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Do you know why I am uhappy with SOTR update? [rant'ish big'ish thread]


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On 7/17/2016 at 9:57 PM, deothor said:

I was really hoping someone wouldn't use this argument.. Even if as a joke..


Cause it's a sad joke :(

Your OP was a sad joke.

Face it. Games have bugs. There's no way in hell they can facilitate all the bugs in a build with a tiny test server with a small userbase.

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1 minute ago, Govictory said:

but i do not agree with you on the low credit per mission is a bad thing it could be a good thing because in the past two starcharts Pluto was end game,

Oh damn.. I wasn;t clear enough.


I hate inflation. I gladly accept some fixes for credits. Either a sink or overal decrease in reward.

But it cannot be just "lemme take a nice chop with my axe" at credit rewards. Veterans have lots of frames, guns, options to farm from credits. New players do not. Yet they get hit just as hard by this nerf. You get what I try to say?

Smart nerf is good. Bold, merciless nerf for all.. not so much

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52 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Your OP was a sad joke.

Face it. Games have bugs. There's no way in hell they can facilitate all the bugs in a build with a tiny test server with a small userbase.


Its still impossible to weed out all bugs and very difficult get an idea of possible improvements to systems and mechanics etc even with a huge test server.


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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On 7/17/2016 at 10:00 PM, deothor said:

But it cannot be just "lemme take a nice chop with my axe" at credit rewards. Veterans have lots of frames, guns, options to farm from credits. New players do not. Yet they get hit just as hard by this nerf. You get what I try to say?

Smart nerf is good. Bold, merciless nerf for all.. not so much

But that's the whole point of the game.

You work to get new weapons and new farm spots.

If you want new players to just get everything at once then might as well forget about the entire game because a good chunk of player's time is getting to know the game and striving to reach the level of veterans.

Credits(lol) platinum and prime parts aren't necessary for a new player, but its something for them to strive for at least.

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2 minutes ago, deothor said:

Oh damn.. I wasn;t clear enough.


I hate inflation. I gladly accept some fixes for credits. Either a sink or overal decrease in reward.

But it cannot be just "lemme take a nice chop with my axe" at credit rewards. Veterans have lots of frames, guns, options to farm from credits. New players do not. Yet they get hit just as hard by this nerf. You get what I try to say?

Smart nerf is good. Bold, merciless nerf for all.. not so much

oh no veterans have more options to grind stuff, well of course they do just look at all of the vaulted items you probably will never get your hands on in the near future if ever

the more you put in the game the more you will get as time goes on

maybe instead of griefing about how credits are hard to get and this update is bad to get you should take your own advice and "git gud"


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8 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

But that's the whole point of the game.

You work to get new weapons and new farm spots.

If you want new players to just get everything at once then might as well forget about the entire game because a good chunk of player's time is getting to know the game and striving to reach the level of veterans.

Credits(lol) platinum and prime parts aren't necessary for a new player, but its something for them to strive for at least.

It's like we just can't get on the same frequency... That's why I'll answer each of your sentences in points. Maybe that will fix some of misunderstandings:

1.  But that's the whole point of the game. = yes

2. You work to get new weapons and new farm spots. = yes

3. If you want new players to just get everything at once [...] = No. I do not want new players to get everything on silver platter. I just know how much grind I had to go trough to upgrade some of my mods. And it was before credit nerf. Now, they have to go the same road as all of us, but just harder. Is that fine with you?

You might have forgotten how it was when you started, I myself started this game not that long ago (month or so). So I just still have fresh memories of that moment.


What I;d propose is something like this:

mission level -> credit nerf

0-10 -> 10%

11-15 -> 20%

16-20 -> 30%

21-25 ->40%

26+ ->50%

Just FYI, I'm not sure now what was credit nerf %. So don;t take my numbers are set in stone. It's just a way to show yo what I mean for meaningful nerfs that won;t hurt where they shiouldn't. Do I have to explain it further?

4. Credits(lol) platinum and prime parts aren't necessary for a new player, but its something for them to strive for at least. = No

I disagree

You need credits for mods.

You need credits for any crafts. And you, newbie (not you.. you, but more like you as a new player who just started.. No hate pls x.x), just started your fun with crafting. Combine mod upgrading + crafting and you end up with black hole in wallet.

As a newbie you do not need platinum. You got some freebie platinum. Good for the start. But for how long you stay as newbie? week? 2? Sooner or later you'll get next frame.. and another... New weapons.. Tons of stuff. Will you just remove frames/stuff/weapons as you go? Nope.. It;s time to earn your plats with prime stuff.

It's not something you can simply "strive for". You can strive for ultimate build. Or maxed frame. Or you can strive for getting all weapons in weapon slots. But you >NEED< platinum to increase size of your weaponry. Even the smallest upgrades.. To hold few frames/guns more than base capacity. It is a neccessity. De knows it. That's why they slots are for platinum. That's why (overpriced) weapons and frames from market for platinum add slots too.

If you disagree, then you are just a hypocrite. And i;m not tying to poke you. It's just how I look at it. This game relies on guns and frames. If you can't use different ones while equipping from your armory/weaponry then well.. You could play any other generic shooter and you wouldn;t see a difference.

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29 minutes ago, Govictory said:

oh no veterans have more options to grind stuff, well of course they do just look at all of the vaulted items you probably will never get your hands on in the near future if ever

the more you put in the game the more you will get as time goes on

maybe instead of griefing about how credits are hard to get and this update is bad to get you should take your own advice and "git gud"


You serious? 

I knew this thread would swarm with self righteous .... people.. but damn, didn;t expect to get this cancer on board.


Dude, I know you came here to hate, cause that's you do in your free time, but I'll answer to your post as serious as I can.

Vets having everything they have = OK, cool, awesome, brilliant, etc. 

I do not want Vets to lose anything. I am not even jealous of what they have, as I play for fun (which you know, but you just try to nitpick).


I am only (be careful, you might not expect this) CONCERNED of new players, who get hit alot harder than veterans. Or maybe you are one of those guys "i dont care about newbies, cause im not one of them"? If yes then I feel disgusted talking with you. If not, then you just try to act tough and make me look like an idiot cause reasons ???.


It's true I have hard time farming for credits. But then... I play for fun first.. I used to not have any problems while playing for fun. Now I have. I am angry at this change. Gratz for noticing. Btw, git gud was obvious joke, hater.


4 minutes ago, MercurialAirSpectre said:

You joined Warframe on July 9th and SOTR update was on July 8th. I don't understand this rant. You're comparing SOTR update to nothing you have experienced before... Unless you made that new account just rant.

Next genius. Whoever liked you is just as big genius as you.

1. You do not need to be logged in to read threads and posts

2. Game account creation =/= forum account creation. That might be new for you.

3. Obvious hate troll is obvious

Edited by deothor
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9 minutes ago, deothor said:

You serious?

I knew this thread would swarm with self righteous .... people.. but damn, didn;t expect to get this cancer on board.


Dude, I know you came here to hate, cause that's you do in your free time, but I'll answer to your post as serious as I can.

Vets having everything they have = OK, cool, awesome, brilliant, etc.

I do not want Vets to lose anything. I am not even jealous of what they have, as I play for fun (which you know, but you just try to nitpick).


I am only (be careful, you might not expect this) CONCERNED of new players, who get hit alot harder than veterans. Or maybe you are one of those guys "i dont care about newbies, cause im not one of them"? If yes then I feel disgusted talking with you. If not, then you just try to act tough and make me look like an idiot cause reasons ???.


It's true I have hard time farming for credits. But then... I play for fun first.. I used to not have any problems while playing for fun. Now I have. I am angry at this change. Gratz for noticing. Btw, git gud was obvious joke, hater.

"I knew this thread would swarm with self righteous people" Oh the irony. I take it you mostly want people to agree with you rather then actual discussion? 


Edited by StinkyPygmy
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10 minutes ago, deothor said:

You serious? 

I knew this thread would swarm with self righteous .... people.. but damn, didn;t expect to get this cancer on board.


Dude, I know you came here to hate, cause that's you do in your free time, but I'll answer to your post as serious as I can.

Vets having everything they have = OK, cool, awesome, brilliant, etc. 

I do not want Vets to lose anything. I am not even jealous of what they have, as I play for fun (which you know, but you just try to nitpick).


I am only (be careful, you might not expect this) CONCERNED of new players, who get hit alot harder than veterans. Or maybe you are one of those guys "i dont care about newbies, cause im not one of them"? If yes then I feel disgusted talking with you. If not, then you just try to act tough and make me look like an idiot cause reasons ???.


It's true I have hard time farming for credits. But then... I play for fun first.. I used to not have any problems while playing for fun. Now I have. I am angry at this change. Gratz for noticing. Btw, git gud was obvious joke, hater.


Next genius. Whoever liked you is just as big genius as you.

1. You do not need to be logged in to read threads and posts

2. Game account creation =/= forum account creation. That might be new for you.

3. Obvious hate troll is obvious


calling people self righteous is ironic because you have from the get go been bashing things even in you OP especially the 3 tips to "git gud" which were for DE to release updates they way you think makes them "gud" so stick the self righteous cancer name calling.

so if anyone is self righteous cancer is you m8 since your posts have been bantering and quite rude, you have been hostile since the start

new players are not going to have alot of credits yes, and then more items are mastery rank locked

so new players are going to build a weapon or two that interests them from the start, i am pretty sure you are given a fair bit of credits from the first like two quests (vor and once awake quest?) with that people are going to make a weapon or two and play to level them up in missions and by time you max up those weapons you have enough money and probably enough materials to make another set of weapons and then you repeat. you slowly will amass credits since you aren't going to max a weapon in like 2 missions

and after a certain point you have the daily sorties you can do which give alot of credits (20k for first sortie, 30k for second sortie, 50k for last sortie)

so if you play for fun go build stuff and do exterminates and kill stuff with it get credits and resourses to make more stuff, problem solved no credit issue to play the game

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I've enjoyed some parts of the update, but it really was too much.  Compared to other "major" updates, this one held practically 3 times as much weight with star charts, Kavats, Prime Drops, Junctions, Archwing...  Oh yeah and market...  And the codex area scans...  And... wow I am just thinking of more and more stuff... Oh yeah holsters...

It was the first time DE tried out this SUPER MEGA ULTRA UPDATE form, and it seems like they learned this is not the way to go.

There is a bit of mess in many updates, but this heavy one means there are heavy issues that need quite some hammering.  
I actually really hope for smaller updates later.  I'd rather see things grow like we have the whole time playing instead of sprinted out all at once!  

Usually I'd be really on DE's side on these kinds of issues, but damn they need to not do this again and they have a lot of work to do on this update.  Hope they take it slow and easy now, and that they learned their lesson about this. 

Thinking back to college courses and all that jazz, I know I didn't learn anything about proper software development and taking things nice and slow, but DE can be better than me!  

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Lots of people seem to be missing the point about inflation. Of all the things in the OP it is probably the most reasonable thing there and it is a very real concern. It's something that just about every game with an economy will encounter at one point or another and it can absolutely ruin a game. Most MMO's deal with this by adding credit sinks stuff like transmogs, pet battles, etc... Something that gives veterans a way to sink money back into the game to prevent them from stockpiling and ending up getting bored because nothing engages them (and then they leave). Warframe doesn't really have this sure there are more things to sink credits in than before (primed mods, incubation cores, prisma weapons, forma, etc...) but it is not enough and in the end it hurts newer players more than older players.

Take a look at things like the sybear, Vauben P, Trinity P chassis, etc.. All these thing have abnormally high requirements for crafting but the thing is it doesn't affect veterans, they hardly have to bat an eye at this because they have 10x the cryotic courtesy of Hieracon, 12x the oxium from running Cerberus they have so many credits DE could prevent their account from gaining a single credit til they fell below 10k and it wouldn't matter because they have stockpiles up the wazoo. I'm one of these players these nerfs to credits don't affect me, but they do affect new players. And this game has a history of being very unfriendly to newbies, there is a wall that many new players do not get past because the game does a poor job of explaining what they should be doing, how they should be doing it, etc... And now it's cutting into their credit rewards, something they need when starting if they want to move past that wall; that's a low blow.

DE doesn't like stockpiling I think anyone who has followed this game for long enough knows this, if you need proof ask yourself why the void trace cap is so severe (too severe if you ask me.) New players aren't the ones that you need to worry about because they aren't the ones doing it, they have too much other stuff to keep them busy. It's the vets that need something to sink there stockpiles into otherwise they are liable to get bored because the game does not engage them. If I were a new player this credit nerf would feel like the devs are moving the goalposts, ontop of every other newbie unfriendly feature in the game this one in particular widens the already massive gulf between vets and people just starting out and IMO it is not a good move.


Also FWIW OP I like rants. Most of your points are pretty spot on about this update it was a clustertruck more so that most other updates.

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