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[Warframe Concept] Nerrivik, the Sea Goddess of the North | QUEST


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1 minute ago, arch111 said:

I see that now yeah.  Trapping enemies within a block of ice works too, shooting it makes it explode into ice-chards doing puncture-damage to all around.


Yeah, that's a great idea! I'm not at home at the moment, so I'll add it in as soon as I can.

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I don't have much to add today, aside from a silly alternate helmet idea:



Inspired by these little guys.

EDIT: I lied, that's not the only thing. Pixels!


Honestly though, I think some sort of a mix between Hydroid and Frost would be good for Qanagi's palette, though perhaps focusing on light browns and baby blues? I'll figure it out.

Edited by MissMarifire
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8 minutes ago, vibidi said:


@MissMarifire Any closer to figuring out final abilities? Also this is probably just personal preference but I think she'd look very good with white, grey, and light brown as default colours. Just a thought.

Not yet, though I am leaning towards Warmth and Fleeting Escape as two of them. Not sure what the other two should be. I love your ideas for colors, too!

Edited by MissMarifire
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20 minutes ago, Popstupid said:

Lol imagine running around a map with this frame.  she should have like the Ice Spring mod for her passive...love this concept

Good luck running with that .85 run speed. I kid, I kid. But seriously, I do plan on her having a slow run-speed.
Perhaps, perhaps. Ice Spring does seem like it'd be somewhat fitting as a passive, however here's my question: If it is a passive, will it prevent users from using other bullet jump mods, just like having one installed, or will the installed one override the passive, since presumably you would've be able to combo bullet jump mods?

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1 minute ago, MissMarifire said:

Good luck running with that .85 run speed. I kid, I kid. But seriously, I do plan on her having a slow run-speed.
Perhaps, perhaps. Ice Spring does seem like it'd be somewhat fitting as a passive, however here's my question: If it is a passive, will it prevent users from using other bullet jump mods, just like having one installed, or will the installed one override the passive, since presumably you would've be able to combo bullet jump mods?


I just realized that it would be hard so maybe, say you have the toxic one, you get a viral one instead of just that? Just an idea. Could be easily exploited but I think as of now, players rather use their weapons to kill enemies instead of bullet jumping into them

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13 hours ago, Popstupid said:

I just realized that it would be hard so maybe, say you have the toxic one, you get a viral one instead of just that? Just an idea. Could be easily exploited but I think as of now, players rather use their weapons to kill enemies instead of bullet jumping into them

It could work, would make for an interesting little gimmick as opposed to preventing bullet jump mods entirely, but I haven't seen all too many builds that use those mods so I'm not sure how much people would take advantage of it, and would probably be better off with the barrier to prevent more to be added. Would be really neat nonetheless.

Edited by MissMarifire
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Some back and forth cleaned up. Getting pedantic over visual choices for the frame's design isn't advisable. Goddesses don't all have to be Aphrodite. Some of them are multi armed weapon wielding embodiments of war and death, some are very un-feminine, et cetera.

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On 5/2/2016 at 10:17 PM, vibidi said:

Frames don't have to look obviously male or female :)

This Tenno gets it. You might be very surprised at how many androgynous mythical creatures there are, as well as others who are cross-dressers, and even LGBT. Mythology is weird, man.

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2 hours ago, Letter13 said:

Some back and forth cleaned up. Getting pedantic over visual choices for the frame's design isn't advisable. Goddesses don't all have to be Aphrodite. Some of them are multi armed weapon wielding embodiments of war and death, some are very un-feminine, et cetera.

Thanks much, Letter13.

9 hours ago, Lord-Taco-the-Great said:

Have you decided on any colors?

Not at the current moment, however I have some sort of an idea: light browns, blues, and whites. Perhaps another good color scheme would be dark blues, and light browns and whites? I'll be testing this out with different warframes to see what combos work and see how it'd translate to Qanagi.

EDIT 1: I've got two ideas. Modelling them are Frost Prime and Ember. When I wake up in the morning/afternoon/whenever I'll get to work on seeing how these'll work on Qanagi. For now...









Edited by MissMarifire
Added some palettes.
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I love the concept overall, but I think her abilities need work still. We should make sure that they both don't overlap with another frame's abilities, and don't just seem like an alternate ability set for Frost. Like how Nezha's abilities are fire-based, but you'd never confuse his ability set with Ember's. 

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Just now, Akavakaku said:

I love the concept overall, but I think her abilities need work still. We should make sure that they both don't overlap with another frame's abilities, and don't just seem like an alternate ability set for Frost. Like how Nezha's abilities are fire-based, but you'd never confuse his ability set with Ember's. 

Okay, I know what you mean. Considering how I struggle with coming up with abilities, what would you suggest we should do to make her abilities more unique?

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Couple things on Qanagi's coloring:


Here is the colourable parts of Qanagi. Note that the first five colors are respective to that of other Warframes, while the cyan is uncolorable, most likely it'll be a dark grey.

Here are the two mockup palettes for her:



What do you guys think?

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On 5/8/2016 at 2:41 AM, MissMarifire said:


I really like the first colour scheme! Enough blue to give the feeling of water and ice but brown enough to also look organic and insulated.

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17 hours ago, vibidi said:

I really like the first colour scheme! Enough blue to give the feeling of water and ice but brown enough to also look organic and insulated.

Thank you.


I've came up with a few questions related to my next few steps towards refining Qanagi:

¤Lore. One of the working ideas I had for her was a sister venture (that failed prior to for whatever reason) of the Zanuka Project. However, I am open to other ideas.

¤Obtaining the Warframe. Currently she's research only, but what about:

          ○A "wandering boss", similar to Phorid in the sense of being an assassination that isn't in a set planet, or Stalker as the boss would appear at any time without warning. In this case, perhaps the boss could appear at any Corpus Ice tilesets, if lore allows it.

          ○A chance drop from certain enemies (e.x. Ice Eximus) so that it would lessen the droprates of Oberon or seclude him to only one type of Eximus. This could also allow other Warframes to be obtained like Oberon.

          ○A quest leading up to the boss for Qanagi, like Chroma, Mesa, Atlas, and Limbo. This quest will be based on whatever lore is determined for Qanagi.

¤Ability refining. Determining abilities, and stats for those abilities, and comparing and contrasting the current abilities to the source material to deem what is appropriate and what isn't. This is mostly leaning towards the more water based than ice based abilities, and the more ice based than water based abilities. I want to see how we can determine some sort of equilibrium of the two.

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5 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

I've came up with a few questions related to my next few steps towards refining Qanagi:

¤Lore. One of the working ideas I had for her was a sister venture (that failed prior to for whatever reason) of the Zanuka Project. However, I am open to other ideas.

¤Obtaining the Warframe. Currently she's research only, but what about:

          ○A "wandering boss", similar to Phorid in the sense of being an assassination that isn't in a set planet, or Stalker as the boss would appear at any time without warning. In this case, perhaps the boss could appear at any Corpus Ice tilesets, if lore allows it.

          ○A chance drop from certain enemies (e.x. Ice Eximus) so that it would lessen the droprates of Oberon or seclude him to only one type of Eximus. This could also allow other Warframes to be obtained like Oberon.

          ○A quest leading up to the boss for Qanagi, like Chroma, Mesa, Atlas, and Limbo. This quest will be based on whatever lore is determined for Qanagi.

¤Ability refining. Determining abilities, and stats for those abilities, and comparing and contrasting the current abilities to the source material to deem what is appropriate and what isn't. This is mostly leaning towards the more water based than ice based abilities, and the more ice based than water based abilities. I want to see how we can determine some sort of equilibrium of the two.

  1. i like the tie in with zanuka helps settle her into lore well 
  2. the wandering boss is a interesting mechanic and would make her more unique in implementation and the ice tiles would fit the theme
  • but i also wont say no to a new quest ..more content means more to do 



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5 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:
  1. i like the tie in with zanuka helps settle her into lore well 
  2. the wandering boss is a interesting mechanic and would make her more unique in implementation and the ice tiles would fit the theme
  • but i also wont say no to a new quest ..more content means more to do 



The idea I had about the whole "sister project" was basically: Alad V ran several ventures, the Zanuka project being one of his most prized with the most money allocated into it. However, there were many smaller projects that preceded the Zanuka project that failed for one reason or another. In the current mockup, a team of researchers is sent out to the depths of Europa's glacial caverns. There, this team finds Qanagi encased in a block of ice. While in the process of transporting the block of ice that contained Qanagi, the research team was ambushed by Corpus rebels, who ultimately kill every last researcher who had found the mysterious Warframe, and took the Warframe for themselves. Using one of their leading scientists, they reverse engineered themselves a suit based on Qanagi's abilities, and kept the Warframe frozen solid as a prize. With the newfound suit, they terrorize parts of the system, including those associated with the Lotus.

I'd assume that, perhaps, a quest involving finding the rebels would be interesting, making it lead up to the "wandering boss" mechanic.



I have currently decided on three ability sets. One has a new ability, WATERFALL, and have small edits to abilities. Any suggestions to either of these sets or an introduction to a new combination of abilities is welcome. None of them have set in stone stats yet.



WATERFALL: Qanagi charges at an enemy, picking them up and showering the enemy with a powerful waterfall above them, causing impact and ice damage.

FROZEN STEP / ICE PATH - Qanagi targets an area and covers it with a sheet of ice where enemies (and potentially fellow Tenno) can slip and fall in when within the radius.

WARMTH - Qanagi releases steam, healing herself and allies (as well as a temporary immunity to freezing on ice tilesets) while drastically decreasing movement speed.

CALL OF ADLIVUN: Qanagi calls upon ice specters to maim nearby enemies within Qanagi's radius until the end of duration. By the end of duration, Qanagi and all nearby allies gain health and have a temporary "overheal" which boosts their health for a short period of time.



IMPALE - Qanagi bombards enemies with ice spears from above, doing damage in a targeted radius.

FLEETING ESCAPE - In a rush of adrenaline, Qanagi flops onto the floor and slides away, knocking down and dealing damage to enemies while sliding. While sliding, she is unable to attack or use abilities (aside from toggling FLEETING ESCAPE off), but maintains a 2.0 “slide” speed.

WARMTH - Qanagi releases steam, healing herself and allies (as well as a temporary immunity to freezing on ice tilesets) while drastically decreasing movement speed.

GLACIAL IMPRISONMENT - Qanagi sends a group of enemies in a radius to their death by freezing them in place, and enemies in a larger radius surrounding the frozen enemies attack the enemies in the center circle.



BLIZZARD - Qanagi summons a blizzard, preventing foes from detecting Tenno during the duration while slowly dealing damage to and slowing down nearby enemies.

WINTER’S CURSE: Qanagi decreases the enemy armor and shields of the enemies around her by a percentage.

GLACIER: Qanagi encases enemies in a large block of ice which can be destroyed, causing extreme cold and impact damage to the enemies inside, and puncture damage to enemies hit with pieces of the broken glacier.

COLD FIT: Qanagi unequips her weaponry and forms a large ice harpoon which can be lobbed at enemies for quick puncture/ice damage or used as a melee weapon (weapon is toggleable, and can be reverted when used again or the harpoon is lobbed at enemies)



Edited by MissMarifire
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11 minutes ago, MissMarifire said:

The idea I had about the whole "sister project" was basically: Alad V ran several ventures, the Zanuka project being one of his most prized with the most money allocated into it. However, there were many smaller projects that preceded the Zanuka project that failed for one reason or another. In the current mockup, a team of researchers is sent out to the depths of Europa's glacial caverns. There, this team finds Qanagi encased in a block of ice. While in the process of transporting the block of ice that contained Qanagi, the research team was ambushed by Corpus rebels, who ultimately kill every last researcher who had found the mysterious Warframe, and took the Warframe for themselves. Using one of their leading scientists, they reverse engineered themselves a suit based on Qanagi's abilities, and kept the Warframe frozen solid as a prize. With the newfound suit, they terrorize parts of the system, including those associated with the Lotus.

I'd assume that, perhaps, a quest involving finding the rebels would be interesting, making it lead up to the "wandering boss" mechanic.



I have currently decided on three ability sets. One has a new ability, WATERFALL, and have small edits to abilities. Any suggestions to either of these sets or an introduction to a new combination of abilities is welcome. None of them have set in stone stats yet.


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WATERFALL: Qanagi charges at an enemy, picking them up and showering the enemy with a powerful waterfall above them, causing impact and ice damage.

FROZEN STEP / ICE PATH - Qanagi targets an area and covers it with a sheet of ice where enemies (and potentially fellow Tenno) can slip and fall in when within the radius.

WARMTH - Qanagi releases steam, healing herself and allies (as well as a temporary immunity to freezing on ice tilesets) while drastically decreasing movement speed.

CALL OF ADLIVUN: Qanagi calls upon ice specters to maim nearby enemies within Qanagi's radius until the end of duration. By the end of duration, Qanagi and all nearby allies gain health and have a temporary "overheal" which boosts their health for a short period of time.


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IMPALE - Qanagi bombards enemies with ice spears from above, doing damage in a targeted radius.

FLEETING ESCAPE - In a rush of adrenaline, Qanagi flops onto the floor and slides away, knocking down and dealing damage to enemies while sliding. While sliding, she is unable to attack or use abilities (aside from toggling FLEETING ESCAPE off), but maintains a 2.0 “slide” speed.

WARMTH - Qanagi releases steam, healing herself and allies (as well as a temporary immunity to freezing on ice tilesets) while drastically decreasing movement speed.

GLACIAL IMPRISONMENT - Qanagi sends a group of enemies in a radius to their death by freezing them in place, and enemies in a larger radius surrounding the frozen enemies attack the enemies in the center circle.


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BLIZZARD - Qanagi summons a blizzard, preventing foes from detecting Tenno during the duration while slowly dealing damage to and slowing down nearby enemies.

WINTER’S CURSE: Qanagi decreases the enemy armor and shields of the enemies around her by a percentage.

GLACIER: Qanagi encases enemies in a large block of ice which can be destroyed, causing extreme cold and impact damage to the enemies inside, and puncture damage to enemies hit with pieces of the broken glacier.

COLD FIT: Qanagi unequips her weaponry and forms a large ice harpoon which can be lobbed at enemies for quick puncture/ice damage or used as a melee weapon (weapon is toggleable, and can be reverted when used again or the harpoon is lobbed at enemies)



definitely good concept ideas on it that, the whole sub programs makes sense and as corpus are science based and aladv is very eccentric ....i can totally see it playing out  o-e 

and for the powers ..i honestly dont know which i prefer they all have strong points and suit the play style 

but if i had to pick ...id say 3 suits what id say could be quick action play style 



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17 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

definitely good concept ideas on it that, the whole sub programs makes sense and as corpus are science based and aladv is very eccentric ....i can totally see it playing out  o-e 

and for the powers ..i honestly dont know which i prefer they all have strong points and suit the play style 

but if i had to pick ...id say 3 suits what id say could be quick action play style 



I would choose 1 because I'm a sorta of a defensive playstyle with decent offense 

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40 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

definitely good concept ideas on it that, the whole sub programs makes sense and as corpus are science based and aladv is very eccentric ....i can totally see it playing out  o-e 

and for the powers ..i honestly dont know which i prefer they all have strong points and suit the play style 

but if i had to pick ...id say 3 suits what id say could be quick action play style 



It would make for an interesting questline: who knows, maybe the Lotus (or, perhaps, the Perrin Sequence) catches wind of some the remnants of sister projects of the Zanuka project being found and they want the Tenno to find data vaults on it. Finding out about the "Senna Project", the Lotus directs the Tenno to the specifies locations found. Once they get to a certain point at the right location, cue bad guys finding out that the Tenno are onto them and they flee to wander around the System.

21 minutes ago, tennorod said:

I would choose 1 because I'm a sorta of a defensive playstyle with decent offense 

I'll give the three sets some more time before choosing what I'll probably use. Note that once these are chosen, the other abilities will stay up on the thread for future reference.

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14 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

It would make for an interesting questline: who knows, maybe the Lotus (or, perhaps, the Perrin Sequence) catches wind of some the remnants of sister projects of the Zanuka project being found and they want the Tenno to find data vaults on it. Finding out about the "Senna Project", the Lotus directs the Tenno to the specifies locations found. Once they get to a certain point at the right location, cue bad guys finding out that the Tenno are onto them and they flee to wander around the System.

I'll give the three sets some more time before choosing what I'll probably use. Note that once these are chosen, the other abilities will stay up on the thread for future reference.

kind of like the perrin idea, making the syndicates more involved would be nice 

maybe someday the syndicates will have there own warframes ? 

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