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Why does everyone say atlas sucks?


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On 6/28/2016 at 8:24 PM, Klazik said:

Why? You could at least try and be part of a discussion instead of just throwing something in without explanation.


On 6/28/2016 at 8:39 PM, ograzzt said:

Because you could troll people and lock them somewhere without any way to escape obviously. Could be even funnier now, after its augment release.

Because there was nothing wrong with it. They could make it that you can roll to get to through it.

On 6/29/2016 at 3:31 AM, taiiat said:

because being solid but Players being able to optionally pass through them means you have the best of both worlds.

Thank you.

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Because Rumblers are hilarious for about 30 seconds, and spamming his first gets old even faster than spamming Bladestorm, even if the numbers are schoolgirl giggle worthy.  And he's just ugly.  I use him for about 1 sortie mission per month, and he goes from exciting and fun to bored out of my mind inside that mission.

Actual criticism: Long casting animations, the Rumblers are just a big pile of stupid, being locked into a "breath" attack is just as annoying as it is on Chroma, and my playstyle doesn't really work with the walls.  Additionally, personally, the whole kit just doesn't feel like it fits together at all.  Just feels very... fractured.  Like it needs some kind of metamorphosis.  

Still, I wouldn't say he sucks.  Clunky, ugly, and don't particularly like him, yes.  Sucks?  Nah, just not my thing.  The biggest thing I like about him is making other people's day by shredding the Golem in mere seconds.  And I'll admit, he's got one of the best passives in the entire game.

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You know, prior and up until the day of Atlas' debut with the amount of hype surrounding it (as with any major update), I've never seen such a turnaround in relevance (well, almost lack thereof) for a Warframe that fast before.

What I mean is, how quickly Atlas dropped out of the map for many players, so to speak, compared to other Warframe debuts. General conversations regarding him beyond the first two weeks, some could argue was next to non-existent.
Even with personal experience, I typically see quite a few players using the newest Warframe for at least a good month via missions, relays, etc. Atlas has been the only one with beyond that first to second week, now is pretty much up there with Zephyr and Banshee as far as running into one, which again could be argued that the likely hood is next to non-existent.

I figured some of the biggest contributors is that he is still a relatively new Warframe but coupled in that he is a bit too straight-forward for some players to find enjoyable. Also for the few (like myself) just find him straight up not attractive to play as. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong his is overall design (or his abilities), but it's definitely not for me.
But I will say he definitely is up there for having arguably one of the most balanced ability-kits (or at least near ideal!). I mean hell, he's one of the few Warframes that has a very powerful and reliable 1st ability! Comparing to other damage-dealing 1st abilities i.e. Frost, Ember, Chroma, etc.


But in all, personally I don't think he "sucks" by any stretch of the imagination, and he's definitely not bad Warframe. He's definitely always welcomed to my parties as far as I'm concerned (as with every Warframe of course, hehe~). But beyond that, and I'm sure there are other players with this similar preference, but he's just not for me. Despite how very accessible his playstyle is, it seems there are likely other players who have the same sentiment as aforementioned above.

That, and again, I just can't get behind how he looks haha. He's just too damn ugly for my tastes lol.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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He can slap Ospreys out of the air; that alone makes him worth taking. And yeah his rock stare kinda sucks. Doesn't even give his rock punches extra damage which was disappointing.

Golem I used Itzal to chase him down and a corrosive grattler to take him out. Juggernauts, bringing a few desecrating Nekros gets all the parts you need.

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Atlas doesn't suck. Atlas has a very overpowered pony that knows one trick, and three all but useless abilities except in the most contrived circumstances, is locked behind one of the worst grinds in the game (Juggernaut farming and AW nonsense), brings team 'utility' that is usually more harm than good, and looks like the south end of a north bound kangaroo. But he totally doesn't suck, because dealing angry retard levels of damage while being immune to incoming damage is something that means Ash needs a nerf to soothe hipster fee-fees, but it just makes Altas not suck.

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