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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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                                                         Post 26

Hmmm. . . no commentary from others for two months eh? Either my hyper-descriptive typing drives people howeling away before they get to the . . . whats it called? "Crunch"? Or people just genuinely aren't interested in what I type. Ah well, diddn't expect to much coming outta me ol idea pile anyway, just wanted a place I could set em in stone and never lose em. Onwards!


Designation: Krancor

Weapon Designation: Rifle.


Manufacturer: The Esoteric Developments Weapon-Smithing Group, Deimos Tear-Gate, Voltaire Crater.

 Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 4.5 Impact, 35 Puncture, 19 Slash.


Cyclic Rate of Fire= 30

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 1.5

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15%

Magazine= Two 80 Round Drums on each side.

Reload Speed= 4.5

Trigger= Short-delay followed by Full Auto

Mastery Rank Qualification= 5


Special Trait: Innate Punchthrough of 0.6.

Appearance= While not quite as dirty looking as some of the other more tried-and-true Grineer weapons such as the Gorgon and Grakata, sparkling and beautiful the Krancor is not. The orangish-brown stamped metal chassis almost looks like a rougher looking scaled-down Imperator with sharper angles and a much more oily sheen due to the obsessive but necessary maintenance needed to keep the whole machine running . On the front, a pair of alternating reciprocating barrels have been tacked on by Grinic engineers in the desperate hope that these will somehow temper the beastly machine's ghastly recoil ( as far as doing it's job, the engineers appear to have only gotten as far as keeping the recoil from breaking bones or pulling the whole weapon out of the user's hands). Towards the back, two far larger versions of the Karack magazine jut out of both sides, keeping the weapon well-fed, but, also as unwieldy as ever. Behind this, an energy-colored "blinker" light resides which indicates the status of the weapon's onboard motor, glowing bright when charged and dimming when requiring a jump-start. The butt-stock is little more then a container for the portable crank (used to jump-start the leaky on-board battery that ensures the weapon fires immediately upon the pull of the trigger)as the "buzzsaw" grip and trigger do most of the other work in regards to recoil absorption. As is to be expected for a weapon of this type, there is no scope along the top of the weapon beyond a tiny set of glow-sights on the tip of the barrels and the butt-stock in order to accurately see the entire weapon's profile in the dark. Instead, users are expected to simply fire the weapon till the magazines are emptied and use the colored tracer rounds in order to determine where to vaguely aim and/or sweep the storm of rounds.

"Basic" Description:

The Seeker-Artificer Council's answer to the infantry caste's request of a quick-to-deploy replacement for the Rampart Tactical Emplacement when there wasn't enough time to set up in suitable areas, the Krancor soon found itself strictly employed only in the vicinity of it's own manufacture. While field testing in the wilds of Mars and on local firing ranges against massed groups of unarmed prisoners proved the weapon was at least usable and portable, several glaring issues arose that limited production to a crawl. The two largest were the frustrating fact that Grineer technicians were unable to solve a severe leakage problem in the on-board battery system that caused the gun to vent it's entire stored charge every time a magazine was removed to be exchanged and that the gun's barrels had to practically sauté in grease in order to survive extended firing for the attrition engagements that Grineer are built for. Still, when employed in an entrenched location or only deployed for a minute amount of time, the weapon could still prove useful, and thus it was adopted to safeguard the blast furnaces and slave cages of the moon of Deimos, lovingly maintained by it's creators as an exclusive tool of mass slaughter. Exclusive, that is, until the day a single Artificier turned to Meridian and escaped on a Dargyn after being rescued by affiliated Tenno with a single example in their possession. Now, the Corpusian black market has kicked into gear, selling Krancor and Krancor blueprints alike as a quality corridor sweeping and area denial tool for the customer committed to caring for one of these fickle machines.



Phew, should have time to spit out just one final weapon afore the work wave overwhelms me!






Edited by Unus
Spelling tweakidge.
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11 hours ago, Unus said:

Hmmm. . . no commentary from others for two months eh?

I plan on responding. You seem to have a wealth of interesting ideas. The issue here is there's so much information. It's overwhelming. And I read and write a lot online and offline (due to my side-jobs as an author and editor, and various communities where I chill).

I think many members feel the same, and don't know how to dive in.

I almost wanted to suggest individual topics for each idea, but this is your thread.

On top of there being so much to respond to, there are various threads I want to reply to, but don't currently have the time.

Edited by Rhekemi
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53 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

I plan on responding. You seem to have a wealth of interesting ideas. The issue here is there's so much information. It's overwhelming. And I read and write a lot online and offline (due to my side-jobs as an author and editor, and various communities where I chill).

I think many members feel the same, and don't know how to dive in.

I almost wanted to suggest individual topics for each idea, but this is your thread.

On top of there being so much to respond to, there are various threads I want to reply to, but don't currently have the time.

A voice from the beyond with actual critique AND reasoning? Say it isn't so! What alternative reality have I plunged into? Anyway, yeah, I had considered createing multiple topics to distribute everything out in, but, I feared that the sheer amount required would, at best, get lost in the typical mash up of quality concepts that appear on the page or, at worst, accidentally monopolize the front page as I tweak and fiddle with every little tid-bit in each new topic.

And thus, rather then crowd out folks better then I from the front page, I opd for the "bloated wall of walls" approach with a few room conservation and eye-strain prevention tweaks thrown in for good measure. Thanks much sir/mam for a response all the same, quite refreshing.

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                                                Post 29

And thus, we reach what might possibly be the current end of my creative road, the last well-developed concept I have before the nascent ones are more then likely washed away by my soon to be endless pencil pushing. I'll be back, I'm certain, I just don't know if I'll be as "productive" as I once was. Let's hope I "go out" with a bit of a bang, shall we?

Designation: Athenos

Weapon Designation: Sniper


Manufacturer: Collective Tenno Artisan Clans, Tenno High Council, Larunda Relay, Mercury geo-synced orbit.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 10 Impact, 300  Piercing, 25 Magnetic and/or 25 Radiation

Accuracy=75 (Fires an Ascaris and Somatic Implant laden drill, think less sniper and more of a tranquilizer rifle/harpoon hybrid)

Cyclic Rate of Fire=1.0

Critical Chance=25%

Critical Damage=2.5

"P.R.O.C." Chance=20%

Magazine Size=1

Reload Speed=1.0


Mastery Rank Requirement=6

Polarity= 2 Naramons

Special Trait=Upon scoring a head-shot on a target, the critical chance is taken into account suddenly. If it fails, the target  receives head-shot damage "per usual" ( If you call splattering one's brains usual anyway). If it succeeds however, something will occur that is largely decided by how capable game mechanics are and the technicians working upon them.

If Robust = There will be a flash of white and your frame will collapse. Meanwhile, the camera view will move to the headshotee who will now be under your direct control for a specific duration dependent upon how much health it had pre-cranial probe insertion and what form of unit it was (Example= You could get alotta mileage outta a near dead trooper, but, may only have precious seconds to do as much damage as possible as a scorcher), complete with whatever abilities it had pre-probe. In the event something concerning arises, the probe can be triggered, bursting forth from the target's forehead and capable of dealing half the damage it had when it launched. Otherwise, the target will simply shake itself "free" and blow it's own brains out, dealing head-shot damage. Heavier and boss units are sadly immune to the Athenos' shackling effects due to their strong wills, although Eximi of lighter units are fair game.

If Not Robust: Target Unit convulses for a few moments before suddenly converting to the "Tenno" faction and functioning as a normal unit in a manner similar to Invasion missions or units experiencing " Shadows of the Dead". Duration and shake-off rules still apply


The main "U" of the body that encases the barrel is a thermoplastic resin of a wood coloring, as is the pistol grip. The barrel resting in the U is gun-metal grey, very long and quite thin, with an almost needle-like point at the far end where the payload is launched. The stock is both skeletal and acts as the "bolt" for the weapon, the full reload sequence being that the stock is twisted left and pulled out, the payload is inserted into the top, and the stock is reinserted and put back into position. The rounds fired consist of a miniaturized somatic in the back, an Ascaris copy reprogrammed for compatibility with Tenno projection in the middle and the spike tip of an inhibitor just behind a micro scale skull-drill  for quick and easy "delivery" of the payload straight to it's destination. The scope on top runs the entire length of the weapon, save for a meager few inches at the barrel end which ensure that gun smoke doesn't overwhelm the lens. Patterned along the sides are abstracted nature scenes involving owls hunting prey. It's trigger is of the hair variety.

"Basic" Description: 

Utilizing the Ascaris device recovered from an anonymous Tenno, several inhibitors recovered from the Grustrag Three's victims, and somatic implants from the recovered corpses of improperly "preserved" Tenno, the more creative members of several council clans  conferred together and created a weapon with which one could cause havoc among the enemy without firing more then a single shot. Invoking memories of the Old World and newly tapped technologies of the Current, the Athenos has become a useful tool of assassination in the hands of select Tenno the system over. Battalions breakdown as their support units suddenly open fire on them, V.I.P. escorts are suddenly trapped when their once loyal bodyguards suddenly bowl them over and riddle them with rounds. The Lotus' black market network states with every purchase that creativity is the key to effectively wielding this firearm and that every foe one sees in the field is simply another resource to be taken and used against it's former owners. 


It is done, satisfaction abounds, I really REALLY must think of some truly interesting concepts, weaponry, and the like at some point for the future. It's inevitable that I'll start accruing to many for me to keep well organized in my head.



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wow, seriously, you do not get the attention you deserve. You have very good ideas here, rather creative and original.

Also, I avise you to join them in the OP, using spoiler tabs, allowing for one to read them all in the same post, without having to search for it.

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19 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

wow, seriously, you do not get the attention you deserve. You have very good ideas here, rather creative and original.

Also, I avise you to join them in the OP, using spoiler tabs, allowing for one to read them all in the same post, without having to search for it.

Many thanks for the compliment sir/mam. I don't deserve them compared to the heros of the Relay improvement project, Typhus, and the Tactical Marine, but, I cannot simply ignore them.Also, wait, you can do that? Horry bullocks! I've been missing out on being more merciful to folks who actually wanna read my verbal sewage! Now. . . how does one. . . do dis?

Edited by Unus
Sudden Realization.
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                                                         Post 32

Curses! Last minute forgotten concept resurgence ruining my over dramatic farewell! Ah well, guess it shows off that I still have something left in me,eh?

Designation: Juha and Shidan

Weapon Designation: While it is most certainly a gunblade, the fellow has the move-set of the sword and shields. 


Manufacturer: Collective Tenno Artisan Clans, Tenno High Council,  Kronia Relay

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage 10 Impact, 60 Puncture, 1 Slash. (Blocks with the weapon can trigger an electrostatic discharge to fry melee attackers with a 50 damage zap that has a 50% P.R.O.C. chance or, at worst, makes them stumble.)

Slide Damage: 140

Jump Damage: 70

Wall Damage: 180

Swing Speed: 0.933

Critical Chance: 10%

Critical Damage: 1.5

"P.R.O.C" Chance: 15%

Channeling Damage: 1.5

Amount of Hittable Targets: 1

Mastery Rank: 5

Polarity: Madurai

Stance: Either both gunblade and sword and shield or simply gunblade. Either way, Madurai.


(Insert fair value of various resources here, particularly thermoplastic and alloy plating)

One Lex

One "Sword and Shield Weapon" (The Silva and Aegis or the Ack and Brunt)

"Special" Ability:

When firing the weapon, the pistol is pushed through the "gate" in the middle of the shield and locks  into place, allowing the myriad coils within the shield to act out their secondary purpose,  acting as gauss coils. After locking into place, the trigger is squeezed and the round moves forward, getting into range of the Gauss capacitors within the center "ovule" of the flower motif. The capacitors push the round much further and faster forward, making a noise akin to the combination of a high-caliber pistol being fired, a whip being cracked, and a jet breaking the sound barrier. Targets standing within 5 feet in front of the user will be pierced by the shot and be floored at best and split in twain at worst.


The Shield

The shield is of the scutum variant in appearance but, of a size just slightly larger then a buckler square-shield. The shield is burgundy colored and has a floral motif that centers around a "gated" hole in the middle of it. Between each of the Lotus petals of the floral arrangement are the internal components of several Prova stun rods that, when charging the weapon or blocking, pulsate indigo electrical energy outwards from the center towards the tips of the petals.

The Gun.

The gun has the basic form and layout of a Lex pistol with lavender-colored Lotus blossom gildings along it's sides with a similar floral arrangement to the shield around the barrel, although the petals face outward in the manner of a flanged mace with a small space between two petals on the top to facilitate sighting a target. The top has a small, flat, and open reflector sight with the Lotus' symbol as the reticule in the center. The grip is enclosed in a basket similar to the one used on medieval basket-hilted swords that has the aesthetic of a bunch of plant roots knitted together and has ample room for a variety of hand sizes. The extended magazine that sticks out of the bottom of the Lex's well has a small spike sticking out of it that faces somewhat forwards, yet another puncturing part of the weapon used to deal with stubborn armor plating.


(A completely and totally accurate representation, brought to you by Mr. EternalDrkMako himself!)

"Basic" Description:

Not to be outdone by their Mercury kin, several of the Tenno Artisan Clans endemic to the  great ringed world of Saturn decided to pitch-in together to create a signature weapon of their own to market to the enterprising web of bickering alliances that call the Tenno allies in the underworld of the Sol-Origin system. Rather then seek inspiration in the distant and murky past, the Kronian clansmen focused entirely on the here and now, more specifically, on the one who safe guarded and cared for them when all others wished them harm, the Lotus. Crafted from components taken from their greatest enemies (alloy riot shields from the Grineer and Prova internals from the Corpus) and meticulously put together with as little technological assistance as possible, the Juha and Shidan is one of the few rare examples of handcrafted firearms remaining in the Sol-Origin System. The gun-blade displays the Tenno's proficiency at both gun and blade, while the electro-shield represents  offense and defense, making the utilization of both weapons a symbolic representation of Balance, tethered together by their mother-teacher The Lotus. While most of the symbolism is lost on the few faction-orientated Tenno that acquire these rare tools of destruction, it is difficult to deny that they remain lethal weapons, no matter how aesthetic they may appear.



And theresssss the last one. . . at least I think it's the last one, nothing really comes back to mind that I could finish in the two days I have before my vacation hours are up. Feel free to comment and enjoy, this might become a time of spare time refinement of existing concepts.

Edited by Unus
Tweaky Cheeky Deeky.
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tnccs215's got a good point, and on top of that (reworking the first page to contain all ideas), I'd suggest editing/revising each concept blurb. Look for anything you can cut/trim that doesn't change the meaning of the concept itself too much. (Find redundant stuff to remove.)



I'm a guy, btw. I believe tnccs is a woman (I recall her points in a lengthy debate about Warframe needing more female 'frames, and she noted she was female). I could be misremembering, but the Equinox avatar and the IGN/screen name clicked.

Also, and I really mean this, I mean it every time I say it (and have in the past), as long as a member puts in the time, the effort, their concept is worthy of attention and feedback. I've been pretty blunt about lazy topics in the past, and it's gotten me into a bit of trouble, but other than that, your concept shouldn't have to have the level of detail the Relay concept, Typhus or Ushtar have.

Furthermore, you can always build up more detail and seek out art later. (I did.)


I don't know when I'll get to these concepts (I've promised to get back to a handful of people, want to get to new concepts, and work on some of my old ones, create new ones), but I will try to.

In the meantime, don't let your topic die. Try to make a meaningful reply at least every two months. (I think after 3 months, topics are archived.) Unless you're completely finished with the topic and don't mind, then you can let it be archived.

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43 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

tnccs215's got a good point, and on top of that (reworking the first page to contain all ideas), I'd suggest editing/revising each concept blurb. Look for anything you can cut/trim that doesn't change the meaning of the concept itself too much. (Find redundant stuff to remove.)

  Hide contents


I'm a guy, btw. I believe tnccs is a woman (I recall her points in a lengthy debate about Warframe needing more female 'frames, and she noted she was female). I could be misremembering, but the Equinox avatar and the IGN/screen name clicked.

Also, and I really mean this, I mean it every time I say it (and have in the past), as long as a member puts in the time, the effort, their concept is worthy of attention and feedback. I've been pretty blunt about lazy topics in the past, and it's gotten me into a bit of trouble, but other than that, your concept shouldn't have to have the level of detail the Relay concept, Typhus or Ushtar have.

Furthermore, you can always build up more detail and seek out art later. (I did.)


I don't know when I'll get to these concepts (I've promised to get back to a handful of people, want to get to new concepts, and work on some of my old ones, create new ones), but I will try to.

In the meantime, don't let your topic die. Try to make a meaningful reply at least every two months. (I think after 3 months, topics are archived.) Unless you're completely finished with the topic and don't mind, then you can let it be archived.

Oh, rest assured sir. I'm not letting this puppy die ANY time soon. This sucker is the sum total of every concept I've ever made for Warframe just because. Leaving it to fade here would be like throwing a Vietnam veteran's personal journal in a paper shredder for me. As for the redundancy chopping bits, that'll certainly be a hard order. Without true artistic talent beyond emulation of existing work, I have to make up with hyper-descriptiveness to compensate.

Still, if it will help people actually read and compliment/insult/commentate upon it, I will try what I can to chop a bit here and there. In truth, the hardest part for me will be trying to figure out how exactly to condense my concepts into a single "Great Wall of Idea". Do I stick links to each post in the first page, do I just "copy paste" it all in condensed sections on the first page or. . . what? Dem it, my unproffesionalism is showing.

Edited by Unus
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19 hours ago, Unus said:

Many thanks for the compliment sir/mam. I don't deserve them compared to the heros of the Relay improvement project, Typhus, and the Tactical Marine, but, I cannot simply ignore them.Also, wait, you can do that? Horry bullocks! I've been missing out on being more merciful to folks who actually wanna read my verbal sewage! Now. . . how does one. . . do dis?

Just copy paste your concepts to your first post, by editing it. Quite simple, and will helo you a lot.

Also, I have to say I never really understood what made Typhos and etc so famous. Dont take me wrong, they are good, but I've seen better concepts that didnt got as much attention-- nor when through has much changes.

Additionally, I have borderline zero experience with weapon design, however I'll be sure to send you any drawn concept of your designs if I find the energy to do them. And if they aren't awful.

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6 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Just copy paste your concepts to your first post, by editing it. Quite simple, and will helo you a lot.

Also, I have to say I never really understood what made Typhos and etc so famous. Dont take me wrong, they are good, but I've seen better concepts that didnt got as much attention-- nor when through has much changes.

Additionally, I have borderline zero experience with weapon design, however I'll be sure to send you any drawn concept of your designs if I find the energy to do them. And if they aren't awful.

AHA! The simple solution sitting beneath my nose the entire time, whoulda thunk it? Also, oh, I understand that, change isn't always a bad thing (it's how healthy science and culture works) but, it's also true that to much change can be like a cancer, to much change can lead to piles and piles of redundancy, damage, and drivel. Final also, please, don't force yourself to try to translate my endless ravings into pictures if you don't want to, better men then I may have need of your real talents elsewhere who may have neither artistry OR the verb and nounage that I have. Anyway, thank you very very much for your commentary, every little bit helps in making my little display case much more presentable to the public eye!

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12 hours ago, Unus said:

Oh, rest assured sir. I'm not letting this puppy die ANY time soon. This sucker is the sum total of every concept I've ever made for Warframe just because. Leaving it to fade here would be like throwing a Vietnam veteran's personal journal in a paper shredder for me. As for the redundancy chopping bits, that'll certainly be a hard order. Without true artistic talent beyond emulation of existing work, I have to make up with hyper-descriptiveness to compensate.

Still, if it will help people actually read and compliment/insult/commentate upon it, I will try what I can to chop a bit here and there. In truth, the hardest part for me will be trying to figure out how exactly to condense my concepts into a single "Great Wall of Idea". Do I stick links to each post in the first page, do I just "copy paste" it all in condensed sections on the first page or. . . what? Dem it, my unproffesionalism is showing.

Your writing style is fine. Mostly it could just come down to editing.

8 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Just copy paste your concepts to your first post, by editing it. Quite simple, and will helo you a lot.

If you have a lot of formatting, I would also recommend copy and pasting to a blank document on your computer to strip it out. Sometimes the formatting breaks spoilers.


Also, I have to say I never really understood what made Typhos and etc so famous. Dont take me wrong, they are good, but I've seen better concepts that didnt got as much attention-- nor when through has much changes.

Everything is subjective, so that makes sense. On the other hand, define attention.

PrimeTime is the biggest fan concept spotlight and I've seen concepts without a lot of community attention win a deserved spotlight on PT.

Typhus is probably the most famous because it's one of the oldest, best made fan-concepts that set the standard for what a fleshed out concept can look like.

Concepts that come out the gate looking professional nowadays do so having had concepts like Typhus, Zephyr, Dragon 'frame (which became Chroma), and Flora pave the way.

Those concepts are famous, to me, because of their level of quality, detail, and impressive presentation.

But I've never felt daunted by them, instead I feel inspired.

There will always be better concepts that don't get as much attention, but I think presentation plays a big part in that.

Ushtar, btw, does not strike me as famous and I'm fully aware of those that dislike him and of the fact that his role is still pretty wonky.

I just keep moving.

Consistent change to an idea is necessary to improve it--fan concepts are no different. (Especially if you don't have dozens of ideas: you perfect the few you do. I wish I had dozens of WF ideas, but I only have a handful. At least that is my approach. As an author, I have a hard time letting a concept go until it is perfect, or near it.)

Edited by Rhekemi
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3 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Your writing style is fine. Mostly it could just come down to editing.

If you have a lot of formatting, I would also recommend copy and pasting to a blank document on your computer to strip it out. Sometimes the formatting breaks spoilers.

Everything is subjective, so that makes sense. On the other hand, define attention.

PrimeTime is the biggest fan concept spotlight and I've seen concepts without a lot of community attention win a deserved spotlight on PT.

Typhus is probably the most famous because it's one of the oldest, best made fan-concepts that set the standard for what a fleshed out concept can look like.

Concepts that come out the gate looking professional nowadays do so having had concepts like Typhus, Zephyr, Dragon 'frame (which became Chroma), and Flora pave the way.

Those concepts are famous, to me, because of their level of quality, detail, and impressive presentation.

But I've never felt daunted by them, instead I feel inspired.

There will always be better concepts that don't get as much attention, but I think presentation plays a big part in that.

Ushtar, btw, does not strike me as famous and I'm fully aware of those that dislike him and of the fact that his role is still pretty wonky.

I just keep moving.

Consistent change to an idea is necessary to improve it--fan concepts are no different. (Especially if you don't have dozens of ideas: you perfect the few you do. I wish I had dozens of WF ideas, but I only have a handful. At least that is my approach. As an author, I have a hard time letting a concept go until it is perfect, or near it.)

Alright, seems like my cataloguing of concepts has come to a moderately effective success. Might need to run it through a few tests, see if it's quick enough. Also, I get it, were of two different "styles". When it comes to idea creation, you come across a few and gradually develop them over time, I get all the details in one big tidal wave of info and slam it all down onto "paper" to be added onto at a later date.

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Btw, regarding the first concept you put up: Perhaps it's simpler and more streamlined-- taking the current mechanics of melee charged attacks-- to make melee attacks increase (and change to fire) the shot's damage up to a cap, and have it reduced to zero after a shot, or a while without attacking.

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7 hours ago, Unus said:

Final also, please, don't force yourself to try to translate my endless ravings into pictures if you don't want to, better men then I may have need of your real talents elsewhere who may have neither artistry OR the verb and nounage that I have. Anyway, thank you very very much for your commentary, every little bit helps in making my little display case much more presentable to the public eye!

Oh please, I work pro-bono. I give no guarantees I'll do them, but if I do, I'll send them your way :)

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5 hours ago, Unus said:

Alright, seems like my cataloguing of concepts has come to a moderately effective success. Might need to run it through a few tests, see if it's quick enough. Also, I get it, were of two different "styles". When it comes to idea creation, you come across a few and gradually develop them over time, I get all the details in one big tidal wave of info and slam it all down onto "paper" to be added onto at a later date.

I suppose that comparison fits, but I actually meant that's the reason why concepts, at least mine, go through so many changes. I'm slower than almost everyone, generally speaking. I've put out a total of four concepts in this section. Overall it was a response to tnccs' comments / why I don't believe in comparing different concepts (and the concept creators different methods for creation) to one another.

I don't believe in you, Unus, comparing your concepts to others, either. Do what you do and do it well. Find ways to improve. That's all you can do. (If you can learn from others, go for it. I did/do.)

I'm awaiting your update of the first post with all your concepts. No rush, though.

EDIT: Oh! I see what you've done. That's neat. That's what you meant when you said you cataloged/indexed everything.

If I can make one suggestion, it would be to add clickable links to each post so it looks like this:


    1. New Faction Junker Gun, Xahunteper (Post 15)

    2. Grineer Cobbled Orokin Beam-gun, Overseer (Post 16)

    3. Grineer Manufactured Crankgun, Krancor (Post 26)

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3 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Btw, regarding the first concept you put up: Perhaps it's simpler and more streamlined-- taking the current mechanics of melee charged attacks-- to make melee attacks increase (and change to fire) the shot's damage up to a cap, and have it reduced to zero after a shot, or a while without attacking.


56 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

I suppose that comparison fits, but I actually meant that's the reason why concepts, at least mine, go through so many changes. I'm slower than almost everyone, generally speaking. I've put out a total of four concepts in this section. Overall it was a response to tnccs' comments / why I don't believe in comparing different concepts (and the concept creators different methods for creation) to one another.

I don't believe in you, Unus, comparing your concepts to others, either. Do what you do and do it well. Find ways to improve. That's all you can do. (If you can learn from others, go for it. I did/do.)

I'm awaiting your update of the first post with all your concepts. No rush, though.

EDIT: Oh! I see what you've done. That's neat. That's what you meant when you said you cataloged/indexed everything.

If I can make one suggestion, it would be to add clickable links to each post so it looks like this:


    1. New Faction Junker Gun, Xahunteper (Post 15)

    2. Grineer Cobbled Orokin Beam-gun, Overseer (Post 16)

    3. Grineer Manufactured Crankgun, Krancor (Post 26)

Goddem it, stupid phone glitch mucking my posting up. Anyway, idiosity aside, yes, some of my more primitive concepts certainly need a tad bit more refinement. I could see haveing a sort of "cool-down-over-time" or "cool with stab" effect for the Binos, I sadly was going less for simplicity for the first concept and more "watch what your doing or you might have the wrong damage for the wrong time". Could do with a little scrub-up.


As for you Mr. Rhekemi, AH, uniqueness is what you were going for, I see says the blind man. Also, THANK YOU. By showing me with your simple post how to link the Indexed works, I can now actually create those very links myself by reverse engineering the method from your post. THANK YOU for accidentally doing my work for me!

Edited by Unus
Punctuation Oopsie
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It is ACCOMPLISHED! At long last, visitors need not wade through post after post after post of everything they never wanted to know searching for whatever they see as a gem sitting at the bottom of my pile of rubble. With these links, folks are now free to peruse the gallery without complete and total eyestrain being the result (just a bit when they start reading)!


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                                                                        Post 45

Ack, dem it, the first kubrow I ever created just died because I forgot to get on Warframe due to being forgetful, dem it, wish I had two blutes of my old friend. . . eck. . .anyway, cooked up something recently while I was whiling away the hours. Lets see how it holds up.

Name: Skoil (Might need to improve upon it)

Weapon Designation: It has the melee move set of a polearm, but is actually a thrown weapon (albeit quite the unique one).


Manufacturer: Spin off Product of The Esoteric Developments Weapon-Smithing Group based upon the Krurelta combat device, Carnic Harvesting Operations, Depot 44, Kepler Dorsum, Phobos

 Statistical Breakdown:


When enemy is above 50% health=15 Impact, 20 Puncture, 30 Slash.

               When enemy is below 50% health= 15 Impact, 30 Puncture, 20 Slash.

Slide Damage: 140

Jump Damage: 100

Wall Damage: 1 25

Swing Speed: 1.08

Critical Chance: 15%

Critical Damage: 2.0

"P.R.O.C" Chance: 15%

Channeling Damage:1.5

Amount of Hittable Targets: 2

Mastery Rank: 3


Stance: For once, strictly polearms due to the uniqueness of the Skoil's throwing mechanic.


(Insert fair and equitable resource allotment here, at least including Polymer for the sake of  replacing the bulky metal components of the Sydon in order to make it more flight efficient).

1 Halikar

1 Sydon

Special Trait:

Rather then bounce off of objects, the Skoil will perform "strafing runs" of targets by first weakening them with the blades along their bodies before going for the kill with a puncture orientated charge. Targets killed by the final sweep become impaled on the end of the Skoil, and the machine will slowly putter along the landscape towards the user for them to retrieve the "prey" and remove it from the harpoon (It is recommended to be at least slightly close by to accelerate the retrieval process). If the Skoil is tossed at nothing or is unable to home in on a target, it will perform a procedure turn and return to it's user.


Aside from the twin black-colored handles, the majority of the weapon is covered in a haphazard network of hyper efficient detonate-fueled micro-thrusters which all function off the same internal fuel source, allowing for fuel to be redirected as needed for maneuvering, pursuit, and emergency disengagement. The sharp tips of the weapon consist of three harpoon spikes in a triangular formation that have rather nasty puncturing barbs on their tips, backed up by a single heavy metallic plate (one of the very few metallic components on it) to ensure maximum penetrative thrust. Sets of red rust-colored serrated blades (to ease blade cleaning by essentially ignoring bloodstains at all) exist along the top and bottom (ending in the middle to allow for a margin of error in the case that grabbing the grip fails) of the Skoil in a chain saw pattern that ensures that even missed passes leave potential prey with weeping wounds. The back end of the weapon has a set of five hardy boosters (Hardy in the sense that they can be pounded upon a foes' head for several hours without noticeable and lethal denting or leakage) that allow for the weapon to accelerate to extreme speeds when leaving a user's hand and returning to them. Inset around the metallic head are a set of four yellow-orange "sensory nodes" similar to the ones on a roller. The rest of the polymer crafted "pole" that is the basis of the entire weapon is patterned in the disruptive coloring of the Grinner Arid Corps.

Basic Description:

As has been a common occurrence throughout human history, it was inevitable that military technologies developed for combat would arrive in the hands of the civilian population for other uses. The technologies behind the Krurelta (transplanted Corpus proxy internals and responsive microjets) proved no different, finding their place in the most unlikely of areas, that of the Grineer  food production industry. Before the birth of the device known as the Skoil came into existence, the Grineer "fishing" (the prey consists mostly of sand skates) industry consisted of finding an area where a school of skates have arisen, painting the area via scouts in strategic locations, and bombarding the zone with penetrative charges. What remained was largely charred and scattered tissue that may or may not have contained trace amounts of toxic chemicals, reducing the consumer's already shortened lifespan by a moderate degree and ensuring fishing fleets had to work overtime to compensate for the waste. That all changed when an Artificer from Deimos secured a source of already rare gallium from one of the myriad monolithically horizontally and vertically grown grineer "businesses" by providing them with a means to solve the problem in the form of the humble Skoil. Instead of bombarding a sandy zone to rubble, fishing "ships" (airships to be precise) now merely waited for a shoal to surface for air and had the dozens strong crew toss a volley of Skoils into the  shoal's midst. The man portable bots  skim the shoal, shredding stronger skates to weaken them for a second pass and simply skewering infants and elders to be brought back to the ship. The machines then ready themselves in a launch position and fire upwards using the boosters in the back, returning to their owners with their respective kills and preparing for their next toss. On some vessels, it has become common practice for the captain to toss the first Skoil and retrieve the youngest observable Skate to be sent back to the Kweens in a specially marked container. Those who's offering is accepted are said to be blessed with ten years of life (a placebo effect born of superstition).


Geezus Crimitly! This one got WAYYY to outta hand as far as my descriptions go. REALLY gotta tone it down for future entries.  Blasted overly meticulous day-long planning.

Edited by Unus
Forgot the Spoiler bit at the end, oopsie doopsie.
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                                                                                    Post 46 

Even as the clock wears down to the doomsday that is my vacation days running out, I still somehow have time to think up "new" concepts to plug into the old Mosh, maybe it's to fight off the inevitable existential crisis awaiting me if I stop to think about my li. . . . Onwards!



Weapon Designation: Pistol (Just barely due to it using, once again, sniper ammo)


Manufacturer: Artificer Key Tok (a ritualized false name after the inventor of the design, individuals are always asked to "ask for Key Tok but ask no questions") Special Requisitions, Dockyard  361-B,  Mommur Chasma Sea, Oberon.

Statistical Breakdown:


150 Impact, 75 Puncture, 0 Slash.

Accuracy= 12.1

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 1.0

Critical Chance= 25%

Critical Damage= 3.0

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 7.5%

Magazine= 1

Reload= 2.9

Trigger= Bolt-Action

Mastery Rank Requirement= 6

Polarity= Madurai

Special Traits= None, does what it was made to do and does it as good as the user can make it.


(Brought to life by Fluffywolf36 of Fluffy's warframe concepts)
A truly massive firearm, the Trokar sits squarely on the edge of the sidearm spectrum where a butt-stock is nearly a requirement. As befits the grim work it is meant to do, the Trokar is entirely unpainted, each of it's components in the raw unpainted coloring of their respective resources (naturally, aesthetically inclined users can and will paint over this). The body is in the typical hand-gun design, albeit with a few significant additions. First, on the barrel, a massive 6 vented compensater takes it's place on the tip as the only thing keeping the wielder from shattering their arms or dropping it on the first shot. Second, the top of the gun contains a turn-bolt similar to the ones utilized on modern sniper-rifles. It is here that the massive 6 gauge flecchete is placed with care and loaded into the weapon to be fired with a head-turning and earsplitting (as well as head splitting and ear-turning) BOOM (hybridized between a gas-can exploding and a magnum firing). Unnecessarily, the gun comes equipped with a tiny post sight at the front just behind the compensater which has the phrase "Look Here" in Grinish stamped in black ink below it, something difficult to achieve given the weapon's kick.

Basic Description:

Out on the farthest reaches of Grineer space, it is extremely common for Infested attacks to achieve devastating results that can route entire Grineer platoons from their bases. Often, wounded individuals are brought along with the group if they are important enough, which can lead to massive build-ups of wounded to treat outside of the cloning facilities that double as Grineer hospitals. Before even being considered for entry however, they must be examined by "The Judge". Commonly a "senior" ( by a few humble years) medical staff member but often times an Infested veteran as well, these gas-mask equipped "angels of the grounds" glide among the wounded outside with a two-fold purpose, to seek out the salvageable and to search for signs of the Infested. Those who are deemed worthwhile are whisked away at a wave of the Judge's hand to be cared for and surrounded by the best their brothers can offer them. Those tainted by the parasite or with to extreme of injuries however, are given the ritual of mercy. Simply put, a group of technicians arrive with a pole to be planted in the ground, the afflicted or infirm is tied to it in a standing position, a photo is taken, and they are simply executed with a single well-placed Trokar shot to the head to be dumped in the burning ditch. Every single facet of the Trokar's design was built to ensure that the process of euthanasia is done quickly, cleanly, and with the absolute highest guarantee of death with the bare-minimum of cranial tissue left behind which could be salvageable by potential internal Infestation. Unfortunately, it is these exact same traits that the black market that lies in the shadows of Sol covets in it's weapons of execution and assassination, making models acquired from Meridian turncoats an inestimable product for those interested in getting their hands dirty. Though rare, some models do indeed get produced in the underworld nano-forges of the relays, making these grim symbols available to those Tenno with a steady aim and an absolute need for one specific thing to simply drop dead.


SWEET LORD! It's like I'm not even writing descriptions anymore, but parts of some kinda novel! Whatcha think folks, to much info?









Edited by Unus
Finished December 4th 2016
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                                                                                   Post 47

Now. . .bear with me now folks, this concept might be a tad bit. . .inspired. . . .but, rest assured, I've done everything in my power to make sure that said inspiration is strictly spiritual and that the concept itself remains Framaverse-worthy. Also, tick-tock two days off till slave-labor day/week/month/year/eternity!

Name: Munda

Weapon Designation: Rifle, Beam-Type


Manufacturer: Luxor Forge, Project "Plaguebreaker", Northern Polar Cap, Mars.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 10 Radiation for the Primary Fire, 10 Explosion on the Secondary Fire

Accuracy= 19.84

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 20.16

Critical Chance= 20%

Critical Damage= 2.5

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15%

Magazine= 150 charge micro-fission reactor and  synchrotron with liquid lead medium/ magnetically bottled anti-lead detachable pack (Both Primary Fire and Secondary Fire consume only .5 ammunition per Shot)

Reload= 1.5

Trigger= Continuous

Mastery Rank Requirement= 4

Polarity= None

Special Traits= If a target dies when both the Primary and Alternate fire beams are hitting a target, the target explodes in a mushroom cloud that deals 200 damage at it's core which gradually reduces down to 20 at the 6 meter radius.

Appearance: The frontal portion of the weapon appears as a rigid doubleheaded "fire-hose" of sorts with a silver colored top head and a blackish metallic bottom one. The body is large and squarish, with the grip and trigger components borrowed from the humble Opticor series. The body is stockless and has a massive atomic battery on the top with a set of fuchsia lights that flicker in such a way that it appears to spin. Said lights remain constant when the round pan-shaped graphite medium tank is pulled off the top and accelerate to fast flickering speed when aimed, making them a valuable tool for judging equipment readiness in dark places. Overall, the body has a largely pale steel-grey color scheme, with a few peach-colored wires around the nuclear core and the barrels being a dark gun-metal color. The atomic beam fired from the top is narrow and "solid" in appearance in a manner similar to the Spectra's, while the bottom anti-matter beam looks rather "violent" and "electrical".

"Basic" Description:

With limited access to the valuable detonite tools once used to sweep Infested installations clean of the parasites within, the Corpus Conglomerate's constituent companies quickly floundered and scrambled for a useful alternative that would leave a bare-minimum of property damage. Having seen damaged Grinic relations coming from a mile away, Luxor was prompt in designing, producing, and marketing a replacement "cleaning" tool (having done so for years under the aegis of the under-wraps project known as "Plaguebreaker", where upon Grinic border colonies were purposefully tagged for Infested wrecks to attack and promptly "assisted" in the form of expendable crews equipped with expendable prototypes and experimental weaponry) in the form of the Munda Atomic Scrubbing Device. As indicated in the design documents, the function of the device is a two-fold process. First, the Technocyte colonies are subjected to a continuous pulse of gamma radiation, gradually forcing the tissue into a cancerous and sickly state of being. Upon sufficient exposure, the secondary fire is activated, whereupon a stream of antimatter bombards the Technocyte on a wide scale and eventually erodes it entirely away, leaving a crisp and glossy sheen in place of the heaving mass. Company-sponsored sellers of the Munda are contractually obligated (at M.O.A.-point) to warn purchasers to never attempt to fire both beams at once in areas where other workers may be cleaning, as the resultant excited-matter/excited antimatter collision may result in a mass vaporization of matter on a wider-then average scale, leading to property damage, potential loss of life, and the guaranteed loss of life for the individual and the owner of the device's previous store of residence. Unfortunately for Luxor, profit off their monopoly over this device has remained rather thin, due to the unfortunately consistent interventions of the Tenno and the Solar Underworld's happy tendency to simply create versions of their own at far cheaper prices.


Phew, shorter, a bit sweeter, and a bit more unique. Again, might be a teensy-tiny bit inspired by something .. . else. . .but I feel it might have it's place in our arsenal without being hit with a lawsuit or 37. Only 2 days to unretirement. . .ugh


Edited by Unus
A bit of refinement here and there. Also. . .Twwweeeaaakkk.
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                   Post 48

DEM IT, lost the entire concept at 3AM today! Ah well, back to the drawing board. (Ahem) Well, never expected me working in the academic world would hand me Warframe concepts. But, low and behold, I got two to cough up courtesy of the power of Earth Science and Chemistry, let's start out with my more well-developed one, shall we?

Unit Designation: Behemoth

Unit Class: Infested.


Health Type

Ferrite, ferrite, ferrite, and good god, ferrite! Also, gotta a little bit of item health on the big stony chunks that cover it up in most places.

Manufacturer: Phoroid Gestalt Consciousness, Overrun Grinic mines system-wide.

"Equipment" and "Aesthetics":

The body has the basic shape of a bursa, but, instead of a sleek and mechanical appearance, the body "shaft" appears as a vertically-placed stalagmite covered in a disturbing blend of stone and pseudo-callouses in thick layers. Where a Bursa has it's pair of riot shields, a pair of skeletal arms jut out of both sides, ending in a pair of massive "pillars" of lodestone outlined with bone and more of the callousy tissue. These pillars are utilized in locomotion, slamming into the earth in the manner of an enlarged beetle's front legs with a metallic crunching thump as it charges. The legs are jointed in the manner of a horse's, but retain the disturbing qualities of a human's skin tone, thickness, and feet (albeit completely webbed together in the toe region). Jutting out from the arched muscle-colored avian-esque neck with Technocyte nodes in the lymph nodal areas, the top of a human skull sandwiched between two stones sits in place, loosely connected to the lower jaw by thin flaps of skin. Within the gaping maw, a horrifying mass of veins-turned-antenna/tendrils writhes forth from within it's throat, twitching when searching for foes, vibrating when the creature emits it's cry (think sea-lion screech, but, with a higher pitch and a bit of reverb in it (See The Divider, circa Dead-Space 1)), and violently whipping a foe back in a reversal of the ancient's tendril pull. The eye sockets harbor a considerable amount of Technocyte nodules, while the nose hole has a considerable amount of muscle tissue erupting forth from it and extending downwards, interlacing through the teeth and extending down back into the throat.


Yet another member of the Infested menagerie that is just slightly rarer then it's ancient brethren, behemoths function a bit more defensively then their brethren, centering themselves in the very midst of the horde in order to make maximum use of it's deadly ability. When the group of Infested is attacked, the behemoth slams both of it's lodestone pillars together, activating a reverse version of the mag frame's bullet attracter that follows the beast and sticks offending rounds to the pillars. This has a tendency to lure opponents into melee combat, a mainstay of fighting Infested and exactly what the behemoth wants. When the foe gets into range, the behemoth slams the pillar arms again, quickly nullifying the magnetic effect with a sudden polarity change and spraying the foe with a shotgun blast of repurposed bullets. Depending on what was taken, this could equate to a few Lato bullets plinking off the foe's body or a horrific firestorm of grakata rounds that quickly render a non dexterous opponent a fine slice of Swiss cheese or a lovely pile of scented mulch. Between "Lode-Slams" and when there are few Infested around, the behemoth deploys a small array of delaying tactics, charging foes in order to knock them down or toss them aside and hurling them backwards with vicious antendril whip cracks that sound like dozens of whips being cracked at once.

"Basic" Description:

An anomalous strain that has begun to crop-up in the Grinic mining asteroids found throughout the Sol System, this breed of Technocyte appears to have co-opted a strain of Orokin manufactured lithovoric bacteria that was once used to soften stone and clear precious metals of residue without damaging them within their myriad Grineer-manned mines. This has led to the creature's propensity to strip bodies and locations of metallic items to consume and incorporate into it's shielding or merely regurgitate in a stripped mass of balled polymer, plastic, and other undesirables. The layers of stone, tissue, and bone that enclose the creature are constantly fed upon by the internal bacteria, forcing behemoths into an endless cycle of feeding and searching for food, while also filling their bodies with layer upon layer of tissue, bone, and stone in a disturbing compromise between the rings of a tree and the layers of an onion. This makes ravenous behemoths a true terror to face, as each battle is a desperate struggle to devour prey at all costs to stave off self-digestion.


AHA! There we are, and even created in two workdays to boot! That might be a new record for me! Anyway, hope this fellow's a good read and might help beef up our poor punching-bag foes, the sweet and lovable Infested! Onwards to the second one!



Edited by Unus
Whoops, didn't tweak the spoiler compressamabobs properly!
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                  Post 49

Annndddd, HERE we go, took a bitta time for me to nail down the larger basics (and shuffle my slack-suffering work around a bit) but, I think it came togethor quite well in the end.


Weapon Designation: Rifle, Continuous.



Manufacturer: Kotek Municipal Waste Disposal sponsored by the Esoteric Developments Weapon-Smithing Group of Deimos, Yalode Waste Ocean Platform 24-D, Ceres.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 165 Corrosive shot that can contaminate the ground in a radius (dependent on charge level) and deals 25 Corrosive per second on enemies standing in it, 10 Gas damage stream who's duration is dependent on length of time charge was held.

Projectile Type= First shot is a projectile, accompanying Gas stream is hit-scan.

Accuracy= 100 for Corrosive splatter blob and the Gas fume discharge

Range Limit (For Discharge)= 30 Meters.

Cyclic Rate of Fire: User Charge level dependent, reaching overload status maximum equates to around 5 seconds  (Gas discharge will always fire at 15.00 for the duration of the discharge)

Critical Chance= 2.5%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 20.00%

Magazine= 200 round compression canister with on-board heating element (A fully formed area-of-effect blob will always consume 25 from the canister at half charge, the rest of the time spent charging determines how much Gas is vented in the aftermath)

Reload Speed= 3.0

Trigger= Charge/Burst hybrid.

Mastery Rank Requirement= 5

Polarity= None

Special Traits=

Acts like a quicker-charged Stug between 0 and 25% charge. Between 26% and 50% charge, the blob leaves a splatter radius of corrosive muck that deals 25 damage-per-second for 9 seconds. Between 51% and 100% charge (the "Overcharge Point), a volatile stream of putrid gas erupts forth from the barrel after the blob leaves it, accelerating the blob to ludicrous speeds, turning it into a sort of long-burst "flamethrower", and exhausting a significant amount of the magazine.


Four metal prongs with nozzles in their middles surround a metallic "safety cage" that constitutes the barrel, where the blob can be seen forming as it is charged. The body is thick and bulbous, with two integrated air-tanks that sit flush with the body on either side. The gun's ammunition canister has a set of glowing orange heat elements on the front of it that keeps the pollutants inside in a vapor state and sits extremely close to the pistol grip, separated only by a long metal plate that also acts as part of the hand-enclosing trigger guard. The overall color is on off-color red with a greenish metallic tint. The top is flat with a single long groove down the middle that runs from the beginning of the cage barrel to the ring skeletal  buttstock. Inside the groove is a  long pressure gauge that looks similar to a thermometer, while along the two sides are a set of 8 small cathode-Ray tubes of a sickly pale yellow green coloring (the one closest to the user is always on as long as a canister is in it's housing, displaying the energy color). As one charges the gun,the red bar within the pump gradually moves further and further up towards the cage while the lights each light up to indicate when it passes the 25% and 50% marks. If it passes the 75% mark, a tiny micro klaxon in the grip begins to sound off an alarm that the user is reaching uncontrollable levels. When it hits 100%, the gun sounds like a giant steam whistle.

"Basic" Description:

With the pollution on Ceres reaching levels critical enough that local garrisons and slaves were dieing faster then they could be replaced, something had to be done. Petitioning the local governor for aid in finding a solution, the local disposal organization Kotek was met with an odd counter petition for a sample of the thick leeching acid, paint thinner, industrial solvent combo that  pools around the moon's major facilities. Kotek responded to the simple enough order with a single sealed can, only for the clean-up working members to be assigned triple shifts and a permanent consignment to a haphazard ghetto near one of the largest pools of the lethal dumped liquid within a month. A month after, Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing Group of Deimos unveiled their latest creation, a pneumatic chemical projector filled with the pollutants of Ceres. Thus, a "cure" for the Ceresian chemical crisis was found, instead of simply burning it or burying it, the waste of Cyrus would become a powerful tool for energy-less excavation, Infested cleansing, and Earth defoliation. All that was needed was a supply of "willing" workers to harvest the morass, a role that Kotek "happily" fulfilled.


Phew, this one was a fun one to work on, lemme know if it tickles your fancy oh readers of mine.















Edited by Unus
Damage tweak due to current commentary, tweaker tweak tweak tweak, fiddle fiddle fiddle.
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Hmmmmm, I was attempting to  try and avoid the whole "power creep" conundrum that pops in when new weapons are added. But, I can certainly agree, I might have spayed things a weeee bit to much.

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