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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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Cannot complete several junctions due to progress on requisites not registering as completed. Of note for myself are Jupiter's junction with the  successful spy requisite, Mars junction with 3 Lith fissures, and the Ceres junction with 20 waves on Draco (despite that node being survival).

When loading the arsenal, my frames glitches or isn't set in right. They cover my mod screen when they don't get auto-positioned into the pad, won't show a variety of cosmetics on properly (except skins seem to work just fine), and will sometimes load without any weapons when activating the arsenal. Don't know exactly what's happening that screwed with this.

End of mission bug where I cannot exit out of mission stats, nothing works, alt+f4 to close game. Prominent when I have completed Foundry items, and Ordis chimes in about it.

Void key to Relic conversion screwed me out of almost 300 keys/relics. I'm sure I'm not the only one that had this issue; DE, I want my relics.

Wen leaving relay/Dojo/missions, I am in the crouching position and cannot do anything. Facing away from navigation, and the only way to get out of it in some really rare instances in force close the game. Mostly fixable by opening menu and selecting an area to go to.

Ordis talking about missions I have already completed in previous updates, or "updating" my quests when I have none. (Might be from completing junctions that grant quests as rewards.)

Alot of errant issues with the holster customization system. I can link a few screenshots, but the most noteworthy one is how my Excal 's helmets resets to default and won't change back to an alt when having custom holsters on. Or his head is facing me in-mission. (Client-sided, host never sees issues, but other teammates will note on my Excal's strange deformity.)

Since the hotfix lowering Corrupted Bombard and Nullifier spawns during fissure sealing, almost no enemies spawn. I'm quite happy the spam was fixed, but not I'd rather have the Bombard spam than to have no enemies at all. Almost no traces to pick up if any after sealing and reactant cores are difficult to get since this patch. Otherwise, thanks for not suffocating us under 50+ Corrupt Nullifiers.

Voi Fisure UI permanently displaying for the entire mission. Client-sided, as host usually never has issues (tested).

Hyekka cats breathe in my general direction and insta-kill anything under 500~ health. (Not sure if bug or intentional; these cats are terrifying now.)

Several issues with low-level enemies one-shotting tank frames like Valkyr, Chroma and even Inaros; mostly when in an empty room, Grineer missions inside the ships but Corpus heavies also do this on literally every planet that has them. (I'm talking a lvl 20 Corpus tech shredding my Steel+Vitality+QT+Rage combo on Inaros.) Also noted to happen with the cancer you love to spam - "nullifiers".

The most annoying one is nullifiers overall. They did not need "buffs" at all. They needed to be dealt with the nerf-bat you guys love to use. I despise having to restrict my gameplay to ridiculously low-damage bullethoses when doing Corpus missions just to deal with them. I have Techs, Bursas, Saps, and a slew of other monstrosities to deal with. These buffs should make them heavy units at this point, and shouldn't be spammed in missions like you do MOAs, crewmen, and ospreys. Either reverse the changes or change spawn rate...Particularly if they are one-shotting my tank frames in low-level planets.

As far as updates go, this is almost on par with the disaster that was U15 Archwing / Limbo update. This update's saving grace is that at least I can blame this ridiculous amount of bugs and lack of QA on TennoCon.

Edited by pikaseechu
Grammar, a few spelling errors, and punctuation mistakes corrected.
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On 09/07/2016 at 1:26 AM, The.Kraken said:


First off love all of the work and love you guys put into this game! It is what keeps me playing after so long!

That being said I think I found a pretty major bug that was introduced with specters of the rail.

Bug: Melee freezes your warframe in place. 

Description of problem: Heavy weapons like the war stop the player from moving entirely while the weapon is being swung. This problem is less evident but still exists with lighter weapons like daggers or staffs.

Affected: Melee weapons

Expected: Movement while weapon is being used to attack


For more information, Thread Link:

I checked through the patch notes for specters of the rail to see if this was an intended change and couldn't find any related information. So I believe this to be a valid bug.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you DE for all the work you have done and continue to do!


PS: please contact me if any more information is needed/wanted, I would be glad to help

Melee movement need some love !!!

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Not sure if it was reported , Archweapon mod Zodiac Shred is giving impact dmg instead of slash dmg and Quasar Drill also does impact dmg instead of puncture dmg.

Edited by Mengaster
Added more wrong mods.
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2 hours ago, G510Gamer said:

error two: every time i launch its in 800X600 and if i chance the settings everything is blurry if i restart the game its in 800 X 600, cant win

Resolution always reverts back to 800x600 windowed mode on every relog. (To fix the blurriness on Fullscreen mode when you change resolutions, first select Borderless Fullscreen, then go back in the display settings a second time and select Fullscreen.)

Itzal's Penumbra breaks you out of stealth the moment you activate it, you have to press it twice for it to work.

Switching weapons, primary to melee or vice versa, does not work on archwing.

When coming out of the Dojo, the whole little profile window on the upper left corner that pops up when you press esc is missing. Also i cannot start any missions. I have to relog for it to get fixed.

Edited by ionized116
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When you do excavation missions you still get way less fusion cores as you should. I played one five minutes ago, got 4 times 5 Cores and recieved a total of 8 Cores at the end which obviously isn't the right amount.

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Minor thing, but still - just did Adrastea (Jupiter, Spy) with 3 successful extractions. "Complete a corpus spy mission with 3 successful data extractions on jupiter" still 0/1 at Saturn Junction. All data extractions were successful without turning on the alarms.

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