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Study Of Tenno Biology


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Transhumanism man, I'm telling you.

Bio-mechanical constructs controlled by a changing, essence or digital-based 'soul'.

Changelings seem most likely.

After all, to quote Lech Kril:

"I wonder if that second-skin peels away as easily as the first?"

Implying that yes, you are wearing a really damn cool suit. And he (or other Grineer/Corpus) have probably cracked open enough cryopods to know what they're talking about.

Why aren't you on teamspeak D:

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Those are interesting ideas, but if the Tenno really are biomechanical constructs, why do they have male/female body shape differences?


Wouldn't having gender specific shapes simply be a waste of resources/vestigial/unnecessary?


(Not saying anything about Loki here)

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Those are interesting ideas, but if the Tenno really are biomechanical constructs, why do they have male/female body shape differences?


Wouldn't having gender specific shapes simply be a waste of resources/vestigial/unnecessary?


(Not saying anything about Loki here)

One cannot deny that Warframes are partially biological, so those genders and shapes may be very well useful to the functionality of the frame.  Loki's hammerhead probably fulfills a function, as well as his body shape and gender.  Mag's swirly metal bits and her helmet likely fulfill a function as well. 

Nothing in nature is wasted.

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Those are interesting ideas, but if the Tenno really are biomechanical constructs, why do they have male/female body shape differences?


Wouldn't having gender specific shapes simply be a waste of resources/vestigial/unnecessary?

Even if they are beyond gender and biological reproduction, the Tenno may still appreciate the aesthetic of different sexes. Humans do a lot of weird stuff in the name of fashion, including wasting resources.

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You've clearly put much thought into this. But it's already been proven that Tenno are HUMAN. Tenno are the remnants of the old humans from the Orokin Era on Earth. That's a line taken almost directly from the game.

The thing is "human" is more open ended than you seem to think it is. What makes a human? The body shape? The genetics? The mind? Just being related to humanity? Neanderthal and Denisova where both human species. What if they are products of genetic engineering? Nano-augmentation? Cybernetics? Uploading? Eugenics?

Ultimately it comes down to how the Tenno choose to define humanity. It may not be the same as ours.








Still human :P


Well half human at least.

Science fiction can afford to be as far reaching as the writer wants it to be. Our crappy wetware driven meat sacks don't have to be the end-all-be-all of the human condition.

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The thing is "human" is more open ended than you seem to think it is. What makes a human? The body shape? The genetics? The mind? Just being related to humanity? Neanderthal and Denisova where both human species. What if they are products of genetic engineering? Nano-augmentation? Cybernetics? Uploading? Eugenics?

Ultimately it comes down to how the Tenno choose to define humanity. It may not be the same as ours.Well half human at least.

(pictures here, cut out for convienience)

Science fiction can afford to be as far reaching as the writer wants it to be. Our crappy wetware driven meat sacks don't have to be the end-all-be-all of the human condition.

Im Transhumanist personally, so I believe that even AI's are human.  And humanity is simply how we feel, act, regret, and improve on ourselves.  If an AI can do that, it is human.  Or a simple human with cybernetic enhancements is well.. as human as the rest of us. 

Besides, its what we're meant for.  We are given the gift of intellect by nature to use it.  We are to ascend beyond being the clay of nature and become the potter.

Forgive my pseudo-religious nonsense :p

Edited by Gaminus
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I'd suggest looking into dark sector. The warframe is just a suit but then Tenno I think are descendants of humans infected with the technocyte virus which ravaged that area it's set in (maybe the world) or Hayden Tenno himself. Over the centuries the technocyte virus degenerated causing more freakish mutations and becoming it's own strain turning into the infested.


The Tenno's technocyte virus had changed in a different way being less of a virus and a more of a permanent change in their genes giving them less evolutionary abilities but a more uniform change over a humans genealogy. So no glaives popping from their wrists but enhanced abilities and a more fluid form.


It's the same thing idea in prototype and infamous. There are some people that react one way and some that react in another but that was long ago and good reactions tend to be rare.Prototype explains my point better as there is Alex Mercer who is essentially human "but not" and the infected who are almost nothing like humans body and mind besides the zombies who have yet to turn into something more unsightly.


Also Nadia Sudek fits into a nemesis suit which is completely different from her biological structure she's a better case study for this.


Don't forget the original 8 minute pitch trailer of how they wanted the game to look initially (which is pretty much warframe before they had to change it). He's human but with an awesome suit (Warframe).


At the same time taking the games mechanics into your understanding of the story itself may be off. Game mechanics don't often have to make sense with the story and you can leave that specific part vague so players can make up their own ideas on what happened in between.


One last thing. Hayden Tenno is a character that wanted to do something right for a change. Maybe his way to making right was to train humans or find others similarly affected as him and train them to fight and use suits similar to him and wipe out the infection before it can take the world. The Grineer might of been people too xenophobic from the fallout of the plague that they cloned themselves in order to preserve the human race, then one thing led to another and now they think they're better than everyone.


Either way biologically the Tenno are either humans the same as today with the exoskeleton making them stronger (technology can act in many ways) or humans very close to how humans are today.


I think that's everything. I had to stop myself from going off the deep-end and talking about the nature of existence and blah. Not enough space to fill that novel.

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Even if it was the same continuity (it isn't, word of Developer) Hayden Tenno's biological matter was nearly completely replaced with Technocyte by the end of the game.

Alex Mercer is in fact a terrible choice for your argument. The entity you play in the game isn't human at all! At the end of the game it is revealed Mercer died, and the Blacklight virus just used him as a mental template because he was the first thing it ate. He's less human than the zombies are.

I think what's going on here is a misunderstanding of the word "Transhuman".

A transhuman can look and act more or less human, but is fundamentally beyond our capability. All the characters you use in your argument are textbook transhumans. The only thing to disagree on is how different Tenno culture is from ours.

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i think the tenno are merely human that have fully incorporated biotechnology, merging organic and inorganic components into a single unit i say when you switch between male and females you are just switching chars not putting the same person in a different warframe. I think tenno start out human but as they progress  into tenno ranks they are merged with their cyber organic parts kinda like robocop, also each unique frame is a class system of the tenno community, the person decides what tenno class they want to be (ash, loki, mag etc) based on their abilities and are modified accordingly this would mean though, that there are also female rhinos and male embers etc.

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when you switch between male and females you are just switching chars not putting the same person in a different warframe.

One problem with that. When you fight a boss they will separately refer to you by name and warframe. Same name, different bodies.

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A note on the gender/body swap theories going around...


Okay, this is debated for many reasons, but to be honest, the problem with this theory is that no one is drawing the line between Indisputable information/physics and game mechanics:


Tenno will hold their gun up to aim through the iron sights/scope - this tells us that the Tenno can see through their warframes, most likely from the game-given item used to make headgear (Neural Sensors). This is based off of specific evidence that has been given a present context in the game whilst also referring to a common logic.


A player can swap between warframes, regardless of gender, without changing their account name - This seems unlikely that the only solution is a species of gender-swapping humanoids as it is a game mechanic used in multiple franchises and has not been given any specific in-game context to Warframe.


See the difference? The body swap theory is based on points outside of the game's given context - it is simply a game mechanic used to make the transition between different frame specs simple instead of having to name and treat every frame you acquire separately.


Hope this shed a little more clarity or even perspective on the matter. :)

Thanks for your time.

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They could be holding their guns like that to steady them, but I agree they probably have some form of camera mesh on the forward face plate. It's just the best place for sensors to go on an upright biped.

I'm still going to have to disagree. Surely the Dev writing boss dialogue could have made them call me "Ember" or "Volt" instead of "hello ValhaHazred, your (warframe)'s weak and I'm going to take it as a trophy!"

Every good story serves the gameplay, not contradicts it. I know their isn't much story yet, but what we do have just points that way. If they change the lore to support the "they're individual baseline humans in unique armor" theory, I'll accept it. I won't like it, but it won't make me stop playing or anything.

Obviously the main reason I'm arguing for it is that I'm a Transhumanist, and I just like sci-fi where humanity has successfully moved beyond our current state of being. It's also disgustingly rare in mainstream sci-fi (at least positively. We're swimming in evil cyborg empires) and I'd like to see it more often. There's a reason Ghost in the Shell, Battle Angel Alita, Blame!, Knights of Sidonia and Eclipse Phase are my favorite sci-fi franchises.

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I personally think that the debate of switching from a Mag to a Rhino is rather moot currently. It is in beta. It's entirely likely that they are going to add gender swapping and/or gender neutral remakes of the frames.


I personally see it like different characters in an RPG, such as WoW.


As for everything else, I think that the Warframes are at least partially organic. There is no way any sort of metal (Possibly Morphics, but how would they control it?) could move that easily, and still take that much damage. We know it's not a mesh layout, as they can survive in a vacuum, which implies that they are actually air tight.


And the hostages are seen without the frames, or at least without the outer layer.



I think that the frames are some sort of liquid metal, contained in specific shapes via magnetic fields or a semi rigid under layer (Possibly the under suit the hostages wear?) This metal can obviously be magnetized, as seen by attaching weapons to  the frames, and not  being blown out the window when depressurized. I also believe that they are linked to each specific Tenno who uses them, possibly via a permanent neural implant of sorts.


The helmet is most likely rigid, as implied by the fact that you can have alt helmets. If it was simply an extension of the suit, what's to keep it from being reshaped?


In addition, I feel that the Tenno are basically normal humans, possibly with some sort of perfect genetics, as nothing they do would be impossible for a normal human in perfect physical condition.


Just my two cents on this matter.

well the back of the warframe could open up and they could get out that way ever noticed that the back of every warframe looks like it could just pop open and then connect again closing the warframe the warframes are after all powered exoskeletons my guess is that the tenno are just genetically altered humans they don't look any different from normal humans but they are altered inside to be able to control the warframes

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well the back of the warframe could open up and they could get out that way ever noticed that the back of every warframe looks like it could just pop open and then connect again closing the warframe the warframes are after all powered exoskeletons my guess is that the tenno are just genetically altered humans they don't look any different from normal humans but they are altered inside to be able to control the warframes


That's a good point. All frames do seem to have a closing system of sorts on their backs. Still doesn't change my point about the lack of visible joints and flex points on the suit, but it's an interesting thought.


But really. The suits can move freely without seeming to have any flex points, which implies the entire suit is flexible. Take a look at power armor from Halo then compare it to the Warframes. In Halo it's clearly metal, but there's points where they're clearly designed to flex.

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The Warframes themselves (but not necessarily the Tenno inside I guess) are definitely biomechanical organisms. And that's strait from the Devs and everything.

They aren't so much armour as manufactured symbiotic lifeforms. Like if Venom was a cyborg.

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The Warframes themselves (but not necessarily the Tenno inside I guess) are definitely biomechanical organisms. And that's strait from the Devs and everything.

They aren't so much armour as manufactured symbiotic lifeforms. Like if Venom was a cyborg.

This just shows how advanced the Orokin were - to the point of blurring biology and technology - mastery of flesh and circuitry to the point where they are one in the same.  Surely they wouldn't let their Tenno warriors go without some sort of enhancement?  The Orokin surely knew how to do it.  After all, its my belief that the glowy trees in the Void were actually their server farms and such. 

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