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first a dragon frame and now a fairy frame...." holy light intesifies."


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1 hour ago, Carnage2K4 said:

LOL, there is a non-fantasy magic???... okay...

"magic being science we don't understand"... Science means 'knowledge'... Therefore "Natural Science" (the normal use of 'science') means knowledge of the natural world... So you're saying magic is the knowledge we have, that we don't understand... it's basically a nonsensical sentence...

If you mean just 'a phenomena we don't understand = magic', then that too is wrong, because magic is a reference to an unknown supernatural force used to alter something...

Something not known to science is not magic, it's just unknown, magic alludes to a specific 'thing' as an 'explanation'...



As someone in a scientific field, both your statements make my face hurt...

So what I said was: "all the warframes are alchemists in my opinion, there's a very thin line between magic, alchemy and science"

In the science fiction universe of warframe we have advanced science that created the warframes

Warframe exo-armor uses unique combative technology to create the ultimate weaponry. The Warframes hold many mysterious powers and mastering one requires dedicated use. (copy-paste from wiki)

Basicly we're playing with a combination of the scientific and the supernatural, which made me compare them with alchemists.

For as far as I know, Alchemy was a practice that tried to achieve the supernatural with the natural, which evolved into modern medicine & chemistry but started out as a "mystical art".


In the real world I would agree that there's no such thing as magic in the litteral sense.

But for the sake of conversation let's say that there is an unknown natural force. 

Before we understand it we can percieve it as magical but the moment we do it becomes scientific & in my opinion that's a pretty thin line.

If there is something supernatural though, once we understand it, we can call it supernatural science :)


I'm trying to say that there are known knowns and that there are known unknowns. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we don't know that we don't know so the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.


3 hours ago, Fragwulf said:

"Any technology, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable..."



"... from magic"

Haha nice, I remember reading that once, thanks for the reminder.

The other two are well-written as well.

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3 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

LOL, there is a non-fantasy magic???... okay...

Herbal remedies existed before scientists were able to qualify the interaction on the body through study. A perfect example of Science displacing the causal explanation of magic potions.

Isaac Newton= both famous scientist, alchemist, and occultist.

3 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

"magic being science we don't understand"... Science means 'knowledge'... Therefore "Natural Science" (the normal use of 'science') means knowledge of the natural world... So you're saying magic is the knowledge we have, that we don't understand... it's basically a nonsensical sentence...

If you mean just 'a phenomena we don't understand = magic', then that too is wrong, because magic is a reference to an unknown supernatural force used to alter something...

Something not known to science is not magic, it's just unknown, magic alludes to a specific 'thing' as an 'explanation'...



As someone in a scientific field, both your statements make my face hurt...

Science doesn't mean knowledge. 

...It means study.

i.e. the pursuit of knowledge.

Magic is pretty broadly defined but it's most typically determined as a causal explanation for something that can't be explained otherwise. If someone says "magic" you don't have to beat them up over it. It's been explained that way for a long time now and there's no harm in it. 

On topic:

I am ready for a wood based frame to get introduced.

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4 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

On topic:

I am ready for a wood based frame to get introduced.

That what Oberon is. You just can't tell. Well, I think he should get a visual rework. Maybe he can turn his enemies into wood. Like Atlas turning them into stone. Ember making them into Ashes. Frost making frosficals. Volt making the into a lighting rod.

Edited by Ibro156
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52 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

the whole fairy frame idea is the worst since greedo shooting first . ( and yes i know oberon is but look how absolute S#&$e he is )

Oberon suffers from old age, he'll get a proper tune up soon enough.

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18 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

LOL, there is a non-fantasy magic???... okay...

"magic being science we don't understand"... Science means 'knowledge'... Therefore "Natural Science" (the normal use of 'science') means knowledge of the natural world... So you're saying magic is the knowledge we have, that we don't understand... it's basically a nonsensical sentence...

If you mean just 'a phenomena we don't understand = magic', then that too is wrong, because magic is a reference to an unknown supernatural force used to alter something...

Something not known to science is not magic, it's just unknown, magic alludes to a specific 'thing' as an 'explanation'...



As someone in a scientific field, both your statements make my face hurt...

In regards to your statement "magic is knowledge we don't understand... It's basically a nonsensical sentence." 

I think that it is entirely possible to have knowledge but not understand said knowledge. To me, knowledge is informations, however understanding is knowing the reasoning behind informations as well as the application of that information. As such, it is entirely possible to have knowledge, but not understand the reasoning behind it.

However, I don't mean to say that knowledge that you dont understand, is magic, I just merely wanted to point out that knowledge does not always equal comeplete understanding.

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