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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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5 hours ago, roimonstre said:

Wow, lots of ideas and concepts here! :awe:

OH, you didn't have to page through everything sir/mam! I was just comparing the Broadside to your own Infested Rampart as ranged combat solutions for the Infested.

Yeah, it has grown a bit. An overwhelming a bit looking back at it.

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                                   Post 333

(Conceived circa 2/10/2018 at ?:?? A.M.)

Inspiration truly strikes at the strangest of times, such as, say, in a restroom at the crack of dawn's morning light. Inspired by what you ask? Ell if I know! I ain't questioning providing providence though. Onto the "product"!


Designation: T.H.E.R.I./T.Y.R.A.N.

Unit Designation Heavy, M.O.A. Model, Specialized.

"The reality is you either step into the future, or you become a dinosaur."

         -M. Shadows, Musician.


Health Type= Robotics, buried beneath a solid ferric-alloy body case that requires punch-through to penetrate save for a few frontal exposure points.

Health Statistics= 

Manufacturer: Beekloud. The T.H.E.R.I. model is available system-wide as an expensive semi-autonomous excavator. The T.Y.R.A.N. model, however, is a military-grade model on a limited production run only on Venus due to safety concerns.


Hardened Skull-Piece

Both the T.H.E.R.I. and the T.Y.R.A.N. models feature a heavy tungsten-carbide head case reinforced specifically to shatter solid rock registering up to at least 7.5 on the Moh's Hardness Scale and supported by a variety of synthetic muscle fibers. To say that a bite or headbutt from one of these lumbering monsters is lethal is a gross understatement.

Maw-Based Weaponry

T.H.E.R.I. Maw=

Behind the array of stone grinders in it's heavy beak lies a metal smelter of absolutely Tartaric temperatures. Normally existing solely as a storage container for the metals they grind out of the landscape, T.H.E.R.I. Self-preservation protocols authorize these giants to project their valuable molten contents in pressurized blasts of searing liquid metal. 

T.Y.R.A.N. Maw=

Rather then retain the grinding drills and the liquid metal storage tank found on their more passive cousins, T.Y.R.A.N. models house a double row of puncturing nails in their inner jaws with a significant-sized plasma generator just behind them. With intimidating bellows and threatening posturing, a T.Y.R.A.N. is capable of discharging a sun-hot plasma torus of alarming width and speed at foes, leaving little but a patch of charred earth in their passing. After the blast, it's now blazing hot teeth will be twice as lethal to "Devoured" foes for a time.

Monohull Plating=

1.0 Punch-through Resist on hard-points.

Regardless of model, these machines are made from a single titano-ferric shell. If it weren't for the exposed underbelly, neck joints, and leg joints, it would be nigh impossible to fight one of these beasts without a punch-through capable weapon.

Untapped Riches=

Killing one of these mega-m.o.a.s is not without rewards. Upon the death of a T.H.E.R.I., a non-essential design flaw in it's cranial circuitry will cause it's head to explode, raining it's molten contents down onto the ground. Allowing this damaging molten mess to cool will result in a bounty of ferrite and gallium of various amounts. Similarly, on the death of a T.Y.R.A.N., after it's body ceases it's excessive fulguration, one can pry fieldron samples from it's remains, with a greater chance of an intact piece if it is brought down by a critical hit.

Bare-Bones I-F/F=

Friendly Fire= On

Meeting the absolute minimum for safety standards in corporate doctrine for A.I. technology, both the T.H.E.R.I. and the T.Y.R.A.N. are notorious for accidental death causation. Rather then code for every single differing individual's bloodline or unique blue-box signal, Beekloud simply programmed the a.i.s to not register any sensor inputs that weren't ore-related (in the case of the T.H.E.R.I.), unregistered nanoactivity, or the Grineer's unique barely-variable genetic signature. Naturally, being totally blind of their allies' presences, personnel and machine alike are taught to completely avoid the presence of both models until they return to dock and stand-by for maintenance. Only the local foremen in charge of the mining zone has the emergency stop for these machines, and, even then, it must be triggered within a 35 foot radius of the automaton, making it a bit of a risky business to shutdown one that might be running amok.


Getting in close with either model can be significantly lethal. Their dexterous mouths and life-imitating artificial skin and muscle are the pride of Beekloud's engineering department, allowing for the T.H.E.R.I. to "consume" rock, process it, sieve out the ore, and then dump the waste stone out of a hinged gap at the back of the bottom jaw almost like an herbivorous animal. Beekloud retained aspects of the design for the T.Y.R.A.N.'s killing jaws, only swapping out the grinding drills for puncturing nail tips and implementing an "easy-clean" plasma burn system to help combust objects trapped on the nails down into char and keep them clear. Either model can send a foe through their maw to gristly effect, though tenno have a tendency to survive if intact enough. 


Though they might share some basic components, the T.H.E.R.I. and the T.Y.R.A.N. proxies differ in a significant number of ways.


 Certainly larger then your average bursa, the two-legged T.H.E.R.I. proxy stands on a long set of M.O.A. legs with a rigidity unseen in most proxy variants. Their stiff lumbering movements are compensated for by their long strides and their sense of balance is significant to the extreme, causing them to react to even the slightest weight changes via leg-readjustment, giving them the appearance of being anxious even when the rest of the body is stock still. The paint on the heavy armored plate that coats all non-flexible points on the legs is done in a realistic styling, with a wrinkled salmon-colored texture running down both sides and a creamy white along the back of the leg leading down to the black M.O.A. skeletal feet. The rotund body follows a similar style, only that the cream white travels along the rim of where the chest opens up to reveal the black skeletal guts of the proxy, while the salmon coloring gets darker and darker as it reaches the top till it's almost a deep brown. The rear end houses a gargantuan M.O.A. pack that sags downwards in a tail-like fashion.

   The neck has plastic-esque skin on it colored like the rest of the body and hanging loosely from either side, allowing it to fully articulate in an organic manner.  The head is the most complicated component on the entirety of the entity, a massive cylinder with a set of massive orange optic lights on either side, reflecting in a manner similar to a car's frontal lights and ending with a "mouth" similar in appearance to a wrench clamp. The large hollow space inside of the cylinder is just large enough to fit a person and is filled with dozens of grinding drills, purpose made to ensure that nothing put inside is missed in processing, much to the misfortune of any who trigger it's self-defense protocols. At the back of the maw is a fiery hole (unable to fit a person) leading down into a chamber filled with a slurry of redhot molten metal. Just below the hole, a trap door sits awaiting to dump the pebble and dust (and "other matter") that collects post-processing. The noises it makes are a rough collage of the Borderlandsian Rakk-Hive's sounds, a hand-drill running, a foghorn, and a car-engine running.


Take the basic layout of the T.H.E.R.I., model and upscale EVERYTHING up a size proportion. It's skin is a (very small) repeating diamond shape texture and, on the body, starts as a light cyan before at the belly before gradually turning to a very very dark cyan at the top. Bright scarlet "tiger stripes" line the back all the way down to the sagging "M.O.A. pack", more of a warning for individuals to stand clear from a long distance rather then anything decorative. The leg plateing is a single solid "moderate" shade of cyan and is tipped with a bird-like three-toed clawed foot with a sort of "upward rise" in the middle, making it walk on it's toes. It shares the saggy plasticy neck of the T.H.E.R.I., as well as that proxy's swallowing functionality, though it's artificial muscles are far more tuned to crush rather then to simply guide material down towards a destination. 

   The head, like it's cousin, is the most complicated portion of the proxy, a rectangular "skull" ending in an individually toothed elongated bear-trap of a mouth. Coolant drips from the maw constantly to lubricate devoured objects and prevent damage whenever it fires it's plasma blast, evaporating out from between it's teeth and from a pair of blow-hole-like stacks in the top back of it's head.  It shares the same color-scheme as the body, though it is pitted and scarred in some areas where the texture and paint are worn down in almost organic styling. Three sets of orangish-yellow m.o.a. eye sensors dot this "skull", with two towards the back, two in the middle, and two on the front just above the maw. Inside of the maw, positioned in the manner of a snake skull's lower row of teeth, are two long lines of nasty puncturing nail points supported by artificial muscle.

When the proxy devours something, the nail lines push upwards, fitting into divets in the "jaw's" ceiling if they do not embed themselves in the swallowed object. Beyond this point lies a cavernous hole filled with crackling electricity and ionized gas. When the proxy positions itself to fire, this area flares up to about 3 million degrees as a ball of fiery blue fury forms and is launched down the throats and out the maw, expanding as it goes as fusion runs it's course. Beneath the ionization chamber is the same dumping apparatus as found in it's counterpart, indistinguishable in all ways save the typical waste it dumps. It's cries begin with an intercom crackle before progressing into a deafening roar ((King Kong's "V-Rex" was the donor for my mental sound-studio)) before concluding with the same crackle.

"Basic" Description:

Between it's frigid volcanic nature and it's unfortunate position between the Mercurial Quarantine Zone and the Grineer Expansion Zone, Venus has a hostility that is exceeded only by the Gnathos Secure-Server Farm on Eris. Beekcloud, acknowledging this on first starting facilities there, but, lacking the infrastructure and build-space to provide safer living conditions, simply restricted all standard personnel to remain in on-site facilities 24/7 and sent out "mining ospreys" into the frigid ashlands to gather the extremely rich silicon and rare-but-more-valuable nickel and iron deposits found there. As time went on however, between the rampant whole-sale slaughters of base personnel, and the economically insignificant amounts of metal retrieved by the Ospreys, it became quite clear to the company that Venus would soon become a fiscal bust if alone long enough. Playing to it's strengths, Beekloud turned to it's expertise in robotics and carefully considered their options. Their conclusion? If they converted at least 50% of their processing and purifying processes over to "mobile refineries" rather then building based work, the budget would return to the black within a fair period of time. After some rough start-up issues and some trial-and-error in the design process, the end result, a 2-ton vaguely reptilian ore processor, was an absolutely resounding success, to such a degree that even rival companies and independent start-ups began requesting their own (equipped with dialed-down processors and sub-par components, though only the well-paid engineering teams and their C.E.O. overseers know this.). "Herds" of these large proxies now wander the Venusian countryside from deposit to deposit, "grazing" as they go, but always within distance of their home bases where they return for maintenance by their significantly less over-worked (but now moderately more stressed due to their sudden "job reassignments" over to base security and the occasional bouts of "death by trampling) staff.


   With such a resounding success (ignoring all claims of the proxies being significant workplace hazards)in motion, Beekcloud inevitably turned it's thoughts towards it's second most profitable enterprise, warfare. Conceiving of a sort of "shepard dog" for their roaming "flocks" Beekloud has been silently at work designing. . . something or other. Though there are few details, given reports from pirates and bandits of "metal walls of fire and teeth" devastating their raids, it seems that Beekloud is on the cusp of creating something new. . . and something very VERY dangerous.


This one has been one ell of an exciteing ride folks! It completely and totally popped out of absolutely nowhere on cold and quiet morning during a 4 A.M. bathroom visit. The details just suddenly started materializeing over a few short hours afterwards, and, in the end, all I really needed to do is catch up to them typeing-wise on a good day to do it.


Been almost making me wonder, am I actually creative? Or am I the plaything of some eldritch horror from the beyond who uses me to funnel their creative efforts onto this plane of existence?


Lets. . . uh. . . let's forget I said anything and move onto the next piece, shall we?

(Patrick Star-esque voice)

"Eidolon hunting, Eidolon hunting!@

Edited by Unus
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On 2/10/2018 at 2:09 PM, (Xbox One)Fluffywolf36 said:

This is such a fun concept! I might be able to draw this if need be... Also, weirdly enough, comparing it to a Detron makes sense. The Detron's basic design does date back to the time of the Orokin empire, after all...

If you feel like it sir. As I said, my Pit is totally open as to what you wish to choose. My only annoying gripe is I like to avoid doubles unless one is completely focused on a specific topic.


At first, honestly, I couldn't think of any way to "reinvent the wheel" as it were, spice things up to make em prettier. Eventually, just picked the first gun to come to mind and just thwacked it down. Wasn't till later that the dots connected and I recalled the Mara, so, I said, ship it!

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57 minutes ago, Unus said:

If you feel like it sir. As I said, my Pit is totally open as to what you wish to choose. My only annoying gripe is I like to avoid doubles unless one is completely focused on a specific topic.


At first, honestly, I couldn't think of any way to "reinvent the wheel" as it were, spice things up to make em prettier. Eventually, just picked the first gun to come to mind and just thwacked it down. Wasn't till later that the dots connected and I recalled the Mara, so, I said, ship it!

That reminds me - I really want more Mara weapons! The Mara Detron's lore is just so tantalizingly interesting. 

"For Orokin-era smugglers, this fearsome handheld shotgun was a favored tool for 'dispute resolution'."

It's a one-sentence description, but there's so much this implies. Smugglers outside Orokin jurisdiction? And this is a Corpus weapon, too! What was life on the fringe of the Orokin Empire like? What were these early proto-Corpus like? So many questions...

I don't care what gets added next - armor, weapons, sentinels - I'd just love more insight into this. And definitely more Mara weaponry. Maybe a Mara Prova. Or a Mara Lanka/Snipetron? Or Mara Lecta? Or even a Mara Dera-

goddammit XD

(I just said "Mara Dera" out loud. This is funny to me.) 

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Fluffywolf36 said:

That reminds me - I really want more Mara weapons! The Mara Detron's lore is just so tantalizingly interesting. 

"For Orokin-era smugglers, this fearsome handheld shotgun was a favored tool for 'dispute resolution'."

It's a one-sentence description, but there's so much this implies. Smugglers outside Orokin jurisdiction? And this is a Corpus weapon, too! What was life on the fringe of the Orokin Empire like? What were these early proto-Corpus like? So many questions...

I don't care what gets added next - armor, weapons, sentinels - I'd just love more insight into this. And definitely more Mara weaponry. Maybe a Mara Prova. Or a Mara Lanka/Snipetron? Or Mara Lecta? Or even a Mara Dera-

goddammit XD

(I just said "Mara Dera" out loud. This is funny to me.) 

I see no troubles there sir! Though we have several models of weapon dating back to the Orokin age the Corpus utilize, there are still several guns that have no precedents in either the way they function in comparison with Orokin Tech, in their style compared to the detron's, or in actual Orokin technology present in the world. Such examples include the Ferrox, the Glaxion, and the Staticor, to name a few.

   Hm. . . you remind me of a continueing project of mine that I haven't thought about in a while. . . . THANKS!


It's interesting to note that "Mara" in Hebrew means "Bitter", so Mara Dera=" I scrape bitterly", Mara Prova= "Bitter Proof", and Mara Lecta= "Bitter Choice".

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On 2/14/2018 at 5:38 PM, Unus said:

I see no troubles there sir! Though we have several models of weapon dating back to the Orokin age the Corpus utilize, there are still several guns that have no precedents in either the way they function in comparison with Orokin Tech, in their style compared to the detron's, or in actual Orokin technology present in the world. Such examples include the Ferrox, the Glaxion, and the Staticor, to name a few.

   Hm. . . you remind me of a continueing project of mine that I haven't thought about in a while. . . . THANKS!


It's interesting to note that "Mara" in Hebrew means "Bitter", so Mara Dera=" I scrape bitterly", Mara Prova= "Bitter Proof", and Mara Lecta= "Bitter Choice".

I was actually thinking about how, if you say "Mara dera" out loud, it sounds like "Marauder." Which is funny given that this belonged to space smugglers and possible pirates.

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                                    Post 338

(Floating in the void of thought for a while, reconceived circa 2/14/2018 at 14:14-16.)

Capitalizing on the swift accidental bonk on the head Mr. Wolf gave me and the resurrection of an ancient concept, ONWARDS with spontaneous vigor!


Overarching Designation: Battlefield Salvage Modifications.


Designation: AT Retrofit.

Utilized With: Ogris

Polarity: Madurai

Cost= __ (To Be Determind By Masters Of (Game) Balance.)

Drops From=

Bombard (?.??%)

Corrupted Bombard (?.??%)


  Nemed's Focus= 

-30% Projectile Speed

+ 2.0 Punch-Through on blast radius.

Rockets home-in on foes highlighted in crosshairs.

"Flavor" Injection= 

Taking lessons learned from their time spent back-engineering the Rathuum contestant's myriad exotic weapon upgrades, the Tenno have finally developed a method of stripping the guidance systems of Ogris launchers. The methods aren't foolproof and the weapon is to heavily integrated with and secured to it survive the process, but, at last, Tenno models can finally match the Empire's finest.


Designation: Seeker Retrofit.

Utilized with: Angstrum

Polarity: Vazarin.

Cost= __ (T.B.D.B.M.O.G.B.)

Drops From= 

Comba (?.??%)

Scrambus (?.??%)


 "Nanometre" Upgrade 

-20% Projectile Speed

Trigger Type Change= Magazine-Burst.

Rockets in burst all track first rocket, which in turn tracks the first target highlighted by the reticule.

"Flavor" Injection=

Though it took significantly more effort to bypass the various patent-protection design decisions and layers of scan-resistant material that seem to permeate almost every Corpus design, several construction parallels that match those of the Ogris (likely due to some unknown Orokin weapon ancestor) allowed for the Tenno to finally separate the Seeker Angstrum's guidance systems from it's encrypted parent weapon.


Designation: Swarmer Retrofit.

Utilized With: Detron

Polarity: Madurai

Cost: __ (T.B.D.B.M.O.G.B)

Drops From=

Comba (?.??%)

Scrambus (?.??%)


 High-Isotope Smart Pellets.

-20% Projectile Speed.

Damage Conversion = Blast.

Pellets converge on first target highlighted by reticule.

"Flavor" Injection=

Though the detron's significantly less complex design meant that it's internal components were relatively simple to copy, it's relationship between it's ammunition and it's onboard targeting system was something significantly harder to analyze. The correct balance of high-octane fuel-per-pellet, nano-thruster surface-area distribution, and unstable nuclear material was nearly impossible to achieve without either a terabyte-level production proxy's processing. . . or lessons learned from the Seeker's guidance systems and innate Tenno ingenuity from decades of experience.


Designation: M.O.A. Model Plasma Rifle Retrofit.

Utilized With: Dera.

Polarity: Naramon

Cost:__ (T.B.D.B.M.O.G.B.)

Drops From:

M.O.A. (??.??%)

Shockwave M.O.A. (?.??%)


  Rolling Stormfront.

Projectile Size= Increase

-25% Damage.

+125% Magazine Size.

"Flavor" Injection=

A further unexpected development of the cracking of patent-protection software was the revelation that the safeguards on the angstrum's design were almost complete duplicates of those found on the M.O.A.'s mounted plasma rifles. Likely the result of Conglomerate-typical mass-production decisions in the design bureau, the Tenno's exuberant kill-count pile only further fueled impetus to "peek behind the curtain". The resulting information gleaned allowed Tenno to unlock hidden "battery-saver" functionality in their own Dera copies, though this also dampens damage output as well.


Designation: Corrupted Strun Retrofit.

Utilized with: Strun.

Polarity: Madurai

Cost: (T.B.D.B.M.O.G.B.)

Drops from:

Corrupted Crewmen (?.??%).


   Particulate Condenser.

+30% Rate of Fire.

All pellets are condensed into a single plasma bolt projectile that deals full damage and travels at dera shot-speed.

"Flavor" Injection=

For years, the Tenno have been unable to replicate any of the Sentry's iterative improvements upon the other faction's weaponry, due in no small part to each weapon's complete self-destruction on the "death" (if it can even be called that) of the wielder. After years of sifting through and collecting the many scraps left behind by the fallen forces of the sentry however, the Tenno have finally managed to assemble a set of patchwork prototypes and, through at least one of them, have gained at least a passing understanding of the esoteric processes that underlay the "Sentry Strun's" projectiles. 


Designation: Electrotechnic Ogris Retrofit.

Utilized with: Ogris


Cost: ??

Drops from:

Bombard (?.??%)


   Electrokinetic Discharge.

Rocket converted to Lightning Sphere.

Blast damage converted to Electric.



Seemed like Digital was slowly starting to aim in this direction at one point, figured I might as well "cover the other bases". Now, if I can juussttt settle a little self-inflicted design dispute of mine, I can begin scrivening the next Pit piece.


Till then, enjoy and see ya soon!

Edited by Unus
Completed Circa February 17th 2018 at 15:54.
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On 2/17/2018 at 3:53 PM, Unus said:

                                    Post 338

(Floating in the void of thought for a while, reconceived circa 2/14/2018 at 14:14-16.)

Capitalizing on the swift accidental bonk on the head Mr. Wolf gave me and the resurrection of an ancient concept, ONWARDS with spontaneous vigor!


Overarching Designation: Battlefield Salvage Modifications.

  Hide contents

Designation: AT Retrofit.

Utilized With: Ogris

Polarity: Madurai

Cost= __ (To Be Determind By Masters Of (Game) Balance.)

Drops From=

Bombard (?.??%)

Corrupted Bombard (?.??%)


  Nemed's Focus= 

-30% Projectile Speed

+ 2.0 Punch-Through on blast radius.

Rockets home-in on foes highlighted in crosshairs.

"Flavor" Injection= 

Taking lessons learned from their time spent back-engineering the Rathuum contestants myriad exotic weapon upgrades, the Tenno have finally developed a method of stripping the guidance systems of Ogris launchers. The methods aren't foolproof and the weapon is to heavily integrated with it and secured to survive the process, but, at last, Tenno models can finally match the Empire's finest.


Designation: Seeker Retrofit.

Utilized with: Angstrum

Polarity: Vazarin.

Cost= __ (T.B.D.B.M.O.G.B.)

Drops From= 

Comba (?.??%)

Scrambus (?.??%)


 "Nanometre" Upgrade 

-20% Projectile Speed

Trigger Type Change= Magazine-Burst.

Rockets in burst all track first rocket, which in turn tracks the first target highlighted by the reticule.

"Flavor" Injection=

Though it took significantly more effort to bypass the various patent-protection design decisions and layers of scan-resistant material that seem to permeate almost every Corpus design, several construction parallels that match those of the Ogris (likely due to some unknown Orokin weapon ancestor) allowed for the Tenno to finally separate the Seeker Angstrum's guidance systems from it's encrypted parent weapon.


Designation: Swarmer Retrofit.

Utilized With: Detron

Polarity: Madurai

Cost: __ (T.B.D.B.M.O.G.B)

Drops From=

Comba (?.??%)

Scrambus (?.??%)


 High-Isotope Smart Pellets.

-20% Projectile Speed.

Damage Conversion = Blast.

Pellets converge on first target highlighted by reticule.

"Flavor" Injection=

Though the detron's significantly less complex design meant that it's internal components were relatively simple to copy, it's relationship between it's ammunition and it's onboard targeting system was something significantly harder to analyze. The correct balance of high-octane fuel-per-pellet, nano-thruster surface-area distribution, and unstable nuclear material was nearly impossible to achieve without either a terabyte-level production proxy's processing. . . or lessons learned from the Seeker's guidance systems and innate Tenno ingenuity from decades of experience.


Designation: M.O.A. Model Plasma Rifle.

Utilized With: Dera.

Polarity: Naramon

Cost:__ (T.B.D.B.M.O.G.B.)

Drops From:

M.O.A. (??.??%)

Shockwave M.O.A. (?.??%)


  Rolling Stormfront

Projectile Size= Increase

-25% Damage.

+125% Magazine Size.

"Flavor" Injection=

A further unexpected development of the cracking of patent-protection software was the revelation that the safeguards on the angstrum's design were almost complete duplicates of those found on the M.O.A.'s mounted plasma rifles. Likely the result of Conglomerate-typical mass-production decisions in the design bureau, the Tenno's exuberant kill-count pile only further fueled impetus to "peek behind the curtain". The resulting information gleaned allowed Tenno to unlock hidden "battery-saver" functionality in their own Dera copies, though this also dampens damage output as well.


  Hide contents


Seemed like Digital was slowly starting to aim in this direction at one point, figured I might as well "cover the other bases". Now, if I can juussttt settle a little self-inflicted design dispute of mine, I can begin scrivening the next Pit piece.


Till then, enjoy and see ya soon!

I love these! Especially the Angstrum one. Maybe there could be a Kulstar equivalent...

That said, I've questions about the Detron one. Expect to see an augment idea for the Detron SOON(Tm)... I'll call it something like "Thermoelectric choke."

Also, "Some unknown Orokin weapon ancestor?" go on...

And I helped inspire you? Wow, thanks!

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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On 2/16/2018 at 1:19 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I was actually thinking about how, if you say "Mara dera" out loud, it sounds like "Marauder." Which is funny given that this belonged to space smugglers and possible pirates.

Ah, as always, another case of mein "overthought" getting in the way of basic comms, typical!

On 2/19/2018 at 1:20 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I love these! Especially the Angstrum one. Maybe there could be a Kulstar equivalent...

That said, I've questions about the Detron one. Expect to see an augment idea for the Detron SOON(Tm)... I'll call it something like "Thermoelectric choke."

Also, "Some unknown Orokin weapon ancestor?" go on...

And I helped inspire you? Wow, thanks!

Figure we deserved a dose of payback against those thrice-demed Scrambuses and Combases, beat them at their cheesy game.

I see you've already jumped right on that suh. A pocket-rocket shotgun for ease-of-detonation.


Questions sir? How and what may I answer?


Diddn't originally have any sorta plan for that one, but, have started thinking about it lately. It's a longshot, but I think I might be able to bend it into a workable shape to fulfill both weapon parameter sets.


Yeah, you brought back some dormant memories I had of analyzing the enemies' actual in-game guns, reminded me to process the data and set it down in a slab of digital concrete-stone.

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

Figure we deserved a dose of payback against those thrice-demed Scrambuses and Combases, beat them at their chesty game.


I love using all of Frost's abilities (especially his 3) so when scrambuses and combas block one, I get... upset. Oh yes. In fact, I get upset enough that I'm likely to just melee them out of sheer anger.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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Another day, another unexpected donation from the murky depths of the past! Or, rather, more like the first time this has ever happened unexpectedly. It seems that Mr. Reaar  has taken it upon himself to sketch and paint a new piece of work inspired by one of the Pit's many many pieces. BEHOLD, Mr. Reaar's take on the T.H.E.R.I./T.Y.R.A.N. concept-piece!
Warframe concept -- THERI/TYRAN by DerTodesbote
Mind you, this doesn't EXACTLY parallel my vision for the piece, but, to much of it is to perfect for me to disagree with it's addition! The feet, the necks, the molten metal projection spew, and ESPECIALLY the skin colors are the points where my vision and Mr. Reear's "ink-quill" coincide.

Enjoy folks! Progress is slowly being made on the next piece, just gotta decide on whether to work through the Gamma-Gun's faction aesthetic or gradually work through the Oro-Rocket's physical appearance.

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Dear Unexpected Group of Viewers

So, I was working on my latest project piece when I suddenly discovered that, somehow, without working on the old Pit for a few days, I've somehow managed to go past the 20,000 mark.

Bloody ell folks, 20,000 viewpoints for nothing more then my massive pile of concepts of varying legibility. . . .holy. . . .holy cow folks.

I. . . .no words can really describe how I feel about this folks.. . . .I just. . . .wow. . . . .I mean, if it counts how many times I myself enter it, then its a ella of alot less impressive, but, to have made it to five digits with the support of some folks who actually deigned to read my descriptions, its. . . its truly a marvel that i've made it this far, when so many others have fallen into the dustbin of thread-piece lock-down and inactivity.

All. . .all I can really think of saying right now is. . .well. . .thank you tenno. I don't know what makes me so interesting, or if i've been forcing the interest in the form of talking about the Pit, but . . just. . thank you. Heres hoping I can keep up the interest for at least a few more years before I phase out popularity wise!

Now if only folks commented a bit more. . . .. . heh, kidding, see you foks real soon! The next-project might be a nice piece potentially depending on what your up against.

Sincerely, and with ecstatic charge
Unus, concept cobbler and idea . . .uh. .. interestifyier?

Edited by Unus
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I barely come to the actual concept forum and to be fair, trying to read everything from front pages is a hard work at the moment. But as seen from the glimpse on Fan Art board, you seemed to have pretty cool stuff going on.


If there's something interesting I'll definitely have some comments on. Could help with some of the artwork too if you wish.


Congratz for 20k views too!

Edited by Yhtmahyll
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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Fluffywolf36 said:

If you need my help with it, just ask!

Bah, tis a joke Mr. 36, I've realized as a ""long-term veteran"" of this creation process that its best to let people comment when they feel actual interest, not to twist folk's arms for a lukewarm reaction that may or may not be legitimate. As that old-movie-who's-name-yet-escapes-me attests, "If You Build It, They Will Come".


3 hours ago, BladeWielder65 said:

Congratulations on hitting the big two-oh-dash-oh-oh-oh. Here's to two-oh-dash-oh-oh-oh more.

Image result for toast gif

Ah, much thanks Mr. Wielder! An unexpected treat from an apparent "veteran""of the Pit.


2 hours ago, Yhtmahyll said:

I barely come to the actual concept forum and to be fair, trying to read everything from front pages is a hard work at the moment. But as seen from the glimpse on Fan Art board, you seemed to have pretty cool stuff going on.


If there's something interesting I'll definitely have some comments on. Could help with some of the artwork too if you wish.


Congratz for 20k views too!

OH, hallow there Ms. Hyll! Didn't expect to see you here exactly for the reasons you state! I. . .I uh. . .um. . .sure, if you ever want to pick through the front page pile and you see a blurb that reaches out and takes your attention. . .sure, draw what you feel and I can stick your name up on the wall.

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27 minutes ago, Unus said:

Bah, tis a joke Mr. 36, I've realized as a ""long-term veteran"" of this creation process that its best to let people comment when they feel actual interest, not to twist folk's arms for a lukewarm reaction that may or may not be legitimate. As that old-movie-who's-name-yet-escapes-me attests, "If You Build It, They Will Come".

That's from Field of Dreams :P As for helping, I meant that if you need me to do artwork, just ask :P

On the subject of not twisting your arm, I guess that means I shouldn't try and strongarm you into looking at the new sword I made? :P [/Mostly kidding]

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                                         Post 343

(Conceived Circa 2/23/2018 at 01:25)

The concepts are building up again folks! Brings me both joy and concern in equal measure, ESPECIALLY after a recent turn of family events that flipped my world on it's head! What better way to ease those concerns over a bit then by a bit of conceptual design, eh?


Designation: Pacnurak

Weapon Designation: Rifle, 


Manufacturer: The Infantry Survivability sub-project of the Orokin's War Project Council.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 12 Slash, 11 Puncture.

Projectile= Discharge

Accuracy= Helix-Cone (Proper measurements to be determined by masters of (game) balance greater then I.)

Cyclic rate-of-fire= 11.00

Critical Chance= 19% 

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 25%

Magazine= 90 "shot" worth "matter block".

Reload-Speed= 1.9 (Retract top shutter back, weapon "flash kills" any nanites remaining in the chamber, second shutter unseals self and retracts to reveal "feeding chamber", place matter block into chamber, second shutter slides back into place and self-welds shut, top shutter recovers second, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Held

Mastery Rank Requisite= 7.

Polarity= None.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Special Trait(s):

Offensive Treatment

25% of damage converted to health of target= one of the "Flesh" types.

The swarms within the Pacnurak are well acquainted with the biology of the wielder by the time the battle begins, enough so that they can strip the flesh of fleshy foes and transmute it into near-perfect grafts and transfusions for it's wielder, with only a bare-minimum of potential rejection.


The apparent simplicity of the weapon belies the technological wizardry it takes to takes to contain it's lethal payload. Essentially consisting of a tube with a pen-like upper barrel tip and a grip, beneath the exterior lies a buzzing hive that hungers for release. The weapon is divided into three sections, with the front portion having a "raw clay" pinkish brown ceramic coating, the midsection being a chromatic steel blue, and the back end being a dark-iron grey. Inscribed into the top part of the ceramic section in a neat and clean style of grinic writing long since lost to the ages and accentuated with a soft blue glow lighting are the words "For Emergency Use Only". The lights slowly pulse on and off again in accordance with the wielder's health, reaching an almost epileptic level of flashing when the wielder is near death. Beneath the pen-point tip of the barrel lies a hidden antenna, safely tucked inside it's armored shell and ready to direct the swarm to wherever it needs to go. The metallic top-back end of the weapon houses a two shutter-door system that leads down into the chamber where the swarm constitutes fresh members from specially blended alloy blocks, preventing them from feeding on everything and anything in a run-away grey-goo event. To access the chamber, the user most pull back the metal fabric shutter on top by hand, a difficult feat given how it resists attempts at manipulating it. As it reaches a certain point on being pulled back however, a trigger is hit which causes the innards of the gun to significantly surge the plasma shielding that covers every square inch of the feeding chamber, driving what remains of the swarm into the barrel and "killing" any that remain behind. The lack of nanite energy signatures in the chamber below in turn causes the solid metal lower shutter to unweld itself shut and slide back, revealing the chamber. The very moment the user places a fresh block inside, the lower shutter immediately begins closing, while allowing the metallic fabric to spring back into place accelerates the shutting of the lower shutter. When fired, the swarm emerges in a swirling helix pattern at a target, leaving a space in the middle through which one can still see the target. If the target is fleshy, the swarm will gorge itself on the foe's body and uses part of it as fuel to return down the center of the corkscrew, along the top of the weapon, and into the user, where they will expend themselves repairing any damage to the wielder. Otherwise, the swarm-members will simply expend themselves on attacking the enemy, 

"Basic" Description:

  Once upon a time, long before their great rebellion and their full militarization by the Kweens, the Grineer were once used as expendable combat fodder for the Orokin's endless wars for reconsolidation. Armed not as men, but as (and with) tools, these eager wretches were used as everything from human walls for "true" soldiers to suicide bombers, ignorantly chargeing into enemy redoubts with payloads whose timers "should work". To the Orokin, expendable meat like the Grineer were more then sufficient, sometimes even taking surprising initiative and fortifying positions that they survive over-running and contacting their Orokin or Dax superiors for more orders. For the Dax, however, use of these eagerly barking hounds was squandering their once-greatly-respected true talents for battle, left with meager pockets of resistance to obliterate in the horde's wake as they were. Sensing the Dax's growing dissatisfaction with their diminished roles and very keen on not losing their first and last line of defense (at least for now, before certain solutions for disloyalty became manifest. . .), the Orokin began to gradually scale back on "combat" batches of Grineer, instead creating a new role for hominid pets. Taking into account the extremely high casualty rates of frontline Grineer, the Orokin instead envisioned single heavily armored Grineer troops as "pave-ways" and "living armor" for Dax platoons, taking horrendous wounds and distracting foes as the Dax employed flanking maneuvers. Armed with "medical" nanotechnology once meant for the construction and repair of aircraft, these "living blunts" (so long as they received no deep wounds, which the nanites had a tendency to repair. . . inaccurately) had battlefield lifespans measured in weeks of direct combat, needing only food and water to keep them alive. With all issues seemingly resolved, this strategy continued well into the Sentient War as unstoppable forces met with immovable objects. . . Until the Second Great Plague emerged. Suddenly, all forms of nanotechnology became nothing more then fodder for a new enemy that began pushing itself out from behind Orokin lines, turning the living blunts and their tools into hellacious immortal monstrosities that ravaged Sentient, Dax, and city alike. With ordinate amounts of firepower reallocated from the front lines to eliminate the growing horde, measures had to be taken to stem the tide. Any and all nanotechnology was banned and put to the torch, the Pacnurak weapons included. . . though the damage was already done. Now, even in the modern age where the Pacnurak's mundane blueprints have lived on and many have learned to live with the fact that the Second Great Plague is eternal, no civilization has returned to the direct militant use of new nanotechnology, the Grineer held back by their self-preserving Kweens (mostly), the Corpus by what history shows led to their "ancestor's" fall, and all else due to the scars left behind by the Phoroid's many many forays into inhabited space. The Tenno (and their simplified biology) however, are under no such qualms or regulations. . .


Ugh, that took ages to make, and not because I've gotten tired of this or some such insanity. Busybusybusybuuuussssssy! Fingers crossed I get a break soon, so I can finally nail down the barrage-guns aesthetic and start working on it.


See you folks around, you strange miraculously-still-here folks you!


Edited by Unus
Completed circa 3/2/2018 at 1:28.
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Okay folks, instead of actually breaking the goddem design deadlock, I've actually made it infinitely worse by developing the barrage gamma gun in. . . all three directions at once in background and design in equal measure. . . . shetty bawls.


Well folks. . .can ya help a brudda out? The Eidolon hunting gamma-gun is stuck in limbo till I (hopefully we?) break the aesthetic/story deadlock, so, seeing as I'm content with all three roads, why don't you folks give it a whirl? I'll try to basicfy them here, you folks can take your pick. Sound good? If ya haven't the time to commentatetatate, then our humble smiley system can come to the rescue, an opinion at the press of a button! Let's see if this crowdsourcing works, shall we?


Permutation 1: A Gift From The Unum.

Symbol Designate= Yellow ""Emoji"".

Brief Aesthetic= Severed Eidolonic Cannon piece outfitted with rugged frontier materials to be made wieldable by man.

Brief Tale= A bigger revived brother to the Uragir, for those Quil-sworn Tenno who reach the highest echelons of the Unum's living network. Custom made for the day they might have to go without her guideing vision or the walls themselves fail.

Vote Count=////

Permutation 2: The Corpussian Noble's Radioactive Boogaloo

Symbol Designate= Blue ""Emoji""

Brief Aesthetic= "Nuclear Elephant Gun", hand-held burst artillery for the huntsmam who has everything and the huntsman who WANTS everything.

Brief Tale= An entry into the new and fantastically booming market of Eidolon hunting by the Saggitai Conglomerate. No safeties, no regard for the prey or surroundings, just three barrels of thermonuclear "funire" (word patent-pending).

Vote Count=


Permutation 3=  Tenno Scum Creativity.

Symbol Designate= Purple Lotus "Like"

Brief Aesthetics= The Tenno reach deep into the past and hit the pinnacle of the Old Empire, createing life from lifelessness the way the first Sentients were born, merged with their own characteristic technorganic styleing.

Brief Tale= The Lotus sends a delayed-action "in-case-of" gift to her surrogate offspring. A piece of the very form which she once had before assuming the guise of the infiltrateing Lotus, to protect them even when she cannot directly.

Vote Count= /


What'll it be folks? Which way should I go?


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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Fluffywolf36 said:

I'm gonna go with... "Gift From the Unum." It's a unique, underutilized (Is it even utilized?) aesthetic.

Alright alright, one vote stuck in for the Unum Aesthetic then. I think I'll be reasonable and say that I'll conclude the ol democratic process at. . . 5 votes, if/when they come in.

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Voted, Gonna go with Gift of Unum, feels more fitting for Cetus lore and I did not think Lotus is a honest sentient rebel as a reason I don't choose the third. They are all good ideas but I rather go with that choice.

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Well blow me down and scrub me raw with the rime of Europa's frigid cliffs! I never got the chance to show off the "latest" quality acquisition from the most unlikely of places, Ms. Evergreenmind, the productive lady who created one of the BIG concepts situated here in the Warframe community, Mistress Asimina!

For her generous contribution to the Pit, we have a pic frozen in tiem from one of the more massive works around here, Restless Depths, where, in the intro sequence, displaced Europan Ice Pirate Captain and former Corpus Naval Officer Captain Mer Capen is leaving a message for the tenno about a bounty of booty that awaits them if they come to the aid of the corsairs of Barboga. Where that booty comes from though? Well. . . .the pictures worth a thousand words. . . . 


OH, an, remember folks, we got three votes in for the next big weapon project thats clogging up continuity for the Pit. If we get two more votes, I should have a solid enough basis to finally start on what folks think would be the best background of the Gamma Volley Gun.

See ya in the future folks!

Edited by Unus
4 Votes in folks! Looks like we'll be able to conclude things REAL soon!
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11 hours ago, Unus said:

Well blow me down and scrub me raw with the rime of Europa's frigid cliffs! I never got the chance to show off the "latest" quality acquisition from the most unlikely of places, Ms. Evergreenmind, the productive lady who created one of the BIG concepts situated here in the Warframe community, Mistress Asimina!

For her generous contribution to the Pit, we have a pic frozen in tiem from one of the more massive works around here, Restless Depths, where, in the intro sequence, displaced Europan Ice Pirate Captain and former Corpus Naval Officer Captain Mer Capen is leaving a message for the tenno about a bounty of booty that awaits them if they come to the aid of the corsairs of Barboga. Where that booty comes from though? Well. . . .the pictures worth a thousand words. . . . 


OH, an, remember folks, we got three votes in for the next big weapon project thats clogging up continuity for the Pit. If we get two more votes, I should have a solid enough basis to finally start on what folks think would be the best background of the Gamma Volley Gun.

See ya in the future folks!

...the picture's not showing up :(

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