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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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5 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:



This isn't mine, but it inspired me very much earlier today.

You need my help, I can PM you a big dump of stuff from my pinterest. Might help.

Some manner of shocky killy grinic apparatus? Looks like. . . either some manner of arc-welder or a "shock-shot-harpoon" gun?

Top right looks like. . . a nailgun perhaps? Perhaps a hand-drill or a hand-harpoon-gun?


OH, uh, what I meant in my original sentence was some of my own creations given digital flesh-and-blood/nuts-and-bolts Mr. Wolf. Several hundred remain un-pictured (though only very few are deserving of artistic treatment, given the quality votes they have.).

That said, if you greatly desire to share your own collection with me, by all means, my private messages are wide open and welcoming.

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6 hours ago, Unus said:

Some manner of shocky killy grinic apparatus? Looks like. . . either some manner of arc-welder or a "shock-shot-harpoon" gun?


I used it to make some quick concepts of that EMP shotty I'm working on. The tubes made me think "Kuva!" and then I was all "that's it, I'm doin it!"

EDIT: I may not make it a kuva weapon, but the point is that the inspiration was there.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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On 2018-10-10 at 11:18 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I used it to make some quick concepts of that EMP shotty I'm working on. The tubes made me think "Kuva!" and then I was all "that's it, I'm doin it!"

EDIT: I may not make it a kuva weapon, but the point is that the inspiration was there.

Ah, who built this piece?

Hm. . . using Kuva as some manner of conductive fluid perhaps? Instead of wiring, may use a conductive liquid to conduct electricity.


An announcement folks.


Sadly, according to unanimous developer and moderator correspondence, reversion would ONLY work if the post was freshly created. As the Grineer Generations was initially founded in 2016. . . weeeellll shet.

Words cannot express my despondence and disappointment at the response (undirected at the news bearers of course), but, as always, for the sake of my sanity, it was an answer I needed in order to do anything.

The patch-job will be a mess, no doubts about it, but, I MUST make the Generations whole again!


Wish me luck folks.

Edited by Unus
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On 2016-07-27 at 5:07 AM, Unus said:

                                                         Post 23

Now we move on to something a tad bit more unfamiliar then political parties, the Grineer's " generational gap".

The Gritty Juicy Details Part 2

The Grineer Generations.

With a cultural heritage so deeply embedded into themselves that only genetic mutation or significant mental trauma could change it, the inhabitants of the Grineer Empire are extremely politically stable, since they all know that the chain of command always leads to and ends at the Kweens, no compromises, no regrets. Rather then be divided along political lines then, the Grineer's controversy arises from the "generational gap" that has inevitably occurred as a result of the near constant cloning that occurs across the Empire. The two factions, The New Bluds and the Grem, are more akin to exclusive social cliques then political groups. However, make no mistakes, both sides will gladly spill the blood of the other in the name of the Kweens, and, in the end, the Kweens will always get what they want, one way, or another (The Kweens never really intercede in these distant disputes, leading many to beleive that they continue to allow their existance to weed out potential troops from the slaughter and induct them into the baseline armed forces.)

  Reveal hidden contents

New Bluds

"Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do or die."

- Alfred Tennyson

Freshly plucked from their tubes and fitted with the necessary organs that may or may not be within them, New Blud troops tend to be an over-eager group when it comes to their chosen occupation. Whether it be working a mining machine, connecting wires in a power junction, or shouldering one of the billions of grakata guns that exist in the Sol system, New Bluds tend to approach all of their tasks with a single minded, almost youthful vigor. As such, this leads to the double-edged sword of New Blud troops going up against and beating impossible odds, but, dieing by the tens of thousands in the process, leading some members of the Grineer to regard them as expendable in the same way one might think of a single bullet fired from a mini-gun. This mindset has led to a a growing sense of dissent and dissatisfaction within the group, making things rather difficult whenever New Bluds are deployed alongside older Grineer. They regard the Kweens themselves with a blended cross between messianic veneration and dictatorial worship, and only their direct orders can motivate a New Bluds platoon to truly suicidal action.

Added Unit Characteristics:

New Blood-

New Blud unit consistency tends to skew towards light units with the occasional medium unit due to their "rookie" status in the Grineer social structure.

Serve Kweens!-

Regulators appear much more often and in greater numbers in New Blud Grineer missions. In addition,  all Regulators will only play the Phobos Grineer speech and have double the effect on New Blud troops.

Newborn Vigour- 

Having had little time to feel the brunt of their shortened lifespans, New Bluds are at the peak of their physical game.

+25% to maximum health and 1.5 increase to alert radius.


Overenthusiastic, short fused, and well ritualized in the ways of gun greasing, New Bluds have a tendency to unload everything they have at a target and then some, with little regard for such inane concepts as "trigger discipline" and "focused fire".

-15% accuracy, but, + 40% to rate of fire.

Royal Bias-

All female New Bluds have an additional 5% bonus to all statistics due to special treatment, having been born the Kweens' gender.

(Possible extras TBAd)


"Lead me, follow me, or get the hell outta my way."

-George S. Patton Jr



In the aftermath of some of the worst slaughters that the Sol Origin system has thrown at them, there are always those Grineer that manage to survive. Through stamina, strength, discipline, or pure mad luck, someone always crawls out from beneath the rubble whenever the reclamation crews or salvage ships arrive to go about their business. To become a Grem, a Grineer must go through this soul-shattering and limit -breaking experience thrice with either wounds or a kill to show for it. Those who have made a kill have their trigger finger blackened, while those who have received injuries have the area of injury blackened in a near-perfect outline. Having lived for so long against so many opposing forces, Grem members can be divided into two groups. Those who have grown numb to the sting of losing their brethren, and those so far decayed mentally and/or physically that death would be a blessing. For both types, there is no return home, no fleeing the front lines, there is only the slow march into whatever hellscape her majestys have deemed worthy of the presence of the Grem.

Added Unit Characteristics:

The Endless Walk-

Grem platoons contain a considerable amount of shield bearers and heavy units, emphasizing their disdain for the attrition warfare of main liners and the human wave tactics used by the New Bluds.

Prepared for the End- 

Due to their sickly nature and line of work, Grem kit up every day in the expectation that they will be dead by the next day. Their equipment is built to last for at least ten wearers in it's lifetime. +10% damage reduction for all Grineer units, -20% health for all organics.

Keep the Line Moving!-

Grem shield-bearers have a tendency to walk side by side with shields raised and contain the most Eximi among their troops. In addition, all shield bearers have +30% damage reduction blanketed over the "Prepared for the End" bonus as they are critical to the Grem's strategy.

Bitter Hatred

Though most of the Grem troops have consigned themselves to their various fates, none of them will go down quietly when their time comes. For every Grineer unit killed in a Grem's viewing range, a +5% permanent stacking damage bonus is applied, up to 25%.

The Cackling Horde

Behind this band of fated warriors trails a legion of their maddened brethren, gleefully awaiting the moment that a trooper finally breaks rank and scuttles howling into their throng. All Grem missions will have 1 to 2 Manics appear every time an alarm is pulled.

(Insert Additionals Here)

PHEW! Three days of thinking and I finally pulled it off. For your viewing pleasure! Now, time to take some time to work on the strains, should take a few days the way I've been doing these lately.

(Addendum Circa 10/18/2017 at 13:26)

Phew, blasted Internet crash made me lose it yesterday.

Anyway, and now for a generation that is neither old or young, but, rather, "lost" and "distanced" from their bretheren, mostly because they are so alien and isolated to them as to simply be incapable of integration.


"I despise you and I love you, you who are my damnation and salvation both."

   - John Scalzi, Old Man's War

The Starborn Brigade


Despite the Empire's efficiency at producing loyal and productive workers, the issue of human error always remains an issue due to the nation's sheer size and the sheer amount of citizens produced. Inevitably, dissidents, defects, and even simply unrecorded "products" slip through the cracks and are left to fend for themselves or, at the very least, offer themselves up to the nearest officer and take the mercy bullet owed to them. In recent years, however, thanks in no small part to the current ongoing war of attrition and atrocity against the Corpus, the power of a properly disposable work or armed force is actually beginning to become a luxury in the long-term as the templates continue to become rife with carcinogenic sequences and simple nucleotide breakdown. Seeking a method to delay this inevitable approaching disaster given Regor's constant delays (and eventual horrific death), some of the finest minds the Grineer can muster were sought in order to find a way to stave off this impending doom in a non-genetic manner. The answer found to be the most satisfying to the higher Grineer and the Kween(s) came from the sweltering forges of The Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing Group based out of the shattered remnants of Deimos.

Specializing in heavy construction and experimentation, but lacking the manpower for the most elaborate projects, the jittery inhabitants of Deimos promised spectacular gains for the empire as a whole as long as they received a steady stream of "test material". Eager for the permanent removal of riff-raff and rebel alike from their streets and prisons (hard-pressed by Tenno and Infested attack alike), the Empire obliged, and, within a few years time, Deimos' answer came marching down the halls of the Kuva Fortress to reiterate it's loyalty to the Kweens with loose lips, glassy eyes, and stiff marching. A new army was born among the stars, blessed with inhuman will and tasked with safeguarding the routes in-between the worlds of the Empire from their eternal enemies. The Starborn Brigade.

Added Unit Characteristics:

Inhibited Souls=

   Thanks to a rigorous (and torturous) regime of neural reprogramming, cybernetic brain shunting, nerve deadening, and simple repetitive pain exposure, Brigadiers no longer feel negative effects inflicted upon them. The burn of fire, the shock of energy, the confusion of radiation, nothing phases these fleshy war machines. All secondary status effects such as stun, knockback, or the burning animation as well as fear effects do not apply to Starborn troops.

Beyond-Human Strength=

   Significant amounts of electro-muscular stimulation therapy, tasteless vitamin slurry, and monotonous calisthenics programs have honed the Starborn into athletic paradigms. +10% movement speed, +15% health, and +20% melee damage for all Starborn troops.

Horrific Procedures=

   Even in eternal servitude, no one escapes the Kweens' or the Hierarchies' hatred. The worst offenders "recruited" into service  oftentimes arrive with explicit instructions to be fitted with internalized explosives to ensure satisfying vengeance for wronged parties elsewhere. "Gibbed" or decapitated units have a 15% chance to disperse a set of latchers or a radial shock mine burst on death from the wound.

Special Units:


Health Type: Cloned Flesh

Equipment: Sluagh Claws, Starborn-Typical Enhanced Anatomy, Insanity.

"Basic" Description:

Even with the brilliant iteration upon iteration of procedures that Deimos technicians and doctors utilize to strip the willful of both their wills and their souls, there is always a percentage who's transformation simply doesn't do well. Cybernetics that don't adjust to the user or treatments that don't quite take. The results tend to end up as gibbering animalistic wrecks that can barely contain their bodily functions, much less act as proper disciplined troops. But, as attack animals and trained sentries, they suffice. Armed with Sluagh claws and possessing the mannerisms of a manic, intermixed with mad hooting and an apelike posture, these barely clothed (combat shorts are usually the bare-minimum provision) wretches hurl themselves at as well as pull foes towards themselves, eagerly hoping to share some of their pain with the enemy.


Savage Handler=

Health Type: Cloned Flesh/Alloy

Equipment: Clepa Machine Carbine, Bulk Matter Void Transmitter, Mind-Stim Savage Guidance Device.

"Basic" Description:

Striding onto the battlefield with the cold cockiness of one who could care less about what they are up against, these  soldiers provide guidance and coordination to their savage wards via plucking their very neurons like harp-strings from a distance. The Clepa allows them to unload a significant amount of rounds onto a target and continue doing so, but their accuracy is something to be desired.


A hooded "cowl" of sorts that leads down to a dark grey cape that is slightly tattered, but not worn. A rubbery balaclava covers the face while a set of goggles obscure the eyes behind rough glass "portholes". The chest plate is smooth and unadorned, colored in the "cosmic" (deep DEEP black with dots of red, yellow, white, and blue stars across it in varying sizes and shapes) camouflage of the Starborn Brigade. Extending the top of the head is a circular mechanical cage of sorts with wires that connect right through the fabric of the cowl into the Handler's head, the sinister means by which the soldier puppets the savages like chess pieces on a chess-board. The arms are covered in full gauntlets camouflaged like the chest, while the "pants" and boots are a full set of greaves connected together, sealed for hostile environments.



Health Type: Cloned Flesh/Ferrite

Equipment: Atmos, Krurelta, Exoskeletal Leg Supports.

"Basic" Description: 

Usually saboteurs in their former lives before being pushed through "reprocessing", the telltale sound of jet thrusters blazeing and gleeful laughter announces their presence across the landscape. Dangling from the steel chain that connects wielder to weapon, these blazing lunatics spin and jump into the fray, evasively pulled about by the krurelta in almost graceful looking maneuvers while scorching lines in the landscape with their beam weapons. Never standing still for long, ravagers can be as much a hazard to their allies as they are to their foes, given the fuel-tanks they back-mount in place of hellion jet packs they utilize to refuel their atomoi. Though hard to hit given the strong armoring on it save a clear slit that wraps around the top for on-the-fly fuel measurement, striking this point will result in a satisfying "CRACKABOOM" in addition to a yellow fireball that can be seen for miles. When the wielder is slain (going out with a grateful thanks or a dissapointed grumble), the krurelta breaks free from the bodies' grasp, becoming nightmare personified, a hovering roller armed with a deadly tail-chain ell-bent on succeeding where it's "mountee" failed, marred only by it's thinner-then-standard robotic chassis.


Done-up in the garb of a standard butcher with a hellion's body-plate and a face enclosed by a mask similar to the "dome-bubble" of a dargyn pilot, the ravager foregoes subtlety with an oily red nebula (absolute black with gaseous splotches and a few scattered stars) "camouflage" that practically announces the presence of the wearer like a flash of lightning in the night. The tank of detonite-infused-grokdrule on it's back is a part of the standard "hump" of Grineer armor, filled with volatile ammunition. A set of hydraulic pistons mounted on the legs in a scaffolded assembly allows these thrill-seekers to perform even higher jumps then the thrust from their krurelta allows.



Health Type: Cloned Flesh/Ferrite

Equipment: Buzlok, Heli Cluster Plasma Grenade, Cardac Heart-Monitor.

"Basic" Description:

   The "flagship model" of the Starborn Brigade's corrective programs, hussar soldiers are glassy-eyed, drooling, deathly silent and unflinchingly loyal. Only responsive to those present during the mind-scrubbing and imprinting process in the lab and unflinchingly dutiful to the point that self destruction or evisceration are never considered when given orders, hussars can be found standing slack-jawed and ramrod-straight in the security towers and checkpoints that dominate much of Deimos. Regarding them as stupid due to their looks is very much equivalent to suicide, as their minds have been cleared of everything other then whatever orders they have received. Testing has revealed that the mental adjustments have been so effective that a hussar was once stood in front of a water fountain for a week and told not to partake, breaking the command only 4 hours before inevitable death in an animalistic conflict between programming and instinct. They say they've gotten it down to two hours since. . .


   As an added threat alongside their unflinching loyalty, each hussar is equipped with a Caradac Heart Monitor mounted on it's chest, just over the heart. Acknowledging the "cannon fodder" nature of these soldiers, Deimos cybernetists installed these security measures to ensure that even in dieing, a hussar soldier can provide a tactical advantage. If the hussar is killed without chest dismemberment and without the implant being removed, the corpse will emit a distinct and extremely loud whine simultaneously with an S.O.S. radio broadcast that can be heard and/or picked up out to at least 30 meters from the corpse. Adjusted to a pitch that resonates extremely well with Grineer hearing, the whine and/or transmission will set any nearby troops on alert, with at least one going exactly where the body came to rest. 


Aside from the "dargyn helm" head, the true-heart-shaped chest implant (destructible) with a little speaker and a small transmitter-post sticking out of it, and the "yellow nebula" style Starborn pattern on it's uniform, the hussar's physical uniform is completely unchanged from it's space-marine brethren's.



Health Type: Cloned Flesh/Ferrite.

Equipment:  Argonak, Pressurized Prosthetic Leg Extensions, Synthetic Muscle-Fibered Limbs.

"Basic" Description:

Cold and silent female counterparts to their hussar brethren, these stout marksmen were created to be a significant improvement over their more lively ballista cousins. With their organic arms removed and replaced with sturdy synthetics and their single shot vulkars replaced with the more flexible argonaks, arbalests are masterful long-range killers capable of following-through on multiple targets in a few short moments. In addition, unlike the ballistas they replace who's accuracy and range is dependent on the terrain, arbalests can and will make their own lethal sniping positions, as their stiff insectile leg prosthetics are capable of pushing their torsos a further six feet into the air and adjusting to anywhere in between in accordance with the arbalest's own nerve impulses. The servomotors in these components are so precise that the arbalest can effectively dodge incoming projectile fire by extending up or retracting their legs down. The well-tuned legs also come with the passive added bonus of allowing arbalests to travel significant distances in a few strides, something of significant value given the long tracks of land they are commonly deployed in.

The unfortunate weakness of their leg components, as yet to be counteracted due to weight compromises and material limits, is that, in their extended state, they are vulnerable to trauma, though their thin profile helps counter this. If and when one limb is blown off, the arbalest will inevitably fall in a ragdoll manner, sometimes receiving damage dependent on their previous height. If they survive, they essentially become land-bound turrets with extremely slow motility, but excellent accuracy and turn-speed.


Little flesh remains on these particular volunteers/victims  of Deimos' unbridled need to tinker. All that remains of the original Grineer is a ballista's torso and head, the head being inside of a dargyn pilot bubble-helm and the armor being of a "White Nebula" Starborn pattern. Meanwhile, the inhuman arms of the arbalest ripple with armor-camo-imbued prosthetic muscle, possessing only a strong trigger-finger, a middle-finger, and thumb on each hand, narrowing down the options of just what an arbalest can do other then point and shoot by design. The legs are tall, bent in an insectile manner, and are digitigrade, with a well-balanced "duck-foot" on the bottom that allows for the arbalest to maneuver with little fear of tripping and falling through any fault of their own while also allowing them to stabilize themselves in a near-organic manner. The same pattern found on the chest is also found ingrained into the artificial muscle fibers of the legs as well, albeit patterned on a much smaller scale.



Health-Type: Cloned Flesh/Alloy.

Equipment: Krancor, Extreme Corpulence and Muscle, "Miasma" Breach- Generator, "Nooscope" Dimesional-Layering Goggles.

"Basic" Description:

Sickly and corpulent,yet muscular and tough, these massive horrors are subject to all manner of hormone treatments and neurochemical therapies in order to ensure loyalty and survive the experimental technology strapped to them. Commonly former female Kavar in their previous lives, these giants waddle-stride onto the battlefield in a maelstrom of emotions, spiteful roars, fearful whimpering, and murderous laughter being some of the few constants in the tumult of vocalizations. Drilled into their skulls and fastened firmly around their eyes is the reason for their plight, a portable Void generator that  allows the viewer to see through the skin of reality straight into the swirling impossibility of the Void. As every warframe disrupts the Void just by maintaining it's link to it's Operator, the Ultras are "trained" to home-in on these ripples and remove the ripple-causer in real-space, regardless of where it hides. As they remain aware of the real world only through a fuzzy green overlay of their surroundings, they tend to have quite myopic fields of view, yet once they have a target in their sights, there is nowhere to hide.

   On their back is the other reason for their bulk, a large precision-tuned punch-drive that, upon the end of the lengthy start up sequence, temporarily "let's the Void in", spilling tendrils of void protomatter across the battlefield and weakening the laws of reality on both sides. The result is that both the Ultra and it's surrounding allies in a radius around them will begin rapidly blinking out of and into existence repeatedly, appearing at sudden intervals only to disappear once more and appear elsewhere. For a normal Grineer (and indeed just about any human) this process would shatter a mind after just a few "blinks", but, because of the extreme amounts of conditioning, chemical modification, and cranial "adjustment", a Brigade member can take hundreds of blinks over the course of it's lifetime.

   Ultras are rare finds on the battlefield, even on Deimos' toxic crust and in it's vast cities due to the significant amount of monitoring and need to maintain a balancing act of chemicals, cognitive reprogramming, and physical adjustment to prevent the results from being much more then a broken wreck, but when deployed, Ultras can drive a significant wedge into any aggressor's plans.


Their bloated forms closely resemble the "noble" Kuva Guard's, but pushed even further to the limits of survivability. Their small bald multi-chinned heads are housed inside of a fishbowl helmet not unlike that of a noxes', though the helm seems just barely able to fit over the ultra's head. Within the helm, a cyclopian orange-lenses visor is bolted over the ultras eyes and forehead, complete with a metal dome that covers the skull and connects to the top  of the fishbowl by a set of wires. The wires then snake down along the back of the dome to the large decidedly non-Grineer cylinder made up of slowly rotating rings that is mounted on it's back. The rings all rotate just slightly out of synchronicity with each other, achieving a spiral pattern around a lambent white prismatic crystal of sorts. When the structure activates, the spiraling ceases and the rings part so that they equally set on both sides. The rings then slam together with a trumpeting groan and the device emits a wispy shockwave that gives all present a glimpse of the Void beyond.

 Alongside both sides of the ultra's front, a set of straps of sorts tightly cling to the ultra's armored mass, housing a line of Krancor magazines along each side velcrod onto them. The armor itself maintains the same Starborn Nebula armor pattern, though, in this case, the "nebula" pattern on it is orange. Unlike most female Grineer, ultras actually have flesh-and-blood legs (though they aren't always born with them) clad in articulated armored greaves. They are highly muscled, yet also have the significant fatty bulk of the rest of the ultra, making their walking cycle somewhat awkward. Their arms keep with the bulk and beef of the rest of their bodies, their hands thick and meaty with just enough dexterity to wrap a finger around a trigger and hold a weapon.



Health Type: Cloned Flesh/Ferrite.

Equipment: Skoil, Energized Shield, Spatial Displacer.

"Basic" Description:

Fearless and brash even in the face of armored vehicles, escuchons were a successful experiment in forging a soldier into a weapon that actively sought combat rather then fled from it. Created from actual volunteers who wished to make amends for perceived or legitimate slights towards  the Empire's constituents, the escuchons are some of the few Starborn soldiers who are left with a few basic social faculties (put them alongside an average Grineer though, and you will see the familiar conditioning changes made). Traditionally loyal on the outside, physiologically loyal on the inside given the myriad amount of pharmaceuticals needed to keep them in a state of "eternal heroism", the escuchons are the poster children of the Starborn Brigade. Whenever a common grineer hears of the Brigade, it is patriotic narrated propaganda by one of these  "perfect soldiers" alongside hundreds of its brethren that springs to mind, commonly accompanied by aspirations of joining them. The reality is slightly less impressive. 


In combat, these strung-out drug addicts start by hurling their limited a.i.-controlled spears into the fray and letting them cruise around the battlefield searching for targets before charging blindly forward with their energized shields to knock a foe down. Unlike standard shields, the escuchon's are equipped with prototypical energy shielding, making punch-through attacks that much less dangerous and adding more knockback to the blows. As if that wasn't bad enough, they are equipped with the same spacial displacers that flameblades are, meaning they can relocate behind a foe mid-charge, arrive at their spear to retrieve it if it is idling, or coordinate with other escuchons to perform "sandwiching attacks" on foes, crushing them between both shields or ping-ponging them twice between the them.


Aside from these bells-and-whistles though, the escuchons are rather basic troops, straddling the line between shield-bearer and flameblade, their heroism and adonisian form merely a clever facade to hide just another cog in Deimos' personal warmachine.


Unlike many Grineer, the face beneath the bubble helmet is unblemished and well-sculpted, idealized embodiments of their Orokin Age symmetry. Careful products of heavy mental conditioning, plastic surgery, and biochemical enhancement, they carry themselves with a confident swagger that suggests they are important and they know it. Their armor is of the typical Starborn pattern, only the nebula is a royal blue. On most escuchons, the left breast is a smooth plate housing an array of meaningless badges, patches, and accolades meant more to impress the masses then to display the accomplishments of the bearer, though there are some that are decorated truthfully. Hidden in plain sight on the armor, a set of green "wires" that snake from the back of the neck down to a barely discernible compartment on the lower back are actually the injection tubing for the "courage-cocktail" that keeps these cocky infantry in their eternal state of glory-seeking. While destroying the compartment is out of the question, the results of its loss are quite obvious, as can be seen in the more urban environments on Deimos where babbling over-due veterans can be found on the floor or along the roadside, begging and groveling for a fix that may or may not be coming. Aside from these particular aesthetic differences, their armor is much the same as a flameblade or shield-bearer, the numerous track-marks and treatment scars hidden beneath an immaculately kept and well-polished uniform.


(Completed Circa 11/5/2017 at 11:08.)

And THATS it folks! The Starborn Brigade in all its frankensteinian glory! A bit more complicated then the Grem and the New Bluds, but most certainly one worth talking about in my own page-missing book! How they sound? To unique?

(Addition added circa 9/26/2018 at 12:19, completed circa  )

(Concept below Conceived circa 9/22/2018 at 3:39)

Dem it folks, just can't let the "complete" stay completed, got another unit for ya folks, something nasty to keep ya on your toes on the inward side of Deimos.



Health Type: Cloned Flesh and Alloy.


Subcranial scanning equipment, 1 shoulder-mounted spotlight, 1 flak jacket, 2 triple-fibered muscle-weave legs + gripping talons, nearly unlimited police powers, 1 arm-mounted launch mechanism chambered for either imobolt or contact grenade launching, 1 Tonkor or 1 Quartakk.


"Basic" Description:

These ruthless killers are Deimos' attempts at emulating the Grustrag Three's more beneficial defects on an industrial and more controllable scale, in the hopes of making a powerful inquisitorial force for the Empire's distant colonies. Unfortunately, the cerebral modifications inevitably gave the applicants a slew of vices, enough that any further adjustments were deemed potentially detrimental as the traits that were deemed beneficial were invariably linked to the Three's worst excesses. Not wanting to waste still-viable soldiers however, the forces of Deimos scaled back production to supplying itself alone with these 


(Addendum circa 5/6/2018 at 18:12.)

And now for yet ANOTHER Grineer faction to add to the list, Even more different from the other 3 in that they don't even know the Empire exists. I don't know why the Grins get all the spotlight around here, there's just something about them, a certain flexiblely unique nature that allows me to take them places the Corpus can't go. Anyway, enough dithering, CHAAAARGGGGGE!


"We are ending where the savages began. We have found again the lost arts of starving non-combatants, burning hovels, and leading the vanquished away into slavery. Barbarian invasions would be superfluous, we are our own Huns."

           - De Jouvenal, Bertrand, On Power: The Natural History of It's Growth.

The Dotter Tribes

Before the dawn of the Sentient War, when the system was still embroiled in the Orokin's myriad escape plans from the mundane masses and their contingencies within contingencies, Venus was destined to be yet another experimental bid for more time for the Orokin Empire to exist. Among it's global architects, a vision was laid out for Venus to be a halfway point between the largely agrarian and simple denizens of Earth and the towering high-rises above subsurface megapoli of Orokin Mercury. From here, the finest and longest-reaching minds among the short-lived humans and the most narrow minded and "down-to-earth" among the Orokin could at last intermingle, free to go about their days in discourse without potentially elevating the standard human rabble or dragging the Orokin elite down into the worldly muck. A cage, but a gilded and roomy one which would ease the growing pressure from without and within for the Empire to change by placing critics that could not be destroyed into their own Eden.

In it's rush to complete the project rapidly, the Empire "cut" corners in the form of utilizeing an adapted Grinic workforce, spawned from sheltered automated vats plunged deep within the crust from orbit by sheer force of replenishable manpower and human ingenuity. From here, aside from the occasional teleoperated intervention from the architects, the process of terraformation went about as it should have, with hardworking and content Grineer slowly taming the hellfire world into something much more pliable. And then, the Sentient War happened. Caught up in the chaos as the ravaging worm-fleets began their slow march across the Sol-Origin system, all project resources for the Venusian project were pulled up by the roots or redirected away, leaving Venus alone in the dark one day with no answers as to why. The Grineer left behind were left to their own devices and, as many machines began to break down, slowly began to turn to basic survival and religious fervor rather then their daily duties. In the modern day, these workers remain, scattered across the globe in mutated survivalist tribes that Corpus politician have dubbed collectively as  "The Dotter", derived from a speech given by the first Investor-General of Venus who stated that ". . .they must pay what they owe to the descendants of their masters, yet they continue to squat among the ruins of our forefathers. These. . . Debt-Squatters. . . These DOTTERS, MUST. . . BE. . . CLEARED!"

Added Unit Characteristics:

Pack Mentality= 

The more Dotter there are, the better they function as a group.

Each tribesmen above two applies a blanket 2% bonus to all health statistics in addition to accuracy, "reaction time", and detection radius. Below two members, the single tribesmen will receive a -2% penalty and desperately begin seeking out other members, only rarely attacking if cornered.

Thanks in no small part to programming tweaks in the automated vats and cultural practices (self-branding, purposeful exposure, etc) Dotter Grineer are much hardier then their interplanetary brethren against extremely low and extremely high temperatures.

+50% innate resistance to cold damage and +50% resistance to heat damage on all Dotter troop-types. 


Zealous Focus= 

Aside from the Days of Strife, most Dotter remain passive to outside presences. So long as they aren't touched, shot at, or have their "personal bubbles" entered, they will not react to the existence of others. Once disrupted, their single minded focus becomes utterly dedicated to the killing of the outsider. (Note that the Dotter found in raider camps do NOT follow these rules.)


Unlike modern Grineer, Dotter Grineer have quite stringent programmatic training. To this day and despite significant cultural shifts and mechanical degradation, all Dotter seek to work on or restore Orokin machinery. Some Corpus companies have put this base impulse to use by dumping Orokin salvage over Dotter encampments and allowing them to attempt to reassemble the parts. 60% of the time they passingly succeed, leading to their deaths by corporate reclamation teams. Given the success of the recovered braton and lex weapons on the open market, this may be the very reason why the Corpus of Venus have not pushed for full extermination.

  Day of Strife=
Aside from the few surface-salvage/raiding settlements that reside on the surface, the Dotter largely keep to their vats deep below ground, pumping out clone after clone and harvesting fungi and algae from around the vats for paste conversion and consumption. Eventually though, there comes a point where the population exceeds sustainable levels. It is usually at this point that the Fire Keeper of that tribe makes a choice. Either they expand the walls of the caves above the vats, or they use all of their manpower to force a mass-raid on the surface in order to try to drive back the "rebels" and steal back their Master's rightful belongings.75% of the time, it is the latter.

Occasionally, after a day of significant snowfall, a massive wave of Dotter Grineer will amass from the entrances to their subterranean abodes and throw themselves at one of the many Corpus outposts on the landscape. If they succeed, the Dotter will temporarily overtake the outpost, station a Fire-Keeper there, and use it for further raids on other outposts, allowing them to reinforce their front lines with a subsurface tunnel at the center. If the tunnel is closed via destruction or the next frost arrives, the Dotter will immediately abandon the post and get back to their lairs with their "liberated" gains till another day heralds their coming with another helish down-pouring of snow.

Special Units:

Dotter Ballista

Health Type= Cloned Flesh.

Equipment= Dotter Paris, Firebombs.

"Basic" Description=

   Bug-eyed and multiarmed, these quiet terrors are the female half of the Dotter Strain gone wrong. Never meant to actually exist, dotter ballistas were a vat mistake that was cataloged and codified by the vat's limited a.i. as being something of value in the more resource strapped and violent times of the modern day. Built like athletes and capable of seeing up to a half-mile away in both snow and dust storms, they are the manhunters, scouts, and sentries of the tribes, ambling over the terrain like baboons before suddenly taking a knee and piercing an unfortunate target through it's vitals. As the scouts and messengers of the tribes, they are able to replicate voices and sounds they hear with a disturbing amount of accuracy.


Adorned in the Grineerskin leather that all Dotter tend to adorn themselves with, it is truly hard to tell they are actually female until you hear their war cries when entering battle. Their multilayered coats are modified for their extra pair of spinal arms to go through, one being an ineffective stump and the other having just a thumb and index finger, perfectly in place to reach into their back quivers and hand themselves their next shots. Though several commonly wear working masks to protect against the heat, the cold, and the enemy, some do not, exposing much-to-large eyes, bony noseholes, and nearly lipless mouths for all the world to see. Some even maintain a set of bone piercings from previous generations, commonly pierced through the nose, the upper eyelids, and the lips. They walk with a slight hunch, but, when running, they break into a baboon-style sloping gait which easily transitions into a stable firing position.

Dotter Hulk

Health Type= Cloned Flesh (A significant amount of it.)


Bare Hands (Feral Variant), Furaxes (Tamed Variant), a combination of braton m, Jut Ret, and lex in any variable order (Gun Variant), Sheer Brute Strength and Endurance (All).

"Basic" Description=

The result of a common defect with the vats whereupon several clones will merge in-vitro into one form, modern Grineer supervisors will simply abort the developing entity or separate the embryos out and mark them for ensured limb transplantation. The autonomous vats of Venus, lacking any supervision at all and focused on survival at all costs however, have converted the mutation into a template in and of itself. Though the survival rate of specimens is low, and the chances of post-birth socialization much the same, those that do assimilate into the tribes are true horrors to behold, mountains of rippling muscle and raw strength who act as defensive bulwarks against the worst that man and nature can throw at the tribes.


They come in three distinct variants, but all members of the template follow the same ad-hocly standardized layout. A barrel-chested tree-trunk of a body, rippling with muscle and sinew houses two sets of arms, one under the other in their own sockets and rippling with muscle and sinew as well. A hairless head on a short neck juts out of the mass of muscle on top, limited in it's ability to articulate due to, once again, an over-muscled neck. The ears are quite reduced in size, the nose is just a pair of holes, and the lips are as thin as leaves. The eyes are sunken into the skull and the skin across the entire body overall is a very pale tinge of peach. The belly-button and nipples are almost nonexistent, while the over-muscled pillarlike legs are tipped with toenails in the right places, but, no toes.

Feral Hulk-


Brought to term, but, unable to integrate, these mad beasts are kept in shackles and act as surly and disposable beasts of burden for the tribes. Desperation or sabotage by others can result in Feral Hulks running free, ready to vent their anger and frustration on the first foes they see. 30% of all Hulks born tend to be of the feral kind.


The head is turned at an odd angle on the neck and the skin has taken on a strange grey pallor. The sunken eyes are bloodshot and red. They wear only a diaperlike leather loincloth and a set of thick and flat leather "sandals" that have been burned onto the bottoms of their feet like horseshoes. A variety of scars covers their torso and back, inflicted from a wide variety of sources. When idling, they twitch in fitful movements and look about at the world with a manic, twitchy energy.

They communicate only with wordless grumbling when idle and deep human bellows right from the diaphragm in battle. They can leap through the air at foes and will even jump to "all-fours" when chasing foes at a distance, fighting with mad flailing, vicious charges, and wild pummeling. 

"Tamed" Hulk

"B".D. 2= 

Stable in comparison to their feral bretheren, as well as being capable of limited social interaction, "Tamed" Hulks tend to be the muscle in Dotter excavation teams and work details. Armed with a set of four furaxes and a small amount of training, "Tamed" Hulks will happily spend all their waking hours pounding away through regolith and stone as living mining drills. In combat, they fight with all four arms in a flurry of blows that can pound through solid rock with enough time. Approximately 50% of all Hulks brought to term are "tamed" hulks. While hulks tend not to be treated as abject beasts of burden like ferals, they are still monitored closely, living slightly more independent lives at the edge of camps under the watchful eyes of sentries.


"Tamed" Hulks have much healthier pale skin tones then their feral bretheren, and their heads sit properly on their necks. In addition to the leather loincloth of the ferals, "tamed" Hulks are also permitted to wear some legitimate clothing, consisting of open-sided leather tunics, leather scarfs, and metallic sandals, held on by strings of electric wire. On their heads is a cage like helmet, complete with a hard-hat top for protection against debris. They are commonly equipped with work masks to shield their mouths.the scarring on their bodies is not nearly as severe or obvious as it is on the ferals.

Gun Hulks=


Gun Hulks are those rare hulks who are born with full cognitive functionality, a rarity amongst their kind. Exalted among the Dotter as avatars of labor and safety, these large Grineer are the true bulwarks upon which entire tribes are reliant against forces from the outside world. Ambidextrous and strong, gun hulks are fully capable of wielding several weapons at once. Being given significant precedence in the tribal hierarchy for their sheer worth, these reddish-tan skinned giants are well fed and cared for to the point they reach enormous sizes, so large that they actively need to pull their arms to their chests in order to move through doorways. Approximentally 20% of all Hulks born are Gun Hulks. Being so valuable, Gun Hulks have the privilege of being equipped with actual armor plate in addition to the leather clothing of the tamed ones. Made entirely of primitively hammered and smelted Corpus helmets, their bullet resistant armor consists of a helm with a knight-like opening slit across the front with a circle for each eye,  a set of "shoulder helms", sectioned-off helm plates for each forearm, helm-knee plates, "helm shoes" that enclose the feet, and a single helm squashed flat in the middle of the chest. On their backs is a leather backpack of the hikeing style, filled with ammunition for several kinds of weapon and festooned with skulls and other tribal fetishes. To complete their intimidating appearence, gunhulks commonly wear a set of formerly-standard red tinted safety goggles beneath their helms, giving them a terrifying owl-eyed glare in darker places.


Dotter Firekeeper

Health Type: Cloned Flesh

Equipment: 1 Jut Ret, Sheer Willpower and Grit, Hideous amounts of Natural Stamina, The Loyalty of all Lesser Dotter Grineer.

"Basic" Description:

Originateing from the "Foreman" template the Orokin once cultured, the Firekeepers are the Vats' adaptation of the role to a goal of sheer survival in the harsh conditions of Venus. Standing only slightly shorter then a Hulk, Firekeepers certainly make their presences known when present in a group. While the others toil away under their various heavily pre-programmed behaviors, firekeepers have the pleasure of a significant amount of autonomy and self-awareness, almost matching that of the generic interplanetary Grineer's leadership. All other Dotter listen when a Firekeeper speaks (indeed, it can be argued that only the Firekeepers can actually fluently speak any semblance of language, the others merely conversing via gestures or merely listening.) , for, without the presence of their makers, it is they who give the orders of what to do with themselves. Almost universally, the basic goals are always survival and (in a "recent" development), the cowing of their Master's servants back into their proper places (the Corpus, quite naturally, beg to differ.). In some tribes however, recording's of their master's orders survive and are played religiously on a day to day basis, endlessly repeating the same few years of work from battered speakers commanding the tribesmen to work upon decaying machinery and the same battered structures over and over again. In places occupied by the Corpus that are mentioned in these orders, it is common to see at least one Firekeeper leading the charge, filled with fiery religious zeal.



Lightly adorned despite the bitter chill of their homeworld, Firekeepers stride into battle bareing their red skinned chests, wearing their scars with pride. Clothed only with a leather loincloth at their most basic (some wear their forebearer's skulls as symbols of authority, or pierce their flesh with other bones.), a Firekeeper's body is a burnt, blistered, and battle-scarred collage of previous experiences, some from weapons fire, others from self-branding or bitter exposure in order to prove their true worth. These pain-tolerant zealots lead from the front, and every single Dotter behind them follows their every command to the letter. No matter how remotely located the tribe is, each and every single Fire Keeper is armed with a Jut Ret as a symbol of office and a constantly-kept-burning chemical barrel strapped to their backs, both defense and symbol in equal measure. A multilayered strip of dampened leather protects most of the keeper's bare back, giving them a unique aroma of wet burned skin and boiling urine.


ALRIGHT, think I managed to fix those bottom last two to the best of my abilities. Still frustrated about any loss at all, but, don't have the luxury to complain about it, got an entry in there to finish.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

ALRIGHT, think I managed to fix those bottom last two to the best of my abilities. Still frustrated about any loss at all, but, don't have the luxury to complain about it, got an entry in there to finish.

I know how it is, man. If I lose work, I'm much more likely to go through hell or high water to get it back, cause the thought of trying to redo it when I could just FIND IT is just... painful.

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14 hours ago, Unus said:

ALRIGHT, think I managed to fix those bottom last two to the best of my abilities. Still frustrated about any loss at all, but, don't have the luxury to complain about it, got an entry in there to finish.

From every destruction, a new existance should be born. And no matter how hard you try, you can't break the Starborn Brigade.

This is for you, @Unus.

Starborn Brigade:




Savage Handler:



















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16 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

From every destruction, a new existance should be born. And no matter how hard you try, you can't break the Starborn Brigade.

This is for you, @Unus.

Starborn Brigade:


  Reveal hidden contents


Savage Handler:

  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



WOW, you didn't need to go and push THAT far suh! Yowza! Right outta left field!

Big terrifying bonus that you really REALLY stuck to the "script". THANK YOU! This has to be the largest art dump I've been given in the history of the Pit!

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Gotta apologize for the significant delay in Pit updates folks! Mr. Crow's donation has resulted in a mind-dizzying amount of time spent refurbishing old areas of the Pit in addition to broadcasting updates across various social media platforms. Rest assured, the plan still goes thusly.

1. Completion of the Patrolmen/Commissar piece for the actual Ecumen part of Deimos.

2. The actual detailing of the huntable species over in "Restless Depths", in addition to the final fleshing out of poor dear Tanaya's backstory which I have shamefully left abbreviated for so long.

3. The detailing of Deimos' leading villain.

Just gotta rev the engine back up again so that it all goes at a goddem consistent speed! Blasted "Schrodinger Bursts" of being extremely busy, then not busy at all are making things difficult. Wish me luck folks! I'm gonna need it.

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Looks like I should get back and read about Deimos Grineer, first saw these in Discord and I immediately thought Ravager as 'Grineer with atterax, teaching players some lessons'. Apparently It is not but the idea still entertains me though. The idea of it being a piloted drone seems very interesting if this is to be implemented, and, look like something hard to handle and different from what we have now.

I haven't got back to the forum for a long time, great to see these updates.

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11 hours ago, Ammisro said:

Looks like I should get back and read about Deimos Grineer, first saw these in Discord and I immediately thought Ravager as 'Grineer with atterax, teaching players some lessons'. Apparently It is not but the idea still entertains me though. The idea of it being a piloted drone seems very interesting if this is to be implemented, and, look like something hard to handle and different from what we have now.

I haven't got back to the forum for a long time, great to see these updates.

I can understand that feeling, not many folks really like to read the description to see that I made the Krurelta to have that clunky momentum-based feel to it, like it's dragging you around rather then you trying to swing the thing, hehe.


I can understand that mam! The academic year forges ever onwards, and can easily leave someone behind if they don't keep up with it.

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Still slowly chewing through processing as we speak folks, as far as the art goes from Mr. Crow and intermingled with reality jumping in front lately. Sorry, but, hey, at least the schedule is still completely intact!


I admit, there IS one thing I need to suss out with one of my designs, that being how to make a  certain aspect of the Patrolmen/Comissiar less ridiculous sounding in text.

They have these. . . well, the legs are artificially grown seperate and surgically grafted onto the body. The toes are elongated outwards in a creepy "spider-like" layout with nasty keratin talons splayed out that are prehensile. "Gripping claws" essentially, that they use to leap, grab foes, kick at enemies, or sink into building surfaces for stability.


Is the image I'm generating "visible" for you folks? Or, am I not getting it across?

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A) Got some actual news folks! Thanks to some of my creator associates (Mr.Crow, Mr. Jado, Mr. Wolf), I've gone over my only Warframe, Feynman, with a bit more of a critical eye and made a few statistical and ability adjustments. Aside from an armor downgrade to bring it a bit better into line with the other suits, I've reworked Construct, it's three, to be less turretlike and a bit more "mobile hover vehicle" in approach. Mobility that was sorely lacking according to all consulted.


B) Wellllllllll. . . shet. In the last few days, we crossed the threshold of 30,000 views. Assumeing those don't count how many times I've pressed my own button. . . wow, feeling a little faint at the thought.

Two years, two Goddem years of creation, refinement, consultation, loss, gain, good pub, bad pub. . . . oof.

I just. . . what can I even say? I know my constant work technically is the reason why folks come, but, I've seen so many other concepts that, despite years and years of development, have only received a few thousand. What is it about my creation that piques people so?


Regardless, I. . . thank you for listening to me folks. I hope your enjoying this as much as I am, be ye veteran or newcomer. I'll. . . guess I'll keep at it, eh? (Think I got something in me eye, maybe both. . .)


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Just poppin in to wish y'all a Happy Halloween! Pologies that it's not a fantastical update folks, though progress has indeed been made on the Patrolman/Comissar.


It seems that the more I create, the more time it takes for me to go through every single previously made design I have to ensure I don't repeat myself.


Seems to be taking months now, sadly.

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Annnndddd. . . .done! At least, as far as the REAL meat of the concept is concerned. May I present, the Patrolman/Commissar of Deimos, complete at last and observable right at the very end of the Deimos set in the Grineer Generations. I have a set of quotes that i'm working on for them, but, i'm not as sure about giving a set to them as I was for "big show" enemies like the Parapet and the Numen, as, while they only show up in the city area of Deimos, they pretty much occupy the niche of "rare heavy" there as opposed to "Mega-Boss" or "Story Enemy". Really up to what folks think in that regard.

I'm sad that it took so long for me to finally get back into the creative game from my sudden introversion into rabidly strategy gaming the day away, but, at last, I think i'm scuttling out from under my rock and getting things done! Good to be back in the saddle.

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

Annnndddd. . . .done! At least, as far as the REAL meat of the concept is concerned. May I present, the Patrolman/Commissar of Deimos, complete at last and observable right at the very end of the Deimos set in the Grineer Generations. I have a set of quotes that i'm working on for them, but, i'm not as sure about giving a set to them as I was for "big show" enemies like the Parapet and the Numen, as, while they only show up in the city area of Deimos, they pretty much occupy the niche of "rare heavy" there as opposed to "Mega-Boss" or "Story Enemy". Really up to what folks think in that regard.

I'm sad that it took so long for me to finally get back into the creative game from my sudden introversion into rabidly strategy gaming the day away, but, at last, I think i'm scuttling out from under my rock and getting things done! Good to be back in the saddle.

Aannnddd... done!

Here they are:


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41 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Aannnddd... done!

Here they are:


Oooo, how delightfully ugly. I'd almost thought to make the legs bend a bit, but, the fully humanoid appearance lends them a sort f "creep-ugly" I had not anticipated. Fascinating!

Just picture, in the midst of toxic fog, you hear grumbling bored voices before, suddenly, something drops from a nearby roof-top and shines a light on you. Stunned, you have only minutes before said something kicks you onto the floor, shoots you in the leg with something fiendishly painfully, and then calls in a large group of other somethings. Who surround you on the floor.

The rest of your night will NOT be pleasant.

Once again surprising me with another unexpected donation Mr. Crow! Rest assured that I am NOT looking upon your donations with a "Of COURSE someone will make anything I type" approach.

Much gratitude!

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5 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Is that arm a Trigun reference? 😛



5 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

While I followed Unus' original description I did in fact immediately think about Vash's hidden gun

I. . . never actually had it in my head fellas.


They just kinda showed up in my mind as they were, though I did borrow portions of their behavior from the Sligs of Oddworld. I guess it's more of a "It's been done before." rather then an "inspired by" bit.

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I know its not much, but, for the sake of reporting any actual progress I make out here in the Pit, might as well give you a heads up, I finally finished the background story for Tanaya over in the Character Section of Restless Depths. Her story has gone unfinished for two goddem years, and, being an important part of an activity I thought would keep people drawn in in that "faux expansion", salmost a crime that I took that long in getting back to it.

Next up is me putting in some highlighted sea-horrors in that area's bestiary, so, stay tuned folks! Gonna try to stick to good ol Frame's theme of "alien, but with an air of the familiar to it" approach to their critters.

See ya real soon!

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6 hours ago, Unus said:

They just kinda showed up in my mind as they were, though I did borrow portions of their behavior from the Sligs of Oddworld. I guess it's more of a "It's been done before." rather then an "inspired by" bit.

Y'know, this reminds me of a story I work on with some friends. We had to fire the head writer for being a kontgesig. He was just the worst. Like DAMN SON. And, in the reboot we were making, we added in a new villain. Technically we added two, cause I was actually adding characterization to an earlier 2-dimensional villain.

So anyway, when I'm working on both of these new villains, I suddenly realized: "These two are going to be the writer we fired, I have no choice in it, and I'm just going to let it happen."

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Y'know, this reminds me of a story I work on with some friends. We had to fire the head writer for being a kontgesig. He was just the worst. Like DAMN SON. And, in the reboot we were making, we added in a new villain. Technically we added two, cause I was actually adding characterization to an earlier 2-dimensional villain.

So anyway, when I'm working on both of these new villains, I suddenly realized: "These two are going to be the writer we fired, I have no choice in it, and I'm just going to let it happen."

Yowza. I've met a few oddballs in another project, but, the ell did this "lovely" fellow do? Micromanagement madman? "HEY, that's MY idea!"? 


Also, hehe, yeah, like that, a strange sorta organic growth where a seed gets planted somehow and it builds itself. What comes out the other end can either be gold or rabbit pellets, but, it's definitely it's own thing.

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9 hours ago, Unus said:

Yowza. I've met a few oddballs in another project, but, the ell did this "lovely" fellow do? Micromanagement madman? "HEY, that's MY idea!"? 


That, combined with writing his protagonist committing gratuitous war crimes and portraying him as being unambiguously in the right while doing it, racism towards a muslim cowriter, treating me like a stupid child, insulting my friends at every turn, making his protagonist eclipse everything, just generally being an varknaaier, and worse. And worse.


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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

That, combined with writing his protagonist committing gratuitous war crimes and portraying him as being unambiguously in the right while doing it, racism towards a muslim cowriter, treating me like a stupid child, insulting my friends at every turn, making his protagonist eclipse everything, just generally being an varknaaier, and worse. And worse.


How. . . how the ell did you end up with em on your team?


Of all of those, I've only tripped over the "musliphobia" one, unfortunate given the historical setting we are working  in.



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