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Oberon doesn't need a full complete mega rework, its need some tweaks, you can temporary fix it with the right build thought


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Hi, i'm a main user of oberon and i tested a lot of build to make him better and finally i got the best build for him, whit this i can solo sup T4 easily to 40 minutes.

Is not the typical build with full power range and negative strength or full power range+full duration or a maximized build that sacrifice a lot of his potential, the best build for him is a balanced build like this (Rifle AMP, power drift and intensify can be changed by other mods).


Why is this the best build for him?

Since you need to cast a lot, you need full efficiency, with stretch+hallowed reckoning is enough to turn oberon into a god of CC, with that you have like 21 meters where your skill 4 will reach the enemies while hallowed reckoning creates a cloud of radiation under the feet of the enemies for (10 seconds + power duration that add 1 second for every 10% of this stat) that cause radiation proc on contact so new enemies that touch that will get radioactive and will fight with each other, this clouds give the player while stand on it (250 of armor base+ your power strength) this increase a little more your survivability too, radiation clouds also affects nullifiers and they don't dissipate this clouds so you don't need to destroy the bubble to cause proc on the enemies that are under the protection of the nullifier bubbles, with this combination you will find enemies fighting each other very often and you will be casting less your 4 skill. The strength is not that necessary in oberon because his skills are focused more on CC than damage but if you have it negative your skill 1 and 2 will suffer, your 1 will launch less orbs and your 1 will drain much energy because will heal less per tick, so strength always is welcome in oberon but your minimum "safe" strength is at 100%, you can replace strength mods too for duration mods so it can make the clouds of hallowed reckoning and the blind of your skill 4 last longer.

Let's compare this build with a maximized build in terms of bigs sacrifices and utility:

My build:


  • You cast more for less energy(máx efficiency stat 170%-175%).
  • Your skill 4 now have DoT(damage over time), cause radiation proc on contact even inside nullifiers bubbles and give base armor while standing on it.
  • More efficient CC, you need to cast less skills to get a good CC.
  • Your skill 1 launch the normal quantity of orbs (12).
  • Your skill 2 heal more and faster so need less energy to full heal you or your teammates,
  • Your skill 3 cause more DoT and gives more armor bonus.


  • Your 4 have less range and blind duration(21 meters+4.4 of blind duration).


Maximized builds (Full duration+Full range+Negative strength):


  • You cast more for less energy(máx efficiency stat 170%-175%).
  • Your skill 4 reach more enemies and the blind last longer(30-31 meters+7-8 of blind duration).
  • Your skill 1 can be casted from farther distances.
  • Your skill 3 have a big radius increase.


  • Less efficient CC, you need to cast a lot of skill to get a good CC (Spam 4 at every moment) and turn your skill 4 in the only viable skill.
  • Your skill 1 launch less orbs (with 40% of strength you only launch 1) so have less chance to proc others enemies and is almost useless.
  • Your skill 2 drain more energy since need more time to full heal you and your teammates and is almost useless.
  • Your skill 3 gives less armor and cause less DoT.

Maximized build can break oberon(specially those that use negative strength), so those that says that he is a crap frame are wrong, they just are moding him in the wrong way.

He needs some tweaks thought, like:

  • Skill 1: I think that is perfect as it is but it would be great if it could create more orbs based on the power strength or that make increase damage to enemies with radiation proc, because now is capped at 12 and only decrease.
  • Skill 2: Less base drain in Renewal and faster orbs travelling, the effect of renewal needs to stay active in the allies or oberon until finish the duration of the skill no until its full heal, with this the skill only would drain energy when need to heal the ally or oberon and this would be make the Phoenix Renewal augmentation a little more viable to use, this augmentation too needs less cooldown like 60 seconds or 45 seconds, 90 seconds is to much, maybe renewal could give a buff like armor and proc status immunity while active.
  • Skill 3: Increase a little the radius of the skill and the proc status chance or that make increase damage to enemies with radiation proc.
  • Skill 4: Increase a little the base range of the skill and base blind duration too or that make increase damage to enemies with radiation proc.

By other hand, i think that the players compare wrong the frames when they compare trinity with oberon and equinox.

Trinity (healer/energy giver), oberon (Healer/CC), equinox (Healer/CC/Damager/Buffer), they only compare the healer abilities instead the whole sets of skills when they compare this frames with trinity, since oberon and equinox are "hybrid" they can change his role while in battle but trinity can't(on the point of view of the skill set).

2-3 oberons for example can control easily a DefT4 without nova, trinity or frost in the team :P, i already tested with clan mates.

Edited by chofranc
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There are two problems with Oberon:

1) His power strength, it's not needed. When tweaked, his first and fourth abilities should be more geared to cc than to strength, and his magical carpet should serve as support for his teammates

2) His healing.

    a) With a normal Jack of All Trades build, it's only slightly better than Rejuvenation

    b) With a specialized build, it's decent for healing but offers no protection to the recipient during or after the healing and is expensive to build for

    c) With a Phoenix Renewal build which prolounges the amount of time to heal and amount healed in order to save teammates from death, everything becomes screwed up as you try to keep allies healing while also trying to mod for saving them from the grave

         more info on the Renewal and its problems here: 


Edited by KotoKuraken
Beware the cloud tentacles of the Air Kraken
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You forgot to compare Oberon to Inaros. Inaros is better at everything Oberon can do, he has better:

- Healing. AoE healing that scales with the number of enemies you manage to catch, based on decision making instead of a slow orb.

- CC. Stunlocking massive groups of enemies while proccing finishers while self healing. Or fling enemies away. Or stunlock controlled groups of enemies while team healing.

- Tanking. Compare health/armor values.

The only attribute Oberon has that Inaros doesn't is being immune to status effects while standing on a carpet. Although if you're worried about status procs (Radiation sortie) then Trinity offers a more efficient solution that doesn't force you to stand on a carpet instead of using parkour like we're supposed to.

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All Oberon needs to become a tank and frame worthy of being called a healer is to have Renewal not cancel when you get to max health. This alone would be enough to rocket him up in the usability scale.

Besides that the rest of his abilities are a solid "okay" or better (the armor bonus on Hallowed Ground and range of Reckoning are the only things that could use some tweaks IMO).

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Oberon just needs something that other Healers just don't offer.

Renewal needs to activate faster, and it needs to keep going, so Duration won't be such a hassle to build for. Maybe making it so it gives the burst of Health, along with the HoT that heals more and more as time goes on, but requires more energy up to a cap could work.

His 1 just needs better tracking, and that's really about it. Decent damage, CC and enemy disruption at the press if a button. I just wish it hit more enemies, but that's just me.

Have his carpet become a radial buff zone around Oberon, growing in size the longer it stays active, shredding the armor and shields of nearby enemies, while buffing Oberon and his allies damage resistance and armor.

His 4 is a bit of a mixed bag for me. It's CC is fine in my eyes, but as to what it really needs is beyond me. Maybe more CC, damage and enemy debuff potential.

Making it so he's a crowd control Warframe with the ability to give him and his allies amazing HoT AND tankiness for quite a while would be a great way to do so. The only real problem with this is the fact that Inaros essentially fits this role, aside from the team buff. I'd just say making it so he did less damage, offered CC akin to Inaros and gave his team scaling buffs would solidify him as a great Buff Frame for longer, drawn out content.

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I have to agree that optimized builds are only a temporary fix.  All frames should have a level of flexibility that allows you to play a frame in different ways.  What you have is perhaps a build that just solves the problem of making 'an' optimal build for a basic TIV run. 

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