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About Account Sharing



Just a quick question.
If I do an alert for a friend, that won't be able do log in at the moment, Will it be considered account sharing and i'll be banned for this ?

Edited by OtsegolatioN
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Technically speaking: If a user deliberately gives you their username and password with the intentions of logging in and using their account, they really have waived all rights to dispute anything you do with said account. Like say, selling everything they own and giving all the Platinum to your own account. Then again, they can dispute that they ever gave you the information and simply claim you stole it and accessed the account illegally. It's a difficult situation to mediate, as it boils down to the word of one player vs another player. It's why DE encourages players to NOT share their accounts/information so they don't have to get in the middle of these situations.


That being said, as long as you two are cool with it and you are JUST logging in to run an alert or a mission without any trading or Platinum shenanigans ... how would anyone on DE's side ever even know WHO is logging in on WHAT account?


Happy gaming, Tenno.

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2 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

Yes, that is account sharing.  Don't play any account but your own, don't let someone else play your account.  People may tell you they do it and they don't get caught, and it's true not everyone does, but it s in violation of TOS, and you can be banned for it when/if you are caught. 

Not necessarily, Gelkor.

Account sharing is only outlined in the TOS because of problems where something happens with a certain player's account because he gave his information away to an untrustworthy third party.

DE just doesn't want to be held responsible to the player who lost something when it happens, which is why it is outlined there in the first place.
However, I understand that there is a sort of grey area in the subject of what is and isn't fair and considered "Account sharing"

Especially in a household like my own, where myself and two of my siblings play Warframe avidly.

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Anyone can look at this situation and see grey areas, but I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't ever log onto someone else's account for any reason. It IS a violation of the TOS, and regardless of your intentions and the situation at hand, both of your accounts could risk possible suspension even if you're only wanting to do one simple thing to help your friend.

It's never worth breaking the TOS. Don't do it. Tell your friend no.

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Yes, that is account sharing.  Don't play any account but your own, don't let someone else play your account.  People may tell you they do it and they don't get caught, and it's true not everyone does, but it is in violation of TOS, and you can be banned for it when/if you are caught. 

Edited by Gelkor
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8 minutes ago, OtsegolatioN said:

Just a quick question.
If I do an alert for a friend, that won't be able do log in at the moment, Will it be considered account sharing and i'll be banned for this ?

Not if he gave you his verbal/written permission to use his account, to get something for "him" specifically.

I'd advise however after this "alert", you have your friend change his password. So nothing bad happens. :3

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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1 hour ago, OtsegolatioN said:

Just a quick question.
If I do an alert for a friend, that won't be able do log in at the moment, Will it be considered account sharing and i'll be banned for this ?

I'd say your best bet is open a Support Ticket with that question and use as much detail as possible, ask them to explain to what extent things can or cannot be done.

I think that if you 2 don't exactly trade between each other, specially not in an unfair way, it might not raise a red flag. Still, ask before doing it.

(Also, if you actually do open said ticket, if you don't mind, share the information you obtained x) )

PS: After all, the accounts aren't 'ours' to begin with, they belong to DE, all we have is authorization to use them, but only each to their own.

Edited by Manyc
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19 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Not necessarily, Gelkor.

Account sharing is only outlined in the TOS because of problems where something happens with a certain player's account because he gave his information away to an untrustworthy third party.

DE just doesn't want to be held responsible to the player who lost something when it happens, which is why it is outlined there in the first place.
However, I understand that there is a sort of grey area in the subject of what is and isn't fair and considered "Account sharing"

Especially in a household like my own, where myself and two of my siblings play Warframe avidly.

It's still a violation of the TOS no matter what way you look at it, and therefore should not be done. 

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Thanks everyone for all good answers and healthy discussions about the situation.
I won't risk anything and this friend of mine is actually my cousing.
He will have to buy a helmet of his Nezha then xD

Edited by OtsegolatioN
my horrible english
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