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How to Lunaro and Why You Probably Keep Losing

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Before we begin I'd like to say two things. First, I honestly had no idea where to put this. PhP was kind of weird and looked like more for questions than guides, and figured General is a bit of a catchall.

Second? Well, to be honest this is kind of going to be as restrained as possible. Not in wonderful information for your brain cells, but because I LOSE MY MIND EVERY TIME SOMEONE DOES SOMETHING STUPID have a bit of a temper...

Hello and welcome to the Guide to Not Being a Bad Lunaro Player. If you are here you probably just lost a bunch of game and was wondering "AY YO MANG I KEEP GETTING MY FACE SMASHED IN WHAT DO I DO NEREHGHGGHEHGH" Well you can finally shut up and be like some sports star ninja robot in space, if you actually read this lovely guide that will totally not contain 200% of your sodium intake.


Ok obviously if you don't know, you can't hold the lunaro more than 5 seconds, and you probably had it explode in your face like...use your imagination. So what do you do when you go and have the little ball?

Pass it.

Pass the Lunaro.

PASS THE *!#$^(!#@%$* LUNARO.

Unless you are the only dude on your team, there are others who probably are by themselves on the opposing zone wavine their Acata, and probably screaming at you to give them the ball. That's probably me.

But you don't really have 5 seconds. Obviously the other team isn't gonna let you just waddle around like blbllblblblblbblbl because you have THEIR lunaro, and they will chase you down like a pack of rabid angry wolves to get their ball back. But it's your team's lunaro and you aren't gonna give it up. When you pass, you're not only gonna get a bonus for lunaro velocity but it ACTUALLY ATTRACTS TO THE PLAYER YOU PASSING. Isn't that convenient? But if you hold that ball, screw the 5 second rule, you gonna get chewed up by the other team while you ask your god why this is happening. Your answer will be because you DIDN'T PASS THE LUNARO.



You ever see a Hockey or Lacrosse Game? They generally have a goalie right? Now don't get me wrong you DON'T really need one guy standing there all game, but there should be one or two defenders, and a runner for each side.

Defenders defend hurp not just the goal, but their zone. Obviously we don't wanna have anybody trying to score a goal on ya so you try your best to tackle them down and make them eat your foot. And the Runner? Well he's on the other side of the field trying to get you to PASS THE #@$^$%$%#@#$!@#$@#!@#%#@% LUNARO


You can also take advantage of said lunaro and wack it to make it an angry ball of rage that well....you ever get hit by a ball in gym? Painful right? Just do it. You know you want to.

Now as stated before, anyone with a lunaro is going to have a big fat target painted on them. So what do people do to try to get some distance? Well you can PASS THE LU jump, slide, aim glide, etc. to get away from the angry foot about to be planted somewhere terrible. Just don't bullet jump. Of course it's a muscle reflex to dodge with bullet jump and such but you lose the lunaro when doing that so ya know...don't.



Now let's say you are ahead and no one is near you, and you have to actually worry about those nifty 5 seconds. Well you can dribble the Lunaro.

To be fair dribbling it isn't what's intended but because of the mechanics of the game you can bounce the lunaro back to yourself in order to reset the timer. A more interesting way to dribble, is actually launch the thing in the air and follow the trajectory, to catch it mid air before it lands. Difficult but pretty effective.

Now some of you may wonder "Gee why is this section so short?"




The goal is a tiny tiny tiny....well not so tiny its a hole. You put ball in hole and then Ninja Man who runs the conclave says "HEY LOOK YOU DID A THING CONGRATS HAVE A POINT.

There are a lot of ways you can score the goal, but let's face it, you're gonna be up in dat hole, ready to jam your- throw the lunaro point blank in the goal. While this is effective, you can also do fancy stuff that makes your score 2 points instead of 1, like xXMLGPRO360NOSCOPEXxing the goal outside the zone for two points. You can also wack the Lunaro into the goal, making it purple and therefore 2 points, but I call that a unicorn because the chances of you seeing that pretty much nil. That being said as of this writing I somehow made the unicorn and wacked the ball right into the goal. It was an accident I swear.



Well if you take anything from this guide it's to work as a team. Work as a team and



i'm going back to Lunaro. If anyone sees a White and Black Valkyr with the gersemimimimimimi skin and a kitty hat, and you read this guide, you should probably stop hogging the ball. It'll be bad for your health.

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Lunaro is halfway to the roof. Suddenly snaps back down into the host's Arcata. Ping is spiking over 300.

The desync between Client play states and Host play states is so bad at times, I see the Lunaro in a totally different place than where the Host sees it. Doesn't matter how you try to pretty up telling people to "get good", the core fact will remain that the networking method for Warframe just doesn't support a game like Lunaro. There is too much de-synchronization between Host/Client play states.

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I approve of this , Most of the time im the defender and the attacker AT tHE SAME TIME( most of the time my teamates are really bad ) .

PASS THE DAMN BALL , pls , that is so important .

And pls , defend the goal and don't try to spam checking like an idiot , it won't work , it fails , every.single.time.

And the dribble thing ( didn't know it as called dribble ) is soo useful , use it , seriously.

This post is like , Lunaro 101 , these are the fundamentals of Lunaro , practice and you will be good .

As a really good Lunaro player myself I approve of this .

Edited by (PS4)joe03827
C is broken lol
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The lag makes that hard and the other team will swarm you so fast you often feel like you have to get rid as fast as possible making passing very hard. I often have to play goalie cos no one else will too. Most games are like schoolboy footy with everyone chasing the damn ball.

oh and there's no beating the hotshots who can smash it in from range with shots that are uncatchable.

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 10:36 AM, (PS4)CuddlyZebesian said:
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Before we begin I'd like to say two things. First, I honestly had no idea where to put this. PhP was kind of weird and looked like more for questions than guides, and figured General is a bit of a catchall.

Second? Well, to be honest this is kind of going to be as restrained as possible. Not in wonderful information for your brain cells, but because I LOSE MY MIND EVERY TIME SOMEONE DOES SOMETHING STUPID have a bit of a temper...

Hello and welcome to the Guide to Not Being a Bad Lunaro Player. If you are here you probably just lost a bunch of game and was wondering "AY YO MANG I KEEP GETTING MY FACE SMASHED IN WHAT DO I DO NEREHGHGGHEHGH" Well you can finally shut up and be like some sports star ninja robot in space, if you actually read this lovely guide that will totally not contain 200% of your sodium intake.


Ok obviously if you don't know, you can't hold the lunaro more than 5 seconds, and you probably had it explode in your face like...use your imagination. So what do you do when you go and have the little ball?

Pass it.

Pass the Lunaro.

PASS THE *!#$^(!#@%$* LUNARO.

Unless you are the only dude on your team, there are others who probably are by themselves on the opposing zone wavine their Acata, and probably screaming at you to give them the ball. That's probably me.

But you don't really have 5 seconds. Obviously the other team isn't gonna let you just waddle around like blbllblblblblbblbl because you have THEIR lunaro, and they will chase you down like a pack of rabid angry wolves to get their ball back. But it's your team's lunaro and you aren't gonna give it up. When you pass, you're not only gonna get a bonus for lunaro velocity but it ACTUALLY ATTRACTS TO THE PLAYER YOU PASSING. Isn't that convenient? But if you hold that ball, screw the 5 second rule, you gonna get chewed up by the other team while you ask your god why this is happening. Your answer will be because you DIDN'T PASS THE LUNARO.



You ever see a Hockey or Lacrosse Game? They generally have a goalie right? Now don't get me wrong you DON'T really need one guy standing there all game, but there should be one or two defenders, and a runner for each side.

Defenders defend hurp not just the goal, but their zone. Obviously we don't wanna have anybody trying to score a goal on ya so you try your best to tackle them down and make them eat your foot. And the Runner? Well he's on the other side of the field trying to get you to PASS THE #@$^$%$%#@#$!@#$@#!@#%#@% LUNARO


You can also take advantage of said lunaro and wack it to make it an angry ball of rage that well....you ever get hit by a ball in gym? Painful right? Just do it. You know you want to.

Now as stated before, anyone with a lunaro is going to have a big fat target painted on them. So what do people do to try to get some distance? Well you can PASS THE LU jump, slide, aim glide, etc. to get away from the angry foot about to be planted somewhere terrible. Just don't bullet jump. Of course it's a muscle reflex to dodge with bullet jump and such but you lose the lunaro when doing that so ya know...don't.



Now let's say you are ahead and no one is near you, and you have to actually worry about those nifty 5 seconds. Well you can dribble the Lunaro.

To be fair dribbling it isn't what's intended but because of the mechanics of the game you can bounce the lunaro back to yourself in order to reset the timer. A more interesting way to dribble, is actually launch the thing in the air and follow the trajectory, to catch it mid air before it lands. Difficult but pretty effective.

Now some of you may wonder "Gee why is this section so short?"

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The goal is a tiny tiny tiny....well not so tiny its a hole. You put ball in hole and then Ninja Man who runs the conclave says "HEY LOOK YOU DID A THING CONGRATS HAVE A POINT.

There are a lot of ways you can score the goal, but let's face it, you're gonna be up in dat hole, ready to jam your- throw the lunaro point blank in the goal. While this is effective, you can also do fancy stuff that makes your score 2 points instead of 1, like xXMLGPRO360NOSCOPEXxing the goal outside the zone for two points. You can also wack the Lunaro into the goal, making it purple and therefore 2 points, but I call that a unicorn because the chances of you seeing that pretty much nil. That being said as of this writing I somehow made the unicorn and wacked the ball right into the goal. It was an accident I swear.



Well if you take anything from this guide it's to work as a team. Work as a team and



i'm going back to Lunaro. If anyone sees a White and Black Valkyr with the gersemimimimimimi skin and a kitty hat, and you read this guide, you should probably stop hogging the ball. It'll be bad for your health.

step one: get a pc

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21 hours ago, BlueShogun said:

The lag makes that hard and the other team will swarm you so fast you often feel like you have to get rid as fast as possible making passing very hard. I often have to play goalie cos no one else will too. Most games are like schoolboy footy with everyone chasing the damn ball.

oh and there's no beating the hotshots who can smash it in from range with shots that are uncatchable.

You know when I was playing the other day I kept getting the feeling the field needed to be slightly longer.  I don't know if anyone else feels that way...

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)geomancer1980 said:

oh you wacky master race!

The only thing that kills me in Lunaro is the lag.  The host existing every so slightly in the future makes countering them rather difficult.

haha, I cant really stand using controllers to play fast pace games like warframe, how you gonna turn around... pls don't auto aim XD

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 7:36 AM, (PS4)CuddlyZebesian said:
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Before we begin I'd like to say two things. First, I honestly had no idea where to put this. PhP was kind of weird and looked like more for questions than guides, and figured General is a bit of a catchall.

Second? Well, to be honest this is kind of going to be as restrained as possible. Not in wonderful information for your brain cells, but because I LOSE MY MIND EVERY TIME SOMEONE DOES SOMETHING STUPID have a bit of a temper...

this lovely guide that will totally not contain 200% of your sodium intake.

Honestly this was the saltiest guide I've ever seen, congratulations.

In seriousness though, these were all things I've been trying to do (minus dribbling because I rarely have played midfield) but it always seems to me like other players just do them way faster and more accurately, even when I'm the host. I don't know how to change it, and I don't want to just blame the hardware/software, all I know is that it's mostly not my gameplay strategies that need fixing.

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1 hour ago, Akavakaku said:

Honestly this was the saltiest guide I've ever seen, congratulations.

In seriousness though, these were all things I've been trying to do (minus dribbling because I rarely have played midfield) but it always seems to me like other players just do them way faster and more accurately, even when I'm the host. I don't know how to change it, and I don't want to just blame the hardware/software, all I know is that it's mostly not my gameplay strategies that need fixing.

Pffa aha yea I know, when I wrote it I got really annoyed at people who thought this was football or something.

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