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Kubrow Breeding Mechanics


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I wanted to get some feedback form the community on this topic as I'm about at my whit's end in regards to breeding.

I've been breeding  since a couple months after the release of the Kubrows and with much success. It actually changed the way I trade  and became a fun hobby within my favorite hobby, untill about 7 months ago I hit a vicious wall. I thought it was just bad RNG but this nightmare lasted for weeks, every dog I would breed without using 2 lotus prints would lose not only the Lotus prints but the best of the colors. Obviously, it's always been "the risk", Breed>Pray>Profit when it comes to breeding one lotus to a non lotus but I had never had such horrible luck. Losing upwards of 15 Lotus prints I had stored in stasis just that month. So I decided, since I breed so regularly, I wanted to keep track of how many failures I had over the course of six months. Today is that Six month Marker and this is what I have.

137 Dogs bred (not all matured or kept for that matter)

31 breeds with 2 lotus prints= All successful 

106 breeds with 1 lotus and 1 (insert variable pattern here)= 14 successful lotus transfers (ouch...)


I'll continue to keep track for another 6 months as well.


So I'm curious, If the  "Lotus print" has the highest rarity in terms of pattern and value, should it not also be the most dominant pattern when breeding with others? Not to say if you breed a lotus with a non lotus it should ALWAYS be a lotus but I do feel the odds should be more so in your favor. Even 51/50.

Has Rngesus just forsaken me? Should I turn to  the dark side and pay all homage to the great Lootcipher? Sacrificing corrupted crewman upon his alter before each re-breeding!

I'd like to hear some feedback from you guys talking about your experiences with breeding. How often do you make out on top and how do you feel about the current mechanics of the breeding system. Fair/Unfair/ Just right/ needs optimizing? Speak your mind, but try not to bring any salt to the table.


Thanks for stopping by, looking forward to reading your responses and GL out there!





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Breeding is one of my favorite aspects of the game, to the point where I'm currently doing designs for Volt/Zephyr Deluxe Skins along with 2 new Kubrow types.

I really wish a DE staffer would jump in and give me a deadline to motivate me ;).

I have All Kubrow colors and patterns including  Nistle and Nart and Trin Prime Accessories with the exception of 1.

Ive seen it so often mentioned that Lotus and certain colors are comparatively rare but I've never seen numbers from DE to support that perception.

Patterns, to me, seem equally rated in terms of probability.  It's colors that seem to be weighted.

Again, it's all perception, though, until I see official #'s.

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it may be suprising, but lotus pattern isn't single rarest one. Merle is equally rare. If not rarer, due to not being as popular as lotus, and thus not multiplicated.

Thin body type is equally rare as bulky. Rarer actually, same reason as above.


Also, looks like string of really bad luck. I'm nowhere near your amount of incubations, but I always breed lotus + non-lotus. And It's been a long while since I had to restock on lotuses. Personally, transfering bulkiness is more challenging than transfering lotus.
But with my limited breeding experiene, it may just be begginers luck.

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