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The Ducat Nerf [LOCK THREAD?]


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1 minute ago, Lisztomaniac said:

not to call you a sheep but youre using sheep mentaility, "its ok because if i sell this vauban P bp now i get 100 ducats" the rares prime parts now sell for 100 yeah cool, and 90% of the rest of the primes sell for the same price with a 5-10 ducat increase, thats cool right? 

until you realize the concept of prime trash is gone, since now you cant farm prime parts you cant really sell a lot of parts for a reasonable amount of planitum now its eithert you sell that vauban BP for the 100 ducats (wich dont ger me wrong its a lot for a single item) or your get #*($%%@ by the new system.

Exactly this, prime trash is gone, lowering maybe the higher parts yes but increasign the lower parts since they are all equal, peopel seem to forget with the old system most prime parts onyl were worth 5 Plat, while only sets maybe got some sort of value or the vaulted stuff,and no one wanted trash except for baro, now everyoen is more equal and rare stuff eather sells more for plat since more worth at baro or becasue eveyone has same amount of drop chacne for things making the market less unlooktroughable.

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6 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:

not to call you a sheep but youre using sheep mentaility, "its ok because if i sell this vauban P bp now i get 100 ducats" the rares prime parts now sell for 100 yeah cool, and 90% of the rest of the primes sell for the same price with a 5-10 ducat increase, thats cool right? 

until you realize the concept of prime trash is gone, since now you cant farm prime parts you cant really sell a lot of parts for a reasonable amount of planitum, now its eithert you sell that vauban BP for the 100 ducats (wich dont ger me wrong its a lot for a single item) or your get S#&$ on by the new system.

I was on about ducats, not plat. Get it right. What u get from the prime parts (ducats-wise) is better than it used to be.

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1 minute ago, iamDDips said:

I was on about ducats, not plat. Get it right. What u get from the prime parts (ducats-wise) is better than it used to be.

14 minutes ago, Darknecron said:

Vauban Prime BP is worth ~30p.  100 Ducats / 30p = ~3.3 Ducats per plat.  That is a TERRIBLE ratio.  As I said in my OP, this makes you lose MUCH more plat when trying to obtain Ducats.


Anyways, all this is a muke point since I linked Dev-posted info in the OP.


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12 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Exactly this, prime trash is gone, lowering maybe the higher parts yes but increasign the lower parts since they are all equal, peopel seem to forget with the old system most prime parts onyl were worth 5 Plat, while only sets maybe got some sort of value or the vaulted stuff,and no one wanted trash except for baro, now everyoen is more equal and rare stuff eather sells more for plat since more worth at baro or becasue eveyone has same amount of drop chacne for things making the market less unlooktroughable.


old prices

nice exageration but no, no part sold for under 10, now the lowest is 15 as i said its 5 ducat increase in a system where you get less than half the amount the primes you used to get, its a massive nerf, id lay down a post taking into account all the time it actully takes by comparison but im lazy im just going to list stuff:

old system:

4 waves,1 key, 1 hour, 12  item rolls (about 5-6 prime parts for sure), prime trash 10-30-50ducats

new system:

4 waves, 4 relics, 10 mins, 4 item rolls (1 part but easier to get rares), primes 15- 45- 100 ducats.

i dont think i need to explain it too much do i?

want me to take refines into consideration?

also id rather plat 1 hour of survival madness, than 1 hour of standing in a fissure.

Edited by Lisztomaniac
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A week ago I put all of my prime parts to sell for ducats.  It was around 33k ducts.

After the change, I did the same thing.  They are now worth a little over 42k ducats.

Now I have no idea how the individual parts changed ducat values.  But I'm not sure I'd call it a nerf.

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14 minutes ago, iamDDips said:

I was on about ducats, not plat. Get it right. What u get from the prime parts (ducats-wise) is better than it used to be.

so was i, i was pointing out that youre being led by the ducat price increase on prime parts being the great news; "100 DUCATS FOR ON ITEM? AMAZING AND TRASH NOW SELLS FOR 5 MORE TOO?!" thats the good news, untill you realize that in the new system trash is non existant and your only real option is to sell the rares for 100 ducats, because getting trash now takes about the same time than rares do, before rng of course, its like people telling you that youll earn now twice the money on your job but theyll only pay it if you put in five times the work.

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1 hour ago, StealthDragoon said:

but now this "camp the fissure" thing kills it.

FYI Tears appear throughout your Mission now so there is no 'stand here and murder things' in particular. Kill Corrupted Enemies when they poof in from a Tear, there will be many around in your Void Tear Missions.

1 hour ago, Elyann said:

- void 2.0 made prime parts prices sink in the market making it harder for players to earn it
- relics are burnt out way faster than keys ( no longer hosting for friends or joining their runs ) and you also have to grind more in order to refine them to have a slighty better rng attempt to get what you want.

this is completely contrary to the mathematical changes to the way you acquire these parts.

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14 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:


old prices

nice exageration but no, no part sold for under 10, now the lowest is 15 as i said its 5 ducat increase in a system where you get less than half the amount the primes you used to get, its a massive nerf, id lay down a post taking into account all the time it actully takes by comparison but im lazy im just going to list stuff:

old system:

4 waves,1 key, 1 hour, 12  item rolls (about 5-6 prime parts for sure), prime trash 10-30-50ducats

new system:

4 waves, 4 relics, 10 mins, 4 item rolls (1 part but easier to get rares), primes 15- 45- 100 ducats.

i dont think i need to explain it too much do i?

want me to take refines into consideration?

also id rather plat 1 hour of survival madness, than 1 hour of standing in a fissure.

Yeah just most the time for things like survial you had useless fusioncore drops in it or even Orokin Cells, now oyu have always a prime part every 5-10 minutes and with alot luck a item that is wort 100 ducats, sry but old system was boring and only was there to proove peoples ego for how OP they are towards eenmys far the normal scaling. And now tehy mostly seem to be angry taht new palyers get prime items more easy, relicts on top are not rare since rare ones already drop in Rota B, C now and DE wants to make Eximus drop Relicts in the future, so we not run out of them for sure. You guys can't accpet that the RNG dropped alot now sicne you can actually choose and get what is more worth, 1 hour old system you had like with luck 2 x 10 ducats, 1 x 30, and maybe rarely 1 x 50, 100 ducats basicly, new systme oyu can have one item in 10 minutes with a group worth the same amount and faster, it is all RNG but you have atleast a choice now in it and at worse with the old system, loosing connection and loosing all drops by the way, and as i mentioned in antoher post, before chagne 2300 ducats worth items, after, without farming any, 3080. If not need Ducats, save them up, doing one rift each day is enough even, and how often do you run some 3-5? Aorund the same time as runnign a long boring survival or defesne misison, while here i have some mission variety in between for the same drops, does it makea difference if i run survivla eahc 5 mintues for a item or run them at a one endless tihng with the riks of loosign all if soemtihng goes wrong and people then blaming DE for there net connection again.

And this is what they prevented thet way, people loosing there valuable prime items due soem dumb lost connection or some dumb bug, oyu are like the people on WoW screamign for classic servers "the good old days", besides old void missions had forma in it alot, by normal misisosn so oyu wasteda key on a forma aiming for a prime item, here you can choose a prime item of another player, making more ducats while forma you can't sell for ducats.

Old system war dumb and boring, new one is more vareity, sitll needing some work but it is new what do people expect, and unlike other games they atleast partly listen to suggestions. Ducats are not nerfed tehy even are better ot get now then before.

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1 hour ago, Elyann said:

I don't like this.
Since specters of the rail the game feels much much worse.
- void 2.0 made prime parts prices sink in the market making it harder for players to earn it   ( implicitely incentivating them to buy it )
- kavats take a lot longer than kubrows to be farmed ( I'd say 5 mins to get an egg, a day or 2 to get dna samples ) almost feeling like you have to buy one if you want one ( and you'd still risk to get a race you don't need / cat you don't like )
- relics are burnt out way faster than keys ( no longer hosting for friends or joining their runs ) and you also have to grind more in order to refine them to have a slighty better rng attempt to get what you want.
- ducats prices rework actually looks like they decreased every item's value unless said item is worth platinum ( it took me the whole weekend to get the mods I wanted, grinding for about 5-6 hours a day....this was not nice at all )
-archwings now require players to spend more plat on slots....
-the purpouse of having forma'd or reactored / catalyzed frames or weapons practically disappeared.....void endless runs don't exist anymore....no more multiple rewards from 1 single key....

Don't misunderstand me...I like the game...and I'd totally support devs if I didn't feel like the game is slowly turning into a cash grab more and more...
I think I once used to be more happy about supporting the game....now this makes me feel bad.
Also...didn't they say at the start of this year that they wanted to "reduce the grind ?" . Cause it feels like it's doubled

This is very true, in all true honesty after this update i can't recommend this game to anyone, i won't spend a single dollar on Plat, it's now impossible to play with friends with the new Relic system, there's no need to Forma any weapons, i haven't played with my friends for the most time, and if DE actually know what they are doing, they very much hurt the content providers(even if they haven't publicly stated),  who the hell will be interested in a game where you go closing fissures, just for the sake of prime parts, it's dull ,boring and senseless we haven't played with our group of friends, and we all very much agreed this update was awful, i don't know about the other community. Games succeed mostly due to game-play and reward systems, with the void gone, im not willing to waste my time fighting Corpus nullifiers(cheesy/cheap/bullet sponge weak AI's), Toxin infested that drain out your very soul to death, Grineer scorches, Sorties is the only thing left. My friend asked for help farming Vauban recently but we just told him later, running those relic missions over and over is much of a pain than the previous RNG system. There are other issues with this update, but for now i'll stop there, i'm MR 21 i wanted to quit but my friend suggested to wait till next year a time like this, then will make our decision.

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20 minutes ago, taiiat said:

FYI Tears appear throughout your Mission now so there is no 'stand here and murder things' in particular. Kill Corrupted Enemies when they poof in from a Tear, there will be many around in your Void Tear Missions.

Still takes longer than the classic Capture spam...

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1 hour ago, Lisztomaniac said:


That is my whole point. Casual or not new players also need to start form zero that way, all you can tell yourself is having a advantage frrm the old system having ducats already or plat or other things, it is the same with vaulting, you want to complain not able to get that in time aswell? Saem for ducat stuff, if you not have enough ducats you simply have to wait till it shows up again and valuable parts you sitll can have like now mag parts, if oyu are lucky getting in groups having a relic containing a Mag part, that is alot worth still since Mag itself is vaulted, only thing is you can farm it afterwards still but the value won't drop to much that way.

The whole game is so, not getting it now, get it antoher time, i don't see the problem whining about ducats prices, the longer you play the sooner you get stuff anyway, Baro not realeses new items that often. So you safe more up for next time meaning less grind for next time. And most people act like the relicts drop only once a year aswell. You get them from every misison if people not know, i got some form simple capture missions even.

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in a shorter way i would resume it like this, this game has always had two aspects of it, the grind and the fun gameplay. old system was more abour grinding while in the fun gameplay, new system is about either grinding or the fun gameplay, and even if the grinding might feel less for some it has been cutoff from the fun, this is what other mmos are all like, and thats why i liked warframe the most, now it has gone down the same path. or at least thats how i feel.


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