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Is playing Trinity not very rewarding, or am I missing something?


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I mostly use trinity for easy solo runs when farming t4 survival, i can go for 90 minutes mostly (i get bored)


When i go on squads i mostly go with a hybrid build, link trinity with a bit of range (60%) and all i can on duration (tank). i sometimes use EV to give energy..... Thats how i play...


Do i die ? : Very rare to see it happen

Do i found trinity boring? : Nope, i love going suppourt  on most games


Edited by x_xUnknownx_x
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21 hours ago, SharkPot said:

You play ev trin and expect it to be rewarding.LOL. Go play valkyr if you are getting killed by lvl 40 mobs.

She is easily one of the best frames in game without irritating other player *looking at ash and valkyr.

Try goin for a link bless hybrid build with vazarin with retaliation max(at max rank it gives 10% damage reduction) thus allowing you to hit 85% damage reduction. And now just do a 50-60% bless you get 99% bless , Thus eliminating the use of self damage for max bless.

You want reward, one of the few frames that can go 1 hr solo T4 survival like a stroll in the park w/o spamming abilities like those stupid frames(imo) ash and valkyr.

Only one advice I will give you :Stop playin ev slave and start playin her.

These kind of topics piss me of sorry for the rudeness.

Lol, you're really rude, but I tried what you said, and I'm surprised. Link Trinity is surprisingly fun to play. Its quite challenging to keep an eye on the duration for link and bless, while killing EV enemies to keep at max energy. That said, I could run around hordes of lvl 100 mobs and barely be injured. The status reflect is awesome.

I guess my main mistake was playing a min duration EV slave, which was super boring, and made me super squishy. I guess I'm not cut out to play support in a team.

I'm really surprised someone could change my mind. I'm really happy I can go play fashion frame with her now!

Edited by KBurn85
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On 4/25/2016 at 4:23 PM, KBurn85 said:

Trinity (Prime) IMO, is one of the nicest fashion frames out there, especially with the strega skin/deluxe pack, so I decided to build one. Got her to level 30, added a potato, and tried her for some time, but I'm not seeing rewarding play with her.

I found that not only she's squishy, most people don't even care for her abilities. It takes a lot of effort to keep her alive for very little reward. I was surprised that even mid-level level 40 mobs can easily kill her, even with overshields.

EV has been long surpassed by Zenurik+Energy Siphon. You can get more energy out of EV, sure, but Zenurik and killing enough mobs to drop orbs is more than enough. The argument is good for other frames, but merely as a redundancy. Also, can't cast EV if all your energy is leeched away, which makes it as weak as all the other passive energy restores. Its only marginally useful in an energy reduction sortie, but then again, 2-3 pizzas throughout the mission is enough to pull you through.

Blessing is a lot of work for immortality, which not all frames need or want. If they wanted immortality, they would have brought a Chroma, Frost, Valkyr or Wukong anyway. The self harm mechanic needs specific timing, and hiding in an secluded corner and timing it well. Given how squishy she is, a single shot might be enough to take her out in the midst of it.

Link would have been good but for the fact that your team mates will wipe them out in 3 seconds.

Well of life is easily substituted by rushing in with life-strike, which is quicker and easier anyway.

Not only that, CC is severely lacking, and prevention is better than cure. I feel like link should link something like 20 enemies over a massive area, for both CC, and so your teammates wouldn't just come in and kill everyone you're linked to.

Am I missing something? Everyone says Trinity is top tier, but I'm not seeing it

As stated there's EV Trinity and Blessing Trinity:

Blessing isn't really used as a heal, you have to equip something like the glaive with self damage with Quick Thinking and Flow (Primed is best).  You damage yourself so you have 2 health left and immediately bless after.  This allows you to constantly have a 99% damage reduction.  Even being hit by a level 120 Bombard, with the 99% (it's more like 99.999999%) you won't even take a scratch.  This can be kept up indefinitely.  With this build the only important stat is duration.  Max it as best you can.  You can drop efficiency down as much as you like, you still have energy vampire to replenish energy.

Energy Vampire build is the opposite of Blessing.  The idea is to get your duration as low as possible (13% is achievable)  which causes your EV's to go off in a second or less.  While using the augment mod you will constantly be replenishing allied shields and energy reserves.  This build also has the best single target killing power in the game (get to 10k kryotic on Hiercon and you'll see).  The combo is to use Well of Life, and quickly after use Energy Vampire.  The Well of life will increase the enemy's health  by x10 and since EV does damage based on max health, you can cast it before WoL is expired, and once WoL does indeed expire, the damage will still be calculated on the inflated amount.  You can instantly drop any level enemy with this combination.  I see people saying it doesn't work, but it does.  Just tested.  The hardest part about it is timing.

Link builds aren't really a thing.  I mean they are, but not really.  Some people will use them upon occasion, but that's about it.

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On 4/25/2016 at 4:23 PM, KBurn85 said:

I found that not only she's squishy...

Am I missing something? Everyone says Trinity is top tier, but I'm not seeing it

Trinity is not squishy, you are seriously missing a few things. A simple QT/EV, Link, Blessing, self-damage combo and Trinity can very easily hit 99.75% damage reduction against literally everything. That's by far the tankiest setup in the game (not counting Hysteria, obviously). Even without self-damage-Blessing, the "QT/EV + Link" part makes her far more tanky than almost any other non-Valkyr frame in the game. I walk into sortie survival and 25+ Grineer marines shoot me to no avail without ever even close to going down. Were it not for Life Support, I wouldn't even have to actually kill them

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Well you can also use WoL to sorta CC single annoying enemies while you kill the fodder. Also if people actually know what to do with one, can heal up pretty fast if your, not so quick on the 4. Like me sometimes, get focused on something else and a team mate will fall. XD Could be interesting, to have it work like Energy vampire, but with pulses of healing.  Like it drains enemies, HP and sends it out with each pulse.  However that might be a little over powered. Yes, 4 heal's to full and gives DR, but it drains energy and takes an animation to use.

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Well of Life is more of a CC power, it's a hard lockdown of a single dangerous mob with the added benefit of healing.  I WoL Bombards and Gunners in Defences all the time.  You can EV them while they're WoL-ed too.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Yeah, the argument against it, being useless though, is that it only locks down one guy, so isn't effective as a CC tool, and doesn't do anything unless you shoot him and then only does healing that you get more out of in your 4. I still think it's an ok 1 skill on a healer frame.

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On 4/26/2016 at 0:50 AM, SharkPot said:

Try goin for a link bless hybrid build with vazarin with retaliation max(at max rank it gives 10% damage reduction) thus allowing you to hit 85% damage reduction. And now just do a 50-60% bless you get 99% bless , Thus eliminating the use of self damage for max bless.

I play the same kind of build for my all round trinity use, but unfortunately that is not how the damage reduction is calculated. It is still very good, but when link is up blessing is calculated multiplicatively. So if you take 100 dmg and have 75% damage reduction from link and cast blessing for 60% damage reduction you take 10 damage which comes out to 90% damage reduction. Not sure exactly how the vazarin ability works as I don't have vazarin, but I suspect it to be multiplicative too.

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