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Loki balance


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1 minute ago, JMP3 said:

Just gonna put in my two cents: Loki has some role overlap with Nyx since Irradiating Disarm is, in my experience having played both Loki and Nyx, more reliable in CC than Chaos since it has the confusion effect similar to Chaos combined with a guarantee disarm.  I don't think making a disarm a percentage chance would be good since than there's a percentage chance that your ability did literally nothing.  I'm not sure what could/should be changed, but it's all up to personal preference if want to use Loki or Nyx.  Loki's stealthy, but Nyx is more combat-oriented.  Take your pick.

Well, as a guy above me said,Radial  Disarm is more for distraction, while Chaos can make enemies kill each other with weapons.


4 minutes ago, VinDanger said:

oh look a nerf thread make sure to choose your side everyone :

1. agree with the OP

2. use enemy scaling as justification for something being blatently broken

3. bring up a very situational and specific scenario where the thing in question MIGHT be at a disadvantage

4. see the word "nerf" and instantly shoot down any ideas brought up and provide no good reason for it not to be nerfed

5. compare the thing in question to another possibly broken thing, and use it as justification for the thing in question being the way it is

6. Make an ignorant post. You did a great choice m8.

Some people actually provided good reasons for loki not to get nerfed, author either replies to them with (Trigger warning) or doesn't reply at all.

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Decoy is a good distraction but dies really easily so I only use this as a switch teleport beacon.

Inivisibility is not really broken since it's needed for spy missions and such. There's also Ivara that can be invisible much longer.

Switch teleport is a niche ability and never found much purpose except to bypass laser barriers.

Radial disarm is a good crowd control but by all means not overpowered by itself. If used in synergy with other frames it can become OP as can anything in this game (looking at you EV Trinity that enables infinite spam of all abilities). If augmented the enemies get confused for 5 seconds which isn't long and they still attack what's next to them such as defense objectives and such. The way it counter balances itself is that the enemies wielding batons deal much more damage then their rifle counter-parts.

I once brought a radial disarm loki to a radiaton defense sortie thinking it would benefit the team since they wouldn't get shot and proc'd by radiation effects but I was dead wrong. We didn't have any other CC frames so all the enemies mobbed the defense objective and took him down. Nothing like 20+ enemies encircling the defense target and insta-downing him on revive if you could somehow infiltrate that mob. If we had a bastille Vauban to keep them back it would've been amazing synergy but we did not and I caused the team great misery.

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30 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

So literally you think its OK to nerf frames that do their jobs well because they do to well, just because the DPS frames got nerfed? Im sorry, but didnt they get nerfed for a reason other than "I just dont like them"??? 

You dont even propose logical nerfs, its just straight debuffs for what reason? Why would anybody play this game if the powers werent epic and a bit over the top? 

"As for Frost, his fourth needs to freeze at end of the animation, not the beginning. Its basically an alternative MP without the range" 

No,. no its not, and if it froze at the end of the animation it would just be Mag's ult all over again, he would die while chasting it thus making it pointless. I have no idea how you think its an alternative M Prime tho. 

"Nova range nerf as well as a LoS nerf. If its not in the same room or a wall is between the enemy and MP it shouldn't affect said enemy)."

Ok sure, im on board with the not affecting enemies not in the room thing, but LoS is pretty unnecessary.The range nerf is also pointless as well due to the fact that the wave takes forever to even get to its max range. Its again a nerf for the sake of nerfing, why do you want to nerf things that dont need to be nerfed? 

"Vauban Vortext should work just like Mags Greedy pull, Only for Caster, as well as reduce the range of bastille or reduce the duration."

But why tho? Bastille and Vortex already scale off of 3 different stats causing you to not be able to have any dump stats in his builds, why nerf him? what purpose would this server?


Literally none of these nerfs have any reason behind them other than "I dont like them so they need to be nerfed". It sounds alot like you are salty about nerfs that affected your favorite frames, so you want everyone else to suffer. I just dont understand this mentality. 

Disclaimer:Im about to rant, but only to a degree. My rage is directed at you, you're just in the line of fire. Nothing personal towards you.

Yes i am salty my frames were nerfed. Yes i want the main frames nerfed because of this. Does not change the fact that every frame i mention is as overpowered as Saryn, Mesa, Ash and Excalibur.My frames did their jobs well as well and they still were nerfed. The reasons behind each one was as ludicrous as you claim ny reasons are. If you want to "balance the game" then "balance the game".

"Loki gets shot once and dies", who's shooting at you while You're invisible or with a baton? Why are you letting melee enemies get the close to you with the movement being as it is. If you are dying with Loki being invisible by a melee characters, its your fault. "Nullifiers" they only nullify powers INSIDE the bubble. Any other excuses?

As for frost, ok? So is it ok for Limbo  cataclysm to activate in the middle of the cast? Again, fair is fair. If its ok for Frost and Mag it needs to be ok for everyone. No excuses. As for the MP part, they both have the same CC on them, movement reduction.

Nova LoS is not pointless, it was done to Excalibur and Mirage a solid object is a solid object. Iits ok to be blocked by a wall it should be any wall. As for the range nerf, they reduced Mesa's Ult range and hers wasnt even half of Novas Ult AND unlike Mp PM doesn't have CC. So why exactly should Nova keep all these positives with Zero negatives? Plus, none of her abilities have any synergy with any other abilities, the exact reason Saryn was reworked.

He promotes camping in his playstyle just like the Mesa/Mag combo, only difference is he can do it solo. So what the ability scales off 3 different stats, Mesa's PMs go off all 4. So can i get my old Pms back and just keep the scaling? Since Vauban is ok?

Again, balance is balance and it needs to include everything for balance to be achieved. Don't just pick and choose. 

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31 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

 If you proposed this along with making Decoy hp scale with str as well, it would make more sense, but you didnt do that. You proposed a straight nerf just because you dont like it. Why?

Well, I'd think that by "multiple layers of scaling" you'd read "scaling with str, shields, armor, health and whatever else that may come to mind", but I suppose I dropped the ball in here by not expressing it explicitly.

Nerfing him to the ground isn't my intention. If it was I'd just call for removing duration scaling from invisibility reducing range for disarm and call it a day.
No, it's not about wrecking frame.

It's about making room for improvements. About paving a way towards more coherent kit, with interlocking ability scaling and more room for modding tailored to your playstyle instead of current: here is max duration invisibility build, there is max range disarm build and if you feel like being radical you can drop narrow-minded and go for hybrid build.
Yes, many big words and wishful thinking here.


And for love of clem, people. When you quote me don't quote whole post, just highlights, or just call me out with @5HV3N (you do this by @ and typing name after it, it isn't hard.)

Edited by 5HV3N
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15 minutes ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

Disclaimer:Im about to rant, but only to a degree. My rage is directed at you, you're just in the line of fire. Nothing personal towards you.

Yes i am salty my frames were nerfed. Yes i want the main frames nerfed because of this. Does not change the fact that every frame i mention is as overpowered as Saryn, Mesa, Ash and Excalibur.My frames did their jobs well as well and they still were nerfed. The reasons behind each one was as ludicrous as you claim ny reasons are. If you want to "balance the game" then "balance the game".

"Loki gets shot once and dies", who's shooting at you while You're invisible or with a baton? Why are you letting melee enemies get the close to you with the movement being as it is. If you are dying with Loki being invisible by a melee characters, its your fault. "Nullifiers" they only nullify powers INSIDE the bubble. Any other excuses?

As for frost, ok? So is it ok for Limbo  cataclysm to activate in the middle of the cast? Again, fair is fair. If its ok for Frost and Mag it needs to be ok for everyone. No excuses. As for the MP part, they both have the same CC on them, movement reduction.

Nova LoS is not pointless, it was done to Excalibur and Mirage a solid object is a solid object. Iits ok to be blocked by a wall it should be any wall. As for the range nerf, they reduced Mesa's Ult range and hers wasnt even half of Novas Ult AND unlike Mp PM doesn't have CC. So why exactly should Nova keep all these positives with Zero negatives? Plus, none of her abilities have any synergy with any other abilities, the exact reason Saryn was reworked.

He promotes camping in his playstyle just like the Mesa/Mag combo, only difference is he can do it solo. So what the ability scales off 3 different stats, Mesa's PMs go off all 4. So can i get my old Pms back and just keep the scaling? Since Vauban is ok?

Again, balance is balance and it needs to include everything for balance to be achieved. Don't just pick and choose. 

The fact that you disclaimed it as a rant is more than enough reason to not even really respond, but ill take a bite cause this is 

"My frames did their jobs well as well and they still were nerfed. The reasons behind each one was as ludicrous as you claim ny reasons are. If you want to "balance the game" then "balance the game""

Wanting to stop "press 4 to win" gameplay isnt nearly as ludicrous as "im salty and think they should be nerfed".


"As for frost, ok? So is it ok for Limbo  cataclysm to activate in the middle of the cast? Again, fair is fair. If its ok for Frost and Mag it needs to be ok for everyone. No excuses. As for the MP part, they both have the same CC on them, movement reduction."

Limbo literally has nothing to do with Frost, but heres why you are wrong: Limbo can cast his ult at the crosshair, wherever you aim, vs Frost who casts in a radius around him ONLY. If you get owned while casting Limbo's ult, thats your own fault for being in the spot you wanted to cast it instead of doing the smart thing. As for MP no they dont do the same, Avalanche is movement STOP, vs MP's movement SLOW. They are very different. 

"Nova LoS is not pointless, it was done to Excalibur and Mirage a solid object is a solid object. Iits ok to be blocked by a wall it should be any wall."

M Prime is a MOVING WAVE OF PURE ENERGY vs both blinds being literal flashes of light. I dont think those are the same thing....

"As for the range nerf, they reduced Mesa's Ult range and hers wasnt even half of Novas Ult AND unlike Mp PM doesn't have CC. So why exactly should Nova keep all these positives with Zero negatives? Plus, none of her abilities have any synergy with any other abilities, the exact reason Saryn was reworked."

  Mesa's range was never touched, it started at 50m and is STILL 50m, what they actually did to her was turn off the aimbot. Its an ability that deals damage, it doesnt really need a CC. M Prime on the other has been nerfed twice already, and the latest one converted it into an outward wave that travels at a snail's pace which is different from it actually affecting enemies instantly like it used to. Id say thats a pretty heavy negative. Its an ult, its supposed to be strong, isnt it? 


"He promotes camping in his playstyle just like the Mesa/Mag combo, only difference is he can do it solo. So what the ability scales off 3 different stats, Mesa's PMs go off all 4. So can i get my old Pms back and just keep the scaling? Since Vauban is ok?"

How does invis promote camping at all? If anything you have to run to the enemies who arent paying attention to you. How is it anything like the Mesa/Mag combo? (im assuming you mean Gmag?) You are literally asking for an aimbot back, you realize that, right? Why not just go get some hacks if you want it that bad? Serously, you could play old Mesa with a Macro. (some people DID!) Thats why it was removed to begin with.  

Edited by armedpoop
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17 minutes ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

Disclaimer:Im about to rant, but only to a degree. My rage is directed at you, you're just in the line of fire. Nothing personal towards you.

Yes i am salty my frames were nerfed. Yes i want the main frames nerfed because of this. Does not change the fact that every frame i mention is as overpowered as Saryn, Mesa, Ash and Excalibur.My frames did their jobs well as well and they still were nerfed. The reasons behind each one was as ludicrous as you claim ny reasons are. If you want to "balance the game" then "balance the game".

"Loki gets shot once and dies", who's shooting at you while You're invisible or with a baton? Why are you letting melee enemies get the close to you with the movement being as it is. If you are dying with Loki being invisible by a melee characters, its your fault. "Nullifiers" they only nullify powers INSIDE the bubble. Any other excuses?

As for frost, ok? So is it ok for Limbo  cataclysm to activate in the middle of the cast? Again, fair is fair. If its ok for Frost and Mag it needs to be ok for everyone. No excuses. As for the MP part, they both have the same CC on them, movement reduction.

Nova LoS is not pointless, it was done to Excalibur and Mirage a solid object is a solid object. Iits ok to be blocked by a wall it should be any wall. As for the range nerf, they reduced Mesa's Ult range and hers wasnt even half of Novas Ult AND unlike Mp PM doesn't have CC. So why exactly should Nova keep all these positives with Zero negatives? Plus, none of her abilities have any synergy with any other abilities, the exact reason Saryn was reworked.

He promotes camping in his playstyle just like the Mesa/Mag combo, only difference is he can do it solo. So what the ability scales off 3 different stats, Mesa's PMs go off all 4. So can i get my old Pms back and just keep the scaling? Since Vauban is ok?

Again, balance is balance and it needs to include everything for balance to be achieved. Don't just pick and choose. 

the argument is too big for me to follow. but imma say 1 thing. 

"every frame i mention is as overpowered as Saryn, Mesa, Ash and Excalibur" excal is not 1 bit overpowered lol. 4th is amazing ill agree to that. and if u mean overpowered because of 3. well lets see. only hits at line of sight AND enemies that do notice excals presence. really slow skill. can only hit 12. (or was it 16 i forgot or maybe even less than 12 i completely forgot). thats cant even be called a nuke.

old mesa. yes OP. old saryn? no comments. new saryn OP? again no comments. ash obviously OP. ok ash actually deserves a nerf. like fast lol all his abilities r more than just OP.

if we r actually gonna talk about nerfing. shouldn't it be starting from the first most OP or most nerf deserving frame? and not spam DE ppl with a billion ways to nerf every daym frame in the game. cause its OP in some form. always. which is true. .. Ash is most deserving nerf right now that is fact.

Edited by DJkillz
that was more than 1 thing lol
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3 hours ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

Trinity's range was nerfed, whoop de doo. Its still pretty big, you just cant be at 1 LoR injector while Trinity is at another.

As for Valkyr, i know she was nerfed, but i don't like her or the people who main her so i added her anyway. I didn't say "Valkyr again" i just added her because she's a "Main frame".

As for Frost, his fourth needs to freeze at end of the animation, not the beginning. Its basically an alternative MP without the range(Nova range nerf as well as a LoS nerf. If its not in the same room or a wall is between the enemy and MP it shouldn't affect said enemy).

Vauban Vortext should work just like Mags Greedy pull, Only for Caster, as well as reduce the range of bastille or reduce the duration.

How people think all of these are ok, but Mesa cant stand in 1 spot and Auto aim or Saryn cant outright melt, or whatever people are complaining about with Ash, i will never know.


Read it and its plain to see.

Ok so, you dont like Valkyr and the people using her so she needs a nerf? What the hell??? And I'll guess your other nerfs suggestions are based on hate too? 

I don't like Limbo, he needs a nerf! ...

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Just now, Stoner74 said:

Ok so, you dont like Valkyr and the people using her so she needs a nerf? What the hell??? And I'll guess your other nerfs suggestions are based on hate too? 

I don't like Limbo, he needs a nerf! ...

But i dont like oberon..... so nerf oberon?

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2 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

Ash is most deserving nerf right now that is fact.

Even though it is a discussion of loki:

No, ash is deserving a rework, and a big one. Problem is, he doesn't need more than 1 skill atm. I think they should replace Smoke bomb with something more fitting for a dps frame... And nerf ult, so one button players will jump away from him.

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1 minute ago, Stoner74 said:

Ok so, you dont like Valkyr and the people using her so she needs a nerf? What the hell??? And I'll guess your other nerfs suggestions are based on hate too? 

I don't like Limbo, he needs a nerf! ...

isnt that the basis of every person in this game ever who suggests a nerf? and makes up some story bout it? yup indeed. he is just 1 more same person who just openly admits it lol

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Just now, Stoner74 said:

Ok so, you dont like Valkyr and the people using her so she needs a nerf? What the hell??? And I'll guess your other nerfs suggestions are based on hate too? 

I don't like Limbo, he needs a nerf! ...

That's basically what almost every single nerf  thread really comes down to... Most of those threads are people who either got mad their favorite frames got nerfed and want every single other frame to be nerfed too or people who simply doesn't care if the game becomes a generic and boring tps so they ask for nerfs left and right.

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1 minute ago, Deskhon said:

Even though it is a discussion of loki:

No, ash is deserving a rework, and a big one. Problem is, he doesn't need more than 1 skill atm. I think they should replace Smoke bomb with something more fitting for a dps frame... And nerf ult, so one button players will jump away from him.

its loki discussion hence y i didnt suggest any nerf or make any arugments on him dude. i suggested to focus on the frame is most nerf deserving -.- and nerf or rework, the purpose is the same lol. and whatever the rework is... will be a nerf as well cause it sure aint gonna be that daym OP. 

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12 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

The fact that you disclaimed it as a rant is more than enough reason to not even really respond, but ill take a bite cause this is 

"My frames did their jobs well as well and they still were nerfed. The reasons behind each one was as ludicrous as you claim ny reasons are. If you want to "balance the game" then "balance the game""

Wanting to stop "press 4 to win" gameplay isnt nearly as ludicrous as "im salty and think they should be nerfed".


"As for frost, ok? So is it ok for Limbo  cataclysm to activate in the middle of the cast? Again, fair is fair. If its ok for Frost and Mag it needs to be ok for everyone. No excuses. As for the MP part, they both have the same CC on them, movement reduction."

Limbo literally has nothing to do with Frost, but heres why you are wrong: Limbo can cast his ult at the crosshair, wherever you aim, vs Frost who casts in a radius around him ONLY. If you get owned while casting Limbo's ult, thats your own fault for being in the spot you wanted to cast it instead of doing the smart thing. As for MP no they dont do the same, Avalanche is movement STOP, vs MP's movement SLOW. They are very different. 

"Nova LoS is not pointless, it was done to Excalibur and Mirage a solid object is a solid object. Iits ok to be blocked by a wall it should be any wall."

M Prime is a MOVING WAVE OF PURE ENERGY vs both blinds being literal flashes of light. I dont think those are the same thing....

"As for the range nerf, they reduced Mesa's Ult range and hers wasnt even half of Novas Ult AND unlike Mp PM doesn't have CC. So why exactly should Nova keep all these positives with Zero negatives? Plus, none of her abilities have any synergy with any other abilities, the exact reason Saryn was reworked."

  Mesa's range was never touched, it started at 50m and is STILL 50m, what they actually did to her was turn off the aimbot. Its an ability that deals damage, it doesnt really need a CC. M Prime on the other has been nerfed twice already, and the latest one converted it into an outward wave that travels at a snail's pace which is different from it actually affecting enemies instantly like it used to. Id say thats a pretty heavy negative. Its an ult, its supposed to be strong, isnt it? 


"He promotes camping in his playstyle just like the Mesa/Mag combo, only difference is he can do it solo. So what the ability scales off 3 different stats, Mesa's PMs go off all 4. So can i get my old Pms back and just keep the scaling? Since Vauban is ok?"

How does invis promote camping at all? If anything you have to run to the enemies who arent paying attention to you. How is it anything like the Mesa/Mag combo? (im assuming you mean Gmag?) You are literally asking for an aimbot back, you realize that, right? Why not just go get some hacks if you want it that bad? Serously, you could play old Mesa with a Macro. (some people DID!) Thats why it was removed to begin with.  

So because Limbo can throw his bubble its not ok for him to have an instacast like Frost? I cant comprehend the logic there. So if i die while casting its my fault. Does that go for invisible Loki as well? Because no one is shooting at an invisible Loki at all.As for the Nova part, the enemies are shooting 1 bullet like every 30 seconds and im confident that its longer than that. Yea there's a difference, but not much of one. Im pretty sure you knew what i mean when i put that too.

Ok so Excaliburs 4th is energy as well as the beams coming off Mirage's 4th. Both of those have loS on them s far as i know.

Actually, her range was 45 and with every kill you get with Mesa her aimer gets smaller and smaller. The aimer is range as well. Plus, in void, i used to reach outside the the door with PM. Now i can only reach the trees or whatever. That's A nerf. Sure Nova was nerfed, she's still OP. Little to no one even uses Novas other abilities.  I agree, Ults are supposed to be strong. As was Mesa's and Saryns. Now........

As for the last part i wasnt talking about Loki i was talking about Vauban. As for the hacks thing, you do know you can become banned for promoting hacks on here right? Though im sure you wont because they only supress people who disagree with the changes. Even if its respectfully.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

So because Limbo can throw his bubble its not ok for him to have an instacast like Frost? I cant comprehend the logic there. So if i die while casting its my fault. Does that go for invisible Loki as well? Because no one is shooting at an invisible Loki at all.As for the Nova part, the enemies are shooting 1 bullet like every 30 seconds and im confident that its longer than that. Yea there's a difference, but not much of one. Im pretty sure you knew what i mean when i put that too.

Ok so Excaliburs 4th is energy as well as the beams coming off Mirage's 4th. Both of those have loS on them s far as i know.

Actually, her range was 45 and with every kill you get with Mesa her aimer gets smaller and smaller. The aimer is range as well. Plus, in void, i used to reach outside the the door with PM. Now i can only reach the trees or whatever. That's A nerf. Sure Nova was nerfed, she's still OP. Little to no one even uses Novas other abilities.  I agree, Ults are supposed to be strong. As was Mesa's and Saryns. Now........

As for the last part i wasnt talking about Loki i was talking about Vauban. As for the hacks thing, you do know you can become banned for promoting hacks on here right? Though im sure you wont because they only supress people who disagree with the changes. Even if its respectfully.

Ohhh man. 

"So because Limbo can throw his bubble its not ok for him to have an instacast like Frost? I cant comprehend the logic there."

Really, you cant? Limbo has a literally infinite cast range on his ult. You dont have to be anywhere near the spot that you cast it in and you will get full value for the cast vs Frost whose ult pops in a radius around him. If you cant understan why being able to pop an ult at the crosshair instead of your immediate surroundings is better, then I dont know what to tell you. The reason Frost's ult insta casts is the same reason that Mag's has 3 points of damage that can affect enemies that move into range NOW. Its because she would die casting it due to being locked in a long animation.  

"Ok so Excaliburs 4th is energy as well as the beams coming off Mirage's 4th. Both of those have loS on them s far as i know"

But blinds arent energy, they are literal flashes of light. Also Excal's waves go thru the environment.

"Actually, her range was 45 and with every kill you get with Mesa her aimer gets smaller and smaller. The aimer is range as well. Plus, in void, i used to reach outside the the door with PM. Now i can only reach the trees or whatever. That's A nerf." 

Now thats just misinformation. Her ults actual SHOOTING range has always been 50m, it is unaffected by range mods one way or the other. You can check the wiki or in game if you dont trust me. Even if I was wrong, you would correct me on a 5m difference? Now you are just being petty. Im not even gonna bother addressing your anecdote because its wrong and unnecessary. Mesa's range has never been altered. Range mods affecting her FoV in PM is not the same as it affecting her shooting range. 

"Sure Nova was nerfed, she's still OP. Little to no one even uses Novas other abilities.  I agree, Ults are supposed to be strong. As was Mesa's and Saryns. Now........"

Nova is pretty far from OP. Her ult is strong, but it doesnt directly deal any damage. It supports the team, and is a good ult. Why would you call a good ult OP? Mesa literally used to be OP and Saryn is still super strong, just not a one trick pony, and no longer benefits from negative duration.

Also if you think im seriously suggesting aimbots, then you are not worth my time.  

In the words of Alad V himself: "Market forces dictate that you need to adapt, or die."

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TBH I disagree with the need for a nerf/balance for Loki. Yes, his augment is stepping into Nyx's territory but, hey, can it be helped much?

Leave the nerfs/rebalances for frames that ACTUALLY need it at this current time. Limbo, for example.

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21 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

Ohhh man. 

"So because Limbo can throw his bubble its not ok for him to have an instacast like Frost? I cant comprehend the logic there."

Really, you cant? Limbo has a literally infinite cast range on his ult. You dont have to be anywhere near the spot that you cast it in and you will get full value for the cast vs Frost whose ult pops in a radius around him. If you cant understan why being able to pop an ult at the crosshair instead of your immediate surroundings is better, then I dont know what to tell you. The reason Frost's ult insta casts is the same reason that Mag's has 3 points of damage that can affect enemies that move into range NOW. Its because she would die casting it due to being locked in a long animation.  

"Ok so Excaliburs 4th is energy as well as the beams coming off Mirage's 4th. Both of those have loS on them s far as i know"

But blinds arent energy, they are literal flashes of light. Also Excal's waves go thru the environment.

"Actually, her range was 45 and with every kill you get with Mesa her aimer gets smaller and smaller. The aimer is range as well. Plus, in void, i used to reach outside the the door with PM. Now i can only reach the trees or whatever. That's A nerf." 

Now thats just misinformation. Her ults actual SHOOTING range has always been 50m, it is unaffected by range mods one way or the other. You can check the wiki or in game if you dont trust me. Even if I was wrong, you would correct me on a 5m difference? Now you are just being petty. Im not even gonna bother addressing your anecdote because its wrong and unnecessary. Mesa's range has never been altered. Range mods affecting her FoV in PM is not the same as it affecting her shooting range. 

"Sure Nova was nerfed, she's still OP. Little to no one even uses Novas other abilities.  I agree, Ults are supposed to be strong. As was Mesa's and Saryns. Now........"

Nova is pretty far from OP. Her ult is strong, but it doesnt directly deal any damage. It supports the team, and is a good ult. Why would you call a good ult OP? Mesa literally used to be OP and Saryn is still super strong, just not a one trick pony, and no longer benefits from negative duration.

Also if you think im seriously suggesting aimbots, then you are not worth my time.  

In the words of Alad V himself: "Market forces dictate that you need to adapt, or die."

Limbo's ult doesn't have a powerful CC like Frosts. Frosts targets either are dead or are able to be killed. Limbo cant throw a bubble and they die. 

I wasnt talking about the blinds im talking about the dps side.

Actually it is the same because im not damaging as many enemies as i was when i began with PM.

Actually MP does do damage when it explodes and when the person who gets hit with the explosion dies he explodes. So thats not OP but PM was? How, because of the Aimbot? So if Mesa killed 1 person can i Aimbot after that? That whole "frost ult is around him" thing works perfectly right here, just wanna put that out there. Because more times than not Nova 4ths, kills 1 person and MP does the rest. And thats not even Aimbot its just chain death. 

So i have to adapt to the nerfs but because of illogical reasons your frames get to stay the same? Makes zero sense.

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That moment when you see people complaining that Lokis augment takes away Nyx's Thunder, but don't bring up that there's too many frames to choose from in order to be 100% unique. Prowl, invisibility, smoke screen, and that arrow invisibility that Ivara has. What do they all have in common?

Roar, Provoke, Elemntal Ward, and among other buffers. What do they all have in common?


Rest, Sleep arrow, prism, radial blind, Bastile, petrify and among others. What do they have in common? Need I go on? I think not.

Just in case, let me throw in one more.

Iron Skin and warding halo




Side Note

Its clear some people just want anything useful nerfed to the ground. One day we will have to learn to use those words along with sticks and stones to break the enemies bones. Nerf Radial Disarm because it takes away the enemies guns. Lmao. Meanwhile there's a grineer enemy that does the same.


Next thing you know, people will say desecrate needs a nerf. "A 100% chance to make resources appear out of dead bodies is totally OP! You should have to actively grind for those extra resources the way this game was intended. Nerf it to the ground I say!"

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

Limbo's ult doesn't have a powerful CC like Frosts. Frosts targets either are dead or are able to be killed. Limbo cant throw a bubble and they die. 

I wasnt talking about the blinds im talking about the dps side.

Actually it is the same because im not damaging as many enemies as i was when i began with PM.

Actually MP does do damage when it explodes and when the person who gets hit with the explosion dies he explodes. So thats not OP but PM was? How, because of the Aimbot? So if Mesa killed 1 person can i Aimbot after that? That whole "frost ult is around him" thing works perfectly right here, just wanna put that out there. Because more times than not Nova 4ths, kills 1 person and MP does the rest. And thats not even Aimbot its just chain death. 

So i have to adapt to the nerfs but because of illogical reasons your frames get to stay the same? Makes zero sense.

"Limbo's ult doesn't have a powerful CC like Frosts. Frosts targets either are dead or are able to be killed. Limbo cant throw a bubble and they die. "

Yes it does, it knocks down everyone in range, and if they are still in there, they literally deal zero damage to the whole squad (assuming you didnt cast it on your squad) Also with enough str Limbo's bubble CAN and WILL kill on cast. 

"I wasnt talking about the blinds im talking about the dps side."

Blind doesnt have DPS tho, and Excals 4 doesnt have anything to do with LoS so I dont know why you would think it would. Im lost as to what you mean here now. 

"Actually it is the same because im not damaging as many enemies as i was when i began with PM."

Its literally not the same tho, PM still has a range of 50m, you just need to aim it now. Of course you are hitting less enemies, but the range remains the same. I dont know what to tell you on that one. 

"Actually MP does do damage when it explodes and when the person who gets hit with the explosion dies he explodes. So thats not OP but PM was? How, because of the Aimbot? So if Mesa killed 1 person can i Aimbot after that?"

I find it seriously hard to believe that you are actively advocating for a literal aimbot. How do you think people explode? You have to kill them yourself still, or your teammates have to, and at max it deals 800 blast damage in a 10m radius. Considering the fact that 800 BLAST damage really isnt alot, and 10m is super short, ima go ahead and say that NO MP is NOT OP at all. Its strong sure, but its an ULT. On top of that the meta and most used builds for it literally dont benefit from the explosions at all, so that making it "OP" is moot anyway. The only time the explosion actually kills other enemies is in low level missions. (hint: everything is OP on Mercury) I dont even understand the point of your last sentence, theres no reason for you to ever have a 50m aimbot under any circumstance. 


"That whole "frost ult is around him" thing works perfectly right here, just wanna put that out there. Because more times than not Nova 4ths, kills 1 person and MP does the rest. And thats not even Aimbot its just chain death. "

I dont understand your statement on Frost's ult here either, are you agreeing with me? Like I said, more often than not (in practical use NOT on Mercury) MP doesnt do that much work with explosions. For the sake of argument, lets say it did. You still have to go thru a long cast animation, and wait for the wave to hit an enemy, and THEN proceed to murder it to cause that chain of death. This is alot more work then pressing 4 and holding LMB and melting anything 50m around you in LoS. 

"So i have to adapt to the nerfs but because of illogical reasons your frames get to stay the same? Makes zero sense."

You call my reasons illogical when ive given you plenty of logic behind my reasoning while you continue to come at me with the same reasons, or reasons that are just flat out wrong or anecdotal? The answer is yes, yes you have to adapt because the nerfs are here and you have no choice. I adapted and so did majority of the playerbase, its really not that hard.

Also "my frames"? What are you talking about? I dont consider any of the frames we talked about favorites of mine. I main Volt, and guess what happened when his changes came out? I adapted and still use him, to great effect too. Adapt or die, but dont complain on the forums about your lack of willingness to adapt. 

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

Limbo's ult doesn't have a powerful CC like Frosts. Frosts targets either are dead or are able to be killed. Limbo cant throw a bubble and they die. 

I wasnt talking about the blinds im talking about the dps side.

Actually it is the same because im not damaging as many enemies as i was when i began with PM.

Actually MP does do damage when it explodes and when the person who gets hit with the explosion dies he explodes. So thats not OP but PM was? How, because of the Aimbot? So if Mesa killed 1 person can i Aimbot after that? That whole "frost ult is around him" thing works perfectly right here, just wanna put that out there. Because more times than not Nova 4ths, kills 1 person and MP does the rest. And thats not even Aimbot its just chain death. 

So i have to adapt to the nerfs but because of illogical reasons your frames get to stay the same? Makes zero sense.

What exactly is it that you want?

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He's fine. I actually think he's a little weak. Every Warframe can go invisible with Naramon so powers dedicated to it seem a little redundant and underpowered since he constantly has to recast his which may leave an already frail frame vulnerable. Switch Teleport is cute, but Ash's Teleport actually kills enemies while accomplishing similar tasks, and other Warframes have much more hassle-free mobility abilities. Decoy doesn't last for more than a nano-second in serious content, and Radial Disarm really wants the augment to get going. 

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