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Oberon Rework


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So a lot of people seem to think Oberon is useless. Which I disagree with but a lot of people argue he needs to be better. So I thought what are some positives that could make him less lack luster.

General stats- His health could use a buff from 375 to 500 at max rank for more survivability. As well as a larger energy pool increasing to 250 at max instead of the standard 150.

Passive change- This was a suggestion from robotwars7. Permanent control overs animal type enemies. While near Oberon allied animals receive health regen from hallowed ground and have a 100% chance to drop a health orb upon death. My twist is to make it a maximum of 6 allied "pets". 

Smite- No direct changes. I believe as it stands Smite performs it's role well. However it would be great if smite costs 25% less while standing in hallowed ground and enemies under the effects of smite have a 25% chance to drop an energy orb.

Hallowed ground- So I got two ideas from wiki users whose names I couldn't find. The first being an actual damage reduction instead of an armor boost. Which I believe a straight reduction of 25%, effected by power strength, would be a useful addition to his kit.  I thought was great as it would scale. The second idea being that hallowed ground be a circular aura around him up to 20m. User Vilmera also posted below about hallowed ground being radial. Then my idea was to add 25% more damage to reckoning while in a hallowed ground state. Also making it a channeled ability would be helpful as the ability could remain active to grant buffs to other abilities. 

Renewal- If they buffed the initial heal to 175 health and made his heal over time 6 seconds instead of 10 it would be much more beneficial. Also if they added 1.5 health regen per second while under the effects of hallowed ground after casting renewal. A lot of people have given feedback and wish for the drain over time to not be present on casting renewal. Another change to the ability is not losing the effect of renewal after being fully healed. Also changing how duration effects it, as positive durations shortens the length of Renewal making the augment Phoenix Renewal less effective. 

Reckoning- Reckoning needs a range buff from 15 to 20 meters. It's blind duration should be changed from 4 to 6 seconds. Also the drop chance on health orbs should be changed from 50% chance per kill to 25% chance per enemy effected, regardless if killed or not. As well as adding back an additional 25% chance to drop a health orb while under the effects of hallowed ground.

These are all buffs but I feel they would be just slight tweaks that would make him better but not over-powered. Hopefully with enough feedback we can get this in DE's eyes. 


Edited by (PS4)salovel1991
Added revisions that I saw from other users who will be quoted as directly having an influence on my ideas.
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I think that if they are going to rework Oberon they should change his abilities completely, rather than tweaks. I hate to be the guy who just saying that something need a change but not offering any idea, but i really have no idea for new abilities.

Edited by EranTerran
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Just now, EranTerran said:

I think that if they are going to rework Oberon they should change his abilities completely, rather than tweaks. I hate to be the guy who just saying that something need a change but not offering any idea, but i really have no idea to what change his abilities. 

Actually I read on the wiki where someone suggested having Hallowed ground as a aura. I think that would be a good tweak along with these buffs. Make it a channeled ability so that he can continuously receive the buffs along with his allies. It was definitely a good idea. 

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26 minutes ago, Vilmera said:

make рallowed ground radial instead of rectangular would be great

I'll add your quote into it later. I want to make sure all ideas are properly quoted. So that way I'm not stealing anybody's ideas.

Edited by (PS4)salovel1991
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32 minutes ago, EranTerran said:

I think that if they are going to rework Oberon they should change his abilities completely, rather than tweaks. I hate to be the guy who just saying that something need a change but not offering any idea, but i really have no idea for new abilities.

I feel you on that one. It's hard for me to come up with ideas. But I just thought synergy and ran with it. It mostly revolves around changing hallowed ground. Which if they actually did this would change how the frame plays a lot. 

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At the moment Oberon either needs armor buff / hallowed ground change to your idea or heavy reckoning dmg buff. 

Its because he's latest build is health orb based ( due to health conversion mod ) plus augument mod for reckoning to get that precious armor. To do that, you have to finish off foes with your reckoning which deals low dmg and has almost no scaling. Reckoning should either deal more dmg or health orb spawn condition should change from 50% health orb / per kill to 50% health orb spawn / per enemy damaged by reckoning or blinded by reckoning, it need something more consistent and something easier to pull off. 

The best build I found is http://goo.gl/uk8LPC

Also imo reckoning does not need range buff at all, I dont want another Saryn or Excal to spam that aoe. With right changes to Hallowed Ground ( armor buff / % damage reduction / power strenght / power efficienty /damn even melee dmg would be awesome ) and slight changes to Reckoning we could have our Paladin frame made good. 

The passive we have for Oberon now is just one big laugh. Since Oberon already has a chance for spawning health orbs I would give him passive that increase orbs drop chance from killed enemy ( health and energy orbs ). Something between 10%-20% orb drop chance per kill, maybe less if someone finds it too op. ( also in that case the % health orbs on reckoning could get nerfed or should get nerfed :P ) 

I would love Oberon who could switch from melee fighting to semi-range shooting. Thats why I vote for Hollowed Ground being changed to aoe-aura-pulse-thing and some Reckoning change. Thing to have in mind is the Reckoning augument mod already match the melee Oberon style. There is so much things they could do to make Oberon playable on infinite missions. Give him % heavy blades dmg or static crit chance, crit dmg buff to heavy blades, better orbs spawn rate or change the orb spawn condition, make his 3rd ability to overheal and / or revive downed players ( something like 5-7% revive per tick ), also the ability should not stop when you reach your max hp / overhealed hp instead when you reach your max hp the cost for keeping the ability ON should be increased. ( it could prevent the infinite rage-heal combo )

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5 hours ago, Neutra said:

At the moment Oberon either needs armor buff / hallowed ground change to your idea or heavy reckoning dmg buff. 

Its because he's latest build is health orb based ( due to health conversion mod ) plus augument mod for reckoning to get that precious armor. To do that, you have to finish off foes with your reckoning which deals low dmg and has almost no scaling. Reckoning should either deal more dmg or health orb spawn condition should change from 50% health orb / per kill to 50% health orb spawn / per enemy damaged by reckoning or blinded by reckoning, it need something more consistent and something easier to pull off. 

The best build I found is http://goo.gl/uk8LPC

Also imo reckoning does not need range buff at all, I dont want another Saryn or Excal to spam that aoe. With right changes to Hallowed Ground ( armor buff / % damage reduction / power strenght / power efficienty /damn even melee dmg would be awesome ) and slight changes to Reckoning we could have our Paladin frame made good. 

The passive we have for Oberon now is just one big laugh. Since Oberon already has a chance for spawning health orbs I would give him passive that increase orbs drop chance from killed enemy ( health and energy orbs ). Something between 10%-20% orb drop chance per kill, maybe less if someone finds it too op. ( also in that case the % health orbs on reckoning could get nerfed or should get nerfed :P ) 

I would love Oberon who could switch from melee fighting to semi-range shooting. Thats why I vote for Hollowed Ground being changed to aoe-aura-pulse-thing and some Reckoning change. Thing to have in mind is the Reckoning augument mod already match the melee Oberon style. There is so much things they could do to make Oberon playable on infinite missions. Give him % heavy blades dmg or static crit chance, crit dmg buff to heavy blades, better orbs spawn rate or change the orb spawn condition, make his 3rd ability to overheal and / or revive downed players ( something like 5-7% revive per tick ), also the ability should not stop when you reach your max hp / overhealed hp instead when you reach your max hp the cost for keeping the ability ON should be increased. ( it could prevent the infinite rage-heal combo )

What if instead of a damage and range buff on Reckoning we get an additional 25% drop chance for orbswhile under the effects of hallowed ground only and instead of the enemies only having the chance on death they have a straight drop chance? But it can't be affected by power strength. 

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Then I would be satisfied. The Reckoning is good ability as it is, making a lot of room for ya, guaranteed radiation proc plus blind 4-6 sec etc etc

But now its all about survival , tankiness, armor, armor, armor. So ... yeah, consistent health globe spawn would help a lot. Oberon with augument and Health Conversion can reach almost 2 k armor. Maybe its not Chroma lvl of tankiness but its a start.


p.s remember that at current state of game and current moding choices for Oberon, you would probably starv on energy trying to spawn those globes using your 2 just to spawn orb by your 4. But still its better then nothing.

Edited by Neutra
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Reducing the duration of the heal would be bad for Phoenix Renewal, and I don't think he really needs a buff. I've seen people do incredibly well with him offensively and supportively, as he's supposed to. I've been talking to a lot of Oberon players, and I'm currently building him, so I'll have more in depth thoughts on this later. I've seen some amazing Oberon mainers though.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)salovel1991 said:

Hallowed ground- So I got two ideas from wiki users whose names I couldn't find. The first being an actual damage reduction instead of an armor boosts. Which I thought was great as it would scale. The second being that hallowed ground be a circular aura around him up to 20m. Then my idea was to add 25% more damage to reckoning while in a hallowed ground state.


This! or at least if you could stack it up in the current build would be nice too

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9 hours ago, Neutra said:

Oberon rework is on the way so we will know soon what they made out of him.

Hopefully they'll have some good ideas but I don't feel they'll be nearly as good as the ideas I've seen thrown around. I just feel they'll tweak a few things and he'll still feel lacking. 

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Reducing the duration of the heal would be bad for Phoenix Renewal, and I don't think he really needs a buff. I've seen people do incredibly well with him offensively and supportively, as he's supposed to. I've been talking to a lot of Oberon players, and I'm currently building him, so I'll have more in depth thoughts on this later. I've seen some amazing Oberon mainers though.

Yeah. My problem with him is that duration effects him differently. So I edited it to make hallowed ground a channeled ability which would make it continuous in it's buffs as long as you're in range. But longer duration actually decreases the time on heal so if you want a longer heal you have to sacrifice duration which effects all of his other abilities in a negative way. 

Edited by (PS4)salovel1991
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3 hours ago, (PS4)salovel1991 said:

Yeah. My problem with him is that duration effects him differently. So I edited it to make hallowed ground a channeled ability which would make it continuous in it's buffs as long as you're in range. But longer duration actually decreases the time on heal so if you want a longer heal you have to sacrifice duration which effects all of his other abilities in a negative way. 


The healing ability is used mainly to extend downed state duration of fallen players, heal itself is meh, it will not help you much after 60 min of survival. You still will die if get cought. The idea of radial Hollowed Ground is awesome and brings back memories of Paladin class from other game. Most rewarding way playing Oberon atm is playing him as a buffer. With Mesa/Ivara you can do great things. Smite Infusion can give you friends something around +250%-350% radiation dmg, and in some cases that damage goes not only to their weapons but also to their abilities.

12 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Reducing the duration of the heal would be bad for Phoenix Renewal, and I don't think he really needs a buff. I've seen people do incredibly well with him offensively and supportively, as he's supposed to. I've been talking to a lot of Oberon players, and I'm currently building him, so I'll have more in depth thoughts on this later. I've seen some amazing Oberon mainers though.


Doing well as a support I can understand, but it's hard to believe that players actually can be really offensive with him. I don't talk about spam build for Draco, or low lvl missions, that does not count. Most guys that claim Oberon is the sh!t and can do great job at T4 survival missions ( 60 min +, 80 min + ) will do it with Naramon focus school and that's cheating :P

Edited by Neutra
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6 hours ago, Neutra said:

The healing ability is used mainly to extend downed state duration of fallen players, heal itself is meh, it will not help you much after 60 min of survival. You still will die if get cought. The idea of radial Hollowed Ground is awesome and brings back memories of Paladin class from other game. Most rewarding way playing Oberon atm is playing him as a buffer. With Mesa/Ivara you can do great things. Smite Infusion can give you friends something around +250%-350% radiation dmg, and in some cases that damage goes not only to their weapons but also to their abilities.

Doing well as a support I can understand, but it's hard to believe that players actually can be really offensive with him. I don't talk about spam build for Draco, or low lvl missions, that does not count. Most guys that claim Oberon is the sh!t and can do great job at T4 survival missions ( 60 min +, 80 min + ) will do it with Naramon focus school and that's cheating :P

From what I've seen, most use Zenurik or Unairu (I'd assume Zenurik, mostly), and do great in all game modes. I think the main thing about Oberon that can be a problem is, to play him well, you have to be offensive and supportive, usually. Playing both roles can be a challenge to players, who can't focus on both. That's his main appeal though.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

From what I've seen, most use Zenurik or Unairu (I'd assume Zenurik, mostly), and do great in all game modes. I think the main thing about Oberon that can be a problem is, to play him well, you have to be offensive and supportive, usually. Playing both roles can be a challenge to players, who can't focus on both. That's his main appeal though.

i'd much prefer if oberon could be a damage dealer + self sustaining(through renewal+phoenix renewal) + supportive buffer providing some tankyness to frames with an aura HG or an armor buff on renewal with a better duration mechanic. Right now that isn't possible

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Yes, Yes, YES!  THIS is what I like!  I like the direction you are seeing this!  I can't even begin to THANK YOU ENOUGH for not trying to OVERHAUL but TWEAK his build!  Oberon needs THIS and not the overhauls people say!  I think slightly increasing the Heal over time's would be nice as well as with your initial heal increase.  

If you don't mind another suggestion for Hallowed Ground.  Hallowed ground deals extra damage to enemies punctured by Smite.

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2 hours ago, Olianu said:

Yes, Yes, YES!  THIS is what I like!  I like the direction you are seeing this!  I can't even begin to THANK YOU ENOUGH for not trying to OVERHAUL but TWEAK his build!  Oberon needs THIS and not the overhauls people say!  I think slightly increasing the Heal over time's would be nice as well as with your initial heal increase.  

If you don't mind another suggestion for Hallowed Ground.  Hallowed ground deals extra damage to enemies punctured by Smite.

That isn't a bad idea. I might have to add that in. I'll have to look at it a bit. But now that I've got this much I have to think of changes so that buffs like roar and the likes don't make his abilities op. Glad you liked it though. 

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