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We want cup holders!


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A petition has been created to get cupholders in the game. This meme has gotten out of control, but hey heres the link:




I have stopped eating until DE gives us the cupholders our poor Tenno deserve.


Also beds for kubrows. The floor is hard and bad on their joints ;_;




We want GOOD cupholders, high quality Corpus manufacturing, not some cheap knock-off grineer 1-cup holder.


Something like this:




*** Have held 5 number guessing games thusfar and given out 5 color pallettes, if anything, this this has at least been a fun way to play games that dont involve mass slaughter of one of three factions!***

Edited by giantconch
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Come gather round and listen lads, and here me tell m' tale,
How 'cross the void from E-Prime, I was condemned to sail.
The Lotus found me ready, and then old Vor, says he,
Oh for life, my Jimmy Jams, I send you into that sea.

But take a tip, for not a sip, was I to bring along,
Without a holder for my cup, adrift, I thirsted long.
Across the system I did fly, and many battles win,
But not a one of them could tie, the War that raged Within.

Though Darvo gave me praises and the factions sang their songs,
I was nearly pushing daises with no cup to bring along.

And that is why, my dearest devs, we ask you here today.
To give us holders for our cups, to drink just as we play.




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3 minutes ago, JimmyThreeNut said:

Come gather round and listen lads, and here me tell m' tale,
How 'cross the void from E-Prime, I was condemned to sail.
The Lotus found me ready, and then old Vor, says he,
Oh for life, my Jimmy Jams, I send you into that sea.

But take a tip, for not a sip, was I to bring along,
Without a holder for my cup, adrift, I thirsted long.
Across the system I did fly, and many battles win,
But not a one of them could tie, the War that raged Within.

Though Darvo gave me praises and the factions sang their songs,
I was nearly pushing daises with no cup to bring along.

And that is why, my dearest devs, we ask you here today.
To give us holders for our cups, to drink just as we play.


*sniff* It's so true. *sniff*

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