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corrosive projection why is it forced on other people?


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iv gone to level 130 T4S without needing crutch projection(no offence to those that use it) i don't get it why do people insist i ruin a perfectly good V polarity to put it on my chroma?

what so special about it when people can easily use weapons like corrosive mods or  radiation that get bonus damage to alloy armor or idk  shattering impact on certain melee weapons

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1 minute ago, PikeOrShield said:

Because 130 T4S is not quite the point where it's needed and your fancy corrosive and radiation builds will still fall off once 98% of their damage is ignored.

so what like level 300 enemies? need Projection?

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Truthfully, it is one of the more efficient mods depending on the lvl and type of mob being faced.

But for the majority of the star chart and most missions a player will join, it's overkill.

Ideally, given the fact that players have multiple loadout options, they should be able to change the polarity of slots at will for each loadout in each provided it had been forma'd previously.

Something like that would allow you to have a loadout with a build conducive to CP  and another loadout that's conducive to something with a different polarity.

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5 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

so what like level 300 enemies? need Projection?

(we meet again)

Essentially, you can either use Corrosive/Shattering Impact and spend X amount of time stripping their armor and Y amount of time killing them, or you can all run Corrosive Projection, get rid of ALL armor, and just use weapons with Slash and Viral to cut through raw health (which is much faster and efficient).

It's all about the "time-to-kill" in endless content.

Edited by Ailith
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4 minutes ago, Ailith said:

(we meet again)

Essentially, you can either use Corrosive/Shattering Impact and spend X amount of time stripping their armor or you can all run Corrosive Projection, get rid of ALL armor, and then use something like Viral to cut through raw health (which is much faster and efficient). It's all about the "time-to-kill".

you know shattering impact works on base armor not the scaling armor so even if the enemy theoretically scales to 100000+ armor if his base armor is 10 it will still take only 10 hits to take it away so with melee and shattering impact on it does not take as long as people often assume it does 

also viral and radiations one of the builds i also use

then why is CP wanted in Raids when the only thing the meta strategy requires you to kill is vayhek 

in fact in raids your not suppose to kill the enemies because the ev trins get mad with you when you do

and they could easly bring a frame like frost to strip vayheks armor away from him

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14 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

iv gone to level 130 T4S without needing crutch projection(no offence to those that use it) i don't get it why do people insist i ruin a perfectly good V polarity to put it on my chroma?

what so special about it when people can easily use weapons like corrosive mods or  radiation that get bonus damage to alloy armor or idk  shattering impact on certain melee weapons

You answered you're own question.

Other frames that don't care are Banshee, Ash and Nova

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9 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

you know shattering impact works on base armor not the scaling armor so even if the enemy theoretically scales to 100000+ armor if his base armor is 10 it will still take only 10 hits to take it away 

I'm aware, but it's still seen as "wasted" time. Those 10 hits could've been doing more damage if the target had no armor from the start. Like PikeOrShield said, your damage is going to be negated almost entirely by armor scaling, so even your first few hits with Shattering Impact are doing practically no damage to their health pools and you still have to whittle it down after their armor is gone.

I'm just here to describe the mentality in a calm and collected manner, it seems like a lot of people who do really high-end content are often less...respectful.

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Just now, hazerddex said:


Armor scaling is stupid, no one is really gonna argue it.

You traded a crutch, Corrosive projection with a Chroma, I don't need to explain how your Vex Armor works right?

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Just now, Ailith said:

I'm aware, but it's still seen as "wasted" time. Those 10 hits could've been doing however much more damage if the target had no armor from the start. Like PikeOrShield said, your damage is going to be negated almost entirely by armor scaling, so even your first few hits with Shattering Impact are doing practically no damage to their health pools.

I'm just here to describe the mentality in a calm and collected manner, it seems like a lot of people who do really high-end content are often less...respectful.

its only seen as a waste of time because people dont factor in attack speed multi hit those 10 hits can happen in 00.8 seconds if you build melee right 

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1 minute ago, Thebel said:

Armor scaling is stupid, no one is really gonna argue it.

You traded a crutch, Corrosive projection with a Chroma, I don't need to explain how your Vex Armor works right?

no but banshee nova? ash im guessing bladestorm idk about the other two though 

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Because at a certain point corrosive projection outscales everything. 

Your steel charge adds 60% melee damage, hell lets say you have 4 of them, so you are getting 240% extra melee damage. 

So if you do a bit of math, it turns out that enemies need 70.5% damage reduction for 4cp to be equal to 4sc

Which equates to 720 enemy armour to achieve that level of DR. 

And if you do a bit more math it turns out that a Heavy gunner will hit that level of damage reduction at level 21. 

So unless you are running super low level stuff, 4cp is by far the best aura setup in terms of the damage you output if you are fighting anything with armour. 

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1 minute ago, Sixty5 said:

Because at a certain point corrosive projection outscales everything. 

Your steel charge adds 60% melee damage, hell lets say you have 4 of them, so you are getting 240% extra melee damage. 

So if you do a bit of math, it turns out that enemies need 70.5% damage reduction for 4cp to be equal to 4sc

Which equates to 720 enemy armour to achieve that level of DR. 

And if you do a bit more math it turns out that a Heavy gunner will hit that level of damage reduction at level 21. 

So unless you are running super low level stuff, 4cp is by far the best aura setup in terms of the damage you output if you are fighting anything with armour. 

then explain why i usually out damage people with cp? 

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7 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

no but banshee nova? ash im guessing bladestorm idk about the other two though 

Banshee = Sonar

Nova = M Prime/ AMD

There are also other frame + melee/dagger combos that could work too

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6 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

then explain why i usually out damage people with cp? 

Because Corrosive projection applies to the entire squad. If you are the only person going melee with steel charge and 3 others with corrosive projection in the squad then you have the highest damage potential 

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6 minutes ago, Sixty5 said:

Because Corrosive projection applies to the entire squad. If you are the only person going melee with steel charge and 3 others with corrosive projection in the squad then you have the highest damage potential 

so then why should i forma my aura v polarity when chroma befits more from it? especially now days  when people can invest in this mod Coaction_drift.png

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Its just an efficiency thing. When people want to break the game and play with dat god awful scaling at high levels CP is generally more efficient.

I personally don't use it that often, but I don;t really play what is considered "HIgh level content" anymore. The bar just keeps shifting higher and higher it seems. Also I main banshee mostly so the team can just poop on most things with or without CP regardless of level.

Just do what you want man. Unless maybe you're not the host for a long void run. In which case its polite to play by the hosts rules (to a degree) when its not your key.


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4 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

so then why should i forma my aura v polarity when chroma befits more from it? especially now days  when people can invest in this mod Coaction_drift.png

Because it's about not being selfish and taking one for the team.  Why should someone else have to sacrifice an extra slot just because you don't want to bring CP?

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Just now, PikeOrShield said:

Because it's about not being selfish and taking one for the team.  Why should someone else have to sacrifice an extra slot just because you don't want to bring CP?


You mean 3 other people since you need 3x CP and CD to get 100%

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3 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:

Because it's about not being selfish and taking one for the team.  Why should someone else have to sacrifice an extra slot just because you don't want to bring CP?

what i said is i dont want to waste the entire time formaing a perfectly good V polarity just to put a dash on chroma just to have to forma it back to V again later. is that selfish? especially when there are new slots for mods like co action drift? how is asking people to use that any more selfish than asking some one to forma there aura slot? because you want them to have CP

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