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Unreal final sortie for today


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3 hours ago, JarkayPahnts45 said:

 I took .... a tonkor and made way for it.


 ...do I just need to get gud?

You should probably stop letting your choice in weaponry cause your actual player skill to atrophy. Rely on something cheesy and/or broken for too long and you end up making threads like this when it doesn't work.

The Raptor has no head, and flies around in that erratic way Warframe fliers do, so of course the Tonkor was going to fall short compared to your expectations. Tougher to hit, not doing 30 billion damage when you do hit thanks to autoheadcrits...


Partly related, Raptor is a bit of a bastard in that he's one of those bosses who like to tell stealthers to git gud when their stats are overscaled through Sortie levelling, by laying so many mines to trip you up and shooting out those godforsaken stealth-ignorant rockets too. Jackal likes to do the same. (Corpus pls)


I don't think any Sortie-mode bosses are actually appropriately scaled to fight in a non-cheesy way, but that's because Sorties are designed at a level that can pose a problem to the level of cheesiness we have, and that means "everything has millions of health and kills you in one hit, oh, and also <additional debilitation>".

More people should understand which one's the proverbial chicken, and which is the proverbial egg. Maybe then they wouldn't cry as hard when we call for balance fixes.

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Sure, you used completely wrong loadout. Tonkor is a trash weapon vs agile bosses. Despite what some whiners say it's a pretty balanced weapon which really is only good vs hordes of mooks. Vs raptor you need perma invisibility loki with max duration. There's no need for disarm there. Using high status corrosive secondary to burn armor and radiation sancti tigris - he dies in 20 seconds.

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I did most of the damage with my mag and with a supra (yes that old weapon few ppl use) while my teammates went head on into the pit, dying from the enemies.

It's hard, but it is doable if you grasp the concept of the boss

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Run a primary that can proc radiation consistently and go invis, and watch the raptor being preoccupied by its own allies. While it rains missiles down and not paying attention to you, there's less of a risk of you being spotted in between invis.

It really only works in solo though when you don't have to revive teammates. Just keep yourself high up and on the edge, never go down towards the ground floor. The damage bonus against robotic is a plus as well. For an even faster kill, run a secondary that can proc corrosive a lot to just shred the armor off. I run a Tysis with 100% status, corrosive only and full multishot, and it rips through all of the armor in like 5-6 shots. Very handy for sorte bosses.

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Soloed with Invis Loki and a work-in-progress Rank 29 Opticor (only like two forma so far).  Took 3-4 mins to down him.  The key is to stay on high ground, immediately restealth, and to just move to new high ground after restealthing if he sees you (otherwise he'll rain down rocket hell on you).  

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I'm sorry but compared to the 15min infested eximus survival this was nothing.  We two manned it.  Well, I soloed it while my carry hid in a corner.  I took nova and the twin grakatas.  I primed and then stood in front of him like sun dad.  He immediately murdered me, but while I was on my back my grakatas ripped him to shreds.  He was dead before I used my revive.  Then we just ran for extraction.

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