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Problem with new Syadana



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3 minutes ago, growvilye500 said:

Does the arms/wings never appear for anyone else or is it just me?
Was looking forward to the syadana but now its just like a weird jetpack without the arms/wings lol

the arms are part of the skin when she casts powers not the syadana 

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Would be nice if it had the same effect as the Wraith sigil, it works at full effect in neutral areas like a Relay or the Orbiter.
aka, it would show you 'what' in the set actually displays the aura thinggie without having to go in to a mission.

... well, we would still need a toggle anyway, for people that wouldn't want that thing to show outside of a mission.
hmm, or at least an option within the arsenal that has the Warframe exhibiting animations with all those effects.

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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DE please fix this- 

I hate to pile on with criticism in regards to artistic content and it's expression.  But WTF does the Davani Synandana do besides look like a stupid childrens backpack.

We all expected arms to come out of it.

 At least give it a make-over, if that was never the intent and make it kool looking.  At this point it's completely dumb sauce, and you got it all over your new shirt.


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Just now, -Fe-McHamm3rShot said:

DE please fix this- 

I hate to pile on with criticism in regards to artistic content and it's expression.  But WTF does the Davani Synandana do besides look like a stupid childrens backpack.

We all expected arms to come out of it.

 At least give it a make-over, if that was never the intent and make it kool looking.  At this point it's completely dumb sauce, and you got it all over your new shirt.


Yeah and they only appear for a second or so when you use abilities and after that looks like some S#&$ from the thrift shop or those dollar stores :c

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With all the information I really had the impression that the arms were part of syandana
and not exclusive to the skin , it really is a syandana that has nothing special.
if this information was transmitted more explicitly I would not have purchased this package.
I hope DE do a review and make the arms are part of syandana and all warframes to use...
that would be fantastic
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I rarely EVER post on the forums, but I felt I should after falling for this crap. This seriously feels like blatant, intentional false advertising and DE should really apologize for not being clear on this. The advertisement HEAVILY features the arms as a drawing point and they only show up for a couple of seconds. The syndana is pathetic, just a little strip of cloth on your back. This is probably the most I've ever regretted a purchase on warframe.

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6 minutes ago, Alpha_Zebra said:

I rarely EVER post on the forums, but I felt I should after falling for this crap. This seriously feels like blatant, intentional false advertising and DE should really apologize for not being clear on this. The advertisement HEAVILY features the arms as a drawing point and they only show up for a couple of seconds. The syndana is pathetic, just a little strip of cloth on your back. This is probably the most I've ever regretted a purchase on warframe.

"I rarely EVER post on the forums" (This is your 1st post here)

Where did they ever say the arms were connected to the syandana? I dont recall that, and frankly im not understanding how so many people expected something that was clearly apart of the inspiration for the skin as something that wed be able to do on every frame. 

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