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OMG DE! I love new volt rework!!! xD


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15 hours ago, Wolfnrun said:

I'm not sure if you looked carefully but MES killed the guardsman. I think that makes needing to knock them down unnecessary if it can kill

Ohh, now that you mentioned it... This will be good :)

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2 hours ago, OkamiMilo said:

Volt, the police of Warframe LOL

Riot Shield, Arrester helmet. My clan Logo already looks like a police badge. [DE] gimme a nightstick melee and we're all set.

On another note. Volt's passive seen to build up damage, and it used up not on powers but as soon as he delivers any damage regardless of the source.


Does this mean I'm gonna be able to do... a Diving...


 that can actually kill a mid level mob?

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Just now, Uzpian said:

Ohh, now that you mentioned it... This will be good :)

Yup! now all that's needed is more damage to shock and chaining , a few things here and there with other abilities. I love this! A shield that can be a weapon! 

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53 minutes ago, HellDevil said:

will anyone be able to pick up volt shield, or just volt himself.

As a long time Volt player I really, REALLY hope only the Volt player that cast the shield can pick it up.

1. Volt is the master of electricity. What sense would Hydroid or Ember running around carrying it make?

2. Trolls. Need I say more?

3. People will expect any Volt players to become personal shield dispensers for the team. That is not his role. 

4. It would probably be OP anyway.

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14 hours ago, Tzolkat said:

Most likely by causing it to overheat, either because the user tried to overclock it, or it was installed in a case without adequate ventilation. The only other thing that could damage a GPU is if the voltage to the components is too high, and that is typically not something that happens.

so really the only way to damage a GPU is by being a moron, good to know.

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On 4/26/2016 at 3:03 AM, Cara360 said:

Love it but I can see complaining how he is OP with that,(most likely in conclave) and want to nerf him.



I say hell no.

Conclave "balance" should never interfere with the PVE main game.  This is a fun and welcome change to Volt's kit.  I highly doubt this will make Volt anymore OP than Trin/Excal/Valk/Insert metaframe here.

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On April 26, 2016 at 4:36 PM, taiiat said:

i'm not worried at all - i just know that means Volt cannot defend something anymore. unable to.
while currently, Elec Shield lets him be capable of defending things.

but it won't be indestructible. you're going to end up with a small, portable V2 Snowglobe. limited Health, and Duration.


while they are superior to Consoles, the two primary flavors of Consoles on the market have significantly more market share than PC.
mostly due to propaganda and stockholm syndrome, Et Cetera.

- no they don't. only a small percentage crashes a lot.
- sounds like every PC gamer you know is an idiot that... throws their computer out a window or something.

also please stop spamming. this isn't Le Twitter - edit your posts, and/or stop spamming the post button, and let it sit for a while since you want to write a single sentence every couple minutes.

Jesus Christ kid, calm down.

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On 4/26/2016 at 3:42 PM, Padre_Akais said:

So long as the ability continues to be timer based, durability shouldn't be an active issue, imo.

If they are making these shields mobile and taking them off the timer, then I can see where a health bar should come into play. 

Im saying it SHOULD keep the timer. Adding health to the shield would turn it into a worse snow globe imo. Let it stay duration based only.

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50 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

Im saying it SHOULD keep the timer. Adding health to the shield would turn it into a worse snow globe imo. Let it stay duration based only.

Sounds like we are saying the same thing then.

I think it being a purely duration based effect in riot shield form is going to be too much to hope for though.

I can be a pessimist about that stuff though and DE has surprised me before.

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On April 26, 2016 at 3:59 PM, SinReplica said:

Putting Volt and Valkyr in the same boat.... 


The only time volt and valkyr are in the same boat is when my girlfriend and I go fishing (which has never happened, soooooo.....)

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