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The Story Behind Your Name


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Well, I made an account for another game, though I can't recall exactly what it was. Since I needed to make a name, I just kinda just slapped together this name after decided on the beginning letter, R. Five minutes in, I came with Roransu. Stuck with it and it is now my general use name for things.

After using the name for a few months, I was looking up what my name would be in Japanese, I realized my name translated to Rōrensu.

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It was the name of the main character in a sci-fi short story I wrote a while back. I wanted it to look alienesque so I took words from several languages that I had at least a passing familiarity with and made the name "Si'iubestejeni." I came up with some other alien names following that pattern and methodology, but Siub's was the most unpronouncable and kind of too long to not be ugly. So I shortened it to Siubijeni.


Translates roughly to "If Only She Loved Me" and is a mix of Romanian, Welsh, French, and Mandalorian. Since that story never really got finished due to school and stuff, I decided to make it my screen-name because I knew it would be unique and memorable. Unfortunately, I underestimated its apparent difficulty to spell and pronounce (SYOO-bee-ZHEH-nee).

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I originally had a name I used everywhere, but ever since I became the moderator for the forums of an Indi game company known as chucklefish, I decided to keep the new name I had recently given myself. The name is actually a play on words, (no one hate on me please) I'm a hard core Yugioh player (as in I play at the national level) and my prized possession is a Ghost Rare "Stardust Dragon. In the game people simply refer to it as a "Ghostardust" which is why the name I usually take is "Ghostarduster" but a lot of games/sites wont allow that name because "Ghos-tard-uster" it reads the word "tard" and sees it as offensive, with that in mind I usually just shorten it to simply "Ghostar" or "Ghostars". That is the tale of my username.

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I'm actually a little curious how some people got to the idea to pick the name they're currently using.

What's the story behind it?


Because there's controversy behind this.


I was first exposed to the name when i was watching Season one of B5. it was an EAS BattleCruiser. A few months later that same year a small convention was taking place at a local hotel where i was first introduced to the Video Game StarCraft and the Hyperion Battleship. When i first got Online access Hyperion just fit.


In the time since i took the time to learn the roots of its name only to be surprised it Referred to a Greek titan. The father of Apollo no less. 5182 is in memory of a good friend i had when i was first getting adjusted to the internet with everyone else. (Back when 56k was a big honkin deal.) He isnt dead but we moved on in separate directions.

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Not really any story to mine.  Just a clever gimmick.  I made it up myself.  It's my screen name for everything.  The 001 is just because Justin_Case was already taken.  I've never seen that guy, but if I ever do....I'll...I'll, um...say hi and screenshot him I guess.


Anyway, it was only after I made that name up that I saw Criss Angel use the same alias on Mindfreak.  But believe me, I didn't get my name from him.  I made it up.  I swear to the Lotus.

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This was during update 7-ish? I joined around that time. Void missions hasn't even come out or even heard of yet. I couldn't think of a name and thought this is a sci-fi game....sci-fi...space....the void... oh yay, first part of the name! then thought what should come after.... and tried reaper, and so forth, and ended with wraith.... hence the name. Plain, and boring story/origin of my ign.

Edited by VoidWraith
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wall of text inc.


Mine consists of 2 parts (doh), each with its own history.
The first one, the DF, stands for Daniel Ferel, which is the name I've been using in SciFi-y RPGs and the like since I was 8 or 9 years old. Daniel is my own first name, and the Ferel might be a misspelled Feral, don't really remember, was far too long ago.  grin.gif
I've been using that name for a lot of stuff since then. For example I released Doom 2, Heretic and Hexen maps under that name, back in the early days of the internets.  grin.gif

The Delta part came a few years later, when the first Unreal was released, the first FPS that I remember to have played online.
Me and some friends had the idea to name ourselves after greek letters, and I've chosen Delta because it starts with a D, and I always liked how it sounds.
A year later, in Unreal Tounament, only one of my friends was left, but we still used the old names and we had a few favorite servers where we kicked &#! on a regular basis.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, how did the DF and Delta become connected you might ask.

Well, about that time I got together with some dudes that happened to also play on my favorite server regularly, and we decided to tag ourselves. Thus the "Dominating Force" was born, (a rather silly name, but we were young and stupid) my name became -=|DF|Delta|=-. Our little association, it could not really be called a clan, had a few servers where we would meet 2 or 3 times a week to kick &#! and chew bubblegum.
That whole thing held together for a good 3 years, which might have been the greatest days of gaming I've ever experienced, but then suddenly one after the other dropped out or left, and in just 4 months the whole thing collapsed. One guy just disappeared, without any sign why, one moved together with his long term girlfriend who could no stand "those brutal games", so he had to stop playing them (lolz... sissy), and so on.
When we finally "disbanded" I did not want to lose the name that I've kept for so long now, and one of the other survivors pointed out that the initials of the nickname I'm using when I upload UT maps, and our "clan tag" are identical, so I could just change the meaning behind the DF. And so I did.

So DFDelta is a combination of a name I've been using in RPGs for a longer time then some of the people on this forum have lived, the first name I've ever used in an online FPS, and the tag of my very first clan.

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I picked mine when i started playing Command and Conquer and joined a clan with the maintheme "wolves". only rule there was usernae should contain or be strongly relate to wolves, and being superimaginative i just picked thewolf and added a part from my usuall username. not te best nicknae i guess but also not the worst.

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Amapirate. And Night seems fitting since it makes me feel like a badass, my favorite color is black, I prefer dark over light, (Not in an "evil" way, but just in general. Dark powers over Light. Destructive powers over healing.) and other stoof that I can't think of nor bother to type out right now. Amsorry. Noplease. b. And it's ironic since I can sometimes get scared of the dark cuz yez. b.

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Code name I got at younger age when I played with 2 other friends. We would pretend to be spies, sneaking around etc etc and we would use walkie-talkies.


Later on, I added "_" at beginning and end because "Sokol" was already taken in every online game.


Fyi, Sokol means Hawk/Falcon in Croatian. :)

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