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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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I think one of your links must have been open ended/not formatted properly.

Try grabbing it all, dumping it in a plain text file, deleting the contents of that post, then pasting the clean version. Re-add whatever links you had and spoiler format.

I am way behind on feedback, and I still need to get back to you on that new gun's similarity issue, but am generally pressed for time. I try to spread my feedback around to new people as well as buddies.

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4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I think one of your links must have been open ended/not formatted properly.

Try grabbing it all, dumping it in a plain text file, deleting the contents of that post, then pasting the clean version. Re-add whatever links you had and spoiler format.

I am way behind on feedback, and I still need to get back to you on that new gun's similarity issue, but am generally pressed for time. I try to spread my feedback around to new people as well as buddies.

Completely understood sir, will begin repairs accordingly. I have more then enough patience for enthusiastic commentary. Damage like this though? Not so much.

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(Post 126) (Conceived long long ago, finalized circa 11/18/2016) You know, I haven't tried my hand at locale creation for quite some time since the birth of my Void world of Spatali, might as well dip into the cask of creation with a recently uncovered area I once had in mind.

Designation: Erisian Surface


Atmospheric Composition= Methane and Slush during the summer months, none otherwise. Nano-spores also have a tendency to conglomerate into their own manner of precipitation around midsummer, the hazardous projectiles given the playful designation "loogies" by salvagers that occasionally slip through the quarantine blockade to pick at the rubble for choice growths and salvage.

Crust Composition= Methane ice, tholin dust, and infested encrustation. The encrustations have a tendency to form in and around the areas where the tholin dust is thickest, a source of nutrition even where there should be none. Said encrustations interweave throughout the icy crust, some animalisticly intelligent, others vegetative, some motile, and others sessile, befitting the chaotic evolutionary nature of the world's mutagenic inhabitance. Oftentimes, one can accurately date  layers of Infested tissue back by decades by core drilling samples out and observing for tumor bones to break open for the examination of their growth rings.

Description= Aside from a single lock-down server farm for essential Conglomerate assets ( Gnathos is advertised as THE pinnacle of secure data storage. . . and THE lowest rated workplace in Corpus job-quality opinion polls), the Erisian surface is a terrifying mixed no-man's land of forlorn ice wastelands, mangled hulks that have impacted the surface accidentally or purposefully (It is common practice in Conglomerate and Empirical manuals to indicate that accelerated impact into this particular planetoid's surface is the final option when a vessel is to far gone for cleansing.), and what can only be described as Infested "jungles" of carapace, bone, tissue, feathers, muscles, and membranes. Navigating this discordant mess is almost impossible without an orbital uplink, as the sheer "sameness" of the glacial areas, the hazardous disjointedness of the impact zones,  and the pure chaos (there have been moments where the "tholin forests" have completely uprooted themselves with explorers and "natives" still on them, leading to a terrifying ride of life and death) of the Infested portions.

Hazards and Threats=

Vessel Presence-

The most terrifying portions of this world are those inhabited by the migrating Vessels that wander from tholin deposit and fallen vessel alike to gorge themselves. Hideous remnants of vessels who were forced to impact with full crew compliments on-board, each Vessel is as different to each other as the hundreds of different species of life forms  on Earth. In fact, the only things the Vessels share in common are their vast size, flexible diets, and hundreds of composite metal scrap plates embedded in their rippling hides. With no where to run and no support of any kind located within a thousand miles of Eris, troops encountering them are recommended to stay out of their way, distract them somehow, or sign over their latest stipend to their next of kin or the company itself.

Unwelcoming Committee-

Even in the seemingly most stable portions of the planet, there are always all manner of horrors present just beneath the surface awaiting some supplementary meat to enter their molecular, ferric, and lithovoric diets. Without warning, if a unit moves onto the regolith dust, some manner of Infested obstacle can and will erupt forth to block the way or attack. Such threats could include toxin cloud emitting polyps, knock-back inflicting tentacles, virus afflicting mandibles, or slash inflicting "bear-traps". This eruption of effects will trail the target of interest for as long as it stands on the dust in a stream of grotesque limbs, producing them in a random mix. Although the damage is low, it can get rather nastily additive over time.

Fruit of the Fen-

Throughout the gatherings of feathered "trees" and membranous "ferns" of the encrustations are thick-trunked sinuous-branched horrors the color of nightshade that migrate between various areas in order to gather subsurface ice or prey upon burrowing organisms. Violent when disturbed in their rooted state, it is only the massive fleshy gourd-shaped flesh "fruits" that ring it's trunk in various areas which convince travelers to scale them, for, at the heart of these meaty lumps may lie trace amounts of mutagen ,significant concentrations of mutagen mass that it constantly pumps into the soil as excrement, or even infant "trees", their neurodes the first organ to develop. At the same time, this means that they make excellant sites for wayward maggots to culture themselves away from a proper broodmother host, meaning it is a gamble as to whether a rare reward or a nasty surprise awaits an excited traveler, though it is harder for maggots to reach crown-mounted "fruits" at the tops of the "trees". In their walking state, anything that stands in their way tends to be ruthlessly thwacked aside by twisting "branches" or trampled to death under it's thundering mass of hundreds of undulateing roots.

Predatory Prey-

Resource nodes are quite liberally scattered throughout the "forests", metal graveyards and barren icy stone of Eris and harvests from them can be quite bountiful, though all is not what it seems. Cracking open these clusters can lead to a wide variety of potential effects, such as self-electrocution as the node defends itself, letting loose an earsplitting wail that causes other nodes to retreat to the subsurface while drawing Infested foes in, unleashing parasitizing maggots on to offenders, or emitting dangerous viral clouds.    

(Further terrain additions to be added as they arrive in my mind)

Ambiance= Infrequent whale song with a background of insectile chittering, with, in turn, a background set of murmuring voices just barely audible. Occasionally, some grinding booms can be heard in the distance as the earth shifts or something massive slowly walks elsewhere. When in active combat the whale songs become disturbingly discordant, the chittering becomes hyperactive, and the chorus of voices turn into the muted sounds of a riot. Disturbingly, the noises appear to be coming from the terrain, the enemy, AND inside of the Warframe's head, lending a further sense of fear and uncertainty to the environment.


Phew! Shoulda done that sucker for Halloween, but I had my plate piled up as it was. Thank god my long-term memory seems to function better then my short!

Edited by Unus
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Take ALL the time you need good sir, I am but one of many concepts and you are but one man. So long as you actually inform me of developments just like this, time is hardly any real issue, especially considering how difficult it must be to parse through all the forum ideas in search of ones that are legitimately good to critique. Good luck!

Edited by [DE]Taylor
fixed formatting :)
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On 11/19/2016 at 2:58 AM, Unus said:

(Post 126) (Conceived long long ago, finalized circa 11/18/2016) You know, I haven't tried my hand at locale creation for quite some time since the birth of my Void world of Spatali, might as well dip into the cask of creation with a recently uncovered area I once had in mind.

Designation: Erisian Surface

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Atmospheric Composition= Methane and Slush during the summer months, none otherwise. Nano-spores also have a tendency to conglomerate into their own manner of precipitation around midsummer, the hazardous projectiles given the playful designation "loogies" by salvagers that occasionally slip through the quarantine blockade to pick at the rubble for choice growths and salvage.

Crust Composition= Methane ice, tholin dust, and infested encrustation. The encrustations have a tendency to form in and around the areas where the tholin dust is thickest, a source of nutrition even where there should be none. Said encrustations interweave throughout the icy crust, some animalisticly intelligent, others vegetative, some motile, and others sessile, befitting the chaotic evolutionary nature of the world's mutagenic inhabitance. Oftentimes, one can accurately date  layers of Infested tissue back by decades by core drilling samples out and observeing for tumor bones to break open for the examination of their growth rings.

Description= Aside from a single lock-down server farm for essential Conglomerate assets ( Gnathos is advertised as THE pinnacle of secure data storage. . . and THE lowest rated workplace in Corpus job-quality opinion polls), the Erisian surface is a terrifying mixed no-man's land of forlorn ice wastelands, mangled hulks that have impacted the surface accidentally or purposefully (It is common practice in Conglomerate and Empirical manuals to indicate that accelerated impact into this particular planetoid's surface is the final option when a vessel is to far gone for cleanseing.), and what can only be described as Infested "jungles" of carapace, bone, tissue, feathers, muscles, and membranes. Navigating this discordant mess is almost impossible without an orbital uplink, as the sheer "sameness" of the glacial areas, the hazardous disjointedness of the impact zones,  and the pure chaos (there have been moments where the "tholin forests" have completely uprooted themselves with explorers and "natives" still on them, leading to a terrifying ride of life and death) of the Infested portions.

Hazards and Threats=

Vessel Presence- The most terrifying portions of this world are those inhabited by the migrating Vessels that wander from tholin deposit and fallen vessel alike to gorge themselves. Hideous remnants of vessels who were forced to impact with full crew compliments onboard, each Vessel is as different to each other as the hundreds of different species of life forms  on Earth. In fact, the only things the Vessels share in common are their vast size, flexible diets, and hundreds of composite metal scrap plates embedded in their rippling hides. With no where to run and no support of any kind located within a thousand miles of Eris, troops encountering them are recommended to stay out of their way, distract them somehow, or sign over their latest stipend to their next of kin or the company itself.

Unwelcoming Commitee- Even in the seemingly most stable portions of the planet, there are always all manner of horrors present just beneath the surface awaiting some supplementary meat to enter their molecular, ferric, and lithovoric diets. Without warning, if a unit moves onto the regolith dust, some manner of Infested obstacle can and will erupt forth to block the way or attack. Such threats could include toxin cloud emitting polyps, knock-back inflicting tentacles, virus afflicting mandibles, or slash inflicting "bear-traps". This eruption of effects will trail the target of interest for as long as it stands on the dust in a stream of grotesque limbs, producing them in a random mix. Although the damage is low, it can get rather nastily additive over time.

(Further terrain additions to be added as they arrive in my mind)

Ambience= Infrequent whale song with a background of insectile chittering, with, in turn, a background set of murmuring voices just barely audible. Occasionally, some grinding booms can be heard in the distance as the earth shifts or something massive slowly walks elsewhere. When in active combat the whale songs become disturbingly discordant, the chittering becomes hyperactive, and the chorus of voices turn into the muted sounds of a riot. Disturbingly, the noises appear to be coming from the terrain, the enemy, AND inside of the Warframe's head, lending a further sense of fear and uncertainty to the environment.

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Phew! Shoulda done that sucker for Halloween, but I had my plate piled up as it was. Thank god my long-term memory seems to function better then my short!

So, a planet of living floor, and walking ships?

This ould fit perfectly in DE's future plans for more "open-worldish" (their words, not mine) tilesets.

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20 hours ago, Unus said:

Take ALL the time you need good sir, I am but one of many concepts and you are but one man. So long as you actually inform me of developments just like this, time is hardly any real issue, especially considering how difficult it must be to parse through all the forum ideas in search of ones that are legitimately good to critique. Good luck!

Just noticed that Taylor paid you a visit. How nice of her.

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Post 129 (conceived circa 5:35 A.M. 11/21/2016) Ugh, goddem this blasted quote glitch! (Thank you Mrs. Taylor!) Grumblings aside, had a fascinating concept strike me in the wee hours of the morn as I lost my voice. Might prove an interesting gimmick or a depressing waste of time. No matter what it is, I'm putting it down anyway, let the world render it's judgement!

Designation: Ekembo

Weapon Designation: Sniper Ammo


Manufacturer=Department of  Strategic Reacquisitions, Luxor Forge, Alator, Mars.

Damage Type= 35 Heat (every second the orb remains in contact with a target, 35 damage Is inflicted. Bigger orbs and larger targets lead to significantly more inflicted damage.)

Projectile= Projectile (silicate recombinant vapor in a spherical format.)

Accuracy= 100 ( although the presence of an enemy will cause it to curve in said threat's direction)

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.5

Critical Chance= 2.0%

Critical Damage= 3X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 7.5%

Magazine= 3 (One hybrid "magazine" consisting of one tank of SiO and one attached high density battery.)

Reload Speed= 2.5 (flip up back-flap, press button on battery to disconnect from rest of assembly, remove battery, press button on tank to dislodge, remove tank, place battery, place tank, press button on tank to establish seal, press button on battery to reestablish circuit, snap lid back down and assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Charge ( Quick taps result in tiny high-speed spheres that only go out to about polearm range before dissipating, while held down charges can lead to charger-sized room-sweeping spheres of pure terror that slowly move from point A to B.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 9

Polarity= 1 Madurai

Special Trait(s)= 

Specialized Gibbing=

When achieving the killing blow on a target, the portions of the target that the orb is currently passing through will simply stop existing, leading to some unique gib patterns. Similarly, gib and crate pieces that come into contact with the orb will also cease to exist as the fusing plasma of the sphere deatomizes these weaker materials.

Differential Charging Patterns= 

The longer a charge is held in, the greater the size of a produced sphere, the slower it's travel time, and the longer it's staying time before the silicon refuses back into silicon oxide.

Selective Burn=

Against flesh of all three types, the Ekembo's ball lightning has a 1.0 punch-through. Against all other types, it only has 0.5.

(Fun filled artwork of Nova's completely unintended synergy with the weapon commissioned by sh3kvothe and crafted by the generous Huginthecrow.)

   Outward appearance wise, the Ekembo is largely simplistic in design. The body consists of a thin rectangular block with a grip, a trigger, and a set of iron sights on the top. Along both sides, a thin set of clear glass panes that run the length of the body from the trigger all the way to the barrel show off the internal electrical chamber, quietly fizzling with a long purple-white arc of electrical energy that rapidly surges into a violent bolt of considerable width as the trigger is held down. The barrel is an upside-down triangle of clear glass that displays the location where more and more silicon oxide dust is blown in before it is flash-zapped into a fusing ball of 10,000' silicoid flame.

"Basic" Description= 

A complimentary cleaning tool built for use with the Munda atomic scrubber, where the Munda was built for stationary Infested mass removal, the Ekembo was built for cleansing corridors of the Infested menace in all it's forms. Carefully blowing silicon oxide into it's chamber via vacuum, an electric discharge is applied to the powder, ripping the oxygen from the silicon and forcing it to refuse in a volcanically hot discharge of ball lighting. The barrel then opens up and blows this fiery aerosol ball in the direction of the enemy, wreaking havoc as it burns it's way through opposing forces like a knife through butter.


Ughhh, this head-cold might be interfering with my work considerably. Hope this fellow came out at least slightly coherent. 



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Post 130 (conceived circa 11/24/2016 at ??:?? in a home shower) Ugh, blasted head-colds interfering with my jobbing skills. Strangely, despite the pain, my mind is extremely well fertilized with ideas. Wonder what's happening there? 


Designation: Implosive/Explosive Payload. 

Utilized with: Ogris


Polarity= Madurai

"Cost"= 7 Points


Expanded Drum=

2X Magazine (Standard payload is switched over from single shot rockets to a bi-rocket package.)


Does what it says on the tin (2 shot bursts)


Damage Alteration (Damage is split between the 75 radiation dealing atomic-implosion rocket fired first and the armored 75 explosion damage rocket. The implosive payload does 37.5 radiation on imploding and another 37.5 upon outward detonation.)

How Does Work Sir?= 

Proper Performance of the Implosive/Explosive Payload Modification:

Step 1)  Atomic payload blasts off first out of the first portion of the divided tube in the revolving houseing.

Step 2) Delayed charge on thermite rocket finally kicks in and fires out of the other half of the tube at just the right time.

Step 3) Atomic payload strikes destination, resulting in a heavy gust of wind that draws in foes (does not function out of atmosphere)

Step 4) Thermite rocket should arrive in implosion radius right on time, sucking it straight to ground zero.

Step 5) Thermite rocket and proper atomic detonation should occur in a synchorinized manner, resulting in an outward wave of greenish orange sparks and a smoldering "fist of god" pattern to rise upwards.

Simple! Or. . . not. 

Flavor Injection = Developed by the Deimos-bound grineer forces for the purpose of quelling slave riots by guaranteeing the death of both dissidents and innocents alike if a riot were to break out, this modification inevitably found it's way into the Sol-Origin blackmarkets through thorough back engineering via indirect explanation of it's effects by low-ranking turncoats and sheer trial-and-error. Thus far, the results have made for quite a pleaseing osprey flock and Infested mob buster among those groups that have tested it, leading to the announcement of full-deployment occurring within the year for those who qualify.


Oh gawd, what have I done? Upon thinking about this one, several other "behavior modifiers" entered my mental inbox, each one further leading to even more tantilizeing prospects. Pandora's Box is opening lads! Pray we might survive Le Deluge!


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Post 131 (conceived circa 11/24/2016 at ??:?? ?.?. ) And so it continues, the great conceptualizing onslaught marches onward, even with haphazardly applied mental filters to weed out the weak, overpowered, and jokingly mad, there is still a flow of concepts that simmer beneath my mental surface awaiting release. Let us see what bubbles up next, shall we?

Designation: Hyekka's Gaze Software Package

Utilized with: Buzlock


Polarity= Madurai



 Honed Targeting Parameters=

   +15% Critical Chance (Due to the above)

   +15% Gyrojet Maneuverability (tighter banks and turns) 

  -10% Rate of Fire (Due to more effective shots being filtered by the weapon's computer, rather then an unceasing barrage)


Designation= Drahk's Gaze Software Package


   Cooperative Targeting Response=

  Damage Stacking (Upon placing a tag on a target, an associate or secondary weapon may shoot the tag, causing the tag to discharge a point-blank round into the target and combine the damage of a single buzlock shot and the triggering weapon shot together into a single blow, can be devastating if the shot achieves a critical hit or is tagged upon the head)

+5 Ammo Consumption for tag shots (the material price for utilizing the tweaked tags)

Flavor Injection=

  The product of two generations of enslaved intellectuals being chained to their desks and forced to number crunch to the point of collapse on-board a nameless galleon in the Martian-Jovian Belt, the Hyekka and Drahk's Gaze Software upgrades were meant to ease Nightwatch forces into the use of the ageing buzlock by bringing it up to their stringent standards. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you ask) in a last act of bitter defiance against their hated oppressors, the project workers managed to cobble together a transmitter and broadcast their results on a broad bandwidth of frequencies before they were discovered and slaughtered to the last. To this day, some slaves claim that where their blood pooled on the walls and floor, short expletives and heartfelt thoughts written in carefully inscribed binary can be seen. Though the Grineer claim to not be superstitious when it comes to foreign beliefs, a considerable work detail of maintenance staff appears to always be on hand on the same floor that the incident occurred on, a detail that the slaves have come to call the "Cracked Egghead Cleaners".


Hoooooo BOY! Before this, I was actually wondering if I might shutter or even shutdown the Pit due to waning inspiration. Thanks to the weapon behavior tweaking modifications I remembered however, the mental flame has been rekindled as I peruse the currently existing weapons of the Frameaverse to change and shape accordingly. My recent discovery that modifiers like this currently exist in the form of tweaks like the "Nightwatch Napalm" has only reinforced my resolve like good old roman concrete. Onwards, to awaiting new horizons!

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Post 132 (conceived circa 11/26/2016 at 8:21 P.M.) And now were back to the weapons again, so the winding road within my mind continues to wander down new frontiers on the Pit Path. Where does the road end? Heck if I know, like thinking about the journey more then I do the destination for once (and likely one of the very VERY few times I'll ever be able to say that.)

Designation: Skelak

Weapon Designation: Shotgun


Manufacturer: The weapon itself is forged by a nameless collective of manufacturing communes gathered around the base of Ahuna Mons on Ceres. The ammunition is imported from Ironworks 137 A_B, Sea Settlement 65, Large Northern Continental Coast, Earth.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Lanka-speed slug with sharper arrow-esque drop-off)

Damage= 230 Impact, 230 Puncture.

Pellet= None, slug ammunition.

Accuracy= 40 (Being a breaching gun and unrifled to boot, the Skelak fairs rather poorly at long range.)

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 2.00 (interrupted by the manual slide rack)

Critical Chance= 7.5%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 10%

Magazine= 6 round cylinder (As magazine upgrades are applied, more cylinder holes are added while preexisting ones are shrunk down. In addition, muzzle flash increases with each newly placed round to simulate the need to pack more powder into each smaller round to achieve the same damage characteristics as the larger slugs.)

Reload Speed= 2.8 (undo cylinder side-latch, tilt weapon to left side till shells drop out and clatter to floor,  pull out pistol-gripped speed loader, hold in general vicinity of cylinder till it latches on magnetically, point weapon downwards, pull loader trigger, place loader back in storage, push cylinder back into housing, put latch into place, rack slide, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto "Manual" (The slide mechanism must be racked after each shot to revolve the cylinder)

Requisite Affinity Level= 6

Polarity= Vazarin

Special Trait(s)= 

Suiting it's breaching role,  the Skelak has a terrifying natural punch-through of 2.2.


As a tool of Grinic conquest, pacification, and terror, the Skelak is largely built with intimidation factor in mind. The barrel juts outward like a malevolent spike, accented with a set of several jagged heat dissipation blades that jut outward along it's bottom at regular intervals that can reach orange hot temperatures after at least 3 "consecutive" shots. Along either side of the the jutting barrel, two sets of recoil pistons reside, which do their best to fight the kick of a slug made to punch holes in ships, the sound of their straining reverberating within minutes of the deep and throaty "BANG" that occurs upon firing. The body itself is circular and bulbous, acting more as a houseing for the cylinder (that swivels out to the left and is held in place with a latch) and the manual action (embedded in the back and visible only by the hand grip that allows it to be pulled) then much of anything else( the manual action is more there to prevent grunts from mindlessly firing their weapons then any change in design philosophy or aesthetics.). The butt-stock (if it can be truly called that) is just a rounded outgrowth of the body that sticks out of the back of the trigger grip, resembling a cockroach's abdomen placed on it's side. Overall, the body has a glossy and pseudo-random "tabby" pattern of blacks, oranges, and browns to it, a product of it's very primitive plastic-composite consistency. There is no scope or iron sights on top of the weapon, as not only is it impossible to get sights to align on the weapon (it has a highly disproportionate body), but also that the weapon is built to be used at almost point-blank range. The only area on the entire weapon that has any lights on it is the cylinder, with each chamber being equipped with a (naturally) detonite-green incandescent that flickers off when a round leaves the weapon, a consistent reminder for the handler of how many rounds remain.

"Basic" Description= 

   An interesting example of a break from traditional Grineer attritional doctrine, the Skelak is a weapon born for the sole purpose of scorched-earth tactics. Boarding parties equipped with Skelaks are trained to simply fire their weapons at ceilings and floors when boarding in order to let the cold chill of decompression and the failure of various ship systems to bring death to their foes. While this can end battles quite quickly, it also has a tendency to kill off the boarders as well, enthused as they usually are with the dealing of collateral damage, ensuring that Skelak use is usually either an act of desperation or a strategic strike to break the enemies' back through shattered morale and a denial of retreat. Terrestrially, the Skelak has found a home in the arsenal of Grinic law enforcement as the "key to every offenders heart" as it were. From hostage "crises" to barricaded suspects, the Skelak (rather then volleys of grenades) has become the end-all be-all to threats that seek shelter behind closed doors and cover. Unfortunately for the Grineer, such an advantage has not gone unnoticed by the Sol-Origin underworld, with knock-offs becoming the tool of choice for "collection crews" the system over to ensure the compliance of their "debtors".


Phew, blasted work is getting in the way of my real wo. . . I mean fun side activity! Yeah, that! (Pleasedon'tletmybossseethatpleasepleaseplease.)

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(Insert long dramatic sigh here) ((picture old bearded man sitting in an old rocking chair next to a fire place looking at the crackling flames solemnly, his studio is filled with full scale weapons, statues of various characters, and tiny plaques that record tiny achievements here and there. )) (((When reading, play this, repeat if recording stops)))


   I've been thinking ladies and gentlemen, been thinking long and hard about my pride and joy here (slow tired arm wave around at the various decorations), about my time spent building my darling, the Pit. I've thought long and hard about her, from those bright and beautiful days so very long ago to the hear and now, where I stand atop a pile over 100 strong and also with quadruple digit views, for whatever they matter (tosses wood piece into flames to punctuate point), and, I truely must say. . . I have failed. Howso? Well, it's rather simple really (slight chuckle), once upon a time, I set out to show my concepts to the world, ready and able to accept any and all critic, bitter and sharp, honeyed and mellow, bright and cheery, I was ready for it all! When I arrived, several fellows came quite quickly to speak of my first children, and I was happy to see conversation begin to blossom between the newcomers.

   (Prods nearby glass case containing a large Corpus handcannon with cane with a smile) what a time it was to see my ideas take shape and blossom, to see inquisitive eyes pop in and give their two cents on each little piece of the grand whole as it found it's home in the Pit. Flash forward to now though? Pages and pages of ideas, regurgitated ad-nausuem to an audience of one. . . myself. In the heat of the forge of creation and in the stupid euphoria of view count, I forged forwards mindlessly like a train without breaks, never once realizing that I had left all the passengers at the station long long ago. (Prods fire with cane) now, I realize I have pushed to far ahead. The Pit is brimming full, yet, there isn't a soul left in existence who would desire to read through it all and engage in some constructive discourse. (Slowly run hand down over face before leaning back into chair). I don't know where things went wrong, I only know that I wish to try and make amends.

   (Picks up inked quill and paper) So, my humble three or four viewers, I ask of you, how might I better fully engage you as audience members of the Pit? Is there anyway I can help you parse my tripe to find the treasure or. . . (Silently turns back to fire) or are the good old days just that, a past unrecoverable?

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First, I appreciate the sense of humor (the old man stuff) above.

Second, don't get too down about these things. Seriously. Everyone's topics suffer and succeed for, sometimes, truly unknown reasons, or reasons beyond our control.

Third, stop looking at it as a failure. You put the ideas in your mind down on "paper", instead of just dreaming about them. That's the first victory.

Fourth, you received a FCOTW spotlight viewed by several thousand WF community members. Your topic got the attention (publicly) of Megan, Rebecca, and everyone at the office who watches the stream. You never know if they'll later look into your topic for inspirations (or if they already have). You can't receive that honor and still call your topic a failure.

Fifth, If you feel you've done all you can, or readers are behind and you're lightyears ahead, you can always stop and take a giant break. I still advocate trying to condense individual entries, spiff up the writing if possible, and work on tracking down artists for each piece. That should keep the topic alive.

Sixth and last, remember to look at the bigger picture. Yes, we'd all probably like more feedback and discussion so we know where our topics and ideas stand, or how to improve them. But feedback varies widely, and you can no doubt see how many other topics die silent, lonely deaths with no discussion or feedback, no upvotes, and no help in the way of direction for how to improve. It's just the nature of the beast. We can't make people interested in our topics if they just aren't. Needless to say, people have been interested in your concepts, so it's already above the average cut of concepts that live and die alone with their creator. 

Cheer up, and cheers, mate.

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15 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

First, I appreciate the sense of humor (the old man stuff) above.

Second, don't get too down about these things. Seriously. Everyone's topics suffer and succeed for, sometimes, truly unknown reasons, or reasons beyond our control.

Third, stop looking at it as a failure. You put the ideas in your mind down on "paper", instead of just dreaming about them. That's the first victory.

Fourth, you received a FCOTW spotlight viewed by several thousand WF community members. Your topic got the attention (publicly) of Megan, Rebecca, and everyone at the office who watches the stream. You never know if they'll later look into your topic for inspirations (or if they already have). You can't receive that honor and still call your topic a failure.

Fifth, If you feel you've done all you can, or readers are behind and you're lightyears ahead, you can always stop and take a giant break. I still advocate trying to condense individual entries, spiff up the writing if possible, and work on tracking down artists for each piece. That should keep the topic alive.

Sixth and last, remember to look at the bigger picture. Yes, we'd all probably like more feedback and discussion so we know where our topics and ideas stand, or how to improve them. But feedback varies widely, and you can no doubt see how many other topics die silent, lonely deaths with no discussion or feedback, no upvotes, and no help in the way of direction for how to improve. It's just the nature of the beast. We can't make people interested in our topics if they just aren't. Needless to say, people have been interested in your concepts, so it's already above the average cut of concepts that live and die alone with their creator. 

Cheer up, and cheers, mate.

   I . . . yes, I believe you might be correct. I'm thankful that you did not take this as an egotistical "PLEZ CUM TO MEH AND READ MY SHET STUFF, PWEZZZZ!111!1" outburst on my part. I am in no doubt that I am in both your and Mr Tnc's debts for the services you have provided for me, from education, to critique, to simple encouragement. I just. . . I don't know, mayhaps I AM being an egotistical ponce for lamenting on faults that may or may not be there. I just. . . I. . . bah, forget it, this might just be some form of stupid "brooding artist" phase. I should be much more appreciative of the fact that I've somehow mystically clambered onto the top of a plethora of concepts rather then a simple "one-and-done" spit-out. I just. . . I guess I've just fallen into the punji-pit of self-deprecation due to . . . something or other. Ugh, lemme just shove this duffle fulla baggage back into the back reaches of the Internet and get back to business, it's embarrassing enough to be exposed like this anyway.

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20 hours ago, Unus said:

   I . . . yes, I believe you might be correct. I'm thankful that you did not take this as an egotistical "PLEZ CUM TO MEH AND READ MY SHET STUFF, PWEZZZZ!111!1" outburst on my part. I am in no doubt that I am in both your and Mr Tnc's debts for the services you have provided for me, from education, to critique, to simple encouragement. I just. . . I don't know, mayhaps I AM being an egotistical ponce for lamenting on faults that may or may not be there. I just. . . I. . . bah, forget it, this might just be some form of stupid "brooding artist" phase. I should be much more appreciative of the fact that I've somehow mystically clambered onto the top of a plethora of concepts rather then a simple "one-and-done" spit-out. I just. . . I guess I've just fallen into the punji-pit of self-deprecation due to . . . something or other. Ugh, lemme just shove this duffle fulla baggage back into the back reaches of the Internet and get back to business, it's embarrassing enough to be exposed like this anyway.

Don't feel bad about this of feeling bad about it, even though, for your own sake, you shouldn't feel bad about it.

You are a creator, it's natural that you want some attention in one way or another. You want some proof that you are doing something good. But as Rhekemi put it, you simply have to look at the big picture, and see what you already achieved, and understand that, many times, not being praised doesn't mean not deserving so. That's not how the world works -- there are hundreds of variables that condition whether you'll be famous or not, and luck is one of them.

Honestly, your incessant loyalty to this thread, and how you have systematically maintained it well filled with new concepts is a victory on itself.

Again paraphrasing Rhekemi, it would be a good idea to, of you feel that people are getting too behind (and I kinda subscribe to that feeling) to take a time to condense the first post, and to get art. Honestly, I am going to see if O can help on either -- though maybe not immediately, since the exam season is right around the corner.

All in all, try not to let yourself go down. Even if you just have 3 or 4 viewers, they are 3 or 4 very satisfied viewers.

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55 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

Don't feel bad about this of feeling bad about it, even though, for your own sake, you shouldn't feel bad about it.

You are a creator, it's natural that you want some attention in one way or another. You want some proof that you are doing something good. But as Rhekemi put it, you simply have to look at the big picture, and see what you already achieved, and understand that, many times, not being praised doesn't mean not deserving so. That's not how the world works -- there are hundreds of variables that condition whether you'll be famous or not, and luck is one of them.

Honestly, your incessant loyalty to this thread, and how you have systematically maintained it well filled with new concepts is a victory on itself.

Again paraphrasing Rhekemi, it would be a good idea to, of you feel that people are getting too behind (and I kinda subscribe to that feeling) to take a time to condense the first post, and to get art. Honestly, I am going to see if O can help on either -- though maybe not immediately, since the exam season is right around the corner.

All in all, try not to let yourself go down. Even if you just have 3 or 4 viewers, they are 3 or 4 very satisfied viewers.

I. . . I see then. Well, couldn't hurt to do a bit of q-l winter scrubbing here and there. Mayhaps a few whisked away cobwebs might help things turn up more rosey then. Also, thank you, help is always appreciated round these parts, so long as the inconvenience on your end is next to nil.

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On ‎03‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 3:47 PM, Unus said:

I. . . I see then. Well, couldn't hurt to do a bit of q-l winter scrubbing here and there. Mayhaps a few whisked away cobwebs might help things turn up more rosey then. Also, thank you, help is always appreciated round these parts, so long as the inconvenience on your end is next to nil.

my pleasure, and dont worry. At this rate, your thread is the only part of the forums I still stand to dwell in. And the inconvenience is only temporary. Once the study is done, I might choose my favorite designs (or the ones that gave me a quicker mental image) and do some sketches.

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5 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

my pleasure, and dont worry. At this rate, your thread is the only part of the forums I still stand to dwell in. And the inconvenience is only temporary. Once the study is done, I might choose my favorite designs (or the ones that gave me a quicker mental image) and do some sketches.

   Aw shucks, I thought you had that little section  where you talked about the retooling of Warframes? What happened to that? Also, again, than you.


Addendum= To save on space and prevent giving off the vibe of "I GOTTA GET TO DUH TOP A DUH CHARTS! SHUCK POSTS OUT LIKE SPAM FROM A SPAM FACTORY!", I shall paste an announcement here.

The Grammar improvement project has BEGUN! All posts that do not contain links will be sent through Microsoft Word for grammar processing and be sent back here, FAR cleaner and legible throughout. If you can't stop it from getting big, might as well make sure its clean .. . . .wait a secon. . . .oh gawd. 

Addendum to the addendum= The Grammer Improvement Project is accomplished! Results varied ranging from mangled train-wrecks to single letter off-shoots, a pattern as typical of the Pit as the quality of my entries.

Edited by Unus
Wait, sheet, disregard, that's Archwizard's work that is.
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3 hours ago, Unus said:

The Grammar improvement project has BEGUN! All posts that do not contain links will be sent through Microsoft Word for grammar processing and be sent back here, FAR cleaner and legible throughout. If you can't stop it from getting big, might as well make sure its clean .. . . .wait a secon. . . .oh gawd.

Good luck with that...



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22 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

Good luck with that...



 Swear, I think I contracted right-handed arthritis about halfway through the cleanseing, 'twas I a fapping man, I would be a depressed one. Wait, I'm a gamer. . . sheeeeeeeet.

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GOOOODDDDEEEMMM IIITTTTT! That is the FOURTH time I lost this blasted thing, plus, I even COMPLETED It to boot! (Sigh) (Post 144, Conceived circa 12/4/2016 at 16:??)

No introductions! Let's get right down to the nitty gritty (AGAIN)

Designation: Caledfwlch's Boon

Utilized with: Exalted Blade, Excalibur.


Polarity= Zenurik

"Cost"= 9


   Upon seathing the Exalted Blade, be purged  of all negative effects and resist further negative effects for 1 minute.

"Flavor Injection"

   Takeing another page from the old terran's book of legends, Orokin technicians devised an optional reactive microcomputer that could be injection-implanted into an excalibur suit's gripping arm. Highly sensitive to emitted void energies, the computer immediately springs on upon detecting the immediate cessation of emissions, sending command signals along the frame's wiring and neurons alike. Though these signal's commands range from flooding a frame's body with coagulants to forceing it's flexible metallic shell to adopt a thin lead/ceramic skin, all have a very similar purpose, to turn the excalibur suit's body into a temple against any and all deviations from it's standard conditions. Though the tiny machine can only keep up this taxing task for so long due to it's tiny heat sinks and limited processing power, those few moments could mean all the difference when faceing down a barrage of atomic fire from a Battalyst or weathering the withering blows of a Conculyst. Lost to the ages until recently, Lotusian operatives have begun testing those discovered anew, struggling to determine their viability in a modern age that not even those bygone ancient engineers could even hope to conceive of (or desire to)

PHEW! Finally! Thank Yahweh/Buddha/Allah/Brahma for books and (flimsy) patience. Blasted concept pestered me like a gnat (albeit a somewhat forgiving and playful one). Anyway folks, have fun readtiqueing an I'll see you when the light of day comes in (quick alarm clock look). . . uh. . . three hours?

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48 minutes ago, Unus said:

GOOOODDDDEEEMMM IIITTTTT! That is the FOURTH time I lost this blasted thing, plus, I even COMPLETED It to boot! (Sigh) (Conceived circa 12/4/2016 at 16:??)

No introductions! Let's get right down to the nitty gritty (AGAIN)

Designation: Caledfwlch's Boon

Utilized with: Exalted Blade, Excalibur.


  Hide contents


Polarity= Zenurik

"Cost"= 9


   Upon seathing the Exalted Blade, be purged  of all negative effects and resist further negative effects for 1 minute.

"Flavor Injection"

   Takeing another page from the old terran's book of legends, Orokin technicians devised an optional reactive microcomputer that could be injection-implanted into an excalibur suit's gripping arm. Highly sensitive to emitted void energies, the computer immediately springs on upon detecting the immediate cessation of emissions, sending command signals along the frame's wiring and neurons alike. Though these signal's commands range from flooding a frame's body with coagulants to forceing it's flexible metallic shell to adopt a thin lead/ceramic skin, all have a very similar purpose, to turn the excalibur suit's body into a temple against any and all deviations from it's standard conditions. Though the tiny machine can only keep up this taxing task for so long due to it's tiny heat sinks and limited processing power, those few moments could mean all the difference when faceing down a barrage of atomic fire from a Battalyst or weathering the withering blows of a Conculyst. Lost to the ages until recently, Lotusian operatives have begun testing those discovered anew, struggling to determine their viability in a modern age that not even those bygone ancient engineers could even hope to conceive of (or desire to)

PHEW! Finally! Thank Yahweh/Buddha/Allah/Brahma for books and (flimsy) patience. Blasted concept pestered me like a gnat (albeit a somewhat forgiving and playful one). Anyway folks, have fun readtiqueing an I'll see you when the light of day comes in (quick alarm clock look). . . uh. . . three hours?

So, a simple augment this time,granting status cleansing and immunity?

Honestly, this was shockingly small compared to your usual. I don't know if it will work very well mechanically though. Will it only work while Exalted Blade is sheathed, or can one just deactivate exalted blade every one minute to get the effect?


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4 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

So, a simple augment this time,granting status cleansing and immunity?

Honestly, this was shockingly small compared to your usual. I don't know if it will work very well mechanically though. Will it only work while Exalted Blade is sheathed, or can one just deactivate exalted blade every one minute to get the effect?


 Yeah. . . it's supposed to kick in at the end of the full Exalted Blade effect, to keep abuse down to a minimum. Meanwhile, also, yeahhhh. . . that late night has had me thinking about just how the Sam-hill I might greatly improve this. Looking at the scabbard's description in the old tales, the current possibilities for improvement appear to include a "flashbang" effect upon actually drawing the blade and giving it innate cold damage in addition to it's current damage for the duration of Exalted. Not sure if those might assist an Excalibur frameist in any proper capacity, but I'm willing to stick em in.

On the brighter side of things, something far more creative slapped me across the face at around 3:55 to get my attention that will be FAR more. . . shall we say. . . elaborate then a mere restoring of fantasy abilities to an old swordsmen.

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Post 147

(Conceived circa 12/5/2016 at 3:55) Now for something a tad bit. . . uhhh, rowdy I suppose is a good term, yes?

Designation: Prorza

Weapon Designation: Staff


Manufacturer= Patent owned by Gagestron Orbital Trust, constructed in-house at Pharon Launch Dome, Proteus, Mid-Ring, Neptune.

Statistical Breakdown= 

Damage= 45 Impact, 20 Magnetic, 20 Blast.

Slide Attack= 44 Impact, 45 Blast

Jump Attack= 50 Magnetic, 50 Blast

Wall Attack= 60 Impact, 50 Magnetic

Radius= 10

Attack Speed= 1.0

Critical Chance= 5.0%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 20%

Channeling= 1.5X

Targets= 3

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6 

Polarity= Naramon

Stance Polarity= Madurai

Special Trait(s)=  

Attractive Repulser Array= Chargeing the Prorza and blocking with it captures "hit-scan" rounds in it's swirling vortices. If the user swings the weapon in this state, the rounds will fire back in the direction they came in from in whatever direction the user is faceing. If the user stops chargeing the staff, the rounds will simply shoot down at the floor harmlessly. Blocking to many hit-scan weapon shots at once will force the staff out of the repulsor state (numerical, percentile, or chance percentage amount to be decided by greater men and/or women then this lowly pud). Projectile weapons are not captured, but, rather, will actually home in in the user visciously if they are in the blocked state. Being attracted at odd angles however, (such as an arrow being pulled backwards or a missile being yanked off course) will reduce a modest portion of the damage. 

Repulsor Ram= Chargeing the weapon and remaing in motion will gradually begin to generate a repulsive "sphere of influence" around one of the staff ends. The user need only point it outwards (automatic animation effect) and move into a potential threat in order to trigger the field. The charge can be increased in both intensity and size via continuous movement (amount of time, point amount, etc decided by souls greater then I.) starting with simply triggering impact damage on contact with a single threat, to triggering impact damage AND the "P.R.O.C." with a sphere capable of catching two crewmen if they stood side-by-side, to finally dealing Impact damage but triggering the blast "P.R.O.C." in a sphere roughly the size of four lancers standing side-to-side.


For the the staff portion  of the weapon, it is largely modeled after yet another Corpus weapon, the serro, with several bolts holding the two halves of the staff togethor at both ends (these can be drilled in order to seperate the halves and remove the heads in order to perform electronics maintainence.). At the tip of both ends of the staff, a large geometrically perfected cube exists which in turn houses an inset set of rectangular "pegs" that exist on each side's "square" tips. Upon striking a target, these pegs burst forth right on impact to ensure maximum kinetic impartment, once used in the smashing of larger asteroids menaceing miners and repairmen, now utilized to punch through plate-armor with all the force of a jackhammer tip. Both "heads" are painted in a yellow and black striped "warning" pattern that continuous unhhindered around the entirety of the heads, even in the areas disrupted by the presence of the "pegs". Upon chargeing the weapon, the blocks become ensconced in a distortive field ripples and distorts the area around the cubes like water. This is the magnetic particle field that gives the Prorza, a useful tool for capturing deadly body piercing micrometeoroids, now used to capture deadly high velocity body-piercing bullets.

"Basic" Description= 

   Even in the vast spaces between planets and the not-so-crowded depths of the asteroid belts, there are still threats that can kill far faster then radioactive exposure and the cold lieing in wait. Micrometeoroids, aberrant space junk, and cosmic dust all have the capability of reaching Mach-speeds in those vast spans of near-nothingness, turning what should be corridors of open travel into vast and chancy bullet-hells survivable only by having thick plated vessels and keen-eyed engineers. Few organizations have learned this as harshly as Gagestron Orbital Trust. Beleiveing their purchase of the entirety of the moon of Proteus to have been an amazeing steal, the founding shareholders soon found themselves mired in all manner of stacking troubles, as the constant stream of ice shards and cosmic dust from Neptune's rings perforated projects, assets, and staff alike, which in turn lowered morale, which also in turn resulted in several active rebellions from among the wage slaves as they attempted to escape from what they saw as a floundering venture they wanted no part of. Despite flimsy attempts by the organization to erect "armored" barricades (which were promptly perforated anyway), automate normally manned tasks (the machines were even more prone to obliteration then the personnel), and placate the now panicking staff (mostly via sloppy downsizing and "strategic" strikes against rebellious staff), Gagestron's ship construction business was doomed to capsize like a vessel leaving their compound.

    In desperation, they petitioned a problem-solving division of Luxor Forge with the last few drops of their liquid assets, holding onto the hope that this juggernaut of industry would be their salvation. Naturally for Luxor, every single direct staff member, from the board of trustees to the janitorial staff, all died within the next month due to everything from "hazardous working conditions" to "unforeseen workplace accidents". Now fully a Luxor asset in all but name only, it wasn't hard at all for the company to begin implementing it's typical "liability agnostic" procedures throughout the ship foundry, from throughly will-crushed "worker-bees" to incentivized one up-manship programs to keep employees cracking their skulls against one another to keep Luxor blameless for their misfortunes. As for the penetration issue, the answer was quite simple. Leveraging the latest generation iof magnetic generation technologies, Luxor simply came up with a magnetically attractive man-operated tool and specially skewed voteing system for employees to volunteer others to stand outside vulnerable areas to deflect and redirect potential debris storms away towards "less valuable assets. As for the icy debris, Luxor simply dug deeper into the heart of Proteus and implemented a massive sterilizing L.A.S.E.R. field over the entrance to the facility, vaporizing potential spaceborn hazards, cleaning recently constructed ships to a sales-worthy shine, and incinerating employees dumb enough (or sane enough) to attempt to flee the facility. Every so often though, an employee sent out on anti-meteoroid duty will somehow evade Luxor's minefield of point-defense systems and tracking arrays. Luxor wishes these savvy individuals well, hopeing that they further market their unique brand of ingenious devices to the underworld of Sol without the company having to spend a single cent on marketing. In the end, every mistake, every failed venture, all these "problems" are nothing more then opportunities for Luxor to push deeper, innovate faster, and spread farther then their more narrow-minded "competition". As they say on the stockroom floor, "Investment may sting, failure may burn, and incompetence may drive you to the end of your rope. But, in the end, Profit numbs the feeling."


  Yeesh, took me long enough. Sure, my birthday maya popped in there to "interrupt" things a bit, but, good lord, could I at least thought of a more succinct story to plug in there?! Anyway, here we are, a new Pit member. Hopefully, my two week vacation provides me with more inspiration to mull over and use to populate this place with "proper" ideas.



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