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What is Status?



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Chance to proc Procs that cause extra stuff to happen other than just dmg. 

Damage Type Effect
Impact b Impact Knockback (Staggers movement for a brief second)
Puncture b Puncture Weaken (Reduces damage dealt by 30% for 6 seconds)
Slash b Slash Bleed (Deals additional 245% base Finishing damage over 6 seconds)
Cold b Cold Freeze (Reduces movement speed, fire rate, and attack speed by 50% for 6 seconds)
Electricity b Electricity Chain Lightning (Deals additional 50% base damage to enemies within 5m of target, stuns them briefly)
Heat b Heat Ignite (Deals additional 350% base damage over 6 seconds, causes panic on target)
Toxin b Toxin Poison (Deals additional 450% base damage over 8 seconds)
Blast b Blast Knockdown (Stuns target and enemies within 5m)
Corrosive b Corrosive Corrode (Reduces current Armor by 25%, permanently)
Gas b Gas Poison Cloud (Target and enemies within 5m suffer Toxin b Toxin damage)
Magnetic b Magnetic Disrupt (Reduces maximum shield by 75% for 4 seconds and drains all energy)
Radiation b Radiation Confusion (Enemies may target their allies for 12 seconds; afflicts Tenno for 4 seconds instead)
Viral b Viral Virus (Reduces current and maximum health by 50% for 8 seconds)


Edited by rawr1254
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18 minutes ago, DuelMaster53 said:

This may sound like a really nooby question, (I kinda still am a noob) But what is status? Like those mods that increase status. I still don't know what it is.

If i understood yr question right, it means the state of an effect

Example: if you inflict fire damage to an enemy, and your status mod is 50%... it means the damage will remain 50% more.

hope i made my idea clear

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

Example: if you inflict fire damage to an enemy, and your status mod is 50%... it means the damage will remain 50% more.

Eh, no. Sorry, but status mods only increase the chance of inflicting a status effect, not the damage done by that effect. 

OP, status is a big, complicated subject. Learning how it works is not something you start and finish in one forum thread. It's one of the most important aspects of the damage system, and can do amazing things. I want to write out a huge wall of text explaining it all, but frankly right now I don't have the energy. Sorry. 

What I recommend is visiting the warframe wiki, and going through the pages for individual status effects one at a time. They are all different, and can be used effectively in some way. Just beware of people saying that status weapons are no good or aren't important! What I've found is that the more advanced and knowledgeable people become, the more they come to appreciate status. 

Start with Corrosive. It's the most important one. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

If i understood yr question right, it means the state of an effect

Example: if you inflict fire damage to an enemy, and your status mod is 50%... it means the damage will remain 50% more.

hope i made my idea clear

That's very wrong.

Status chance is the percentage chance to inflict what Rawr1254 said. So if you have a 50% status chance to deal a weapon with Slash, Fire, and Magnetic damage, that means theoretically every other shot will cause one of those three status effects.

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Which is actually wrong, Oussii.

Using fire as an example, it has a chance to cause the Heat effect in the nice table above. At 5% status chance you will, on average, need to hit an enemy with fire damage 20 times to see this effect occur. At 50% status chance you will be seeing it all the time as every other hit causes the effect.

Some weapons come with pretty high natural status the same way some come with high natural crit chance and damage. Building these to cause some of the more useful status effect (like Corrode or maybe Poison Cloud in missions with dense packs of enemies) can be a good idea, especially when playing with others. You become more of a crowd controller than damage dealer that way.

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10 hours ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Eh, no. Sorry, but status mods only increase the chance of inflicting a status effect, not the damage done by that effect. 

OP, status is a big, complicated subject. Learning how it works is not something you start and finish in one forum thread. It's one of the most important aspects of the damage system, and can do amazing things. I want to write out a huge wall of text explaining it all, but frankly right now I don't have the energy. Sorry. 

What I recommend is visiting the warframe wiki, and going through the pages for individual status effects one at a time. They are all different, and can be used effectively in some way. Just beware of people saying that status weapons are no good or aren't important! What I've found is that the more advanced and knowledgeable people become, the more they come to appreciate status. 

Start with Corrosive. It's the most important one. 


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It's important to note that status chance doesn't have anything to do with elemental damage. If you have a hypothetical weapon that does 1000 corrosive damage, and only 5% status chance, it will still always do the corrosive damage, just won't proc the extra status (in this case, -25% armor permanent)

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14 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Status chance is the percentage chance to inflict what Rawr1254 said. So if you have a 50% status chance to deal a weapon with Slash, Fire, and Magnetic damage, that means theoretically every other shot will cause one of those three status effects.

To be fair to @ (XB1)Oussii, there are mods that either lengthen or shorten the duration of status effects.  Perpetual Agony for pistols, Rapid resilience for warframes, etc.  These just aren't the status *chance* mods that most people talk about.

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If you've ever been shot by Grineer and found yourself to have blood spurting out of you and your health dropping for 6 seconds even though you have shields up, that was Status.  We can do that to them too (if your weapon has Slash damage).

The Status chance listed in the Arsenal for your weapon is the chance for each shot (or second of continuous fire for beam weapons) to cause a Status effect in addition to the normal damage.  The effects vary by damage type (as listed above by rawr1254).  Mods that increase Status Chance boost your chance by a percentage of that base chance so, like with most things in Warframe, you are best using it on weapons that are already good at it.  A weapon with 5% status getting +60% will only go up to 8% (5*1.6) so you might be better off not bothering with Status Chance there but some weapons start with enough base status that you can get guaranteed procs with a few mods boosting it.

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Okay OP, I'm back. Rather than explain all of status, why don't we talk about a specific one. As I'm sure you understand now, your status chance is the chance to inflict a status effect. Once the game decides that you're going to inflict a status effect, it has to decide which one. It randomly decides which one you will do. Every damage type you do can inflict an associated status effect, whereas if you don't do a particular damage type you cannot inflict the status effect that relates to it. For example, if you do impact, slash, and toxin damage on your weapon, you will have a chance to inflict either the impact, slash, or toxin status effect. We usually call the infliction of a status effect a proc, so a slash status effect is called a slash proc. If you do more of one damage type than another that type will be weighted more (more likely to occur), and physical damage types are weighted more than elemental types. I won't bother you with the math here, but I can provide it if you like. 

So let's pick one. How's about we talk about corrosive. A corrosive proc permanently reduces the enemy's armor by 25%. So an enemy with 100 armor will have 75 armor after a corrosive proc. Armor reduces damage, so this will mean that your weapons will do more damage against that enemy. So far it seems simple, but there are some nuances that we should discuss. 

First, corrosive procs stack. So if you do another corrosive proc to the same enemy we procced earlier, he will have 75 - .25*75 = 56.25 armor. This means your damage will go up again. If a corrosive proc drops an enemy's armor below 1, the game rounds down and decides that all armor has been stripped from this enemy. There are weapons in the game that have high status and high fire rate, and these can be used to strip armor from enemies. There are also a couple shotguns that are exceptional at this, and as a result these weapons are often highly valued. 

Because of the way armor works, having a high status means that weapons built for corrosive will do more damage against armored enemies than they seem like they will. Sometimes weapons will actually do more damage against high level grineer and corrupted if you build for less damage and more status, and put corrosive on it. This is why corrosive is a common favorite damage type vs grineer, even though the heaviest enemies (bombards) take more damage from radiation. The armor stripping properties of status weapons outweigh the benefits of doing radiation. 

The best status weapons tend to be shotguns, but only if they have 100% status chance. It'll take quite a bit of text to explain why, but I just wanted to point this one thing out before I go: in order for a status shotgun to do its job properly, it must reach 100% status, and it must reach this without multishot. You can, and should, use multishot. But if you can't reach 100% status before putting multishot on, your build does not qualify as a status shotgun. 

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Also if you are in fact rather new to this game, i highly suggest you do NOT rank up things like "melee prowess" or "rifle aptitude", or any other base status chance mod.  The reason being that it takes up way to much mod space for the amount of status chance it gives you, and there are other mods that give you both elemental damage and status that you can obtain throughout the game, usually fighting Vor in the void.  Wait for those mods to level up.  They will give you damage, and more status per mod than a base status chance mod will.  

Keep these mods in your inventory though, as they may actually get a buff eventually.  

Also, status is very helpful in the game too.  Usually you find yourself modding for either crit damage or status.  Status may be the weaker of the two for the most part, but in certain situations, it can be a lifesaver in endgame.  

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17 hours ago, Lord_Azrael said:

First, corrosive procs stack. So if you do another corrosive proc to the same enemy we procced earlier, he will have 75 - .25*75 = 56.25 armor.

The flip side of this fact is most other status procs do not stack.  If you cause radiation to confuse an enemy that is it, he's either confused or not.  Same with viral cutting life in half or slash bleeding DoT and so on. 

For this reason these status types are better suited to semi-auto or slow rate of fire weapons.  Say a marelok pistol for an example.  With it you simply are not going to proc corrosive enough to really bother with the armour stripping effect.

A corrosive automatic rifle (braton prime) or a shotgun (strun wraith) combined with a radiation + viral marelok is a potent combination.

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