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What Exactly Classifies As Spamming When It Comes To Frames?


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Ok,would saryn be a spam frame because always have to press her 1 to maintain her procs,would chroma be a spam frame because people always press 3 and 2 to maintain his buffs.What about Inaros and his 1,would he be a spam frame because he has to always press 1 to maintain his Life bar.What about trin,would her constantly using her ev to maintain her teammates energy spam?I made this thread to because sometimes people too quick to call something a spam ability and I think it's really important differentiate what is a spam ability and what isn't.So what do guys think classifies as a genuine spam ability?

Is just constantly casting your abilities spamming?

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21 minutes ago, Pratigious said:

Is just constantly casting your abilities spamming?

By definition, yes.

There are a lot of people advocating for smarter use of abilities by limiting the energy economy that is currently out of control.
There are also a lot of people who got their kills stolen by a Frost who was repeatedly using Avalanche (you can put any frame with an AoE attack here, though) with high power strength and want that other guy to not be able to use their skills as frequently as they want themselves to be able to.

The former addresses the root of the problem, if it even is one*.
The latter is just petty and pretty typical.

Edited by Chipputer
*That is, if the developers consider it an issue.
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2 minutes ago, Chipputer said:


There are a lot of people advocating for smarter use of abilities by limiting the energy economy that is currently out of control.
There are also a lot of people who got their kills stolen by a Frost who was repeatedly using Avalanche 

nope its just you.

Edited by Dante123pl
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I'd take diminishing returns (like an over heat system) over reduced energy economy any day. It's already pretty bad with leechs and nullifiers everywhere in every mission.

Its like gas Is 5 bucks a gallon (bad energy economy), but because everyone drives a prius (high efficiency builds), you want to raise the cost to 10 per gallon(worse energy economy).

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2 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I'd take diminishing returns (like an over heat system) over reduced energy economy any day.

That's actually a good, viable alternative to reducing energy economy. It's been discussed in the past but usually gets glossed over because people seem to not understand that other games have done it properly (smash bros being a prime example).

It still allows spam but rewards those who use abilities in a more tactical fashion.

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What I count as ability spamming: maintaining a Duration or self-sufficient & the obvious of repeatedly casting abilities.

So Iron-Skin, Defy, Link/Blessing, Exalted Blade, WarCry, Invisibility, Smoke Screen, Speed, SnowGlobe, Banish/RiftWalk/Cataclysm, Chaos, Radial Disarm, Turbulence, etc.....

Most players keep those abilities active almost for Mission entirety...I count them as spamming

Likewise actual Continuous casting or direct spamming like Energy Vampire or most 1st abilities can be spammed:


I am blatantly guilty of both keeping an ability active for most of the Mission Duration and of continuous casting 1 ability.

I tend to run Min Duration Savage Silence (3.12sec duration) so I can recast the 3sec stun over 47m....basically playing 'Red-light Green-light'


Do I think Power-spamming as I defined above is bad or unintended: NO

Looking at Rip-line with or without Augment and also Atlas Landslide mechanic: Repeatedly casting the ability grants a huge energy efficiency benefit and can also improve subsequent damage.

That is DE basically encouraging a player to repeatedly cast the same ability  in quick succession.


As for Duration-type abilities: these seem to not normally be considered as spamming if keeping the ability active: Keeping SnowGlobe on defense objective is the same as keeping World of Fire active for Exterminate or Defy/Rhinoskin/Hysteria/Elemental Ward active.

TL;DR : Just about every frame has an ability that some may call a "staple ability" that either should be 'kept up ' or actively cast repeatedly.


Sort-of like Naramon Shadow Step: you don't activate Naramon Shadow Step to only use the Invisibility when picking up a fallen Team-mate....players activate the Focus to take advantage of the perks Invisibility brings usually for Melee...same with Shade/Huras 

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58 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

That's actually a good, viable alternative to reducing energy economy. It's been discussed in the past but usually gets glossed over because people seem to not understand that other games have done it properly (smash bros being a prime example).

It still allows spam but rewards those who use abilities in a more tactical fashion.

Now we just need not so many "in your face" enemies with cramped tiny maps (ability spam because everything is so close together) and ridiculous cheese that makes the notion of using powers tactically and rocking sniper rifles utterly ridiculous (only the few and proud sport snipers).

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I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as power "spamming", is it merely people who perceive it as such because of whatever limitant their mindset believes abilities should have, essentially as it was stated in the first reply. However there isn't really a 'problem' in on itself, as DE clearly advocates the repeated use of the abilities.

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On 6/24/2016 at 1:41 PM, Chipputer said:

By definition, yes.

There are a lot of people advocating for smarter use of abilities by limiting the energy economy that is currently out of control.
There are also a lot of people who got their kills stolen by a Frost who was repeatedly using Avalanche (you can put any frame with an AoE attack here, though) with high power strength and want that other guy to not be able to use their skills as frequently as they want themselves to be able to.

The former addresses the root of the problem, if it even is one*.
The latter is just petty and pretty typical.

This is probably the best answer to the question.  You managed to hit the nail on the head with this response Chipputer.  :D

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Personally I'd say the term "spamming" has come to mean, not only repeatedly casting the same ability, but also repeatedly casting it with no further interaction. Abilities that can carry you throughout the entire mission without any kind of displacement, team interaction, reaction time and whatnot are abilities that could be derogatively considered spammable, such as Bladestorm and Molecular Prime.

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