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Juggernaut Spine Attack overpowered


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At level 38, the Juggernaut's Spine Attack is able to one-shot my max vitality / steel fiber Saryn. Which is a little too much, in my opinion. I can understand him doing that at Sortie level, but this shouldn't happen on the star chart. Basically, it's Phorid and his bolts all over again.

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Sortie IS StarChart, I don't get the difference between the 2 everyone seems to make.

On topic, Saryn is not all that tanky you won't even get 2000 EHP with that build. On these kind of frames I also use Rage + P Flow + QT + Life Strike to gain some tankyness. Besides, the Juggernaut is the strongest mini-boss, since it spawns the least often.

And lvl 38 is no joke when it comes to damage, a mini-boss should at least have 2000 damage per hit at that level, otherwise the tankyer frames would not get a scratch. For example, a 50k Iron Skin Rhino would laugh in it's face.

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41 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Sortie IS StarChart, I don't get the difference between the 2 everyone seems to make.

At least for me, star chart means the regular, not modified enemy level (so basically up to ~45). Sortie drastically increases enemy level, and since they scale exponentially, that makes a lot of difference.

36 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

a mini-boss should at least have 2000 damage per hit at that level, otherwise the tankyer frames would not get a scratch.


I do consider Saryn to be one of my tankier frames. And there's a wide field between "not getting a scratch" and "getting completely eviscerated".

40 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

For example, a 50k Iron Skin Rhino would laugh in it's face.

At that point you have to ask yourself if Rhino doesn't have to be rebalanced instead, e.g. with a hard cap on Iron Skin ...


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The problem with the spines that they deal 100% poison damage.
Which we happen to be weak to.

Besides bypassing our shields the toxin damage is not mitigated by our armor, and is actually strong against our flesh under the armor.

So really its right in line with a mini-bosses toxic damage.  Especially at level 38.
Phorid will also do the same thing at a slightly lower level range with its spines ability...and the spines of Phorrid have homing which the juggernauts doesn't making it possible to avoid the attack.

So in all actuallity the juggernauts attacks are 100% inline with its damage type and the fact that its a miniboss, and the fact that the attack is dodgeable in most situations.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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30 minutes ago, Bibliothekar said:

At that point you have to ask yourself if Rhino doesn't have to be rebalanced instead, e.g. with a hard cap on Iron Skin ...

Haha, no way. 50k sounds nice and easy, but there is no way you can get there with normal means or builds. It requires very specific mods and great forma investment. When you are done with that, there is no place for stuff like efficiency or higher range.

At the very least, this build, one of my personal masterpieces, is not something I would see any player come up with naturally or be able to use properly.

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