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Better Passives for some Warframes


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Chroma, one of the best tanks in the game but his passive is absolute garbage. It's not even a new passive it's the same ability that he had before the blanket passive update for all the other frames. But I'm not here to rant about Chroma's Passive (maybe a little) I think there are several passives that would suit him way better.

1. Using the wings from his Pelt Chroma gains a third jump and/or increased Aim Glide.

2. When Chroma is low on health (20% maybe) Effigy will activate releasing it's scream stunning all enemies who hear it. If Effigy is already active it will teleport to Chroma and then scream (It will return to it's last position after screaming).

I also think Rhino's passive is subpar. IF it had triple the range it had now it would ok but it could be much better. I believe that Rhino is a "Heavy" frame and therefore should be suited for Heavier weapons.

1. Rhino should reduce the recoil of any weapons he uses (At least like 15%)

2. When Rhino ground Pounds with a melee weapon it activates the Heavy Impact knock-down. The Ground-pound of the melee weapon is replaced with Heavy Impact knock-down and it's radius is also added to the Heavy Impact knock-down.

Frost is also in need of a new passive I mean a percentage chance to freeze an enemy when you get melee attacked isn't all that great considering it will only be usefull against the Infested and it's not even guaranteed. 

1. Frost radiats a cold aura that slows down nearby enemies.

2. Walking on Ice patches left behind by his abilities will cure and prevent status procs.

3. Rolling will cold proc any nearby enemies. ( This is a bit silly but maybe if he continued to hold the button after rolling he would continue to roll until he hit an enemy or object).

What do you guys think? 

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When they added the other passives, and made them show in the arsenal, we already knew that old passives would still be there. That hasn't changed for any of the frames that had passives before that update.  Chroma/ Frost always had theirs.

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Ember should have some innate resistance to fire, chroma could have separate passives for each element, Volt should have electric damage resistance and have electric damage he takes charge his current passive, Ivara should have some type of bonus when using a bow to encourage her to use them more often, Wukong should have bonuses with staff weapons, frost could be resistant/immune to cold procs, and I think that's enough of a wall for one post.

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Stop making passives like they're a 5th ability or something. Some are very useful in almost all situations and some have limited uses. But what almost every one is overlooking is that they have to be the closest to the frame's theme 


rhino is the heaviest warframe, it's reasonable he has an aoe knockdown when he lands from a high place


 also, I think DE doesn't want to do some resistance passives although they're reasonable, since I think that they think in certain missions, it'll be too one sided or OP, like ember doing SAB 2.0, you make fire hazards and ember does even get a scratch since she's a fire theme 


basically, don't try to make them game changers like for example Mesa's or Excalibur's 

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Wouldn't mind a complete passive overhaul to make them go from "trivial/fun" to "relevant and perfectly synergize with the frame power" for instance let's take hydroid : kraken feeding : each enemy killed by any of hydroid's power give a stack of "well fed" (up to ten stack) when using tentacles swarm, all stacks are consumed and add 10% damage and +1 tentacle for each stack.

Passive abilities have so much potential to enhance the identity and the power of a frame i hope DE will work on that a lot more in a distant future^.

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50 minutes ago, beckettb said:

When they added the other passives, and made them show in the arsenal, we already knew that old passives would still be there. That hasn't changed for any of the frames that had passives before that update.  Chroma/ Frost always had theirs.

I don't think Chroma's current passive is actually a passive considering Equinox has the same ability to change her playstyle based on the colors chosen yet she get's a second passive. Frost's passive is just mediocre and not really usefull.

44 minutes ago, Eldritchkitty said:

Ember should have some innate resistance to fire, chroma could have separate passives for each element, Volt should have electric damage resistance and have electric damage he takes charge his current passive, Ivara should have some type of bonus when using a bow to encourage her to use them more often, Wukong should have bonuses with staff weapons, frost could be resistant/immune to cold procs, and I think that's enough of a wall for one post.

I've never like the element resistance passives because they're boring and usually not that usefull.


22 minutes ago, Kenshin98 said:

Stop making passives like they're a 5th ability or something. Some are very useful in almost all situations and some have limited uses. But what almost every one is overlooking is that they have to be the closest to the frame's theme 


rhino is the heaviest warframe, it's reasonable he has an aoe knockdown when he lands from a high place


 also, I think DE doesn't want to do some resistance passives although they're reasonable, since I think that they think in certain missions, it'll be too one sided or OP, like ember doing SAB 2.0, you make fire hazards and ember does even get a scratch since she's a fire theme 


basically, don't try to make them game changers like for example Mesa's or Excalibur's 

I don't see how any of my suggestions were like a 5th ability and I simply wanted to suggest some more usefull or interesting passives.

23 minutes ago, maximum43 said:

So what you are saying here is... ability augments, and not that great ones.

I could see how you think the second suggestion for Chroma is a augment but all the rest have very little augmention of any ability.

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1 minute ago, Luther848 said:


I've never like the element resistance passives because they're boring and usually not that usefull.

They're thematically interesting and they tie in with the Warframe's existing passives, right now Ember just gets more energy regen while on fire. They're situational sure, but really why shouldn't elemental frames be resistant to their own elements?

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oh I had one for Oberon the other day. Animals naturally ally themselves with Oberon (for 20seconds) until their handlers can eventually gain control back, Animals allied with Oberon (up to 7, could be pets or enemy/wild) provide a buff to Oberon and his allies.

The Buff could be something like

  • Kubrow - Oberon gains 50 health and 50 armor for each kubrow while allies get just 50 health. So if you had the 7 kubrows then Oberon and his allies gain 350 health and Oberon would get a bonus 350 armor on top
  • Kavat - Oberon gains 5% crit chance and 10% weapon damage
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46 minutes ago, Eldritchkitty said:

They're thematically interesting and they tie in with the Warframe's existing passives, right now Ember just gets more energy regen while on fire. They're situational sure, but really why shouldn't elemental frames be resistant to their own elements?

I personally consider Warframes to be like weapons in that they can produce the power through void energy but they aren't inherently resistant to the element. You can fire bullets out of a gun but you can't expect the gun to suddenly gain a resistance to bullets any more than it's components are resistant to it.

I also don't think that elements produced are normal elements made out natural methods but more the Warframes twisting void energy into forms similar to the elements.

Edited by Luther848
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5 minutes ago, Luther848 said:

I personally consider Warframes to be like weapons in that they can produce the power through void energy but they aren't inherently resistant to the element. You can fire bullets out of a gun but you can't expect the gun to suddenly gain a resistance to bullets any more than it's components are resistant to it.

I also don't think that elements produced are normal elements made out natural methods but more the Warframes twisting void energy into forms similar to the elements.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that, then. 

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19 minutes ago, OzoneSlayer said:

Vaubans passive should be changed altogether (Ammo mutation?) Or he needs his armor buffed to make the extra increase matter. He gains a whopping 12.5 armor per ally in an extremely tiny radius

Yeah Vauban's passive is basically useless, maybe even make it so he gets 25% of each nearby allies armor? Then have it apply to stuff like specters and Kubrows/Kavats, and it might be good.

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15 hours ago, Luther848 said:

Chroma, one of the best tanks in the game but his passive is absolute garbage. It's not even a new passive it's the same ability that he had before the blanket passive update for all the other frames. But I'm not here to rant about Chroma's Passive (maybe a little) I think there are several passives that would suit him way better.

1. Using the wings from his Pelt Chroma gains a third jump and/or increased Aim Glide.

2. When Chroma is low on health (20% maybe) Effigy will activate releasing it's scream stunning all enemies who hear it. If Effigy is already active it will teleport to Chroma and then scream (It will return to it's last position after screaming).



What do you guys think? 

i like this :)

Edited by Matt89Connor
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4 hours ago, Icymountain said:

And why shouldn't it be? 

Because they don't need to be, look how OP we are with our own abilities :p 


the current passives are just fine, they're connected to the theme of the warframe and have good utility.....well, some of them >.> 

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