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The Story Behind Your Name


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I'm an EVE player as well as a player of many other games. One of the larger ships ingame is the Nyx-Class Supercarrier. I thought it sounded cool so I've been using it ever since, although people (mainly in Warframe) have started to mistake me for a girl because of it, which is just slightly annoying.

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My name? Well its an old name I used since I tried Everquest 2, (Didn't enjoy  it that much). But I like the name I created for it, so I decided to keep with it as an alias for almost every game I play



(20 bucks to someone who can give the correct pronunciation to me)

Edited by Aciaj613
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My name? Well its an old name I used since I tried Everquest 2, (Didn't enjoy  it that much). But I like the name I created for it, so I decided to keep with it as an alias for almost every game I play



(20 bucks to someone who can give the correct pronunciation to me)

"&#!-ee-yage six thirteen"

The g is a soft g (like the french "je").

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"@$$-ee-yage six thirteen"

The g is a soft g (like the french "je").

The way I pronounce it is 


Ak-i-aj really I think I should have put a K instead of a C along time ago X_X.


You don't have to spell out the number part, don't worry about that.

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Once I wanted to create a account but the name "qwerty" was already taken (obviously) and one of the suggested names the site gave me was qwerty566. In another site, I put in qwerty566 but the name was already taken so I changed it to qwurty566 which I use for every game I play now (although there is 1 exception)


(also, bet 4000 credits to someone who found that 1 exception.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

ast00 comes from the initials of my name, but that would be ÁST, but since most places don't support the character Á, I used A and since it's a username and at some places capitals are not allowed in usernames, it became ast and then just in case it's already taken, it became ast00.

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