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Toxic Players


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Nope, not all of them. Just the 80% that have cheesed their way to high MR with draco instead of actually earning it- and believe they're some sort of elites who deserve to be treated special and are always right and the leaders of the people or something.

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I'm MR 21 and I can say I've encountered many players, who are high rank, that act super elitist. But that was mainly in the past.

Lately? I can't say at all. I actually see bickering from lower ranks, never directed towards me . Rank never matters in these circumstances.

Like others said above, it's just the players.

Sometimes I do wonder if I come off harsh or rude whenever I say anything, which is why I try to sometimes sound overly nice through text.

There are only a couple of times where I can say I sounded like I'm over-reacting, and I don't mean too. 


My advice, just like everyone else sharing theirs, leave the match, and find a new one, stay with friends, take a break from PUB.

If you argue with someone, no one is wrong and no one is right, it's a game. Take a step back and breathe. 

Sometimes people are having a bad day and the only thing you can do is leave them alone. Most people I bet don't mean to come off rash.

Edited by zaxiade
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Generally, you may consider high MR players toxic, due to the fact that kind players usually stay silent. I'm currently MR 16 about to get 17 (thou I'm not playing to get it, eventually I'll be able to simply rank up). I'll be honest- I will from time to time humiliate other players, but due to their lack of cooperation, or just plain... boorishness if you can call it like that. You will often see ppl who are MR even around 12 (and up) who are recruiting "MR 10+" which is just... let's say unpleasant to see. Once I got invited for ODD by MR18 and he reamed me saying "how come MR 16 player doesn't have Trinity?" Yes I do not have Trinity. I used to have regular one and simply didn't enjoy playing her. And I don't have the prime parts yet. And I know that other ppl might feel like me. When I host something I usually invite everyone at once and it's the person who is the fastest. I don't invite ppl who say "I'm MR smth" or "I have all frames" bcs I don't care- it's none of my bussiness and saying that is like getting the "ay" not bcs you are a person but bcs you're driving Porsche. I'm not a @#&*(. When ppl ask after joining "what frame should I take" I say "I don't care, take whatever you're comfortable with, I'm not like that to say what you should take" and usually I take whatever compliments my team best. I may not be perfect but I'll do my best. And usually I'm happy with 40 minute survival T4 with a team out of freaking Ember Nekros Vauban and my Zephyr, half of which (mainly Vauban and Nekros) complain that deal no damage. And we still end up with a freaking comfort zone for either extraction or another 20 mins. I'm happy with that.

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I'm too busy soloing sorties and everything else to be entitled or toxic.  If I ever group with PuG's I expect to be carrying them, and don't mind. So I guess I've got an ego, but no one ever deals with it because I don't play with people very often,

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I only ever remember seeing it when 18 was the highest you could get, not so much nowadays, rather mostly noticing a ton of players that still don't really know what they're doing.

Point being, and with the general consensus of replies so far, the actual jerks are far and few. Don't let it deter you from playing with players that have a higher rank. If anything go by the maturity and experience of the player. You were being helpful, the player was being a jerk because you were helpful. Just a typical schoolyard bully.

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3 hours ago, Pyus said:

They really should just ban everyone over MR20 or lower the max mastery rank level to 7. Problem solved.

nice job generalizing people. You are quite toxic. Trying to punish the masses because of a select few, lol. How childish.

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4 hours ago, DuskLegendary said:


seems like you got the same sense of "toxic entitlement" if you need to generalise everybody down to that, and if "every high MR" is toxic and entitled and whatever you consider negative then you must be the problem and not the world around you

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4 hours ago, DuskLegendary said:

So, I just ran Sortie 1 and proceeded to cap my point, right? Well, the enemies start spawning in, and I'm playing as a Blessing Trinity. I figure, why not keep my team with a constant 99% Blessing so they won't go down, and they can stay on the points to defend them? Especially since there was a new looking player on the team, and he didn't seem to have that great of gear, so I thought this would be a good idea.

Well, an MR18 which was play as NYX proceeds to come over to my point and mind control the enemies in my spawn, and I needed the energy, so I sapped it from the mind controlled goons, and proceeded to kill them. He gets all upset, and calls me a noob and tells me to stop. I tell him to go back to his own point and protect it, and to get out of my spawn, that I needed the energy, and I was going to keep the team Blessed so nobody would die. He tells me that's what energy packs were for, and I told him if I wanted to use an energy pack, I wouldn't have brought Trinity. After the first round ends, I activate Zenurik and I tell him that I don't need to sap enemies anymore, so he doesn't have to worry about me killing his goons, and then he retorts by laughing and saying literally everyone has Zenurik, and calls me a noob, in which I reply that I never said nobody else had it, I was just saying mine was active.

But wait! I finally get downed and he proceeds to come over to me.... and tea bag me, while laughing and calling me a noob. Luckily I was revived by my other team member who was actually helpful, and stayed silent the entire match while actually playing the objective, instead of throwing out insults. Granted, I might have started the whole thing by killing his mind controlled zombies, but he was on my point and should have been protecting his own in the first place anyways, and all I wanted to do was make sure nobody got downed. He ended up being the first person I ever put on my ignore list.

But the thing I noticed is, I haven't met any actual helpful high MR players, just toxic ones like these who have a very strong sense of entitlement. Are you out there? Does any high MR player out there not go out of their way to trash on lower MRs? Does any high MR player actually help lower MR players out, for the sake of being helpful? Sorry for the huge rant that probably appears as if I'm whining, but this made me pretty angry.

Good, you brought an anti-toxin capable of neutralizing any poison already released into the environment. Yours Truly Lotus

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I'm either not present in the game due to lack of content or going solo or duo with my brotastic god of the brocean bromance supreme.

But whenever I end up in a pug by fate I either straight up abort immediately as it was a mistake or are cordial if I truly do need help with something or can't be bothered to do it alone as doing some game modes alone requires a modicum of actual effort. Basically I'm just lazy.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Don't let one bad apple sour your opinion towards the rest of them. There are toxic players everywhere, both high and low MR. I'm MR21 have never once been toxic to a low rank player. I have encountered a few toxic high rank players though, calling me a noob and whatnot even they are the ones going down 95% of time.

And at other times I have encountered really toxic new players who throw temper tantrums when they go down while purposely AFKing and I don't revive them. But that doesn't mean all new players are like that. Same goes for high MR.

It's more the people who come into Warframe, immediately think MR actually means something and spend at least a month rushing their MR to 18-20. They're the ones who are mostly toxic in my experience.

I'm sorry you encountered such an absolute ****head. Just ignore them. We're not all bad.

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As mentioned generalising is bad and MR indicates nothing. 

If talking about experience I gotta say mid rank MR are more often toxic thinking of knowing everything better and not listening to advice. Higher ranked players I meet are more often helpfull. In both cases people can nice as well as toxic. You can't tell what kind of person is sitting behind that players account. Judge a person individually. Forget status.

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Sadly MR means nothing in terms of skill or mental capacity, both game or socially.

When I was MR 6 I was out performing MR21 people who had maxed outweapons and better mods.

And shockingly I even had a better grasp of the game than them, but then hearing a about Draco and it's wondrous horrors I knew how they got that way, I never stepped foot on Draco till MR14 almost 15.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)OppneusKorsuss said:

Yes, you are correct. They are, absolutely all of them.

In fact, as you yourself increase your mastery rank you will become more and more entitled and toxic, and soon you will end up like the Nyx player you described.  

Its inevitable.  

It was difficult to locate the source vector of this sector's infestation but you are finally here. Lotus


21 minutes ago, (PS4)bizmarc89 said:

From my experience, yes they are. I've met a couple who weren't but they're clanmates.

Be wary. The creature has grown unfathomably strong through centuries of absorbing matter and self-replication. Lotus

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I wouldn't use the term "Toxic", most of em looks down upon you from their high horse if you're low MR.

I was MR20 about 1 years ago and only recently got back into Warframe with a fresh account, i couldn't even get invited to missions i could easily solo, and im not even mentioning the countless times i've been treated or snubbed like i was mentally challenged.

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As a Player who played the game for almost 2 years. I have seen many players who use MR as a advantage to show off how "good" they are and start bossing around the squad.

MR is just a number nothing more nothing less. High MR players who tend to be toxic towards others are mostly MR rushers (You can tell by their ingame play time) and what i like to refer as "kids". There are many players out there who are willing to help others and i do not think that banning MR 20 and above players will do the trick. Its a very childish way of handling a problem.

What could be done is simply sending a report and DE will try the very best to find out what happen.

If i were you who met a Toxic player regardless of MR i would simply leave the squad. There is no point fighting back. U gain nothing in the end.

Do Not Let Such Toxic Players Kill the Fun, Play On As If They Were Never There In The 1st Place.

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Nah, its just a bunch of dummies thinking MR indicates skill even though it actually indicates ITEM USAGE RATE. When I was MR 13 I met someone cursing me for..... being MR 13 while he was MR 14...? Wha? It started when I told em to stay away from Corpus mines, he literally died 13 times in a single minute by those xD and he was like "stfu. you MR14? Noob!"

In short, Toxic people are EVERYWHERE and in Every freakin' game. Hell, the Whole internet too especially in every YouTube comment section making racist/sexist statements. What you wanna do? Think of them as a Joke and thats it. congratulations, you won!

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
Sorry for the Super Salt-yan mode,
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

Nah, its just a bunch of dummies thinking MR indicates skill even though it actually indicates ITEM USAGE RATE. When I was MR 13 I met someone cursing me for..... being MR 13 while he was MR 14...? Wha? It started when I told em to stay away from Corpus mines, he literally died 13 times in a single minute by those xD and he was like "stfu. you MR14? Noob!"

I think I would have died from laughing,  then once revived and caught my breath I'd have responded with something witty.

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