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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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6 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:


-There really is zero excuse for offering only four possible missions out of all those on the star map. This needs to stop.

-Fissures need to be more than just a simple rehash of Excavation. Its a frustrating mini game that can be failed for no better reason than RNG, and that is unforgivably bad design. Fissures need to result in Orokin Crossfire missions. Or Orokin enemies replacing those on the normal map. Or even a portal into the Void, where we run a Void mission to a Vault of some sort (NO Dragon Key requirements) to obtain the Prime Part. Anything but this boring, repetitive mini Excavation. 


We need something fun to do. Something that differs from the rest of the game. And nothing in this update came close to providing it.

Nailed it.

Fissures are so flawed and lazy executed at their core mechanic, they need to be drastically changed, or even removed completely.
I already stepped away from prime farming, as I cant endure the empty fissure rushs that render frames and abilities pointless - unless they are loot-related.

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8 hours ago, -Xorxe- said:

The grind you introduced in this update is unbearable for me. When I discovered that you almost halved syndicate revards, that was a last straw.

Firefall all over again, enjoy chinese chickens, hope they are worth it. Bye.


Can I have your stuff ...

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5 hours ago, Lem1no said:



As much as I agree with you, this is not the way it works with huge software like this. You have more individual strings that needs to be recovered or patched on its own. Which is more a pain than an upgrade. 

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Ok, this has happened to me twice now. When I'm trying to do a relic share (i.e. invited to group), the relic equip screen has not come up for me. Meaning I can't select a reward at the end nor do I contribute to getting whatever piece of loot that is wanted from that specific relic. I have done it through queue and it has come up for me without fail. I feel like the issues with the relic screen would be non-existent if you just equip it like any other piece of gear (i.e. dragon keys).

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Feedback on SotR:

Archwing: Please, for the love of god, change it back. I know it looks cool and sounds better. However, at the moment, all it does is cause nausea. If you want to keep the whole 'real 3-d movement', you'll have to completely rework the minimap at the very least. The way it's currently displayed, too much information is lost or mis-read. Also, do something about the whole spinning around thing. It's too sudden and too radical -it's not smooth, but jarring and confusing. Also, we'll need at least a button (preferably 2) to either re-orient ourselves to 'base' (same thing that happens if you don't do anything for a few seconds, except, you know, we can't not-do anything while in combat) or to lean left and right. As-is now, it's just nauseating.

Relics; Love the new idea, but please, increase the drop rate of Rares. So far, more than 50 runs (most in teams of 3 or more), not a single rare. Also, we need a bit of variation as to how we close the fissure. You said you wanted to cut down on repetition, but that's not what I'm seeing. All I see is the same fissure. Try changing it to either a random choice of several potential challenges or into something that's at least marginally connected to the mission objective.

Kavats: Awesome, love them, please give more breeds though. And patterns. And cosmetics. And -I'll stop here. Also; Kubrows need loads more love now, they seem even less useful than before, and that's just sad.

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-The Archwing now makes anyone extremely motion sick, the controls are like driving a boat, in a 360 degree sphere, while stone drunk! Which ofcourse makes Aiming, very difficult, and melee no longer carries long combos, because targets only seem to be attacked, when in front of the player. Not to mention the Up the butt FoV! To top that off, we now must PAY for AW slots.. I spent 2 weeks prior to SotR farming every AW weapon, in order to better combat Jordas, to aquire Atlas. Since i didnt craft/claim them all, i now have to pay to use them.. Real money! Had i just accepted them prior, that would all be free! AW wasnt popular because rewards sucked, not because of controls.. And no ones going to pay for an unpopular, vomit inducing mode! I see some people seem to like the new change, but this is NOT a flight simulattor.. Were a Ninja, with a small jetpack.. It shouldnt handle like a plane.. It was great before.. It was precise, easy to aim, and melee combos were fulfilling! The problerm was the lack of rewards, low drop rate, lack of mods, lack of map variety, and some missions wree just too difficult to do! Please, for al that is holy, bring back the previous version.. Open map or tight map, this new system is NOT good.. Its slightly better on the larger, than smaller mapp, but still nauseating, still difficult to aim, and melee worse because of this!

-The new map, while very astheticly pleasing, is not very intuitive. Theres no information that needs to be shown, and the nodes are tiny, and need to be hovered over, to find out what they are! It takes longer to access each panet, and node, as its so much larger. 

-The market im 50/50 on. Its about the same, but hiding the BP behind Platinum was shady (has been fixed)

-/+The new Void Fissure system.. While i like being able to target things, an d have 4 chances, were now using 4x more Relic/key than previously. No more key shares, and we now have MORE farming than ever! We now have dozens of kinds of relics, and ontop of those, must use Traces to increase drop chance of otherwise inaccessable parts. While we can all use 4 of the same relic, refined, theres no way to know if you have party members who are lying, or have even brought one, lessening the drop table for all. 

-Then we have the fissure itself. A boring, tacked on, after thought! The exact same half ♥♥♥♥♥ extraction mission every. single. time. Compounded by Nullifiers, Bombardiers, and heavy gunners aglore, with low drop chance on the stupid put the ball in the hole game mode.. The old void maps were much better, and now have NO reason to go to it, other than, for the ONLY way to get Argon Crystals!

-Heavy Melee weapons now are immobile. When swingiong, it literally stop you in place, and enemies slowly walk backwards, safely staying out of range, all while pumping rounds into your character! I dont know why we needed pve changes, for the sake of pvp.. I HATE that!

-Tons of Bugs(yes theyll be fixed, but its worth mentioning, as this entire update was broken from top to bottom, and forced a complete revamp of majority of the game) its now so far less appealing, that many are abandoning the game.. I myself went from playing whenever i wasnt at work, to logging in, playing amatch or two, and logging out in disgust!

-Credits have been halved for rewards, Nullifiers buffed, Syndicate rep halved, and many resources seem to be far more difficult to obtain..(Ex: Oxium less drops, and i could swear Neurodes are deliberately avoiding me, because theyre what i most need. ive gotten 4 in the last 4 weeks)

-Veterans who had the entire solar system unlocked, find that they no longer have fully unlocked planets, and must complete much of it again.Im no less confused with the map, than the day the update released.. The only thing i know to do, are the blinking dots (idk where the blue lines vanished too).  And still, all the missions i dont have complete, are defense, extraction, and survival.. And as of yet, theres NEVER anyone playing them.. So my only option, just like before, was to do the bare minimum, to unlock the node, and never touch it again! Hows this good? 

+Junctions.. I think these were neat, though i dont understand it from a lore perspective.. Whos controlling these tenno? Why are they fighting allied Tenno?

-Still no tutorials, or explanations of ANYTHING!

-To me, the difficulty seems to have spiked. Missions i used to steamrole, are now mopping the floor with me. I even died in a few missions in the late teens, early twenties!

Theres plenty more, but its just overwhelming.. It went from a game i couldnt wait to get home and play, to a game that feels more like a chore.. The fun has been removed in many aspects. I honestly just want the entire update removed.. I played it since the release day, and am no less disgusted with it.. Its not growing on me, its not that i "dont like change" or whatever lame excuse the apologists come up with.. I do not like the changes. My 'feeling' is that the game is less enjoyable overall.. Each individual aspect have specific reasons why.. Not some blanket excuse!


Edit: Im not sure why it left my copy/paste highlighted, i just took my updated Steam review, and pasted it here, rather than typing everything all over again..

Edited by Rizilliant
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Since I rarely play archewing missions, I have no love or hate of that aspect of the update...

With that said, I think DE should allow playes to change between old and new controls. Since the new controls seem to cause a lot of trouble orientating, nausea and/or motion sickness to player... DE, just consider this to be an accesibility feature.

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I don't appreciate the syndicate standing nerf.

Longer refresh time, combined missions (yay playing with rushers who don't collect items) and low rewards for all missions. I liked it when we had tiers to the missions. Either up the standing % boost from the sigils for people who got them, overall increase the standing rewards for the missions (not going to happen because noobs getting high reward is against the progression pace) or make the sigils/standing boost off of the player's rank in the syndicate. This is just punishing people who spent all the time, credits and sacrafice objects to level the syndicates.


I beleive the original justification behind the cap on gaining syndicate standing from generic missions was that the overall amount a player can get per day was increased with the missions not being considered in the cap. Now that's not correct anymore. Outright nerfs. Lame.

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After having played with the system for a while I think the void traces\relic levelling system is going to more of a negative than a positive in the long run.

For multiplayer it creates an extra layer of requirement, further segmenting the player base, especially if you don't actually want the rarest reward from a relic. 

In general it has negative impact on the perceived value of relics, if you are having issues acquiring a certain relic you feel obliged to level it to Radiant, any thing less feels like "wasting" the relic. It means that easier to acquire relics get burned through as a way of earning void traces not for the parts they provide.

The fact that the void traces are a RNG affected drop doesn't help the situation. The various ways of increasing drops (pilfering, prowl etc) benefit certain frames for farming over others.

If we take the goal of the system to be to lessen the impact of a bad run on the RNG, then it is probably a failure, void traces feel like a burden not an aid.

My personal suggestion would be to add a tracker to each type of relic, and after you have used X of them on the next run give that player only a second roll on the relic to choose from. Keeping the benefit confined to the player in question means that other players don't get affected by whether it happens or not (possibilities for jealousy aside), it also means that any given relic of a type has the same value. If the jealousy is viewed as an actual issue then even If it isn't replaced with something else, i think the current system should be removed.

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Let's talk about triple grind/time/wait walls:

The relic. Getting ones you need.

Fissure missions: before, I just went to the void and ran the mission. Now, I have to wait for one to spawn. If it does, I have to hope it's a node I enjoy (not Spy, rescue). 

The Reactant: you might actually get enough to close the Fissure. Maybe. Another RNG wall.

The actual reward. Do T3 and 4 Relics really need Forma BP? Can't we have slightly better odds to someday get a frame? Right now, they may as well be cash only.

The walls and barriers between players and primes have increased notably. And that's before you touch on the sheer boredom of repeating the mini excavation RNG event every run, which is really awful.

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Not sure if this was introduced in SOTR, but I'm having serious problems progressing with The New Strange quest.

In a nutshell, before going to scan the first enemies I had Helios as my companion on random missions, and it auto-scanned many things and used up all of the Synthesis Scanner charges... and so now when I go to actually do the mission I don't have the scanner anymore.

Any idea how to get another? Nothing in inventory, no option to reset quest, I can't get another from re-running the synth demo mission on the relay...

I'm totally stuck here.

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I just found myself returning to LoL, because there's nothing to do in WF, I do the Sorties and then, nothing, I'm MR22 with nothing to lvl up or to farm, before I had the Void end game to keep me entertained and would also rewards me with loot, now fissures are everything but fun and the insane grinding behind the relics makes me save them for when new primes come out.

My friends stopped playing after this abomination came, I take a look and out of the 151 members of my clan only 9 are on me included (which I'm no longer), so GG DE I think you just dug the grave of another online game.

See you again in War Within or Nekros Prime release whatever comes out first to see if there's a game worth to be played again like there was before Specters of Fail or if should free some space in my PC.

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23 minutes ago, Loyal_Viggo said:

it auto-scanned many things and used up all of the Synthesis Scanner charges... and so now when I go to actually do the mission I don't have the scanner anymore

You can buy them for credits from Simaris. He sells synthesis scanner charges and kinetic siphon traps for credits and everything else for standing. Look in the offerings (a station by the right side of his room)

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COpy paste from another post:


My thoughts on the Archwing:

I hate it from the bottom of my heart (after the SotR update).I'm literally getting dizzy every single time I'm playing Archwing and Im not a fan either of the new movement system as I really liked the previous one.

I wish there was a way to switch between movement systems (they cant make a dual split sword change instances on the map so they obviously wont make this happen either but one can only dream) because at this point I will play even less Archwing than I used to... Before this update you could actually navigate even at high speeds (just shift,not shift-spacebar) through the corpus tileset but now its just ................. bump,bump,bump,tokyo drift,etc.

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1 hour ago, svanced said:

COpy paste from another post:


My thoughts on the Archwing:

I hate it from the bottom of my heart (after the SotR update).I'm literally getting dizzy every single time I'm playing Archwing and Im not a fan either of the new movement system as I really liked the previous one.

I wish there was a way to switch between movement systems (they cant make a dual split sword change instances on the map so they obviously wont make this happen either but one can only dream) because at this point I will play even less Archwing than I used to... Before this update you could actually navigate even at high speeds (just shift,not shift-spacebar) through the corpus tileset but now its just ................. bump,bump,bump,tokyo drift,etc.

I agree 100%

Perhaps someone can fill me in on why it needed to be changed as I'm fairly ignorant in that regard, but this new system is in my opinion a big step backwards. It is confusing and jarring and lacks the fluidity of the older system. And the camera distance change only amplifies these changes.

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Quick update:


SotR brought NOTHING positive to the table that I can immediately and readily recall.  All that hard work for nothing.  You could literally have NEVER applied the update and I'd have been happier with the state of the game than I currently am.


Oh, wait wait wait, I thought of something.


Amesha is good.


I'm not going to list the gripes or dilligaf about the rest of the update.  People have said enough to cover how I feel about it.

Edited by grimdraken
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First and foremost, this update is really bad in many ways..

The market itself became somewhat complicated for no practical reason, even if the design of the interface is good

Starchart: Again, the design is still pretty ok for me, but I really need the option of accepting the quest instead of auto-entering missions that I unintentionally selected.

Void fissures: After playing a few void tear missions, I have already feel the similar fatigue that i experience back during the old void even with the addition of mini excavation. It was fun after playing for a few runs, but it gradually became just another grinding feature of the game. I am really hoping that the grind for it can be reduced through the removal of the void traces cap and more variety of ways for sealing the void. I really don't see why you shouldn't remove the cap and let us accumulate as much void traces as we can.

Void: Really other than just to challenge myself to some higher leveled missions for fun and argons, there is probably no practical purpose to playing it. i think the void could be used as a place to farm for the rarer items such that if the player is lucky enough, he would be able to enter a void mission based on his relic by chance, so as to let them know that they could be guaranteed first to get a rare item based on their relics. Then at least the void wouldn't be that useless now.

Archwing: I don't even play archwing, probably below 20 times ever since the original release. But I played the new one recently and to me it was like having a roller coaster ride flying around, with random and occasional changes in viewing angles.

This update introduced more grind instead of more fun. With so many players preferring over the old version of the game mechanics than this update shows that you, DE, fked up in this update. The war within will probably be the last chance before any more players raging over the new game mechanics, getting fustrated and eventually leaving the game, so please don't rush the next one like how you did for this update because this update really feels like a rushed one.

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Minimap warframe heads are too multicolored and confusing.

1.  We don't need to differentiate between primes and normal warframes.

2.  Too much detail in too small an icon.



Make an icon for each separate warframe (if you are so adamant about keeping the differentiation on the minimap)

Some of them already have perfect icons for some of their abilities.




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I like it more or less, though chance for Kavat DNA should have higher %.

Also could you add some kind of tracking for available and/or incomplete Junctions the same way we can track syndicate missions, alerts and rifts?

Some info on War Within perhaps?

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