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The War Within Teaser - Thoughts and ideas


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On 23. 4. 2016 at 4:44 PM, Mak_Gohae said:

The little girl is THE STALKER!

This is why she knew about the dreamers.

And remember when the stalker first came out he would only attack you if you killed Grineer bosses.

The Stalker has been tied with the Grineer from the start.

Yeah i think shes Stalkers operator :)))

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Lotus told us that now that the Second Dream is over, we will fight a war within and a war without, right?

If the war we HAVE been doing is through the warframes - do this mean we will fight through our Tenno next?

I am VERY much awaiting how DE will connect Vor and the Queens.

Vor hunted for a cure for the Grineer infertility. He wanted to understand the Tenno and bring one to the Queens.

They said no to this and said: "You must kill them before they hatch."

But they knew. They must have been waiting for the Second Dream to end.

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I think the War within has a connection to the infestation in the liset and the fact that Warframes could have been made from the infestation like in Dark Sector. The twin queens are definitely the ones in the trailer, but they sit in some sort of heart and I guess this is important to the War Within.

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On 23.4.2016 at 9:07 PM, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

For me the interesting thing is that they know the Tenno will come for them now they are awake. They are known to the Tenno but in what capacity, will the Tenno come for them to kill them or maybe to rescue them from something or someone?


i have a feeling this is umbra related, they seem like a dark version of the Tenno and lotus.

This would be interesting. Like some event happens during our Missions and we get access to/turn into an Umbra Warframe and then have those 2 as Operator and "Umbra Lotus". I doubt it, but would be interesting nontheless.

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Lets recap.

The twins were shunned and saved from death for their sameness, like the slaves the Grineer. 

They tend to their "strays".

The Empire falls. And at first the twins fight the Grineer. In time the Grineer want to be like them and descide to serve them - an odd move for the Grineer-or die-clones.

They then steer the Grineer against the colonies to create a new Empire in Origin.

They set watch on the Orokin Towers.and give orders to kill all Tenno (warframes) and not wake them up or study.

Now the Tenno are awake for real, and this time the queens seem to want the Tenno to find them.

They went from "Kill all Tenno!"


"They will come, like the answer to a Prayer."


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On 4/22/2016 at 4:33 PM, Maicael said:

The Queens aren't actually "Grineer". They are revered by the Grineer. From what I'm understanding they're actually Orokin, but were regarded as "slave-like" (Grineer) for appearing the same.

The Kuria poem is what I'm basing this off of.

I agree. We also know that their father was an Orokin man with very high influence since he was able to prevent their execution. Presumably, the Orokin desired a pure society and a pure Orokin race, so they had to purge what they saw as inferior from their ranks; in this case, the queens. If their father was able to circumvent a fundamental rule of Orokin society as he did, he had to have been extremely powerful. Their father's power and sway, as well as the respect he most likely was given from others, may be components in their tactics used to rise up and rebel against the Orokin.

I also think it would not be far-fetched to assume that the queens become 'more Grineer' over time: in the sense that cloning themselves over and over again has most likely led to genetic decay, causing them sickliness (like the elder sister in the trailer), and requiring them to be fitted with prosthetic components and limbs.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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Regarding the video you we are discussing:

The term sister can be used as either a biological relationship or social bond from groups such as military, fraternities or sororities.

Updated ideas after viewing war within video showed at TennoCon:

Pool of liquid roughly the shape of a void key hinting possible orokin design.

Lights on the walls are very similar to those in the landing craft

- One way in and one way out of the room could mean it is the infested door in the landing craft (only thing is the tenno stating it is not grineer and Teshin stating you should have    not come here puts holes in this theory)

- Would be a twist, but given Teshin has been called a  pseudo-Tenno, he may be the one controlling the stalker

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On 4/22/2016 at 11:50 PM, (PS4)systemmoniter said:

From what I can analyze, the queens are alarmed of "Conjunction". What this is can be anyone's guess, the older queen saying "Let the beast do there work." only gives me a handful of ideas on who or what she's referring too.

Could it be the reemergence of the Sentients? I would imagine that the cosmic horrors that are these beings would irk all factions within the origin system. What came to my mind was what agenda would the twins take with the return of the big bads who almost took out the orokin.

The more youthful twin stated that "The dreamers had awoken" and that they would come for them, with older queen saying that was part of the plan, like an answered prayer. This most certainly means the the Twin queens have knowledge of the true nature of the tenno, plus that they want to lure them in for reasons unknown.

They will try and take our frames? 

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