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Valk is dead... Please revive her! [READ BEFORE THROWING SHADE]


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5 minutes ago, mrrobotto67 said:

I main valkyr and even if i agree the nerf that valkyr received was a bit stupid and unnecessary (at least in my opinion), does not kill her ... she is still great for almost anything, specially solo.

she atm is a one trick pony trumped by chroma, I think it was good they nerfed hysteria... but I mean they should rework it to actually have it flow with the rest of her...  (tbh if there was an agument which allowed for her to had her stats to your melee weapon as you had hysteria up it would be crazy good because atm her normal stance is pretty bad)

Edited by (PS4)avatar-heart
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Just now, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

btw I was more so thinking lv 150-500'ish

so long survival missions? I don't know how people have time for those ._. either way i don't think valkyr should be defined by her hysteria. and even then my point about her mobility stays the same. i was talking about the eximus sorties(those damn arctic, energy leeching, arson eximus swarms...)

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

she atm is a one trick pony trumped by chroma, I think it was good they nerfed hysteria... but I mean they should rework it to actually have it flow with the rest of her...  (tbh if there was an agument which allowed for her to had her stats to your melee weapon as you had hysteria up it would be crazy good because atm her normal stance is pretty bad)

I actually wouldn't mind if they reworked her entire skill set so she isn't only known for her hysteria

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Just now, Implodingbanana said:

so long survival missions? I don't know how people have time for those ._. either way i don't think valkyr should be defined by her hysteria. and even then my point about her mobility stays the same. i was talking about the eximus sorties(those damn arctic, energy leeching, arson eximus swarms...)

exactly as I said all her ability needs to flow and be given the current treatment on abilities while she is stuck with old mechanics.... and tbh if her ult was a blessing that only worked on her it would work better for her than hysteria atm

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Valkyr was the one and only Warframe I went and slammed down the money to get the megapack for, and I stayed with her with prior nerfs and buffs and alterations, but lately I've done more to solo high-level content with Banshee than I have with Valk.  As an ability, right now, Hysteria is much, much more risk than actual reward.

I can only beg and plead DE actually makes a comment they're going to take her entire kit into consideration, because right now I shy away from her on a lot of content.  And I hate that.  I really, really hate that.  I didn't use Hysteria 24/7, but now I feel compelled that I have to build toward it in order to make it feel like it's of any real use in my kit.  I don't touch Paralysis, I cringe when I cast Warcry, and I've had to completely change the way I use Ripline-- which is to say, almost completely stop using it-- because I never know if I'm going to need that clutch Hysteria to get out of trouble, or get my friends out of trouble.  Especially since a lot of the push/pull CCs still work on her in Hysteria.

The aura mechanics are flat-out bad.  The "berserker damage" is bad.  The mitigation reduction over time is bad.   The whole thing is just-- bad.  I realize that "I think this feels bad" probably isn't constructive or useful, but most of the best suggestions have already been posted in the Valkyr 18.13 feedback megathread.  Considering how Warframes are getting kit reworks, especially ones that have upcoming Primes, I can only hope this primes (ha!) her for a second, much-needed pass to make her kit feel like it synergizes with teammates... and most especially, the rest of her own kit.

1 minute ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

warcry is more popular atm than hysteria to to its recent nerf

P.S., I'm sure it is, but I think Warcry still needs to be an aura for it's duration rather than a one-time buff.

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48 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

I have to agree on that one. If you played Valkyr recently you know the energy consumption is insane. You basically need primed flow and duration + efficiency just to stay 1 minute, maybe less. 

We need more synergy between energy consumption and kills. As well as damage taken. Example; More kills = Less energy drained. And maybe more damage taken = more damage dealt to enemies? Like an actual berserker? ...

I think you are missing the point, this was done intentionally to avoid or make difficult perma hysteria.

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Just now, feralknights said:

Valkyr was the one and only Warframe I went and slammed down the money to get the megapack for, and I stayed with her with prior nerfs and buffs and alterations, but lately I've done more to solo high-level content with Banshee than I have with Valk.  As an ability, right now, Hysteria is much, much more risk than actual reward.

I can only beg and plead DE actually makes a comment they're going to take her entire kit into consideration, because right now I shy away from her on a lot of content.  And I hate that.  I really, really hate that.  I didn't use Hysteria 24/7, but now I feel compelled that I have to build toward it in order to make it feel like it's of any real use in my kit.  I don't touch Paralysis, I cringe when I cast Warcry, and I've had to completely change the way I use Ripline-- which is to say, almost completely stop using it-- because I never know if I'm going to need that clutch Hysteria to get out of trouble, or get my friends out of trouble.  Especially since a lot of the push/pull CCs still work on her in Hysteria.

The aura mechanics are flat-out bad.  The "berserker damage" is bad.  The mitigation reduction over time is bad.   The whole thing is just-- bad.  I realize that "I think this feels bad" probably isn't constructive or useful, but most of the best suggestions have already been posted in the Valkyr 18.13 feedback megathread.  Considering how Warframes are getting kit reworks, especially ones that have upcoming Primes, I can only hope this primes (ha!) her for a second, much-needed pass to make her kit feel like it synergizes with teammates... and most especially, the rest of her own kit.

P.S., I'm sure it is, but I think Warcry still needs to be an aura for it's duration rather than a one-time buff.

purpose a rework for eternal warcry

P.S., as I've said she does suffer from older mechanics still so yes the aura would be prefered but not exactly ideal from the saftly eternal grants from ex

Edited by (PS4)avatar-heart
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Just now, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

she atm is a one trick pony trumped by chroma, I think it was good they nerfed hysteria... but I mean they shuld rework it to actually have it flow with the rest of her...  (tbh if there was an agument which allowed for her to had her states to your melee weapon as you had hysteria up it would be crazy good because atm her normal stance is pretty bad)

But still Valkyr gets the job done. Most of the time she does not fail me, i tend to use more warcry with the eternal war augment. Actually the change that she actually needs is in ripline, because there is no reason to use that abilitie taking into account her other skills.

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we want frames to be unique and all respective in their own rights instead of being one trick ponies with that specific ability overshadowed by another who sevrs with several abilities that function well

(its not about getting the job done, its about getting it done HER way)

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she's suffering mesa 1.0 syndrome. 1 ability is only cool, nothing more, 2 is ok here and there, but still just meh 3 is pretty strong if built for and in right circumstance, 4 is god mode. take away 4 and what do you get?

both mesa and valk are gonna get the same story, 4 OP, nerf 4 - frame is now a mediocre/poor choice, -- > reworks. 

edit: i'm not saying valkyr is unplayable, i'm only saying now there are better choices for almost everything

Edited by MortesRequiem
Needed to clarify
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She is not dead, however the recent changes only makes easier to notice how simple valkyr`s ability kit is, the previous rework was at the same level of mesa`s hotfix which is lame if you ask me.

She still has problems dealing with flying units, ripline is almost useless, even more now that hysteria requires narrow minded for the energy drain, same goes for paralysis, an extremely short stun with short range is just awful.

Then there is the nullifier problem, she is the ONLY frame who can get instakilled when entering the bubble, a frame designed to fight in close combat.

Now compare her to wukong:

- Wukong first ability scales with melee mods and melee combo counter, dealing way more damage, ripline mobility is quite redundant, damage wise is pathetic.

- More utility and mobility with cloud walker and open enemies to finishers, other than making enemies susceptible to finishers paralysis has no real purpose or utility as the stun is too short, it also drains shields for a pathetic amount of damage.

- Defy vs warcry, no words, they are very different to compare but defy has more room for ranged attacks (with weapons).

- Hysteria vs Primal fury, with the augment primal fury damage is higher, plus wukong has more room than valkyr for power strength mods, hysteria wins because of the slide attack, ground finisher and regular finisher on the charge attack.

No, she is not dead but as far as gameplay goes, is a very simple and boring experience.

A good start would be to change ripline to do finishers or a melee attack by pressing E on affected enemies, including flying units.

Paralysis should have the molecular prime/polarize treatment in a smaller degree, a wave affected by duration who stuns enemies but only infront of her with a longer stun duration for 25 energy.

Edited by Rhaenxys
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Just now, MortesRequiem said:

she's suffering mesa 1.0 syndrome. 1 ability is only cool, nothing more, 2 is ok here and there, but still just meh 3 is pretty strong if built for and in right circumstance, 4 is god mode. take away 4 and what do you get?

both mesa and valk are gonna get the same story, 4 OP, nerf 4 - frame is now a mediocre/poor choice, -- > reworks. 

Sadly Valkyr is my favorite frame and Mesa my second favorite lol.

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1 minute ago, MortesRequiem said:

she's suffering mesa 1.0 syndrome. 1 ability is only cool, nothing more, 2 is ok here and there, but still just meh 3 is pretty strong if built for and in right circumstance, 4 is god mode. take away 4 and what do you get?

both mesa and valk are gonna get the same story, 4 OP, nerf 4 - frame is now a mediocre/poor choice, -- > reworks. 

A very good point.  I think it's unfortunate it has to go that way, but WF's development cycle is crazy compared to many other games out there, so stuff falls in the cracks.

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14 minutes ago, feralknights said:

Valkyr was the one and only Warframe I went and slammed down the money to get the megapack for, and I stayed with her with prior nerfs and buffs and alterations, but lately I've done more to solo high-level content with Banshee than I have with Valk.  As an ability, right now, Hysteria is much, much more risk than actual reward.

I can only beg and plead DE actually makes a comment they're going to take her entire kit into consideration, because right now I shy away from her on a lot of content.  And I hate that.  I really, really hate that.  I didn't use Hysteria 24/7, but now I feel compelled that I have to build toward it in order to make it feel like it's of any real use in my kit.  I don't touch Paralysis, I cringe when I cast Warcry, and I've had to completely change the way I use Ripline-- which is to say, almost completely stop using it-- because I never know if I'm going to need that clutch Hysteria to get out of trouble, or get my friends out of trouble.  Especially since a lot of the push/pull CCs still work on her in Hysteria.

The aura mechanics are flat-out bad.  The "berserker damage" is bad.  The mitigation reduction over time is bad.   The whole thing is just-- bad.  I realize that "I think this feels bad" probably isn't constructive or useful, but most of the best suggestions have already been posted in the Valkyr 18.13 feedback megathread.  Considering how Warframes are getting kit reworks, especially ones that have upcoming Primes, I can only hope this primes (ha!) her for a second, much-needed pass to make her kit feel like it synergizes with teammates... and most especially, the rest of her own kit.

P.S., I'm sure it is, but I think Warcry still needs to be an aura for it's duration rather than a one-time buff.

100% agree with you, i feel the same.

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4 minutes ago, mrrobotto67 said:

Actually the change that she actually needs is in ripline, because there is no reason to use that abilitie taking into account her other skills.

Ripline used to be the cornerstone of my playstyle with Valkyr, it completely defined my experience with her and allowed me to do things that other frame's couldn't do. The changes to Ripline over the past year, both intentional and unintentional, have overall been detrimental and stripped out most of its' versatility and advantages. Even with the advent of Parkour 2.0 and all the toys that came with it, there are still many aerial maneuvers that can no longer be performed without Ripline's old qualities, which are also not covered by Bullet Jump or Aim Glide's specific strengths. I personally liked Valkyr because of how flexible her moveset was, and all that allowed. As others have hinted on, the scope of her gameplay is getting more and more narrow as she is pigeon-holed into a singular realm of play. I would much rather Warframes attain an interesting depth of gameplay revolving around a strong character and theme.

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