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Tell Me About Your Zephyr Plays



Hey Tenno,

I've had Zephyr for a while now. She's incredibly entertaining and bunches of fun to play (aim glide headshots are really satisfying). I'm closing in on Max Rank with her, but before I get into advanced builds I'm curious as to how other players are making use of Zephyr.

What I know about Zephyr so far:

  • Fairly energy efficient if modded
  • Good CC and off-tank abilities but low defenses
  • Unrivaled mobility but hindered in tight spaces
  • A surprising amount of damage, but still not a lot of it

Some things I would like to know:

  • Mission types you prefer to take Zephyr on/what she's best suited to do
  • What loadouts you like to take
  • This frame's distinct advantages and how you exploit them
  • This frame's weaknesses and how you adjust for them

Please do not make this a Zephyr fan thread or Zephyr hate thread. If you think Zephyr is useless, that's fine, but saying as much on this thread doesn't really help anyone, so please refrain. If you love the pants of Zephyr but don't have anything critically constructive to say, your enthusiasm is appreciated but not wholly relevant to the topic. Please share me your strats! How do you use Tailwind to get the drop on your opponents? What the best way to use Divebomb to literally drop on your opponents, andhow do you follow it up? Etc.

Thanks! :)

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7 answers to this question

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She is most strong against Corpus - they have mostly projectiles and her 3 protects from almost everything.

I take her on Interception because mobility is key to solo carry those missions.

I take her sometimes when I rush missions, combining parkour and her mobility is pretty enjoyable to play.

It's hard to make her nice, but if you are succesful - it's really rewarding (Illiac armor is the best)

You can focus on her 3 augment to make your life better with projectile-based weapons.

Anyway, she is squshy. Even with that amount of health - almost no armor at all, so be careful on high levels.

Making her to deal damage isn't that easy and the way she does damage not that okay as well.

Mostly people don't like her as primary source of cc because it's hard to his those flying ********, so 4-augment is pretty nice if you wanna try to do some elemental combo.

Try using some launchers (I mean, REAL LAUNCHERS like Penta and Ogris, not Tonkor for kids). Her 1 makes you in good position very quickly to fire stuff.

Agility Drift should be fine.

Focus on shields, may try using arcane that replenish all shield on hit.


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I use her for crossfire, void missions and orokin moon. I can hold my own against Sentients (with spectres to help out), but she is a great sniper, CC or tank. I always get the extra loot stashes and the puzzle challenges in the Void. Her armor needs a bump with a mod though. other than that I have no problem with her.

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41 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:
  • Unrivaled mobility but hindered in tight spaces

Tight spaces isnt an issue for me and my Zephyr, the bullet jump/roll benefit from the low gravity she has and generates alot of momentum. You can go much faster than a volt using speed if you learn to use this in your favor, even faster if you use the Augment for Turbulence, you sort of drift for making some tight curves. xD

47 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

Some things I would like to know:

  • Mission types you prefer to take Zephyr on/what she's best suited to do
  • What loadouts you like to take
  • This frame's distinct advantages and how you exploit them
  • This frame's weaknesses and how you adjust for them

I love using her for all mission types since shes my main frame tho i have been using Inaros more in defense, interception and survival sortie missions.
For Spy missions she excels since she can easily move above enemy crowds and from wall to wall. Also, because of her mobility it is possible to some times literally rush between the enemies and not be detected.

My Zephyr i focus on Power Duration, Max Health/Shield. This helps me go as far as possible with Tailwind and Hurricane lasts much longer to do CC.

No exploits and only weakness is staying in open areas on high level grineer stages since the hitscan will make it hard for her to dodge and tho having lots of health and shield, she has almost no Armor.

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I just mod her for long range and high duration because Turbulence keeps her alive. I use her whenever mobility is a factor or when I just want to have fun and be mobile. She is very good for outdoor interception missions as she can dart from one objective to another in a faction of a second.

Edited by Insizer
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Sry mate but i dropped her after some serious testing recently..

No hate comment, just stating the facts.


I've played her more regulary in my early days, she did undergo some serious changes and ninja-nerfs tho, what makes her pretty much outdatet sadly...


What changed? Mostly: tornados.

Tornados were always kinda borderline usefull...they catch enemys, eject them randomly (whats CC but a kinda useless type, especially if you have zero controll over it.) and keep them wardet in the process BUT the type change resulted in permanent status (as timers for corrosive, viral etc only found theyr way into the game much later) 

So thats that, the whole type change/status thing became useless as it's gone till you reach your enemys nowadays. The ward also bothered some people as there was no way to damage caught enemys for a long time so DE changed it .... made more tornados, made them smaller and eject faster...we got weapons like the tonkor or simulor only much later, weapons that could bypass the tornados with ease... so thers another benefit gone. Her ult is overall pretty much useless as it is.



Want advice from someone that is able to be neutral about her? Grab funnel clouds and Jet stream augument, play with focus on strength and the minimal possible range (wiki- 50% mark, narrow mindet- up to R7), use a tonkor and enjoy a tonado death-squad setting status while you slam thy enemys faces in with your full damage/utility tonkor-shotgun. Forget her CC- use her gun damage. That's where she is awesome. Or wait for the much needet rework (that's what i'm gonna do.)

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Zephyr is my most played frame at present, and as an almost strict melee player, one thing I can say is that she is definitely a good tank.

Her abilities are not focused to damage the enemy and are ideal for quick runs. That being said, from what I've noticed, most people that dislike her usually have this opinion due to not achieving the same or larger number of kills as their squadmates.

What could be an issue however is the fact that her response to gravity started causing issues in closed spaces and those with lower ceilings, especially after using Tail Wind to move around. This turns out to be the most problematic in Void tiles.





But on the plus side, you might be able to take a peek at the architecture from a different angle - maybe see some nooks and crannies you weren't yet aware of!

Now to respond to your questions.

Zephyr is, from my experience, best suited for crowd control, and that in a sense of dispersing enemy swarms. She is amazing on excavation missions, survival missions, or on the other hand, any mission that you'd normally rush through.

My loadout is a bit... well, let's just say not exemplary. I'll avoid talking about it in this context. As for her mods, definitely go for survivability and always aim to fit the Jet Stream augment.

Her main advantage over most other frames is a gigantic shield and health pool. They completely bypass the lack of armour and allow proper tanking regardless of enemy level. When not enough in itself, press 3 to basically achieve immortality. Aside of that, with the introduction of parkour 2.0, she does no longer reach places other frames can't, but she still reaches them with more ease, so again, good for those keen on map exploration. Yes, we do exist.

As for weaknesses, I'll say it's what I've posted screenshots above. The adaptation to potential skips from the map is, well, not tail-winding when you're not in an open map or at least one that doesn't have a very high ceiling. 

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