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Lets talk about Valkyr's Hysteria nerf, I mean "rework".


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3 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

I want to have a simple discussion about the recent reworks to one of my most beloved and overall most used warframe, Valkyr. I've been using her mostly because her fourth ability known as "Hysteria". Once I logged into the game and decided to run a ODS (Orokin Derelict Survival) mission run. Yet when I cast the ability I noticed my energy had depleted faster from 400 to 0 the longer I used it (which happened to sum up to a minute). At first I figured it must have been because I had forgotten to equip my maxed rank Streamline. Only to be completely shocked at the fact I had Streamline equipped the entire time running said mission. What was going on? I had no clue until I found out some warframes received reworks.

Here's what I found out about Valkyr: 

  • The longer she remains in her Hysteria state, the more energy is drained as indicated on the growing numbered percentage bar showing adding up were the logo for her Hysteria is located

If she leaves hysteria while within a 20m radius. she receives all damage taken to her while in her Hysteria state.

This was all tested by me yesterday during my play-though using my Valkyr on an alert Corpus mission Nitain. In my opinion. I don't like this rework. For many reasons, too.

  • For starters, the drain ignores the fact I have a maxed out Streamline on my Valkyr.
  • There are already so two factions that have ways of draining my energy completely or cancel out the ability instantly. Them being both the Corpus and Infested.
  • I take every bit of damage taken should I leave Hysteria while near an enemy.

Now here are some problems I'd like you to hear about. Starting off with the infested. The infested have the Ancient Disruptor stands out for the ability to drain away and even remove a Warframe's energy (Credit to warframe's own wiki for a reference). This. This right here is the for my constant energy drains I had running OD missions. What made it worst was the fact Hysteria only lasted a minute or haft that when an Ancient Disruptor showed up. Making the drain even more quick. 

Next the Corpus. We call know who I'm talking about. The Nullifier Crewmen and  Isolator Bursa. These two on the map are the most troublesome match to go against. Nullifiers rush your position, not giving Valkyr players time to run away to another room to safely dispel their Hysteria ability (I'd like you to remember you take damage if you aren't at least 20m away from any enemy when you leave hysteria. Also, to remember how big nullifier's bubbles are. Especially in tight spaces.) As for the Isolator Bursa. We all know how bad they are. Before you can get away from the, they'll hook you to the ground pulling you over to a spot were a small nullifier bubble is waiting to dispel your ability. Again, if you took damage while in hysteria, all of it will be sent to you. 

All I want is for Valkyr's ability to go back to what it used to be. Because if being in hysteria to long is what you were worried about. Worry no more. I've given you reasons why being in hysteria very long isn't possible with all the enemies that can remove or take you of of hysteria in a flash. I love this warframe and this ability. Please, DE. Give me back my old Valkyr. That's all I ask...

I'm confused cause even before her rework Ancient Disruptors drained her energy and Nullifiers ended her ability so that hasn't changed. Isolator Bursas are the same as well so I'm not sure why you're including that information when that isn't new. 

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the fact that you rely on hysteria without trying to get the proper mods from farming/selling is something that I find ridiculous, and I've seen a person fail horribly with Inaros and complain that inaros has "not enough health" when he loses 1k health out of 5k. crying about the fact that a power that was broken has been reworked is something I should expect from people who don't know how to mod. but this? a minor addition and a little tweaking of something that already existed? seriously, I complained waaaaayyyy less when ember lost her overheat which was like hysteria except you could use your weapons normally. complaining that an ability that was flat out broken now requires some modding skill? this is something to expect, any ability or frame that is broken and hasn't been in dev testing for a few weeks, checking for every last possible thing to make it $&*&*#(%&ly broken will be changed. a change for hysteria was bound to happen, it would either be something microscopic or something catastrophic. all things considered you should be grateful that hysteria is how it is now, in the past it was a minute and you had fixed damage. now we can have durations lasting into the hours when modded right and playing right and more damage. but you complain about a little change like this? hate to break it to you but any frame that is broken without effort will be nerfed to the ground. all things considered you should thank DE for not completely reworking hysteria. be greatful something like what happened to Excalibur and trin's reworks didn't happen to hysteria, it would probably be something like hysteria does less damage the longer it goes on and eventually it would start acting like absorb. or maybe it would grant you a damage decrease equal to the amount of health you've lost. compared to what might happen and what could've happened, you can't complain with this rework. they balanced a frame, made her need some skill to play. either farm for mods with friends, farm for prime parts and sell them or ask your clanmates for a favour, and if they won't then try to find another way to get those mods. persevere and warframe shall reward you.


this is one of the few games nowadays that has story but also manages to keep the essence of the old games, namely the being punished for being S#&$ and not being able to adapt and being rewarded when you can adapt and get good very quickly. learn how to mod valkyr and get better. all you need is time and a few steps in the right direction. so here's my advice, build armour, health, duration, efficiency and damage. don't bother with range and you should be fine. the basic mods are all you really need for a build like that. just use your other abilities, learn how and when to use warcry, paralize and ripline, because their all powers that can help. warcry can really increase your DPS, paralyze can let you isntakill something for little cost and ripline is a good mobility tool, can do good damage and can get rid of snipers or get them into your range. valkyr is a frame that you can use to deavestating effect, and can even be used to be a support frame with an eternal war build. the only problem that you had was a small modding problem and a lack of awareness for your other powers. heres a build that lots of people can replicate that is good for valkyr: vitality(maxed), steel fiber(maxed), streamline, intensify, continuity. those should be the basics on all your builds. if you want an eternal warcry build, just toss on a constitution, power drift and eternal war.

if you want a hysteria build, throw on a flow, constitution and armoured agility

if you want a good berserker build then toss on armoured agility maybe redirection and vigor/rage

note: all of these mods can be farmed without needing to go into vault missions and can be done solo

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3 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:


All they had to do was add buffs to her hysteria melee mode and animate her hands as energy claws so it will appear as if she is actually using them rather than floating in midair and shadowboxing stuff like back in the days.  She would have been perfect, because the ability was an activate-and-forget power that used a set amount of energy that could be lessened by mods.  You know, like other normal abilities.  The moment they decided to make it into an energy-depleting ability that lets you stay in that hysteria mode indefinitely, that marked the beginning of her ruin and misuse of her purpose.   Now they touched her again, and still do not get it right, and she is far from the concept that made her great in the first place.  I love Valkyr but have given up on her long ago, because I don't appreciate feeling like I am in god-mode when I know full and well that I am far more skilled as a warframe player than that.  In a sense, I know your pain.  In compensation for this situation, I simply moved on to other warframes and find myself in those.

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2 hours ago, Emeraudes said:

yeah.. I don't think you know how to fully appreciate the warframe you're currently maining.

I think none of us fully appreciate Valkyr because doing so is currently impossible. You're criticizing someone for relying too much on Hysteria, which is fine. But you're presenting a video of another player who is doing the exact same thing except with a different power. How is that supposed to be fully appreciating Valkyr if it's still spamming a single power over and over again? Valkyr has four powers.

We need her other powers to be more useful. Right now they are not and no amount of nerfs to Hysteria, Warcry or Eternal War are going to change that.

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i use war/cry build, But i still think that the nerf to histeria shuld have come with a buff to her kit.

My idea is:

1 can pull more than 6 enemies

2 give a aura of half of the range that slow down enemies the closer they are to valkir

3 give more range, like more range, and make it so it can`t be interrupted with animations

4 maybe reduce de aura to 15m-10m and the closer you are to run out of energy the more damage you make

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4 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

I want to have a simple discussion about the recent reworks to one of my most beloved and overall most used warframe, Valkyr. I've been using her mostly because her fourth ability known as "Hysteria". Once I logged into the game and decided to run a ODS (Orokin Derelict Survival) mission run. Yet when I cast the ability I noticed my energy had depleted faster from 400 to 0 the longer I used it (which happened to sum up to a minute). At first I figured it must have been because I had forgotten to equip my maxed rank Streamline. Only to be completely shocked at the fact I had Streamline equipped the entire time running said mission. What was going on? I had no clue until I found out some warframes received reworks.

Here's what I found out about Valkyr: 

  • The longer she remains in her Hysteria state, the more energy is drained as indicated on the growing numbered percentage bar showing adding up were the logo for her Hysteria is located

If she leaves hysteria while within a 20m radius. she receives all damage taken to her while in her Hysteria state.

It has always been like this except now they increased the radius. A highly ranked Narrow Minded mod will mitigate this.

This was all tested by me yesterday during my play-though using my Valkyr on an alert Corpus mission Nitain. In my opinion. I don't like this rework. For many reasons, too.

  • For starters, the drain ignores the fact I have a maxed out Streamline on my Valkyr.
  • There are already so two factions that have ways of draining my energy completely or cancel out the ability instantly. Them being both the Corpus and Infested.
  • I take every bit of damage taken should I leave Hysteria while near an enemy.

Now here are some problems I'd like you to hear about. Starting off with the infested. The infested have the Ancient Disruptor stands out for the ability to drain away and even remove a Warframe's energy (Credit to warframe's own wiki for a reference). This. This right here is the for my constant energy drains I had running OD missions. What made it worst was the fact Hysteria only lasted a minute or haft that when an Ancient Disruptor showed up. Making the drain even more quick. 

Energy is only drained if you get hit by enemies near the Disruptor (and Disruptor itself). Again, it's always been like this and has always affected Valkyr.

Next the Corpus. We call know who I'm talking about. The Nullifier Crewmen and  Isolator Bursa. These two on the map are the most troublesome match to go against. Nullifiers rush your position, not giving Valkyr players time to run away to another room to safely dispel their Hysteria ability (I'd like you to remember you take damage if you aren't at least 20m away from any enemy when you leave hysteria. Also, to remember how big nullifier's bubbles are. Especially in tight spaces.) As for the Isolator Bursa. We all know how bad they are. Before you can get away from the, they'll hook you to the ground pulling you over to a spot were a small nullifier bubble is waiting to dispel your ability. Again, if you took damage while in hysteria, all of it will be sent to you. 

It is very possible to hit the Nullifier's bubble while in Hysteria and take them out safely and most, if they know what they're doing and how they're doing it, often do just that. Valkyr ignores all forms of CC (Scorpion/Ancient/Bursa) hooks and knockdown waves (they simply bounce her into the air) while in Hysteria. Unless it has changed and she can now be pulled around. When combating Isolator Bursas, Mobility is key. Simply rush at them and use slide attacks. They don't spam their dispel bubbles very often and they can be avoided quite easily in most cases.

All I want is for Valkyr's ability to go back to what it used to be. Because if being in hysteria to long is what you were worried about. Worry no more. I've given you reasons why being in hysteria very long isn't possible with all the enemies that can remove or take you of of hysteria in a flash. I love this warframe and this ability. Please, DE. Give me back my old Valkyr. That's all I ask...

I can understand your concerns with Valkyr's new rework but quite a big part of it sounds like inexperience and lack of proper mods. With that in mind, I can't say it seems very friendly to new players. 20m is pretty big, the Energy Drain doesn't sound like something that can be easily countered by newer players since they won't have sufficient mods.

This isn't too nice, of course. But at the same time we can't just give hugely powerful things like Hysteria straight away to newer or relatively inexperienced players with not many drawbacks or anything. Players that cannot yet combat or avoid effects and enemies like Disruptors and their energy drain aura or Nullifiers or have mods to circumvent other effects.

Edited by Keybopsef
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2 hours ago, Amazerath said:

I think none of us fully appreciate Valkyr because doing so is currently impossible. You're criticizing someone for relying too much on Hysteria, which is fine. But you're presenting a video of another player who is doing the exact same thing except with a different power. How is that supposed to be fully appreciating Valkyr if it's still spamming a single power over and over again? Valkyr has four powers.

We need her other powers to be more useful. Right now they are not and no amount of nerfs to Hysteria, Warcry or Eternal War are going to change that.

And what I did was show him that there was at least one other skill that works well in her kit. I don't believe I've ever said do not use hysteria at all. If you're going to go in this direction though, how often do you find yourself using all warframe powers on all your frames much less just the two that are exceptionally good?

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3 hours ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

That's not helping actually. Lmao. How much longer do I have to waste till I reach that golden moment to were I have all the right gear and do thing all on my own? Saying stuff like that is the reason most people give this game a pass. A year just to get good at an unbalanced game.

I don't equate being geared with being good, just fyi. How much longer you waste really depends on your luck more than anything, I can't say for certain how long but my brother didn't get what he got in just a couple of months. I paid for my progress.

Edited by Emeraudes
*how long* was added
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46 minutes ago, Emeraudes said:

And what I did was show him that there was at least one other skill that works well in her kit. I don't believe I've ever said do not use hysteria at all. If you're going to go in this direction though, how often do you find yourself using all warframe powers on all your frames much less just the two that are exceptionally good?

My point was that we cannot fully appreciate Valkyr because she is not in a condition that will allow us to do so. Using either Hysteria or Eternal War locks you into one specific gameplay style. So even though you're saying she has two useful powers, in reality there is still only one way of playing her. Which is to run around mashing melee, always going against the clock and not using any other power in order to save time and energy. This is what I am criticizing. There's a lack of variety because the two powers that work are incredibly similar and the two other powers aren't worth using. And I'm not even going to talk about Eternal War not being a power to begin with.

As for me, I'm one of those weird Valkyr players who actually uses Paralysis to trigger stealth finishers and Rip Line to try (and often fail) to pull Ancient Healers from far away. Do I use those powers to try to prove something? No, the powers are bad. I use them because it's fun. But do you know what's even more satisfying then having a bunch of bad powers? Having a bunch of good ones that you can use. That's how I would fully appreciate a warframe.

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6 hours ago, Amazerath said:

My point was that we cannot fully appreciate Valkyr because she is not in a condition that will allow us to do so. Using either Hysteria or Eternal War locks you into one specific gameplay style. So even though you're saying she has two useful powers, in reality there is still only one way of playing her. Which is to run around mashing melee, always going against the clock and not using any other power in order to save time and energy. This is what I am criticizing. There's a lack of variety because the two powers that work are incredibly similar and the two other powers aren't worth using. And I'm not even going to talk about Eternal War not being a power to begin with.

As for me, I'm one of those weird Valkyr players who actually uses Paralysis to trigger stealth finishers and Rip Line to try (and often fail) to pull Ancient Healers from far away. Do I use those powers to try to prove something? No, the powers are bad. I use them because it's fun. But do you know what's even more satisfying then having a bunch of bad powers? Having a bunch of good ones that you can use. That's how I would fully appreciate a warframe.

While I agree that valkyr's kit requires a look at for her first 2 skills, I disagree that appreciation cannot be shown for a less than perfect frame.

I also wouldn't say nobody can fully appreciating valkyr when my friend and I ran her back when hysteria was timed god mode, there was no eternal war mod and she just received her final updated armour stat. We still utilized every thing in her kit purposefully and to great effect due to her extreme survivability.

If you really are a fan of valkyr to the point of calling her your main, like how I called excalibur my main pre-exhalted blade rework, appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of your frame should be ingrained. Anything less and it may seem like fleeting fancy over a specific attribute that may not be permanent in this game.

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53 minutes ago, Emeraudes said:

While I agree that valkyr's kit requires a look at for her first 2 skills, I disagree that appreciation cannot be shown for a less than perfect frame.


Again, what I am criticizing essentially is the lack of variety created by having two powers that play in a very similar way, and other two powers that are very unreliable. If the current Valkyr and her "restrictive" playstyle are enough to satisfy you, then good for you. You will continue to have fun with her. But for some of us this lack of variety is disappointing. Even more so now that we've seen DE get a bit more creative with warframe powers. Valkyr still feels stagnant and underdeveloped in comparison to some other frames and the recent changes did not improve that.

As for the rest of the post, I told you a bit about what kind of player I am only because you asked me about how I use warframe powers. However, I'm not interested in extending that debate to personal achievements or conducts. If you have anything else to ask or to say about Valkyr, her powers or her changes, we can continue to talk about those. Otherwise I feel each of us have already stated our opinions.

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17 minutes ago, Amazerath said:

Again, what I am criticizing essentially is the lack of variety created by having two powers that play in a very similar way, and other two powers that are very unreliable. If the current Valkyr and her "restrictive" playstyle are enough to satisfy you, then good for you. You will continue to have fun with her. But for some of us this lack of variety is disappointing. Even more so now that we've seen DE get a bit more creative with warframe powers. Valkyr still feels stagnant and underdeveloped in comparison to some other frames and the recent changes did not improve that.

As for the rest of the post, I told you a bit about what kind of player I am only because you asked me about how I use warframe powers. However, I'm not interested in extending that debate to personal achievements or conducts. If you have anything else to ask or to say about Valkyr, her powers or her changes, we can continue to talk about those. Otherwise I feel each of us have already stated our opinions.

Sure, then in that case, my imagination is rather lacking in the capacity of what a berserker themed warframe is suppose to have. In most contexts, a berserker is single minded and mostly melee attributed. 

And yes, I do play to her theme when I use her.

Actually since we're on this instead of the previous talking point, is it safe to conclude that hysteria is in a relatively good spot now and it's just a matter of making the rest of her kit balanced?

Edited by Emeraudes
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Just now, Emeraudes said:

Sure, then in that case, my imagination is rather lacking in the capacity of what a berserker themed warframe is suppose to have. In most contexts, a berserker is single minded and mostly melee attributed. 

I was talking about melee gameplay variety. More specifically, the ability to incorporate other elements (such as powers) into the basic melee button mashing routine. Less focus on time restrictions in at least one of those play styles would also be good. All of that is in order to keep the gameplay interesting and varied as well as to offer the player additional tools to handle different situations. Synergy would probably not be a very good thing for Valkyr, but something close to it could be beneficial.

To further clarify, this is not about being able to use other powers while using Hysteria or Eternal War. It's about giving players good reasons to do so. Right now her powers are either unreliable or don't really work well together. As a result, most of us end up playing Valkyr like the person on your video: one power to rule them all.

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