a form of currency among the Corsairs, although credits are commonly used when dealing with outsiders.

Supercavitation Generator: Once a powerful tool of the Orokin utilized to boost worker efficiency beneath the waves, the rarity of the cells once required to utilize them has led to a decrease of use in these esoteric machines as well as a transition over into the far more power-hungry-but-still-functional microwave-powered personal models. When activated, the generator forms a thin supercaviitation bubble around the user, allowing them to perform actions at roughly the same speed as one could on the surface. For Tenno, this means that, in exchange for gradual power consumption while it's activated, under-water Archwing travel assumes the same speeds and reactivity as in-air movement. Naturally, these devices can be further augmented with three separate side upgrades (purchased via pearls) that have emerged over the years, those being the Charge Recycler (S.G. only uses half an energy point per moment activated), the Kinetic Supplement (Melee Attacks while using an S.G. temporarily halt consumption) and the Cavitation Ram (Flying into enemy units while under the effects of an S.G. underwater causes 35 Impact damage and knocks them back in a stumble.). S.G.s automatically shut-down on contact with an atmosphere, lack of power, or on accidental activation, remaing dormant for about two minutes before returning to stand-by mode.


Barboga's Best Tradehouse=

The busiest (and, as of only recently, the only) area of mercantile contact with the outside world for Barboga, the Tradehouse is the throbbing cardiac artery from which all material flows outward and all wealth flows in. Heavily guarded at any and all times by a slew of readjusted security systems and a rotating shift of overpaid merchant militia, nothing illicit can go on on the gantries, the helipads within, and pens both outside and beneath the dockyard without the gaze of Grandmother Thatch washing over it like high-tide. Between her heavy security systems, her ubiquitous surveillance into each and every transaction going on, and her fantastic wealth, the aged gladiator-turned-fiscal matron is secure in her monopoly and the community hopes to keep it that way.

Koyaweg's Bounty=

The drifting hulk of a battered Orokin scout submarine, refurbished and tethered to Barboga by retired soldiers Koyaweg and Tanaya as their permanent home. The large vessel's intact communications systems, large cargo-bay, and relatively air-tight nature has  allowed the pair to refurbish and reopen it as a floating hunting lodge of sorts, complete with wall-to-wall-to-ceiling grisly trophies of just about every phyla in addition to pre and post-orokin salvage from the depths. A quirky gaggle of three A-M.O.A.s has taken residence outside and inside the hull. Though Hu (red), Mu (green), and Lu (blue) are inquisitive to the point of annoyance and tend to "bicker" loud enough to raise any customer's attention, they still provide a service and earn their keep in the form of hauling carcasses through the briny depths back to the Bounty and add a bit of liveliness to contrast with the gruesome decor.

Samodeus' Wreckage

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Shot down during the Old War by foes unknown, this mangled hulk is the final resting place of the self-proclaimed cephalon genius Samodeus. Buried deep into the seabed and surrounded by high-level active defenses, this well-hidden and difficult-to-reach locale seems to offer little beyond the rare benthic organisms that are found occasionally circling the hull. Those who brave the ancient fire of it's guns and who hold a piece of his "art" however, may find a reward worth more then platinum waiting for them inside in it's dim corridors and on it's flickering consoles. . .

The Gunge

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In the aftermath of the Grey Goo catastrophe that scrubbed the Earth clean of 99% of all native life, the proto-Orokin wished to accelerate the cleansing process by removing the remaining roiling masses of organic tissue that steadfastly refused to roll over and die of starvation in a timely manner. With the slow and arduous process of hauling the material up into orbit and firing it into Sol becomeing far to labor and resource intensive for the still reeling population, corner cutting procedures were implemented. Put simply, the remaining material was placed inside sealed pods and fired down into the deepest oceanic crevices as could be found and largely forgotten about. In time, as the proto-Orokin transitioned into the Orokin of the gilded age,  the dumping was all but forgotten and, by the time of the Sentient war, few remained who could even point out on a map of Earth where anything was centuries before.


Under this shroud of lost information, the Gunge has grown from it's unholy crevices, twisting tendrils of night-black sludge with a dull volcanic glow coating the sea floor in a patchwork of disturbing facsimiles of trees and plants where no light ever touches, inhabited by crude puppets that are not entirely man or beast. In these "black meadows", pristine items hundreds of years old remain for the takeing, unused by the stagnate Gunge as it feeds on the dead that rain from above and geothermal heat. Ignoring the potential mass suicide of attempting to disturb the Gunge for these treasures, there's a fortune to be had down in the murk. . . have ye the pair that clank to test the waters?





Barboga's Best Tradehouse

Here at the Tradehouse, several services can be acquired from Grandmother and her myriad blood and adopted relatives. First and foremost, Common resources can be exchanged at unequal rates in order to fill in gaps in one's inventory in 250 to 125, 500 to 250, 750 to 375, and 1000 to 500 allotments. In addition, for a "modest" 30,000 dollar fee, grandmother's associates can pull a few simple strings to "supply" vulnerable areas on the Sol-Origin map with resources for Tenno to ransack, acting as a resource booster, but ONLY for common resources for 30 minutes.

Koyaweg's/ Tanaya's Bounty=

Run by a former soldier and his wife who have retired to a "less hazardous" occupation, Koyaweg's Bounty sells spear-guns (spears must be acquired from Cetus), attractant, and nerve agent dosages to allow daring fishermen to battle the fiercest aberrations that lurk in the murk below hand-to-hand. Particularly fierce prey can be sent back by A-M.O.A. tow on defeat and be turned into head mounts and ceiling-mounted dioramas. Particularly ambitious fishermen can even take bounties on particularly malicious organisms who have earned reputations as man-eaters or are the result of accidental exposure to orokin machines or other more sinister sources.

Individuals interested in hunting the beasts of the depths can (and will be pressured to) receive a free "Koymunicator" device that will allow one to contact one (or more, depending on the kill) of the couple's A-M.O.A.s for one of their various offered options.

(Deep-Sea Fishing 101)=

Unlike the more sedentary land-bound fishing style, fishing like a Corsair is far more of a battle of life-and-death. After the spear is lodged into a target's hide, the shooter must hold onto the tether as the entity struggles and thrashes in species unique ways, carefully scaling up the tether until they reach the beast. Once there, the real battle begins (via button prompts) whereby the hunter must strike at various points on the prey's form in order to cripple and (hopefully) kill it. Careless hunters can find themselves hurled off and viciously mauled or bashed against scenery or even suffer more esoteric effects such as poisoning or finding themselves at the center of an angry pack. Subsequent "reattachment" to the target will result in easier and easier battles if the prey isn't outright killed on the first try (though exceptions exist). At the end, when the battle culminates and the horror floats bleeding it's last, options present themselves. Depending on the hunter's goal, they can outright butcher it on the spot for meat and a few choice pieces of viscera or contact the Bounty for one of their presented options, those being 1. Processing, where the beast is sent back and more viscera is extracted from it then meat, 2. Trophy-Stuffing, whereby the beast is sent back and hollowed out for a few bits of viscera and meat and kept in storage till the hunter decides on either mounting it's head or body, 3. Feasting, whereby the beast is brought back to the Bounty to be served at the local Pub (Pubs serve as poorhouses, restaurants, and churches in Barbogan Corsair society) for a healthy chunk of reputation dependent on the beast in question, and 4. Display, whereby the beast's data and corpus are uploaded whole-sale into Simaris' paradise, showing a ranking of time-to-kill and weight on a sort of "leader-board" console found back on the Bounty in addition to holographically projecting an image of the beast in motion on a nearby table and showing off various fact blurbs and anatomical features. If all blurbs are filled out, one instead simply gets bonus Simarisian points. 



Mobidi Launcher=

Standard issue-speargun, a tube with a snail-shell-aesthetic buttstock, a cord-rope body tether, a coral-style grip, and a flotsam wood style barrel alongside a set of CO2 canisters shaped like sea sponges for pressurized launch. The canister is stuck onto a short branchlike-tube on the side and twisted into place.

Pelgata Launcher=

Equipped with a L.A.S.E.R. sight tuned outside of most organism's view-able wavelengths that assists in targeting and a refined set of canisters shaped like male anglerfish for even more launch pressure to penetrate thick hides. The short buttstock is now sculpted into a lump of more exotic coral, the body tether now adopting a more aesthetically pleasing piece of seaweed appearence, the grip a fish fin, and the barrel an upside-down anglerfish with the laser emitting from the angler's lure-tip.

Nemota Launcher=

Equipped with a full scope assembly shaped like a squid's eye that, when viewed, outlines targets in vibrant red, shows their direction-of-motion, and provides a modest amount of zoom. As an added bonus, a second tube-branch has been added to the other-side allowing for two shots in rapid succession. The buttstock has been shaped into a nautilus shell, the tether a tentacle, the grip an artistically carved spurt of ink, and the barrel a rearing squid, its two "feeder tentacles" making up the canister insertion branches.


A thick cocktail of industrial waste, sea-urchin venom, and her husband's spit( so Tanaya jokes). Applying this to the spear before launch can slow the target down and weaken it, but will also ruin a portion of the meat in the process. Comes in Crippler (25% loss in meat, speed, and strength), Maimer (50% loss in meat, speed, and strength), and Kiss of the Gunge (75% loss in meat, speed, and strength)


Proclaimed by Koyaweg to be the aftershave he wore on the day he met Tanaya, attractachum is a messy blend of fish-flesh, spices, and various choice bits of fish gore. ANYTHING will come for it, but certain adjustments to the blend can be made in the nano-forge to draw specific breeds of horror out of the shadows. The side-effect is that, while organisms will most certainly come for it, they will also put up far more of a fight for this food source, leading to an increase in strength.


The Mariner's Dispute

To prevent grievances from resulting in grievous injury or murder amongst the populace and damaging their tightly controlled genetic diversity, the Corsairs of Barboga have arranged a sort of gladiatorial proving ground where individuals both directly or indirectly involved in the dispute can board modular combat vessels and fight till one or the other reaches the sinking point. The public is not told what the disagreement is about, only that a dispute will occur and what time it will commence. Aside from considerable preparation to prevent fatalities (thankfully, a rarity) and an unspoken law of no outside influence when a battle occurs, everything is fair in the circular arena, from false surrenders, to gut shots, to lopsided battles between grizzled seafarers and simple fishermen.


In "Crunch" terminology, The Mariner's Dispute is a specialized Conclave Battle where two teams, one red and one blue, board moving vessels and fire various forms of turrets at the opposition, attempting to either knock the entire crew into the water, "near-sink" (a flotation foam within the upper hull activates the moment it takes on enough water, making it buoyant enough for towing) the opposing ship, or down/throw over-board the designated "captain" of the vessel, who drives the ship from within an armored cockpit. Quality Points are awarded based on how success is achieved, with near-sinks being worth a low "Jetsam" point, crew-clears being worth a mid "Pearl" point, and Captain take-downs being worth one high "Abalone" point. Points can be redeemed at the Tallyman's Crownest (The square blue upward rectangle where the chap sits surrounded by coffee cups overlooking the arena) for various bundled prizes, ranging from Pearls, to Credit Bundles, to Cosmetics and even uniquely adjusted weaponry.

Turret Types:

Smart Chain-Shot= 

A drone-minded bolos that will either slowdown to temporarily entangle crew or speed up to impact hills and deal damage.

"Boxer" Chain-Ball= Spring-loaded metal ball on a long chain. Automatically adjusts for "lower" pressure blows to knock over crew and to higher level blows to smash hulls.

Canister Teargas= Deploys an armored canister of tear-gas at a very low fire-rate that unpacks and slows down crew movement significantly in addition to blurring player screens. The canister is destructible.

Shocker Suctioncup= A fish-shaped battery equipped with a set of taser prongs with suction-cupped tips in the mouth area. Will adjust it's charge dependent on the target it attaches to, with a low prolonged charge for stunning crew for a time and one massive burst to temporarily disrupt onboard electronics. The insulation on these turrets renders them immune to their own effects.

"Fishnibbler" Rubber Machinegun= Rotary machine gun equipped with rubber bullets. Pushes Units back slightly and has a tendency to cause knockback. Does no hull damage.



(Torn between making em either ambient motile scenery or allies)

An aquatic variant of the ubiquitous avian-esque androids that were once used throughout the length and breadth of the Empire, the rare and finicky-to-maintain A-model M.O.A.s now only survive within the halls of the cube-covered city of Barboga.  Klutzy and clumsy on land due to the bulk of their strategically placed propellers and their awkward webbed feet, A-M.O.A.s move at astonishing speeds underwater, paddling with an organic grace that could seem almost breathtaking. Utilized for a number of vital roles from undersea deposit scouting, hull scraping, closed-message transmission, and even remote communication (the user wirelessly overrides the A-M.O.A.'s control of it's body in order to portray proper body language), it is rare to see these specialized machines optimized for combat. Unlike Corpussian standard M.O.A.s, modern A-M.O.A.s commonly lack a control bolt, partially to conserve resources that would be spent on miniaturization of the modules and partially because most A-M.O.A.s (with VERY few exceptions) are retrofitted to rely on "outdated" microwave power transmission, making "escape" or "rebellion" suicide. This means that, ofttimes, Barboga's outskirts and dry-docks are teeming with small swimming "families" of idling A-M.O.A. of various models and sizes, their unshackled electronic minds and years of active duty allowing them to experience basic animal emotions, though they will always snap to attention and arrive at the beck-and-call of whoever needs them. As is typical of the nostalgic Orokin, A-M.O.A. calls are a medley of Pre-Disaster sea-bird noises, from terns and gulls to penguins and puffins.


Gunge Ecoforms:

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Collectively Dubbed "The Forgotten" due to their out-of-sight out-of-mind existence, the Ecoforms are far less of an attack force like the Infested forms are and far more of a self-maintaining biosphere where all actions boil back to feeding the "Gunge Core", a vast roiling mass of nearly immobile synaptic fiber which guides the ecosystem's every action through guided pulses and pheromone vents. Though the Ecoforms are largely contained within the general area of where the "Gunge Blot" spreads across the sea-floor, they are as absolutely merciless as their land-bound counterparts when it comes to discovering organic material in the area. Once "word" of an entities' existence reaches the Core, every entity within the zone springs to life in pursuit of the prey. Below are the most common ecoforms to spawn when the Gunge is disturbed, though by no means is this list final. 





Massive tendrils that stretch up from below and swing wildly in the abyss. The tubes at their bottoms contain a shrimp like "processor" which does continuous damage to any unfortunate entity that is reeled in, though strong or healthy creatures might potentially break through the stalks with sufficient force. Multiple Riftia clustered together will assist in dragging prey in, increasing the difficulty in escaping. 





Ghoulish looking shark analogues with the haphazardly slapped on semblance of a humanoid "spilling" from the "maw". They erupt from pores in the Gunges'  oil slick of a body, hell-bent on dragging the prey back into the mush with them, in pieces or otherwise. Fast, but, like their home, vulnerable to electrical shock. They tend to avoid direct light and will circle to strike from the shadows. Needless to say, they burst when brought above deep-sea pressure zones and have highly conductive flesh.

The Chum

Even the seemingly natural circling shoals of ""fish"" are nothing more then cleverly disguised lures for the super-organism, easily re-purposed to deadly effect as engine clogging distractions or as a living flurry of obstacles to slow prey down.  

The Morgawar




When the murky shadows of the depths are pushed hard enough, the Gunge will push back with all the brutality the surface breeds are known for. Significantly expensive for a Gunge Node to disgorge, but extremely deadly at it's job of driving off the most deadly threats, the Morgawar is a massive undulating black blob that shimmers with inner volcanic light in it's "cleanest" portions haphazardly scattered throughout the amorphous form. Armed with a territorial mentality, a difficult-to-penetrate cell wall, and an array of whiplike psueudopodic tentacles capable of smacking together so hard they create hot water shockwaves capable of reaching sunlike temperatures, to fight a Morgwar is to have pressed the Gunge mass to the brink of death. To slay the Morgwar, however, is to leave the mass in the area lethargic and significantly weakened, an excellant time to move in and recover what booty thar might be thereabouts, hyar.




This is awesome. Different than what I have in mind for the Urania Depths, thankfully (I don't want to be some sort of copies-everyone kind of guy).

I already like the characters, especially Koyaweg and Tanaya (got a soft spot for this kind of love-stories), they are great.

Don't know about the conclave variant, as pvp isn't particularly popular, but, if it had some sort of versus-bots mode, it could be very fun, new thing to do.

Spearguns, though! Great idea, makes so much sense as an upgrade.


Oh, and I see you'd like to somehow revive the Samodeus idea as well, huh?


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On 2018-09-09 at 3:24 PM, HugintheCrow said:

This is awesome. Different than what I have in mind for the Urania Depths, thankfully (I don't want to be some sort of copies-everyone kind of guy).

I already like the characters, especially Koyaweg and Tanaya (got a soft spot for this kind of love-stories), they are great.

Don't know about the conclave variant, as pvp isn't particularly popular, but, if it had some sort of versus-bots mode, it could be very fun, new thing to do.

Spearguns, though! Great idea, makes so much sense as an upgrade.

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Oh, and I see you'd like to somehow revive the Samodeus idea as well, huh?


OH, I wasn't trying to make you copy chunks of it off! Was merely thinking it may help with createing your own.

Heh, I never expected to think of a love-story of all things for Warframe, but, the story that played out in my head was to much for me to ignore.

Hm. . . .a possability. Was wondering if it would prove enticing to folks bored with the current Conclave offerings.

Hehe, thanks. Figured we needed some inteconnectivity.



YES INDEED SUH! I even have another one relating to the part of him that flew off into space here. Hes technically not gone, given the Riven descriptors, but, as an active character? May not still be with us, hence the attempts!

Sorry for the delay for both you and ALL my still-reading Pitites. Busy busy busy with to many projects I got wrapped up in, yet, thankfully, I still have a project on the board. Lost it several times due to connection failures, so, its taking longer then anticipated, but, its THERE at least.

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Progress continues folks. Feckin ell, I HATE "bumping" the old girl like this, but, with me juggling two projects at once, advancement has been as slow as molasses. If I could show you what i've been working on here as well, I would, but, I don't wanna cross-contaminate between productions.

Best i can say now that my next weapon is so close I can almost taste it! Well, hopefully won't taste it, I don't like the thought of internal combustion.

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                                  Post 422

(Conceived circa 8/18/2018 somewhere between 22:?? And 24:??.)

Here we are folks, the explosive twin of the Rukfist, related only by time and origins. Took a bit more time to solidify then the Ruk, but, doesn't mean I love thisun any less!


Designation: Hekvox.

Weapon Designation: Shotgun.



Inner Asteroid Mining Authority, 10-Hygia, Jove Martian-Asteroid Field, Grineer Empire.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Optionally Charged Semi-Auto.

Damage=7.5 Slash, 232.5 Explosive

Critical Chance= 21%

Critical Damage= 2.5X

Status Chance= 10%

Projectile= Projectile (Blast Cone).

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 3.35

Magazine Size= 4 Chem-Can Rack.

Reload Speed= Interruptable, 0.65 to start, 0.55 per chem-can, 0.75 to finish. ( Heft weapon aloft, side "belt" of chem-can "hoppers" line up on side, place chem cans as needed in empty hoppers, assume firing stance, first hopper in chain is pulled into the firing chamber.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6

Riven Disposition= ?????

Polarity= Madurai

Special Trait(s):

Guided Detonation= 

Thanks to the set of refractive panels that can plate the gun's open barrel, the gun can sacrifice the wide 110' swath of 5 meters it covers on it's own to extend the range of it's blasts.

(Charging the weapon for a second reduces the blast radius by 4', but increases it's range by 2 meters as well. Caps out at 21 meters with a 78' blast radius.)

Handle With Caution=

As the device is meant for explosive clearance in anoxic environments, use of it on living things tends to lead to. . . "messy" results.

(On critical kill-hits, the target's upper torso will gib and scatter about at high speed, often leaving the legs behind.)



    Without meaning to, the weapon has a rather reptilian appearance in it's design. The tan and rough-textured barrel is open to the outside world on either side, allowing the grey-green-fumed blast-wave to belch forth and turn solid rock into rubble in a flash boom that leaves the ears ringing of those on the receiving end. When the weapon is charged however, a set of rusted iron-colored metal slats along the top and bottom of the barrel will slide into place on either side, reinforced little marvels capable of diffracting the blast further forwards instead of spending all it's energy in a short-range burst. Additionally, the weapon will begin to "strain" and creak as internal mechanisms further pressurize the barrel and preempt counteracting the machine's inevitably significant recoil. The longer it is charged, the more slats slide into either side until they form what appears to be a row of vicious-looking crocodilian teeth.

   So much of the gun is taken up by the barrel that all that remains is the detonation chamber, a thick military-olive box with a pyramidal top. Suspended on sliding rails above a hole in the top is an armored hypodermic needle apparatus containing the compound needed to actually cause a blast reaction to occur. Pulling the trigger causes the hypodermic to slide down the rails into the opening, a set of double-sliding doors closing behind it to ensure the resultant blast only pushes ahead. There is no butt-stock on the weapon, as the on-board mechanisms are meant to take the majority of the "bite" of the recoil, which, insofar as it prevents bodily harm, it does. In it's place, the grip resides, bulbous as is the Grineer aesthetic with a thick bent sausage-like aspect to it that slightly tapers forward at the top and bottom where it attaches to the weapon.

   Several lumps on the inward side allow for a slightly more comfortable grip. The trigger is a simple blunted isosceles triangle. On the left side of the weapon, a sort of half-piped "balcony" of sorts resides where, suspended on it from brackets mounted on a chain, are four (magazine determinate) chemical canisters containing a thick grey-green (energy colored) sludge with a consistency between shaving cream and liquid rubber. This is the other half of the entire chemical compound needed to properly trigger a detonation. As the weapon prepares to fire, the chain cycles the first canister into the blast chamber through a set of resisting doors. Once the canister is in position, the injector comes down from above, penetrates the thin top, and injects a minuscule droplet of the compound into the sludge. On contact, the canister erupts in a high-energy blast that sends canister sharpnal flying.


"Basic" Description:

Constructed for use as an emergency rescue tool for demolition in anoxic environments, the Hekvox earned it's moniker from the the no-nonsense and pioneering asteroid miners of the inner belt, who look upon his political scheming and self-enrichment with concealed contempt.

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59 minutes ago, Unus said:

                                  Post 422

(Conceived circa 8/18/2018 somewhere between 22:?? And 24:??.)

Here we are folks, the explosive twin of the Rukfist, related only by time and origins. Took a bit more time to solidify then the Ruk, but, doesn't mean I love thisun any less!


Designation: Hekvox.

Weapon Designation: Shotgun.

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Inner Asteroid Mining Authority, 10-Hygia, Jove Martian-Asteroid Field, Grineer Empire.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Optionally Charged Semi-Auto.

Damage=7.5 Slash, 232.5 Explosive

Critical Chance= 21%

Critical Damage= 2.5X

Status Chance= 10%

Projectile= Projectile (Blast Cone).

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 3.35

Magazine Size= 4 Chem-Can Rack.

Reload Speed= Interruptable, 0.65 to start, 0.55 per chem-can, 0.75 to finish. ( Heft weapon aloft, side "belt" of chem-can "hoppers" line up on side, place chem cans as needed in empty hoppers, assume firing stance, first hopper in chain is pulled into the firing chamber.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6

Riven Disposition= ?????

Polarity= Madurai

Special Trait(s):

Guided Detonation= 

Thanks to the set of refractive panels that can plate the gun's open barrel, the gun can sacrifice the wide 110' swath of 5 meters it covers on it's own to extend the range of it's blasts.

(Charging the weapon for a second reduces the blast radius by 4', but increases it's range by 2 meters as well. Caps out at 21 meters with a 78' blast radius.)

Handle With Caution=

As the device is meant for explosive clearance in anoxic environments, use of it on living things tends to lead to. . . "messy" results.

(On critical kill-hits, the targets upper torso will gib and scatter about at high speed, often leaving the legs behind.)



    Without meaning to, the weapon has a rather reptilian appearence in it's design. The tan and rough-textured barrel is open to the outside world on either side, allowing the grey-green-fumed blastwave to belch forth and turn solid rock into rubble in a a flash boom that leaves the ears ringing of those on the receiving end. When the weapon is charged however, a set of rusted iron-colored metal slats along the top and bottom of the barrel will slide into place on either side, reinforced little marvels capable of diffracting the blast further forwards instead of spending all it's energy in a short-range burst. Additionally, the weapon will begin to "strain" and creak as internal mechanisms further pressurize the barrel and preempt counteracting the machine's inevitably significant recoil. The longer it is charged, the more slats slide into either side until they form what appears to be a row of vicious-looking crocodilian teeth.

   So much of the gun is taken up by the barrel that all that remains is the detonation chamber, a thick military-olive box with a pyramidal top. Suspended on sliding rails above a hole in the top is an armored hypodermic needle apparatus containing the compound needed to actually cause a blast reaction to occur. Pulling the trigger causes the hypodermic to slide down the rails into the opening, a set of double-sliding doors closeing behind it to ensure the resultant blast only pushes ahead. There is no buttstock on the weapon, as the onboard mechanisms are meant to take the majority of the "bite" of the recoil, which, in sofar as it prevents bodily harm, it does. In it's place, the grip resides, bulbous as is the Grineer aesthetic with a thick bent sausage-like aspect to it that slightly tapers forward at the top and bottom where it attaches to the weapon.

   Several lumps on the inward side allow for a slightly more comfortable grip. The trigger is a simple blunted isosceles triangle, On the left side of the weapon, a sort of half-piped "balcony" of sorts resides where, suspended on from brackets mounted on a chain, are four (magazine determinate) chemical canisters containing a thick grey-green (energy colored) sludge with a consistency between shaving cream and liquid rubber. This is the other half of the entire chemical compound needed to properly trigger a detonation. As the weapon prepares to fire, the chain cycles the first canister into the blast chamber through a set of resisting doors. Once the canister is in position, the injector comes down from above, penetrates the thin top, and injects a minuscule droplet of the compound into the sludge. On contact, the canister erupts in a high energy blast that sends canister sharpnal flying.


"Basic" Description:

Constructed for use as an emergency rescue tool for demolition in anoxic environments, the Hekvox earned it's monikor from the the no-nonesense and pioneering asteroid miners of the inner belt, who look upon his political scheming and self-enrichment with concealed contempt.

The Voice of Hek, huh? I like that, especially considering the description.

Mechanically, it's an interesting beast. I definitely like the charge mechanism here. I enjoy weapons that can switch engagement range on the fly, so this sounds like a gun I'd pick up in the game.

Though I'm not sure if i like the fire rate on this, I'd go for something a bit slower, considering it's "heavy" feel.

Overall, pretty cool. Can't wait for your fishing as well (since you mentioned it in Jado's thread).

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10 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

The Voice of Hek, huh? I like that, especially considering the description.

Mechanically, it's an interesting beast. I definitely like the charge mechanism here. I enjoy weapons that can switch engagement range on the fly, so this sounds like a gun I'd pick up in the game.

Though I'm not sure if i like the fire rate on this, I'd go for something a bit slower, considering it's "heavy" feel.

Overall, pretty cool. Can't wait for your fishing as well (since you mentioned it in Jado's thread).

Thanks suh, it came paired with the Rukfist for some reason, likely relating to the whole "unorthodox rocketry" aesthetic they both had.

Oh, really? Interesting, I wasn't sure if they mechanic would make it to cumbersome or not, but, was in your boat in regards to weapon adaptation. Good to know theres at least one fan in any case

Thats fair, I lost the document several times due to Internet outages with long gaps in between where I was busy elsewhere, so, that may not even be the original number set, can try tweaking it a little later on, mayhaps bring it down into the 2s.

Fingers crossed suh! I've had the first three stuck in my head for about a year now, so, i'm ITCHING to put down their designs and accompanying "bomb-build" parts (More on that later.)

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21 hours ago, Unus said:

                                  Post 422

(Conceived circa 8/18/2018 somewhere between 22:?? And 24:??.)

Here we are folks, the explosive twin of the Rukfist, related only by time and origins. Took a bit more time to solidify then the Ruk, but, doesn't mean I love thisun any less!


Designation: Hekvox.

Weapon Designation: Shotgun.

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Inner Asteroid Mining Authority, 10-Hygia, Jove Martian-Asteroid Field, Grineer Empire.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Optionally Charged Semi-Auto.

Damage=7.5 Slash, 232.5 Explosive

Critical Chance= 21%

Critical Damage= 2.5X

Status Chance= 10%

Projectile= Projectile (Blast Cone).

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 3.35

Magazine Size= 4 Chem-Can Rack.

Reload Speed= Interruptable, 0.65 to start, 0.55 per chem-can, 0.75 to finish. ( Heft weapon aloft, side "belt" of chem-can "hoppers" line up on side, place chem cans as needed in empty hoppers, assume firing stance, first hopper in chain is pulled into the firing chamber.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6

Riven Disposition= ?????

Polarity= Madurai

Special Trait(s):

Guided Detonation= 

Thanks to the set of refractive panels that can plate the gun's open barrel, the gun can sacrifice the wide 110' swath of 5 meters it covers on it's own to extend the range of it's blasts.

(Charging the weapon for a second reduces the blast radius by 4', but increases it's range by 2 meters as well. Caps out at 21 meters with a 78' blast radius.)

Handle With Caution=

As the device is meant for explosive clearance in anoxic environments, use of it on living things tends to lead to. . . "messy" results.

(On critical kill-hits, the target's upper torso will gib and scatter about at high speed, often leaving the legs behind.)



    Without meaning to, the weapon has a rather reptilian appearance in it's design. The tan and rough-textured barrel is open to the outside world on either side, allowing the grey-green-fumed blast-wave to belch forth and turn solid rock into rubble in a flash boom that leaves the ears ringing of those on the receiving end. When the weapon is charged however, a set of rusted iron-colored metal slats along the top and bottom of the barrel will slide into place on either side, reinforced little marvels capable of diffracting the blast further forwards instead of spending all it's energy in a short-range burst. Additionally, the weapon will begin to "strain" and creak as internal mechanisms further pressurize the barrel and preempt counteracting the machine's inevitably significant recoil. The longer it is charged, the more slats slide into either side until they form what appears to be a row of vicious-looking crocodilian teeth.

   So much of the gun is taken up by the barrel that all that remains is the detonation chamber, a thick military-olive box with a pyramidal top. Suspended on sliding rails above a hole in the top is an armored hypodermic needle apparatus containing the compound needed to actually cause a blast reaction to occur. Pulling the trigger causes the hypodermic to slide down the rails into the opening, a set of double-sliding doors closing behind it to ensure the resultant blast only pushes ahead. There is no butt-stock on the weapon, as the on-board mechanisms are meant to take the majority of the "bite" of the recoil, which, insofar as it prevents bodily harm, it does. In it's place, the grip resides, bulbous as is the Grineer aesthetic with a thick bent sausage-like aspect to it that slightly tapers forward at the top and bottom where it attaches to the weapon.

   Several lumps on the inward side allow for a slightly more comfortable grip. The trigger is a simple blunted isosceles triangle. On the left side of the weapon, a sort of half-piped "balcony" of sorts resides where, suspended on it from brackets mounted on a chain, are four (magazine determinate) chemical canisters containing a thick grey-green (energy colored) sludge with a consistency between shaving cream and liquid rubber. This is the other half of the entire chemical compound needed to properly trigger a detonation. As the weapon prepares to fire, the chain cycles the first canister into the blast chamber through a set of resisting doors. Once the canister is in position, the injector comes down from above, penetrates the thin top, and injects a minuscule droplet of the compound into the sludge. On contact, the canister erupts in a high-energy blast that sends canister sharpnal flying.


"Basic" Description:

Constructed for use as an emergency rescue tool for demolition in anoxic environments, the Hekvox earned it's moniker from the the no-nonsense and pioneering asteroid miners of the inner belt, who look upon his political scheming and self-enrichment with concealed contempt.

Now THAT'S a fun shotgun! It has the outlandish brutality of Grineer weaponry, a unique design, and fun mechanics. I dig it!

...Plus, I like that it seems so unique. I have an admitted tendency to get stuck on kinetic weaponry (8 out of 51 concepts on my thread are energy weapons or similarly esoteric stuff! Man, I gotta branch out) so this could easily spark my imagination. 

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8 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Now THAT'S a fun shotgun! It has the outlandish brutality of Grineer weaponry, a unique design, and fun mechanics. I dig it!

...Plus, I like that it seems so unique. I have an admitted tendency to get stuck on kinetic weaponry (8 out of 51 concepts on my thread are energy weapons or similarly esoteric stuff! Man, I gotta branch out) so this could easily spark my imagination. 

Ah, thanks, as I told Mr. Crow, I feared it's mechanics were going to make it far to cumbersome for folks to take as a tool of destruction, but, happy to hear at least two folks enjoy it! Usually, I have to tell by "Like-Votes" how well somethings doing.

Heh, I think that may very well be why its taking so long for me to make entries these days. Each thing I try to make as unique as humanly possible in comparison to the rest of it's brothers and sisters, which means, sooner or later, things were gonna slow down to a snail's pace due to sheer size
Take your time suh! Ell, if your bored and idle and lack the drive, you can even do what I do with other's works and just browse around the piles. 

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                                      Post 427

(Conceived circa 9/19/2018 at 11:15-11:25.)

I think I get how my mental system works now! Unless there are at least two new items in my production timeline, I am stricken with apathy. It took this very concept for me to break free from my proverbial chains.

Anywho, now for something a bit more sinister, seeing that I woke up on this day with an old disturbing rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star back at the forefront of me mind. Let's get grody, shall we? MwhahahahahaHAhaha!


Designation: Synapoid

Unit Class: Infested


Health Type: A modest amount of Infested.

Health Statistics: (T.b.d.b.m.o.g.b.g.t.I.)


 Infested Core Intelligences, meaning that they are a rarity on contested Mercury and are far more common in and around Eris. There simply isn't enough cognitive tissue beyond the hives to properly focus on their construction.

"Equipment" and "Aesthetics".

Tough and stringy outer tissue, significantly well-developed internal musculature, pheromonal alarm sacks, electrical/chemical sensing outer membrane.


   Utilizing a crewman as it's baseline, Synapoids are thick and ropey creatures of a sluggish nature under normal circumstances. A disproportionate tube of grey flesh covered in scars and bubbled tissue, only the tips of the crewmen's boots and the vague layout of the arms raised above it's head remains to suggest it's origins. Moving in a slow and awkward accordion style in the manner of a tropical leech, making cacophonous meaty thumping sounds as it goes, synapoids lurk along ceilings, behind lockers and containers, and in the far corners of rooms. That all changes the moment someone casts or attempts to cast an ability. At that point, a twinned set of pink spheres push through the skin where the crewmen's knees and face were located, the entity pushes in on itself like a coiled spring, and then launches itself at the offender, hissing all the way in the manner of a spider's stridulation, but, amplified.

   Whether this furious living projectile strikes it's target or doesn't, on making ground contact, the synapoid will begin harassing it's foe as much as possible. At close range, it will form a heavy bludgeon out of it's upper half and flail wildly to impact foes, while, at long range, the synapoid will keep pace with it's target in a high-speed accordion style that, if it gains enough speed in one direction, may even cause it to trample a foe and accidentally overtake them. Further casting abilities around them will cause them to lunge yet again, while also increasing their melee attack swing and movement speed. When they die, they thrash about a bit in their death throes and cause some knock-back before going still and dissolving into a foul-smelling soup of grey bubbling fluid which slowly evaporates, leaving only a highly degraded crewmen helmet and a set of crewmen boots behind.


As previously stated, synapoids aren't particularly active combat-wise on entering a room. They tend to linger around the spore creep found along the walls and ceilings of rooms, slowly creeping from patch to patch or silently swaying just like it. At best, a synapoid that meets a foe at close range in this state will sluggishly flail its upper half at it before slowly moving out of reach.

This is all just a ruse for their actual purpose, ability casting deterrence. Anyone or anything (from Tenno to Eximi, to a gunner's simple ground-slam) begins casting an ability becomes an immediately painted target as the synapoids hurl themselves at the offender in a desperate bid to interrupt them. From then on out, the synapoids will ruthlessly pummel and batter at that target and that target alone in the hopes of slaying it or at least crippling it long enough for the rest of the horde to have time to kill it. Foes that flee from their adrenaline fueled desperation into other rooms go at the risk of the synapoids following them and awakening even more of their dormant kin, resulting in a furious fleshwave of knockback-inducing horrors.


"Basic" Description:

A ""natural"" evolutionary progression in the super-organism's unending quest to adapt to it's native environment (the battlefield), synapoids are the result of a caducyte worker colonizing a corpse from the battlefield in a hive under duress and using the excess mass to double it's own muscle mass seven-fold. Natively sluggish in their new forms to conserve energy, and useful for little more then laying new spore-creep cultures, the synapoid's true purpose is as a living landmine of sorts in order to counter the deadliest force on the battlefield in the modern day, Orokin technological abilities. Whether born from the extra-cosmic energies of the Void or harnessed by esoteric machinery, synapoids hone in on unusual signatures on the battlefield by their highly sensitive outer membrane and react immediately. Battlefield conditions or sheer stress will likely kill these simple creatures, but, whether it counters the foe or dies, the hive can simply reclaim these minimum-effort organisms and make more in a brutally efficient recycling program of sorts.


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Allo allo allo folks! Quick status update for those who may be wondering why I'm not working on anything.


The answer? I am! It's just in a prexisting category over on the front page in the Grineer Generations in the form of a new unit for Deimos, not necessarily a direct relative to the bizzare franken-grins of the Starborn Brigade, but, at least a cousin. You'll get a full disclosure as soon as it's complete folks!


Aside from that, should be seeing some "big game" pop up over in Warframe: Restless Depths real soon as well, some unique and dangerous beasties you can tussle with via speargun and knife. Where you'll be fishing, forget getting a bigger boat, your gonna need a big pair that clank!


Thats me report for now folks, aside from the opening up of a few side ventures that popped up out of the blue and started eating a few small chunks of my time. Apologies if this slows things down.


See you folks soon, and, thanks for reading!

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11 hours ago, voltocitygel said:

Wow. Lots of new stuff, and much more organization since my last visit! Keep up the idea farm. 

WOW, fancy seeing such an ancient voice such as your own here! I recall your presence from the eldest days, among the earliest voices of criticism.

Anything catch your eye on a broad-sweep through?

Also, QUITE happy the organization has improved since the early days then suh! I think that has been one of the greatest obstacles for the Pit, trying to be inclusive towards the audience without drowning them in a disgustingly incomprehensible first page.

For you folks out there, nothing to report currently on the creative front, the Patrolman/Commissar over in the Grineer Generations (Its over in the Starborn Brigade section) is currently developing at a steady pace as I put em through some mental scenarios, I did a big sweep through the most recent batch of concepts and did a rather significant amount of grammar and general "accidental word-salad" cleanup (good lord I even slur in my typed sentences!), I've updated the front page with the latest set of "quality votes" to more accurately represent what folks actually find interesting, and that is about the size of it, aside from some frustrating reality-based incidents that have occurred recently.

Heres hoping I polish off the P/C real soon, eh? See you all soon!


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11 hours ago, Unus said:

WOW, fancy seeing such an ancient voice such as your own here! I recall your presence from the eldest days, among the earliest voices of criticism.

Anything catch your eye on a broad-sweep through?

Also, QUITE happy the organization has improved since the early days then suh! I think that has been one of the greatest obstacles for the Pit, trying to be inclusive towards the audience without drowning them in a disgustingly incomprehensible first page.


Lots of things! Honestly, I could probably spend a whole day looking through all the stuff you've got here. Lots of neat stuff.

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11 hours ago, voltocitygel said:

Lots of things! Honestly, I could probably spend a whole day looking through all the stuff you've got here. Lots of neat stuff.

AH, dem, that's fair suh! Just happy it's in anyway interesting to you. If nothing else, if your ever really bored, I reccomend going through the "quality section" at the bottom of the front page and looking at the concepts with greater then or exactly four votes on em. Those seem to be the stand-out quality ones.


7 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I feel your pain.

Hehe, it seems to be a common thing amongst those of us who's ideas run amuck beyond one page.

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9 hours ago, Unus said:

AH, dem, that's fair suh! Just happy it's in anyway interesting to you. If nothing else, if your ever really bored, I reccomend going through the "quality section" at the bottom of the front page and looking at the concepts with greater then or exactly four votes on em. Those seem to be the stand-out quality ones.

I'll be sure to do that when I get a chance!

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$&@?! $&@?! $&@?! $&@?! F$&@!

(Sorry there's just no other way to describe that feeling.)


Holy shet! I was working on one of my topics when I suddenly realized. . . THE ENTIRE BOTTOM HALF HAS BEEN DELETED SOMEHOW!!!!!


Is there any way to revert a post back to before whenever the ell that happened?! That was 5 weeks of work lost and I don't keep backups, mostly because everything I do is straight from me!

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Alright, so, looks like, according to Mr. EternalDrkMako, contacting tech support IS an option, one I've actually gone through as of this posting. Assuming they actually get on my problem in a timely manner (I don't know when stored data expires on here.), there may be hope for a fix.

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Oh. . uh. . .as an aside folks. . . I take it theres no hope for the staff to get to me in a timely manner?

I'm worried, since i'm on a time budget and the clocks ticking till all the old data is dumped and i'm forced to try to recapture an ancient spark that may never be possible.

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Slowly starting to lose my mind as I desperately try to contact the developers, support, or any moderators at all (Only sent one support ticket, don't worry in that regard), but, not a single Goddem yes or no answer from anyone!


Can't I at least get an outright yes or no?! This is as frustrating as the periods of long dead silence I get in the Pit! I'm running out of time!

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Aright folks. In order to make something out of my little waiting game, the Pit is undergoing a bit of an "expansion freeze", as I can think of nothing beyond the data I lost and the entry within the data I was working on.


Thanfully, this does not spell doom for the Pit in the interim, for that means I can continue with phase 2 of Pit design, "Art-o-ficial Construction".


Simply put, I'll be ferreting about through our many many artistic heros, past and present, and see if they have free time to construct even more wonder imagery for the Pit!


Wish me luck folks! With any luck, I'll have something shiny and new for ya'll to ogle within the upcoming month!

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

Aright folks. In order to make something out of my little waiting game, the Pit is undergoing a bit of an "expansion freeze", as I can think of nothing beyond the data I lost and the entry within the data I was working on.


Thanfully, this does not spell doom for the Pit in the interim, for that means I can continue with phase 2 of Pit design, "Art-o-ficial Construction".


Simply put, I'll be ferreting about through our many many artistic heros, past and present, and see if they have free time to construct even more wonder imagery for the Pit!


Wish me luck folks! With any luck, I'll have something shiny and new for ya'll to ogle within the upcoming month!



This isn't mine, but it inspired me very much earlier today.

You need my help, I can PM you a big dump of stuff from my pinterest. Might help.

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