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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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27 minutes ago, Unus said:

Weapon Designation: Melee, Glaive.

Manufacturer: The Son, Deimos.

...you had me at Deimos =D


28 minutes ago, Unus said:

The animal cunning of the symbiote far surpasses that of its former host, though it is certainly missing all aspects of typical sentience. The creature can learn quite rapidly how to adjust itself to various defensive measures to get at the tasty snack that lies beneath.

The Osteolys ignores bubble shields and penetrates through enemy-held blockers such as grineer shields and corpus helmets. It cannot cut through the environment, enemies themselves unless killed on hit, or placed obstacles, such as blunts unless it is given actual punch-through. 


...Oooh, this sounds fun =D


36 minutes ago, Unus said:

When dealing the killing blow to an enemy unit, a single “offspring” splits off from the Osteolys and begins orbiting it in the manner of a butterfly from Titania’s ability. The offspring then orbits the Osteolys as it flies, slowing over time as it degrades due to a lack of a nurturing environment, though it will speed back up again if it makes a kill itself. If no kills are made for a duration, the offspring’s accelerated metabolism causes it to burn out into particulate dust. Only a maximum of three offspring can be in flight at a time.


...again. This sounds so fun.

37 minutes ago, Unus said:

Sure, MAYBE as a reskin for the Cerata, but, I think the bonuses added with such a change might be a weeeeee bit to. . .drastic, to say the least.

...I am profoundly glad you didn't make it a stat skin. This is so much better as it is.

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14 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

...you had me at Deimos =D


...Oooh, this sounds fun =D


...again. This sounds so fun.

...I am profoundly glad you didn't make it a stat skin. This is so much better as it is.

  Heh, go figure! You unleash a weapon from the dangle fingers of the father, I finally get to put up a piece from the claws of the son! Perfect storm!

 Heh, I was hopping so! I tried to harvest as much data as I could on the Jug’s own weapon before I put it in metaphorical Tenno hands, turns out what I could fine was conducive to fun times to be had!

The multiple glaives the bugger hocks up was a bit harder of a mechanic to implement, but, happily, recalling the name itself (Osteolys is medical Latin for “Bone Split”), the answer was suddenly obvious. Look for a week mook in a crowd, toss the blade in, let the bloodshed spiral out of control with each inevitable death that occurs in the to-and-back-again whirlwind. Bonus points then that the whirling meatblender is apparently also fun to boot!


Really? PHEW! That was a big debate for me last night after all this time spent working on it, deciding factor on how to categorize it here. Good feedback to hear!


Heres holding I can continue to smooth production out as my job continues to settle into my life, or, the other way around, don’t actually rightly know which is which these days.

Will certainly be getting back to your neck of the woods suh! Passed through recently when I was looking at new postings, saw that Entrati pistol of yours in addition to quite the wonderous view count that continues to ever-grow! Looks like all that time spent on improving your drawing technique is paying in full dividends!

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  • 3 weeks later...

  Hey there folks.

  Sorry about the time gap that’s been going on, but, things have been hectic and stressful as of late, so, I haven’t. . . bah, you get the point.


  Been curious as I’ve been mulling over one of my upcoming weapons and catching up on updates from everyone, do you folks think I can improve on my style to make it more “inviting” to read? 

  Almost a half decade has passed and the world has changed, Warframe has changed, the people that come and go from Warframe have changed, though some remain from the bygone era I hail from.

  Is my Pit outdated to modern interests? Is it not done in a style modern fans find interesting? Is it that updates have become infrequent due to life’s intrusions? I’m curious. Folks don’t seem to organically stumble across my Pit and commentate about it like they once did, so it seems like something, somewhere, has changed.

Thoughts folks?



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14 hours ago, Unus said:

  Almost a half decade has passed and the world has changed, Warframe has changed, the people that come and go from Warframe have changed, though some remain from the bygone era I hail from.


Do you ever feel weird about how old some of the balancing is at the very, very beginning of a thread?

I mean, I've been around for half of WF's lifespan. You... a bit moreso. Back when I started my thread, a regular auld non-prime Pandero was a great sidearm!

14 hours ago, Unus said:

  Is my Pit outdated to modern interests? Is it not done in a style modern fans find interesting? Is it that updates have become infrequent due to life’s intrusions? I’m curious. Folks don’t seem to organically stumble across my Pit and commentate about it like they once did, so it seems like something, somewhere, has changed.


I could help you out by adding a visual component to this. It'd even be done for old stuff so you can maximize the amount of content. 

I do sympathize. There were a few pages I went through that felt weirdly dead, and then all of a sudden I got a lot of activity. I don't quite know what that was about. This was partly because I tagged people, but a few people I didn't tag came on.

Maybe you could try and do a promotion of some kind. Make a separate thread, link to yours, and say it's the xth anniversary or whatever of this thread. I change the title of my thread everytime something new happens, and add the newest content to the beginning.

Edited by (XBOX)Fluffywolf36
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On 2021-09-24 at 6:27 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

Do you ever feel weird about how old some of the balancing is at the very, very beginning of a thread?

I mean, I've been around for half of WF's lifespan. You... a bit moreso. Back when I started my thread, a regular auld non-prime Pandero was a great sidearm!

I could help you out by adding a visual component to this. It'd even be done for old stuff so you can maximize the amount of content. 

I do sympathize. There were a few pages I went through that felt weirdly dead, and then all of a sudden I got a lot of activity. I don't quite know what that was about. This was partly because I tagged people, but a few people I didn't tag came on.

Maybe you could try and do a promotion of some kind. Make a separate thread, link to yours, and say it's the xth anniversary or whatever of this thread. I change the title of my thread everytime something new happens, and add the newest content to the beginning.

(Blasted glitch killed my near-posting, felt drained on seeing that, so, dropped like a brick, sorry!)


 Heh, for some of my more mundane weaponry, things have always been the way they are, with me trying to maintain the balance as it is in game and compensating for that with significant and graphic (in a good way. . . usually) descriptive detail. There ARE some that your statement does apply to for sure though, the Overseer comes to mind on the first few pages.

  As always sir your offer is always helpful in the extreme, I just need to do MUCH more with your own work first in addition to browsing my selection for things worthy of your talented time.

  Ell, that’s more then likely WHY you have your audience of fellows who pop up with your work, your balance tween story and artwork is unique, especially in the modern day where few of us survive. Those tags may tell their tags about you and so on and so forth in a cascading wave of awe.


. . . hmmmm. . . several salient points! Not only have I not commented as much on other’s work in here as of late like I once did (a nasty revelation for me), but, it is very true that I never really advertise my latest creations either! It’s always been my thread strand popping up and it’s either me giving an apologetic update, or what they hope to see, new content.

  I think I’ll test that out in the future Mr. Wolf! Thanks for being around, even for my most basic “update” entries and drifting thoughts!

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10 hours ago, Unus said:

the Overseer comes to mind on the first few pages.

That's doable. . I can come up with weapon designs drawings all day, and even if I have issues coming up with Corpus and Grineer weapons, it still comes fairly easy.

At least in comparison, because statting and creating a gimmick is actually the hardest part for me. Unless I'm deliberately trying to make the stats do something funny, like adding in headshot multipliers, a cooldown time, blast radiuses, adding some multi-element silliness like guaranteed status procs or a blast radius that procs a different elements, (Like the Cenotaph) or purposely adding in punch-through specifically because the gun would feel so much worse without it, stats just feel less interesting than the fluff, art, or gimmick.

I think this is partly because stats in WF feel so... malleable.

So as it is I have more revolver drawings than I know what to do with. I've got like... seven drawings of revolvers, three of which have no crunch. Yet. 

10 hours ago, Unus said:

(Blasted glitch killed my near-posting, felt drained on seeing that, so, dropped like a brick, sorry!)


Don't even trip, dawg. I know what it's like to feel that drained. I had the perfect combo for a lich, I would swear up and down I had it right... then it was like the requiem changed when I wasn't looking at it and then I had to kill this annoying AF lich again. And they glitched so I couldn't kill them once!

It might not be anyone's fault, but it just.... throws off your rhythm. You know what I mean?

10 hours ago, Unus said:

. . . hmmmm. . . several salient points! Not only have I not commented as much on other’s work in here as of late like I once did (a nasty revelation for me), but, it is very true that I never really advertise my latest creations either! It’s always been my thread strand popping up and it’s either me giving an apologetic update, or what they hope to see, new content.


Though I should probably point out I'm not that good at practicing what I preach, normally I just make new threads when it's something bigger than a new gun (an open-world, a Frame) and I'm very bad at commenting on other people's stuff.

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On 2021-09-26 at 2:22 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

That's doable. . I can come up with weapon designs drawings all day, and even if I have issues coming up with Corpus and Grineer weapons, it still comes fairly easy.

At least in comparison, because statting and creating a gimmick is actually the hardest part for me. Unless I'm deliberately trying to make the stats do something funny, like adding in headshot multipliers, a cooldown time, blast radiuses, adding some multi-element silliness like guaranteed status procs or a blast radius that procs a different elements, (Like the Cenotaph) or purposely adding in punch-through specifically because the gun would feel so much worse without it, stats just feel less interesting than the fluff, art, or gimmick.

I think this is partly because stats in WF feel so... malleable.

So as it is I have more revolver drawings than I know what to do with. I've got like... seven drawings of revolvers, three of which have no crunch. Yet. 

Don't even trip, dawg. I know what it's like to feel that drained. I had the perfect combo for a lich, I would swear up and down I had it right... then it was like the requiem changed when I wasn't looking at it and then I had to kill this annoying AF lich again. And they glitched so I couldn't kill them once!

It might not be anyone's fault, but it just.... throws off your rhythm. You know what I mean?

Though I should probably point out I'm not that good at practicing what I preach, normally I just make new threads when it's something bigger than a new gun (an open-world, a Frame) and I'm very bad at commenting on other people's stuff.

  (I think I have my sleep schedule to blame for my poor response times right now, sincere apologies!)


  Do you. . . actually need help in the statistical department? I may have all my work I’m working on, but, there’s a heckuvalotta it (aside from PROJECT: Twin Eagle anyway) that I can freeze to easily make time!

FULLY understand that rhythm feeling suh! Reminds me of a really profitable Deimos mission I was on where I got stuck in the ground and effectively had to “jettison my load” to escape. THAT actively put me off Warframe for a bit.


  OH, yeah! I did that once for my Restless Depths Update once! Not many folks commented on it then, so, I’m curious as to what might have been the turn-off.

 Hm. . . sounds like something we can BOTH work on then! Commentary from us helps cultivate other folks with their own vision of what can be, things we may never even think of! Reminds me of the old times With Mr. Jado and Mr. Crow. Such memories!

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  • 4 weeks later...

  Just popping on to wish you all a happy Halloween! I thought I would have finished my creepy project for today, but alas, I had to work 6 days a week for the past 3, with one day being for recovery.


  Happily, with two weeks of normal time in hand, I think you’ll be seeing “them” much sooner rather then later!

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  • 4 weeks later...

  Just wanted to wish you folks a happy post-Thanksgiving!

 At the moment, I. . . I honestly don't know whats going on. So much is done, both in my upcoming design and several others in other worlds, but. . I guess I'm going through a bit of a dry spell right now. I don't mind it if it means I'll be creatively rejuvenated at some point, but I still want to apologize to you folks who are producing as we speak, from newbloods, to old veterans, I at least need to get back to feedbackery at SOMEPOINT! It just feels so. . .soooo lazy for me to just do a whole lot of nothing like I used to in my pre-creative days.

Could I be regressing? I hope not! My work and all its forms have been inseparable from me for half a decade!

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9 hours ago, Unus said:

 At the moment, I. . . I honestly don't know whats going on. So much is done, both in my upcoming design and several others in other worlds, but. . I guess I'm going through a bit of a dry spell right now. I don't mind it if it means I'll be creatively rejuvenated at some point, but I still want to apologize to you folks who are producing as we speak, from newbloods, to old veterans, I at least need to get back to feedbackery at SOMEPOINT! It just feels so. . .soooo lazy for me to just do a whole lot of nothing like I used to in my pre-creative days.

Don't even trip, dawg. This will only get worse if you force yourself through it. The best thing you can do is.... take a break, find another outlet, or go read up on stuff.  

Also wait you meant feedback! ohhhhh

My advice on this one is... well. The first stuff still applies. But you don't quite have to put so much of yourself into the feedback if it is that draining.

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On 2021-11-28 at 1:27 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

Don't even trip, dawg. This will only get worse if you force yourself through it. The best thing you can do is.... take a break, find another outlet, or go read up on stuff.  

Also wait you meant feedback! ohhhhh

My advice on this one is... well. The first stuff still applies. But you don't quite have to put so much of yourself into the feedback if it is that draining.


On 2021-11-28 at 4:29 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

an addendum: If you just say something like "this sounds fun to play with" or "I bet you could make a lot of cool builds with this," then it'd be totally fine. I admittedly do love how much you put into your responses, but you don't have to if it's too draining.

  Oh, I’m just a big perfectionist, hehe. I want to give as much detail as I can, when I can, and, if I can’t do it, then I gotta keep me trap shot until I have that power.


   As an aside, I think I see what my trouble might be, that there hasn’t been a big story update for awhile and it seems like I get a creative surge whenever one happens. That War Within trailer managed to snap me out of my current communications rut, figured the full release might cause a spark-off that feeds the furnace! Will definitely harness some of that to go towards commentary properly for you and others!


(Also, as a final probably-disgustingly-selfish aside, happy birthday to me as of 5:49 A.M. tomorrow E.S.T.. I was a bit of an early sucker., hehe.)



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  • 3 weeks later...

  Wishing you all a happy happy holidays folks! Tonight is the night that, at long last, my Mojo comes back! How do I know? Because, in a single hour, I will have a Necramech and I will finally be up-to-date in the story, having finally engaged in the New War. The days leading up to it with the playing I have done have been steadily trickling my resolve back into me, and, thanks to several design books my family have given me, I now have several new ways to look into to create with.


  The future for the Pit looks deeper and danker then ever!

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

  Wishing you all a happy happy holidays folks! Tonight is the night that, at long last, my Mojo comes back! How do I know? Because, in a single hour, I will have a Necramech and I will finally be up-to-date in the story, having finally engaged in the New War. The days leading up to it with the playing I have done have been steadily trickling my resolve back into me, and, thanks to several design books my family have given me, I now have several new ways to look into to create with.


  The future for the Pit looks deeper and danker then ever!

You're going to get a LOT of inspiration from the quest. I can tell. :P

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

You're going to get a LOT of inspiration from the quest. I can tell. :P

  Something. . . uh, good? Or, something terrible? I “crushed the serpent in Alad’s old garden” recently, so, I’m at least that far along. No need for details at the mo, just your thoughts.

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11 hours ago, Unus said:

  Something. . . uh, good? Or, something terrible? I “crushed the serpent in Alad’s old garden” recently, so, I’m at least that far along. No need for details at the mo, just your thoughts.



I was thinking inspiration for Narmer weaponry. Already have one in the pipeline.


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   OH, I get ya @Fluffywolf36


(Spoilery response below)


  For sure, tasty skin and Enemy Weapon Modification concepts come about in my mind without fail in the Narmorian department, but, my mind seemed to lock in on my Void-related weaponry that was yet to come! I think I might bundle them under a Granum-inspired scholarship program that is basically a scam and uses rich fanatics to experiment with the Void, attempting to emulate his accident to create their own pocket realms from the outside perspective, but, actually actively “”exploring”” “zones” of the Void through sending Guinea pigs through the extra-dimensional wringer to see what matter, phenomena, or alterations come of it and see if they are profitable to replicate.

”It’s true you know, Nef Anyo was right about one thing! Give unto the Void, and it will give back to you. A shame that most of what it gives back is handfuls of prismatic hull-plateing and broken men. . .”


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  • 1 month later...

                                                                                                                                                        Post 863
(Shielding colonial arm organisms conceived circa 1/3/2020 at 00:13. Completed circa 2/8/2022 at 12:10 P.M.) 

OH SWEET SWEET FULFILLMENT! I hate how long I've been away, but, I want to guarantee quality and non-retread concepts and. . . .gah, you know the drill. Dem it, I need to spice up my apologies for folks looking for fun.

Weapon: Scutumites

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Thrown Type

Manufacturer: The geneforgers of the Kheruxyati tribe. As the concept of “weapon husbandry” is a rather alien and exotic science to the rest of the Sol-Origin system, Kheruxyati weaponry rarely finds buyers on the open market, save for niche collectors. . or certain orokin-era weapon connoisseurs of a mercenary nature.

Statistical Breakdown:


Trigger Type= Semi-auto

Damage= 5 Slash, 5 Puncture, 5 Corrosive.

Critical Chance= 8%

Critical Damage=1.5X

Status Chance= 26%

Projectile= Projectile

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 2.00

Magazine Size= 9 scutumites bound to one arm as a colony.

Reload-Speed= N/A.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5.

Riven Disposition= ?????


Polarity= None.

Special Traits:


Colonial Carapace:
When in the state of aiming, the scutimites will consolidate into a left shoulder shield of sorts with 450 item health that can absorb enemy fire. Inevitably, as its health bar depletes (50 per sctumite), individual scutumites will be blown off, shrinking the shield and leaving the scutumite stunned on the ground. While the scutumite will eventually shake off the stun and clamber back onto the user on its own, a user can expedite the process by retrieving it with a press of the X button.

Unyielding Lithovores:
When attached to an enemy, the effects of preexisting corrosive status effects are doubled as the tiny creature rips and burrows through hard plate while secreting a variety of caustic chemicals in its quest to consume. The doubling effect lasts for 12 seconds, and any corrosive effects the scutumite itself triggers can and will double themselves.



Each individual scutimite resembles a squared topless barnacle of sorts, semi-flattened and made up of a dirty blackish green carapace with ten bony ridges that terminate in the center at a single bony nodule, bearing a resemblance to their namesake. Along the flared edges of the creature, in it’s “front and back” areas, a thin line of five tiny pale blueish green (energy colored) eyes, linked together with a webbing of similarly colored skin, squint from a crevice there, able to be pulled back into the shell for protection in the event of possible impacts. A set of three thin feeble-looking semi-translucent pale-blueish-green tentacles topped with toothed suction cups emerge from slots on the front, back, and the curved side edges of the organism, each branching off of a single “trunk” limb unseen within the shell  and used for both mobility and connecting to other scutumites when engaging in a defensive formation via intertangling them together through their side tentacles. Beneath the shell, on the under belly, there resides a truly horrifying sight, an odious suction cup maw dripping with caustic juices and ringed inside with a set of three grinding teeth shaped like peg covered gears. When eating, the dripping becomes a flow of sulfuric acid while the teeth jam against the targeted surface, spinning left, then right, then back again in the manner of a mining drill.


"Basic" Description:



Renowned ( for those who even vaguely become aware of their presence, given their isolationist nature) in the Sol-Origin system for their biotechnological aptitude, the Kheruxyati Tribe’s vessels are filled to the brim with a wide variety of inde and intra-dependent engineered organisms which fulfill the roles commonly assigned to technology in a typical civilization. Using focused technocyte resculpting, genetic chimerism, and the meticulous focus of a cabal of geneticist shamans who spend centuries honoring their craft, living marvels are brought into being, selectively screened, and then bred into communal use, where introduced variation or general genetic variation result in a wide variety of breeds, color patterns, and general functionalities. The Scutumites are an excellent example of this, as they were originally bred for the singular purpose of mineral processing. Adapted from a deep-sea organism from the depths of the seas of the moon of Miranda, colonies would be unleashed upon great chunks of rock and, depending on the breed, would be consumed down to the materials required from the deposit, harvested from their excreta or simply picked up in its entire formation, “sculpted” from the rock to reveal the vein in its entirety. Adapting them to warfare was a “simple” matter, necessitating only a few changes between generations to shift their diet over to more artificial fair, such as ballistic ceramics, carbon plate, and aramid weaves.

  Unfortunately, while useful to the Kheruxyati against foes that wished to break their imposed isolation, their new diets also meant that they were useless on the very few closed markets the tribe maintained to the outside world, as no other factions in the system had the same degree of biological armor and equipment they themselves had, meaning the scutumites could very much fall upon their wielder as much as their foes. With a cultural need to spread life of all kinds through the Sol-Origin system and acquire data upon said life, the situation was devastating, as the militant breed’s diet could not be sustained by consistent enemy attack and, with such a small population bred into existence as is, the military scutumite would be rendered extinct. With nowhere else to turn, the Kheruyati are forced to turn to the unnatural horrors that are the Tenno, as the last hope for the continuous existence of an at-risk species. 

THERE we go folks! Progress all over my creative designs, but, for reasons I can't fathom, Warframe has been on the trailing end of my work. Maybe it's because the Hammer material has been so fertile while the Framework requires more deft maneuvering around what I and others have then whatever comes to mind after years of of production.

Enjoy folks! I'm STILL here, still whittlin away at the pile, its just. . hehe, you knowwwwww!

Oh, and, hello new folks and old folks alike! I assure you, the tales of my death are greatly exaggerated!

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36 minutes ago, Unus said:

                                                                                                                                                        Post 863
(Shielding colonial arm organisms conceived circa 1/3/2020 at 00:13. Completed circa 2/8/2022 at 12:10 P.M.) 

OH SWEET SWEET FULFILLMENT! I hate how long I've been away, but, I want to guarantee quality and non-retread concepts and. . . .gah, you know the drill. Dem it, I need to spice up my apologies for folks looking for fun.

Weapon: Scutumites

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Thrown Type

Manufacturer: The geneforgers of the Kheruxyati tribe. As the concept of “weapon husbandry” is a rather alien and exotic science to the rest of the Sol-Origin system, Kheruxyati weaponry rarely finds buyers on the open market, save for niche collectors. . or certain orokin-era weapon connoisseurs of a mercenary nature.

Statistical Breakdown:

  Reveal hidden contents



Trigger Type= Semi-auto

Damage= 5 Slash, 5 Puncture, 5 Corrosive.

Critical Chance= 8%

Critical Damage=1.5X

Status Chance= 26%

Projectile= Projectile

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 2.00

Magazine Size= 9 scutumites bound to one arm as a colony.

Reload-Speed= N/A.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5.

Riven Disposition= ?????



Polarity= None.

Special Traits:

  Reveal hidden contents

Colonial Carapace:
When in the state of aiming, the scutimites will consolidate into a left shoulder shield of sorts with 450 item health that can absorb enemy fire. Inevitably, as its health bar depletes (50 per sctumite), individual scutumites will be blown off, shrinking the shield and leaving the scutumite stunned on the ground. While the scutumite will eventually shake off the stun and clamber back onto the user on its own, a user can expedite the process by retrieving it with a press of the X button.

Unyielding Lithovores:
When attached to an enemy, the effects of preexisting corrosive status effects are doubled as the tiny creature rips and burrows through hard plate while secreting a variety of caustic chemicals in its quest to consume. The doubling effect lasts for 12 seconds, and any corrosive effects the scutumite itself triggers can and will double themselves.


  Reveal hidden contents

Each individual scutimite resembles a squared topless barnacle of sorts, semi-flattened and made up of a dirty blackish green carapace with ten bony ridges that terminate in the center at a single bony nodule, bearing a resemblance to their namesake. Along the flared edges of the creature, in it’s “front and back” areas, a thin line of five tiny pale blueish green (energy colored) eyes, linked together with a webbing of similarly colored skin, squint from a crevice there, able to be pulled back into the shell for protection in the event of possible impacts. A set of three thin feeble-looking semi-translucent pale-blueish-green tentacles topped with toothed suction cups emerge from slots on the front, back, and the curved side edges of the organism, each branching off of a single “trunk” limb unseen within the shell  and used for both mobility and connecting to other scutumites when engaging in a defensive formation via intertangling them together through their side tentacles. Beneath the shell, on the under belly, there resides a truly horrifying sight, an odious suction cup maw dripping with caustic juices and ringed inside with a set of three grinding teeth shaped like peg covered gears. When eating, the dripping becomes a flow of sulfuric acid while the teeth jam against the targeted surface, spinning left, then right, then back again in the manner of a mining drill.


"Basic" Description:


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Renowned ( for those who even vaguely become aware of their presence, given their isolationist nature) in the Sol-Origin system for their biotechnological aptitude, the Kheruxyati Tribe’s vessels are filled to the brim with a wide variety of inde and intra-dependent engineered organisms which fulfill the roles commonly assigned to technology in a typical civilization. Using focused technocyte resculpting, genetic chimerism, and the meticulous focus of a cabal of geneticist shamans who spend centuries honoring their craft, living marvels are brought into being, selectively screened, and then bred into communal use, where introduced variation or general genetic variation result in a wide variety of breeds, color patterns, and general functionalities. The Scutumites are an excellent example of this, as they were originally bred for the singular purpose of mineral processing. Adapted from a deep-sea organism from the depths of the seas of the moon of Miranda, colonies would be unleashed upon great chunks of rock and, depending on the breed, would be consumed down to the materials required from the deposit, harvested from their excreta or simply picked up in its entire formation, “sculpted” from the rock to reveal the vein in its entirety. Adapting them to warfare was a “simple” matter, necessitating only a few changes between generations to shift their diet over to more artificial fair, such as ballistic ceramics, carbon plate, and aramid weaves.

  Unfortunately, while useful to the Kheruxyati against foes that wished to break their imposed isolation, their new diets also meant that they were useless on the very few closed markets the tribe maintained to the outside world, as no other factions in the system had the same degree of biological armor and equipment they themselves had, meaning the scutumites could very much fall upon their wielder as much as their foes. With a cultural need to spread life of all kinds through the Sol-Origin system and acquire data upon said life, the situation was devastating, as the militant breed’s diet could not be sustained by consistent enemy attack and, with such a small population bred into existence as is, the military scutumite would be rendered extinct. With nowhere else to turn, the Kheruyati are forced to turn to the unnatural horrors that are the Tenno, as the last hope for the continuous existence of an at-risk species. 

THERE we go folks! Progress all over my creative designs, but, for reasons I can't fathom, Warframe has been on the trailing end of my work. Maybe it's because the Hammer material has been so fertile while the Framework requires more deft maneuvering around what I and others have then whatever comes to mind after years of of production.

Enjoy folks! I'm STILL here, still whittlin away at the pile, its just. . hehe, you knowwwwww!

Oh, and, hello new folks and old folks alike! I assure you, the tales of my death are greatly exaggerated!

Interesting indeed, I also really like the tenno being referred to as "orokin-era weapon connoisseurs of a mercenary nature".

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