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The Story Behind Your Name


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well mine stands for multiple reasons...


1. My friend told me to change my story's main hero and try something new in my work, Which is why ts testament


2. Testament is the begging (like the bible "The new testament" but mine doesn't stand for a religious reason)


3. TESTAMENTEXE, As in a file save... Hopefully I'll find a Judgmentexe? 

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it all starts with this guy


its name is reedfish, a species of lake fish that are also called ropefish


i got one when i was 4, after i got diabetes to cheer me up. he ended up in five different tanks over ten years ( way longer than they are supposed to live for ) He grew to about a foot long and commonly came to lay in your hand if he knew you.... he would eat the small shrimp in the tank all the time and so we feed him ghost shrimp and the like, he was my best friend during online school till. he died happily i like to belive, the night before he did he hung out in the front of the glass as if saying goodbye and the next morning when i checked on him he was just laying at the bottom, no longer breathing. i buried him in my backyard with a little tombstone


to commemorate his name almost all my names in any game is either ropefish or reedfish, god i love the little guys

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The Gk part of my name was something stupid my brother made up when I was about 8 and to this day I'm still questioning why it's a thing. And the full thing comes from when I used to play a lot of Perfect World (yeah let that wonderful title sink in) and I still being a very un creative person with names just added an x and 1 into the name. And to this day I'm still hardly using it except for this game which I'm expecting to change some day. Maybe after a 75 off login (please RNG grace me with your wonderfulness).

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I thought about Slenderman. Hi iz misanderstud. Hi laiks hags en kisses. Hi haz no fez. Hi werz e tuksido. Hi hez haidroid's fitchers.hi probs mel. so bro.


seph. cephalopod, tentekels, joseph...Yusuf. One of the most handsome man in this world....


Think o humans.... What is our porpoise? Why did God create intelligence. Why do we label intelligence and wisdom different things? 

Why did God tell an illiterate man to read? 


So vision, phonetics....

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well mine stands for multiple reasons...


1. My friend told me to change my story's main hero and try something new in my work, Which is why ts testament


2. Testament is the begging (like the bible "The new testament" but mine doesn't stand for a religious reason)


3. TESTAMENTEXE, As in a file save... Hopefully I'll find a Judgmentexe? 

O People Of The Book, read! Qur'an!

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Noticed theres a handful of furries in here. Sounds safe enough to post.


I had been drawing "furry" artwork, from a young, age, without knowing what it actually was, so when I got the internet for the first time, I encountered artwork similar to mine, and I followed it, discovering the furry fandom, and found it quite fun, so I made myself my first fursona. As time passed, I figured out the name of it was a word I incorrectly identified the meaning of, so I decided to scrap it and make a new one. At the time, I was at a point in school where I was learning about the periodic table of elements for the first time, and Argon sounded cool, did cool things, and it's characteristics reflected me at the time. While its not necessarily true any more, considering I chose the name a long time ago, and ive changed since then, the name has just stuck.


Originally, Argon (fursona), was purple, blue and red, because everybody has disputes over Argon's (element) colour, when electricity is channelled through it, so I chose to make the fursona all 3 colours, however, an artist approached me, asking if she could draw him, so I said yes, but a few days later, she came up to me, and said "You are aware that particular shade of purple isn't possible to shade? The only colour darker than that is black.". So I changed Argon to be a light grey, and blue. Hence where my Warframe and equipment colourations come from. (I use the same colours for everything.)


Argon is a fox, because at the time, I had a friend who worked with foxes, and I thought they were interesting. Hence, ArgonTheFox. The end.~


and yes, I do get the running joke appear in-game from time to time. "Im out of Argon Crystals! Can you produce one for me?"

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My name currently was more of a nickname back in highschool. When Obama came into office people started to say i looked alot like him most notably my ears. Dont get me wrong being said that i look like the president(even if he sucks) is a great compliment.


However with Obama's term coming to an end ill need to get my name changed. So waht do i use? Well i use Zesterial


Zesterial was a name i had when i first started Mmos. The first game i played was City of Heroes/City of Villains/Going Rouge. Great game sad to see it go Y_Y.


Anywho Zesterial's backstory was that he was a family man that lived out near (i think its name was Sharkhead Isle, Where Mako was stationed at). Anywho yea Zesterial's actual name was Diligen Sol. He worked the docks out there and brought home a steady wage. His wifes name was Ashley Sol. Gorgeous and beautiful Anyways long story short one day he came home and found it torn to shreds. Cliche evil villain took her hostage. Apparently mako thought Diligen had a file on some prototype backpack tech. Weird. Anyways long story short mako kills the wife and attempts to kill Diligen. Diligen actually wakes up in a hospital bed for Arachnos. He decides to work for arachnos to gain info to Mako's whereabouts. He dons the name Zesterial because throughout his training the other soilders said he was decent in fights he was made of "Zesty material". So Diligen "Zesterial" Sol is a Arachnos Crab spider out to avenge his wife and use whatever powers he has to find mako.

Spider-Frost, Spidahfrost.. Does whateva a spider crab can!

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 Once played a Mech game and continually named my Mech 'The Fool' or something similar due to some inspiration garnered from an argument I had with someone who was, at the time, close to me.


 Eventually the name really creeped it's way into my heart and I adopted 'Fool' as my catch. There are lots of different versions of the catch I use. Blatantfool is by far the most common.

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Zora: Favorite fictional race

Craft: Minecraft (I don't think that needed an explanation)

I was working on a CTM map for Minecraft (10 points if you know what that means) when I started warframe, and it was much easier to say than my old usernames. It's also my hawken username (though I never play that anymore because it tried to melt my graphics card).

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My name is my main internet name, which was derived from a portmanteau of the latin word Xeno (Strange or Alien, using the strange definition in this case.) And Zen, using its common connotation of peace as its definition, so litterally: Strange Peace. The Ashwood component is a tribute to the main character of a horror flash fiction I wrote a few years back, as I realky began writing and roleplaying online.

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