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As a Primed Chamber owner I think it time for it to become available for all players.


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44 minutes ago, --rrGenomega-- said:

It would but according to the guy who posted he had one, it was 110% 

If it gets released, DE could lower it to 9% per rank so at max rank it provides 99% damage. Primed Chamber owners would then have a low cost (in mod slots and cores) and slightly better mod than everyone else while everyone else has no right to complain because they can almost get the same damage output as someone who owns the original mod.

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10 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

If it gets released, DE could lower it to 9% per rank so at max rank it provides 99% damage. Primed Chamber owners would then have a low cost (in mod slots and cores) and slightly better mod than everyone else while everyone else has no right to complain because they can almost get the same damage output as someone who owns the original mod.

Kinda goes against the flow of every other Primed mod though, at that point it sounds more like a Corrupted or Nightmare mod...hm, maybe Corrupted Chamber instead of resorting to Primed Charged Chamber? Though I guess it would have to be dual stat if it were like that, huh?

Edited by FINNSTAR7
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Regardless, pc should come back.


I do find it funny people saying that Excalibur prime can't come back for legal reasons etc. You do realize DE owns all rights to the game. It's their account not actually yours. If they wanted to they could bring him back. It'd be a low blow though. But legality? Ha. Clearly some of you haven't lived in this world long enough...

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51 minutes ago, FINNSTAR7 said:

Kinda goes against the flow of every other Primed mod though, at that point it sounds more like a Corrupted or Nightmare mod...hm, maybe Corrupted Chamber instead of resorting to Primed Charged Chamber? Though I guess it would have to be dual stat if it were like that, huh?

What do you mean by that? Take a look at Primed Pressure Point and Primed Pistol Gambit. They offer less per point than the unprimed counterpart, but at the tradeoff of being a substantial upgrade when maxed out. If DE were to release a Primed Charged Chamber where each rank is less than that of normal Charged Chamber but significantly surpasses it when fully ranked, who is to complain when it's a pseudo-Primed Chamber?

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2 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

What do you mean by that? Take a look at Primed Pressure Point and Primed Pistol Gambit. They offer less per point than the unprimed counterpart, but at the tradeoff of being a substantial upgrade when maxed out. If DE were to release a Primed Charged Chamber where each rank is less than that of normal Charged Chamber but significantly surpasses it when fully ranked, who is to complain when it's a pseudo-Primed Chamber?

No, I mean that it is a number like 99% and not a normal integer, like how every Primed mods percentage ends in either a 0 or 5. Just wouldn't be right for a Primed mod to have that kind of number.

Edited by FINNSTAR7
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2 hours ago, (XB1)Vacunis said:

Regardless, pc should come back.


I do find it funny people saying that Excalibur prime can't come back for legal reasons etc. You do realize DE owns all rights to the game. It's their account not actually yours. If they wanted to they could bring him back. It'd be a low blow though. But legality? Ha. Clearly some of you haven't lived in this world long enough...

I bet I am younger then you.

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5 hours ago, --rrGenomega-- said:

I just do not think having a mod like Primed chamber that only about 100-115 players have which include those who have quit, been banned, and still play is good for the game.


Agreed. I know a lot of players who have this mod yet quit the game for good. Another player I knew had 2 Primed chamber, but he got banned. I do hope they bring it back for everyone rather than the top 100 again. 

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2 hours ago, FINNSTAR7 said:

No, I mean that it is a number like 99% and not a normal integer, like how every Primed mods percentage ends in either a 0 or 5. Just wouldn't be right for a Primed mod to have that kind of number.


Guess this ends with a 5? Or is it 7?... 5...7...5/7... O_O

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It should return.

1. Most people barely have a thousand plat, much less 5 digits worth.

2. I am sorry but you're crazy if you think that a mod with limited functionality of all things is worth even 500P. 


Edited by Tymerc
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6 hours ago, Aresco said:

Oh I wouldn't mind any exclusive gear returning, and tbh wouldn't even mind excel coming back, there's already enough un equality in real life to have the same thing in a videogame, at the end of the day Excalibur Prime doesn't pay my bills or work in my stead,it's just a game 

U get my respect sir, this is the kind of attitude i 'm looking for in rl anyway to hang out with ppl.
Nailed it, and, even if you get bashed for your comment, you made my day with just one comment just because ppl like you still exist.

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If DE was going to bring it back they could have said so sooner. Mods like buzzkill were going upwards of 1200p then plummeting after Baro decided to stock it. For a trader that's incredibly devastating, especially if they invested quite a bit to acquire it, even moreso if the mod in question is worth a small fortune. Was this a player created quagmire? Yes. But DE were the ones who decided to stay mum on the matter and let it spiral out of control as it did.

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5 minutes ago, OzoneAle said:

There are many players that want it just to have all the mods in the game. 

"I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was! Gotta catch 'em all!"

Yep, that's me. 

I bought it only because of that and I happily own one maxed copy of every mod in the game! 


Edited by siralextraffo
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13 hours ago, Lichcontract said:

Nah that'd be digging their grave. I'm a U7 guy and been with DE hella time but if they did that it's a kick in the teeth to the founders and no amount of name displaying on the starchart or relays would be enough.

they are going to compensate the founders ya do have that right but we can't even get a chance at somethings is unfair yes founders in my eyes deserve the upmost respect they gave me a game i actually take time to study something i can neva lose interest in they all with de start warframe 


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